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world-name: r3wp

Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
Gabriele: #3402 is an outstanding bug when using /CUSTOM refinement. 
 An example is submitting a  form over http using REBOL. You need 
to specify both HEADER and POST. For example:

   read/custom url [HEADER [Content-Type: {multipart/form-data; boundary=---xyz} 
   ] POST {blah}]

The problem is that the handling of POST *overwrites* the Content-Type 
and Referer even though they may have been specified in HEADER. This 
logic bug is within the create-request function of Open in HTTP scheme.
read/custom url [POST {blah} [Content-Type: {multipart/form-data; 
boundary=---xyz} ]]
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
I am working on sript, that composes and sends html e-mail.

It is rather simple, but now I would like that e-mail will contain 
inline images.

I found out that they are multipart messages, and that image is referenced 
with cid in html image and in image part it is marked as Content-ID:

<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>

<DIV><FONT face=3D"Courier New" size=3D2></FONT><IMG height=3D47=20
src=3D"cid:26DB76551F2E4591BBC3B599C3A7CCAE" width=3D320></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Courier New" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>


Content-Type: image/bmp;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-ID: <26DB76551F2E4591BBC3B599C3A7CCAE>



How to implement such html e-mail generation in rebol script?
the send/attach can generate the multipart components for you.
Group: CGI ... web server issues [web-public]
It's fairly straigt-foward (I think!).

.......If you have no multi-part data, then just used the "standard" 
read-cgi  -- but remember that on some platforms no input returns 
"" while on others it returns none

.....If you have multi-part data (say an uploaded file), then use 
Andreas' decode-multipart-form script:


.....If the form could have both or neither (ie there may or may 
not be a file uploaded), then each of the above solutions will fail 
(Carl's when there is. and Andreas's when there isn't)....So wrap 
the full code in a few attempts to handle that.
Andreas script does the same (thanks for link sunanda ;) 

You find there a 'read-post-data, thats read-cgi with another name. 
and that is used in 'decode-multipart-form-data.
A second source of information are the environment-vars passed by 
the server. They are in system/options/cgi.  'decode-multipart-form 
needs system/options/cgi/content-type. There youself can look what 
the datas are too. if it is "multipart/form-data", use 'decode-multipart-form. 
i don't know the other types, just send a script a form and dump 
Hello, I need to send multipart/form-data to a server for uploading 
a file from the console. I've been googling and searching the script 
archive, to no avail. Can anyone help?
Thanks for the help. The recipe from the rebol cookbook show you 
how to upload a file provided the server runs a rebol script too. 
The server I'm uploading a file to doesn't. It expects multipart/form-data. 
Maybe the %cgi.r by Cal Dixon provides a solution. I'll investigate 
further. More hints will be appreciated, as well...
In that ML thread, the request was to handle a multipart upload on 
the server side (in rebol). I need to perform a multipart upload 
on the client side (in rebol). As for the seconde link, unfortunately 
I get "Article x60 is no longer available ". Any idea?
In other words, the rebol script has to send values to a form on 
the server issuing something like that in the header: Content-Type: 
multipart/form-data; boundary=----------6l5Xq9lJYPaaypknAH8Des etc. 
Surely someone has done this before (I hope)...
My bad. http://www.rebol.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/rebol/art-display-article.r?article=x60w
 but unfortunately this article skips over the info for multipart/form.
Ok, I'll try to hack the http-tools.r, see if I can get anything 
done. I saw a script written in python claiming to do multipart uploads, 
but I hope I can get it working in Rebol, which for me is always 
first choice.
I played with Oldes script a bit, didn't get far. I think there's 
no other option than follow Graham's advice and delve in the http 
scheme. I had hoped to find something in the script archive, oh well... 
I saw that even in the Ruby and Python community there's some confusion 
on how to achieve multipart form submissions with CGI. (Python default 
http library also uses  "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and not 
""multipart/form-data", but there's a library called HTTPFileUploader 
that does the job). Last time I tried to hack the http scheme I wasn't 
so succesful. This time, if I need help, I'll ask for help.
do you need to write binary, or a multipart?could be multipart can 
use base64. then its somewhat bigger, but has no problems with text-mode. 
could even be that multipart of email works the same. in that case 
there is 'build-attach-body.
The script should be able to post a multipart form as described in 
rfc1867. It should be able to post a number of fields, for example: 
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userid", and finally it should 
be able to upload a file in binary data.
Group: !Readmail ... a Rebol mail client [web-public]
Received: from web26108.mail.ukl.yahoo.com ([])

        by mail.prosygma-asp.com (Merak 7.5.2) with SMTP id 1TI26716
        for <[me-:-you-:-com]>; Tue, 26 Apr 2005 04:58:31 +0200

Received: (qmail 67900 invoked by uid 60001); 26 Apr 2005 02:58:30 

Message-ID: <[20050426025830-:-67898-:-qmail-:-web26108-:-mail-:-ukl-:-yahoo-:-com]>

Received: from [] by web26108.mail.ukl.yahoo.com via 
HTTP; Tue, 26 Apr 2005 04:58:29 CEST
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 04:58:29 +0200 (CEST)
From: Rodrigue <[you-:-me-:-com]>
Subject: Re: Erreur lors de l'enregistrement d'une news
To: Admin Rebol <[me-:-you-:-com]>
In-Reply-To: 6667
MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-370637848-1114484309=:67141"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0517-0, 25/04/2005), Inbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Salut Fabrice,
Peux tu me redire sous quel format je dois envoyer les photos


Admin Rebol <[me-:-you-:-com]> wrote:
Bonjour Rodrigue,

>Salut Fabrice,

>contrairement à ce que je t'expliquais hier soir, les news ne s'enregistrent 
>voilà le message d'erreur : 

Peux-tu m'envoyer ce que tu veux mettre en ligne par @ ?

Je vérifierais directement avec tes données car il n'y a pas de problème 
de mon côté pour ajouter les news.




 Découvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail : 250 Mo d'espace de stockage pour 
 vos mails !
Créez votre Yahoo! Mail
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

<DIV>Salut Fabrice,</DIV>

<DIV>Peux tu me redire sous quel format je dois envoyer les photos<BR></DIV>

<DIV><BR><B><I>Admin Rebol &lt;[me-:-you-:-com]&gt;</I></B> wrote:</DIV>

<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; 
BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Bonjour Rodrigue,<BR><BR>&gt;Salut 
Fabrice,<BR>&gt;contrairement à ce que je t'expliquais hier soir, 
les news ne s'enregistrent pas.<BR>&gt;voilà le message d'erreur 
: <BR><BR>Peux-tu m'envoyer ce que tu veux mettre en ligne par @ 
?<BR>Je vérifierais directement avec tes données car il n'y a pas 
de problème de mon côté pour ajouter les news.<BR><BR>Merci.<BR><BR>-- 
		<hr size=1> 

Découvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail : <font color="red">250 Mo d'espace</font> 
de stockage pour vos mails !<br><a href="http://fr.rd.yahoo.com/mail/taglines/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=25917/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_fr/mail_campaigns/splash/taglines_250/default/*http://fr.promotions.yahoo.com/mail/creer28.html">Créez 
votre Yahoo! Mail</a>

Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
Is there any script for multipart/form-data upload from Rebol to 
Hm. it should be: read/custom url [multipart [file %test.r name "test"]] 
  (because I need field name for the file as well:-)
!!! Cookies-daemon script now allows to post data as a multipart 
do http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rebol/cookies-daemon_latest.r
;sending single file:

read/custom target-url [multipart [myfile %somefile.txt]]   ;== same 
like <INPUT TYPE=FILE NAME=myfile>
;sending normal fields:

read/custom target-url [multipart [field1 "some value" field2 "another 
;sending multivalue:

read/custom target-url [multipart ["field[]" "some value" "field[]" 
"another value]]
;sending file with field value:

read/custom target-url [multipart [myfile %somefile.txt field1 "some 

Source files (with modified %http-patch.r) are in this archive:  

As it's part of the cookies-daemon, it should deal with the cookies 

The script is trying to detect content-type of the file which you 
want to upload calling get-content-type function, which is not part 
of the cookies-daemon (at this moment)
I need post data as multipart  ( .jpg uploads from rebol as client 
) looks like I need cookies-daemon_latest ,  but  http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rebol/cookies-daemon_latest.r
is not accesible anymore ....
I think you can just do that using post with a Content-type: multipart/form-data 
and send the boundary, and post size
Group: XML ... xml related conversations [web-public]
The web and soap/http are in a sense REST applications (REST is just 
WS over HTTP) though both use a limited subset of REST arguments 
and have to work around as such.

The web is limited (by the HTML spec) to the verbs 'get and 'post, 
and post content types of 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded (default) 
or 'multipart/form-data (used to upload files).  For the most part, 
the web is RESTful as we usually only want to 'get resources.  However, 
other operations typically violate REST principles, as all other 
resource actions (create, update, delete) have to squeeze through 
the get/post/url-encode/multipart pipe.  The Rebol HTTP protocol 
as standard is designed to mimic this and requires patching to move 
beyond get/post/url-endode (even for multipart)

SOAP as I understand it, when using HTTP only uses 'post - the post 
content contains the actual request.  Where it varies from the web 
(and Rebol HTTP) is the need for the 'text/xml content type.

REST itself is limited only by HTTP.  It uses theoretically limitless 
HTTP (v1.1) verbs (though most common patterns use 'get, 'put, 'post 
and 'delete).  It uses any encoding.  It uses HTTP headers as parameters 
(eg. the 'Accept header specifies the desired return type).  Therefore, 
any HTTP protocol designed for REST will accomodate SOAP requests.
Group: Rebol School ... Rebol School [web-public]
Amacleod, the image is attached, the container is multipart/related 
instead of multipart/mixed. The email client will not show the individual 
components of a multipart/related message, instead, it shows the 
main part (the HTML) which then refers to the other parts (in case 
of HTML, using cid: links).

send: func [
	"Send a message to an address (or block of addresses)"
	;Note - will also be used with REBOL protocol later.
	address [email! block!] "An address or block of addresses"
	message "Text of message. First line is subject."
	/only   "Send only one message to multiple addresses"
	/header "Supply your own custom header"
	header-obj [object!] "The header to use"
	/attach "Attach file, files, or [.. [filename data]]"
	files [file! block!] "The files to attach to the message"
	/subject "Set the subject of the message"
	subj "The subject line"
	/show "Show all recipients in the TO field"
	/local smtp-port boundary make-boundary tmp from
	make-boundary: does []

	if file? files [files: reduce [files]] ; make it a block
	if email? address [address: reduce [address]] ; make it a block
	message: either string? message [copy message] [mold message]

	if not header [                 ; Clone system default header
		header-obj: make system/standard/email [

   subject: any [subj copy/part message any [find message newline 50]]
	if subject [header-obj/subject: subj]
	either none? header-obj/from [

  if none? header-obj/from: from: system/user/email [net-error "Email 
  header not set: no from address"]
		if all [string? system/user/name not empty? system/user/name][
			header-obj/from: rejoin [system/user/name " <" from ">"]
		from: header-obj/from
	if none? header-obj/to [
		header-obj/to: tmp: make string! 20
		if show [
			foreach email address [repend tmp [email ", "]]
			clear back back tail tmp
	if none? header-obj/date [header-obj/date: to-idate now]

	if attach [

  boundary: rejoin ["--__REBOL--" system/product "--" system/version 
  "--" checksum form now/precise "__"]
		header-obj/MIME-Version: "1.0"

  header-obj/content-type: join "multipart/mixed; boundary=" [{"} skip 
  boundary 2 {"}]
		message: build-attach-body message files boundary

	;-- Send as an SMTP batch or individually addressed:
	smtp-port: open [scheme: 'esmtp]
	either only [ ; Only one message to multiple addrs
		address: copy address
		; remove non-email values
		remove-each value address [not email? :value]

  message: head insert insert tail net-utils/export header-obj newline 
		insert smtp-port reduce [from address message]
	] [
		foreach addr address [
			if email? addr [
				if not show [insert clear header-obj/to addr]

    tmp: head insert insert tail net-utils/export header-obj newline 
				insert smtp-port reduce [from reduce [addr] tmp]
	close smtp-port

resend: func [
	"Relay a message"
	to from message /local smtp-port
	smtp-port: open [scheme: 'esmtp]
	insert smtp-port reduce [from reduce [to] message]
	close smtp-port

build-attach-body: function [
	{Return an email body with attached files.}
	body [string!] {The message body}

 files [block!] {List of files to send [%file1.r [%file2.r "data"]]}
	boundary [string!] {The boundary divider}
	make-mime-header: func [file] [
		net-utils/export context [

   Content-Type: join {application/octet-stream; name="} [file {"}]
			Content-Transfer-Encoding: "base64"

   Content-Disposition: join {attachment; filename="} [file {"^/}]
	break-lines: func [mesg data /at num] [
		num: any [num 72]
		while [not tail? data] [
			append mesg join copy/part data num #"^/"
			data: skip data num
	if not empty? files [
		insert body reduce [boundary "^/Content-type: text/html^/^/"]
		append body "^/^/"
		if not parse files [
			some [
				(file: none)
					set file file! (val: read/binary file)
					| into [
						set file file!
						set val skip ;anything allowed
						to end
				] (
					if file [
						repend body [
							boundary "^/"
							make-mime-header any [find/last/tail file #"/" file]
						val: either any-string? val [val] [mold :val]
						break-lines body enbase val
		] [net-error "Cannot parse file list."]
		append body join boundary "--^/"
do %./send.r

header: make system/standard/email [
        Subject:  rejoin ["example REBOL "]
        Organization: ""
        Content-Type: "multipart/html"

msg: rejoin [
{<img src = "test.jpg" /> </html>}


send/header/attach [[cr-:-fideurambank-:-lu]] msg header [%test.jpg]
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
Cheyenne release v0.9.14 beta. Download at http://softinnov.org/tmp/cheyenne-r0914.zip

Changelog :

o response/forward improved : 

 - fully supports URLs as argument (can now forward to another virtual 
	- URL validity check (must have an explicit target).
	- protection against cycles.

o Command line option -p extended, now you can specify several listen 
ports separated
   by a comma (ex: -p 80,10443).

o New command line option -e : load and initialize Cheyenne without 
entering the

   event loop (needed for embedding Cheyenne in third party apps).

o Added a new experimental module: mod-embed. Purpose is to allow 
easy Cheyenne

   integration in third-party REBOL applications that require an embedded 
   server. (Uncomment mod-embed in httpd.cfg file to activate it)

o Added %embed-demo.r file to show a sample of the mod-embed usage 
and API. 

o RSP: <% without %> eats all the memory. Fixed.

o URL-encoded request values were not parsed correctly. Fixed.

o RSP: fixed a typo in 'decode-params blocking the multipart data 
decoding and
   also a local word ('type) leaking in GC.

o UniServe's service startup refactored to be more flexible.

The new mod-embed is experimental. Please look at the %embed-demo.r 
file and send your feedbacks here.
Is there an example of handling multipart forms ?  ( http uploads 
? )
Ok, that's what I though, the 'decode-multipart function hasn't been 
updated for the new RSP engine. Here's the new correct beginning 
for this function (located in %handlers/RSP.r) :
<form action="show.rsp" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
	<input type="file" name="ufile" size="16" />
	<input type="submit" name="usubmit" value="upload" />
Cheyenne release v0.9.15 beta. Download at http://softinnov.org/tmp/cheyenne-r0915.zip

Changelog :

v0.9.15 - 20/06/2007

 o RConsole was not started by default in the previous release. Fixed

 o RSP: 'include function protection from infinite cycles changed. 

   now based on a counter (5 maximum recursive includes). It's a little 

   cleaner than stack-based tracking but much more reliable (avoids 
	  paths and targets).

 o HTML.r library rewritten from scratch. Now, faster and more conforming 

   standards (Full range of Latin1 entities supported). Fixes URL-encode 

	o BugFix for command line parsing in encapped Cheyenne on Linux.

 o Fixed an issue with 'decode-multipart in RSP.r. File upload should 
 work ok 

 o Added a new global function : 'rsp-log value. Outputs values in 
 console for 
	  debugging RSP scripts. Works as 'probe.

 o Reloading config file now supported. Running sessions and client 

   survive to the reloading process (needs some additional testing). 
	  config file reload is done using:
	  		- (Windows) "Reload Config" menu option in systray icon.
	  		- (UNIX)     kill -s HUP pid

 o UNIX signals SIGINT,SIGQUIT,SIGTERM now catched to allow cleaner 
 exit and last

   minute actions. Triggers the new 'on-quit event for HTTPd modules.

 o HTTPd internal events (not phases) refactored to be cleaner. New 
	  events added:
			- 'on-started:	when Cheyenne starts.
			- 'on-reload:   before a config file reload happens.
			- 'on-reloaded: after a config file reload happens.
			- 'on-quit:     when Cheyenne is about to stop and quit.

 o RSP sessions can now be made persistent (can survive to a server 
 complete restart).

   This option is controlled by a new config keyword: 'persist. Usage 
   is :
	        persist [sessions]    ; other flags can be added at will

 o BugFix in session cookie handling for web-apps using 'auth mode. 
 Now the cookie

   is sent on the 302 redirection to the login page avoiding the creation 
   of a 
	  "shadow session" that will never be used. 

 o FastCGI is under heavy work so mod-fastcgi is commented in config 
 file to avoid

   fastcgi startup. If you want to play with PHP, just uncomment the 
Maybe I should try and simulate a multipart form post on the client 
side instead??
Be sure to use the latest Cheyenne beta (0.9.15). It fixes a regression 
bug on multipart data decoding.
No tested, but I don't why this would be a problem for Cheyenne, 
as long as it's a valid HTTP request. There's only two upload encodings 
that Cheyenne currently doesn't support: multipart/mixed and chunked. 
Chunked encoding is only supported in Cheyenne's responses.
chris: using my cookies-daemon you can send multipart data if you 
need it (as it's part of my http patch)
so the code above can be rewriten as:

do http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rebol/cookies-daemon_latest.r
url: http://www.rebol.net/cgi-bin/test/post.r

result: read/custom url [multipart [myfile %/c/rebol/rebol.exe]] 
  ;== same like <INPUT TYPE=FILE NAME=myfile>
New Cheyenne 0.9.19 beta version available for testing at : http://cheyenne-server.org/tmp/cheyenne-r0919.zip

Tested only on Windows  (my Linux image network has currently some 

ChangeLog (diff-ed from last test version) :

 o RSP: an HTTP redirection in 'on-page-start won't evaluate the page 
 script anymore.

 o CGI: mezz function READ-CGI now patched to be compatible with Cheyenne. 
	  the right way of reading POST data in REBOL CGI scripts.
	o RSP: fixed a bug in session/add when setting a block! value.

 o Task-handler: fixed a network error on first packet read (high 
 load + fast hardware).

 o Task-handler: TCP keepalive mode activated (test workaround half-closed 
	o Task-master: 
			o 'no-delay mode removed and replaced by 'keep-alive mode

   o now forks a new process as soon as one dies (not waiting for a 
   new request)

   o fix a long standing bug in queued job module name mismatching (can 
   happen under extreme load)
			o minor code cleanup

 o Uniserve: 'no-delay TCP network mode now switched off for all connections. 
 Fixes a

   stability issue on Vista and probably on UNIX with very high load.

 o RSP: fix a bug in 'decode-multipart when there's no file received.

 o UniServe: new logger service. Now all info or error logs, and debug 
 messages from

   CGI/RSP scripts are written in %trace.log. Additionnaly, you can 
   now log messages
	  using :
	  		- debug/print msg 	; msg [string!]
	  		- debug/probe value 	; any mold-able value
	  		- ?? word		; works like REBOL's '?? function
	  		- ? msg		; alias for debug/print

 o RSP: in debug mode, page generation time and SQL queries stats 
 now added at bottom
	  of pages.
	o RSP: error in events from %app-init.r now logged.

 o RSP: fix a rare RSP freezing issue when an error occurs in %RSP.r 
 (for example, by
	  a user script that breaks RSP sandbox).

 o RSP: sanboxing now protects from Exit/Return/Break calls made outside 
 of a
	  function context.
	o RSP: %misc/rsp-init.r file removed.

 o RSP/CGI: New config keyword added in global sections : 'worker-libs. 
 It lists the

   librairies to load when a worker process is started. An optional 
   'on-quit section can

   be added to call cleanup code when the process quits. Examples :
	  		worker-libs [
			worker-libs [
				on-quit [

 o Task-master: now you can reset all worker processes without stopping 
 Cheyenne. This

   is usefull when you need to force non-RSP/CGI files reload (helper 
   scripts, 3rd party
			Windows : tray icon -> Reset Workers

   UNIX : kill -s USR1 <pid>	(<pid> is Cheyenne's main process ID)

  o Added a -w command line option to set the worker processes number. 
	  		$ cheyenne -w <n>		(n [integer!] : CGI/RSP process number)

    Use -w 0 to help debug CGI/RSP code by resetting worker processes 
    after each request.
	   (it's like calling "Reset workers" after each request).
I found a possible bug in RSP yesterday: When RSP gets the values 
passed to it as get query parameters, it removes url-encoded html 
tags and comments from the values. This is not correct with values 
that come from a textarea, or probably other values as well. I haven't 
tested with multipart/form-data encoding yet.

This might be a setting change rather than a bug in RSP, but if so 
then show.rsp should be changed to not strip tags from values and 
then html-encode the values when shown.
I'll test it with Chrome too, seems that multipart encoding is not 
exactly the same as in IE. Does it work with FF?
Check if your FORM tags are using enctype="multipart/form-data" to 
indicate proper encoding for file uploading.
Here's the test source:
<!doctype html>

<form action="blah.rsp" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="ufile" size="16" />
<input type="submit" name="usubmit" value="upload" />

And here's the test target:
<%=mold request/content%>

I get the same error with show.rsp, so I went with something simpler.
Same error after upgrading Chromium, here's the verbose 5 log of 
the request:

3/4-01:38:00.891-[HTTPd] ================== NEW REQUEST ==================

3/4-01:38:01.531-[HTTPd] Request Line=>POST /ecg/blah.rsp HTTP/1.1

3/4-01:38:02.109-[HTTPd] Trying phase method-support ( mod-static 

3/4-01:38:02.828-[HTTPd] Trying phase url-translate ( mod-static 
3/4-01:38:03.062-[uniserve] Calling >on-received< with {^M
Host: localhost:8080^M
Connection: keep-alive^M
3/4-01:38:03.547-[HTTPd] Request Headers=>
Host: localhost:8080
Connection: keep-alive

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/530.5 
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/530.5
Referer: http://localhost:8080/ecg/blah.html
Content-Length: 153149
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Origin: http://localhost:8080

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryEv3SZArZWdjyznJZ

Accept: application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,bzip2,sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3

3/4-01:38:03.797-[HTTPd] Trying phase url-to-filename ( mod-alias 
3/4-01:38:04.031-[HTTPd] => request processed
3/4-01:38:04.766-[HTTPd] Trying phase url-to-filename ( mod-rsp )
3/4-01:38:05-[HTTPd] => request processed

3/4-01:38:05.469-[HTTPd] Trying phase url-to-filename ( mod-internal 

3/4-01:38:05.719-[HTTPd] Trying phase url-to-filename ( mod-static 
3/4-01:38:05.969-[HTTPd] => request processed

3/4-01:38:06.453-[uniserve] >> Port: 3789, low-level reading: 17520

3/4-01:38:06.703-[uniserve] >> Port: 3789, low-level reading: 17520

3/4-01:38:06.953-[uniserve] >> Port: 3789, low-level reading: 17520

3/4-01:38:07.437-[uniserve] >> Port: 3789, low-level reading: 17520

3/4-01:38:07.906-[uniserve] >> Port: 3789, low-level reading: 19980

3/4-01:38:08.391-[uniserve] Calling >on-received< with "------WebKitFormBoundaryEv3SZArZWdjyznJZ^M^/Content-"

3/4-01:38:08.875-[uniserve] >> Port: 3789, low-level reading: 16680

3/4-01:38:09.344-[uniserve] >> Port: 3789, low-level reading: 17520

3/4-01:38:09.844-[uniserve] >> Port: 3789, low-level reading: 17520

3/4-01:38:10.312-[uniserve] >> Port: 3789, low-level reading: 1149

3/4-01:38:10.797-[uniserve] Calling >on-received< with {037.17923" 
"4429 SUNNYSLOPE RD SW" "Port Orchard" }

3/4-01:38:11.266-## Error in [uniserve] : On-received call failed 
with error: make object! [
    code: 303
    type: 'script
    id: 'expect-arg
    arg1: 'insert
    arg2: 'series
    arg3: [series! port! bitset!]
    near: [insert/part tmp/port s skip e]
    where: 'process-bounded-content
] !
3/4-01:38:11.734-[uniserve] Port closed :
SVN r17 : big update, lot of code added mostly for the new embedded 
async Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)

FEAT: email async sending sub-system (MTA) added . 

FEAT: added two new functions for email support in RSP/CGI scripts: 
'send-email and 'email-info?
FEAT: added email sending demo form %www/email.rsp.

FEAT: Cheyenne's main process ID is now exported in /tmp/cheyenne.pid 
on start and deleted on quit. (All platforms except Windows).

FIX: fixed broken global words protection in RSP.r.
FIX: HTTP Date headers are now in UTC format.

FIX: "Reset Workers" menu wasn't working in service mode. Fixed now. 
(Thanks Will)

FIX: SVNr4 regression bug on system port for UNIX fixed. (Thanks 

FIX: multipart file uploading code refactored. Fixes many bugs in 
file uploading.
While testing now, I've noticed a few issue with send-email/attach: 
header and multipart/form-data encoding. I'll fix them tonight, need 
to go now.
<sigh!>  I wish I'd known about /lines hehe... I had to go through 
countless hours trying to fix the headers and when doing multipart... 
god... it was horrible to fix.  ;-)
SVN r21 :

FEAT: log verbosity handling refactored, now more consistent across 

FIX: email.r lib doesn't interfere anymore with other Rebol built-in 
FIX: bug in multipart/form-data decoding in RSP.r
FIX: email.rsp demo script now handles attached file correctly
I like the fact that I can pass a file! so that I don't have to figure 
out how to do a multipart upload to the mail.rsp script.
I assumed it only put file data there and still captured the non 
file data into request/content

 => it requires to send data using "multipart/form-data" encoding.
If you want to fix it in 0.9.19, here's the patch :

RSP.r => decode-multipart function => line: insert tail list name
should be : insert tail list to word! name
You can also copy/paste the latest 'decode-multipart function in 
your 0.9.19 RSP.r file, modifications are minor and not dependent 
on other parts.
Binary support / upload: these are 2 different things. Uploading 
files (access to local filesystem) still requires FORM with multipart/form-data 
Group: !REBOL2 Releases ... Discuss 2.x releases [web-public]

does rebol sending email attachments inline or multipart attached?
is there any solution to have a choise? 

since a mailserver upgrade I having trouble sending a pdf as send/attach 
Sends multipart attached ...