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world-name: r4wp

Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
The DrDobbs link led to this one - After XML, JSON: Then What?


That article mentions that one of the "most interesting" new data 
formats being considered is TOML (this looks like the .ini file format)


Is this really what we can expect?
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
This is the benefit of speaking another language than English that 
is the base for so many computerlanguages. You can say things like 
rij: array [100] where array: array [100] would be a sure syntax 
error, and rij means array in Dutch off course. If you are in need 
of additional translations, just say so. Next I will build a multi-lang 
support lbl-something/text: lbl-something-tekst and a preferences 
panel with file (mirror.ini or mirror-pref.ini) for language (En 
De Nl Fr Es Pt additional wishes?), mirror line-width normal(1)/bold(3 
wide) for placed or both kinds and/or the grid, color of added mirrors, 
color for ok color for not ok.
Endo, preferences should be preferences not just last time settings 
imho those could be some quick test experiments. But preferences, 
indeed preferences is what I missed while testing this bugger. Prefs 
filename something like app-name.preferences.ini? When prefenced 
start dir is set via preferences probably the rsc.r script will always 
be found? But testing for existance is more robust, so I agree definitely. 
Maybe in time there will be a completely different way to compile 
Red or other changes needed to keep this script actual and useable, 
so I invite everyone interested to feel free to add and sculpt this 
Group: !REBOL3 ... General discussion about REBOL 3 [web-public]
Basically this files are like .INI file and I have to change values 
inside with Rebol.

world-name: r3wp

Group: All ... except covered in other channels [web-public]
[unknown: 5]:
There are many Colin.  I would get more specific if I had more time. 
 But the browser keys for internet explorer in both and default users 
key as well as any established user keys.  Also a mus tis the RUN 
keys in the same.  Deny access for the proper group your account 
or others accounts on the machine are using.  There is also the shell 
key you would  want to protect also as many viruses like to alter 
the shell line.  Put permissions on autoexec.bat autoexec.nt  win.ini 
system.ini config.sys  and config.nt also.
Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
I have a slightly modified help, that does not evaluate functions 
in objects and ports and that also dumps ports like objects.
>> a: open http://www.rebol.com
connecting to: www.rebol.com
>> help a
A is a port of value:
   scheme          word!     HTTP
   host            string!   "www.rebol.com"
   port-id         integer!  80
   user            none!     none
   pass            none!     none
   target          none!     none
   path            none!     none
   proxy           object!   [host port-id user pass type bypass]
   access          none!     none
   allow           none!     none
   buffer-size     none!     none
   limit           none!     none

   handler         object!   [port-flags open-check close-check write-check 
   status          word!     file
   size            integer!  0
   date            date!     6-Nov-2006/21:26:44
   url             string!   "http://www.rebol.com/"

   sub-port        port!     make port! [ scheme: 'tcp host: "www.rebol.com" 
   locals          object!   [list headers querying]

   state           object!   [flags misc tail num with custom index 
   func fpos i...
   timeout         integer!  30
   local-ip        none!     none
   local-service   none!     none
   remote-service  none!     none
   last-remote-service none! none
   direction       none!     none
   key             none!     none
   strength        none!     none
   algorithm       none!     none
   block-chaining  none!     none
   init-vector     none!     none
   padding         none!     none
   async-modes     none!     none
   remote-ip       none!     none
   local-port      none!     none
   remote-port     none!     none
   backlog         none!     none
   device          none!     none
   speed           none!     none
   data-bits       none!     none
   parity          none!     none
   stop-bits       none!     none
   rts-cts         logic!    true
   user-data       none!     none
   awake           none!     none

Is there interest in including in the new release?
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
I''ve been caught-22 on that many times since I like to set my ini 
file definitions to be readable blocks and don't follow why other 
data types are correctly recognized e.g. blk: [1 12-feb-2006 $30.00] 
 but not true or false or Yes or No  without a reduce.  If you use 
blocks for the ini file settings you get caught by the reduce  e.g. 
if want this ini: [	clean-up-target-directory? Yes start-at 10:30:01 
first-day-to-run 12-dec-2006 last-day-to-run 31-dec-2006] reduce 
requires me to flag the words as 'words.
Group: Script Library ... REBOL.org: Script library and Mailing list archive [web-public]

I checked your library example from the I'm new group producing errors.

There is probably a weakness, as the script does not regard comment 
A short enhancement would be
parse-ini-file: func [
    file-name [file!]
   /local ini-block
 ini-block: copy []
    current-section: copy []
    foreach ini-line read/lines file-name [
		if #";" <> first ini-line [ ; do not process comment lines
			section-name: ini-line
			error? try [section-name: first load/all ini-line]
			either any [
				error? try [block? section-name]
				not block? section-name
				parsed-line: parse/all ini-line "="
				append last current-section parsed-line/1
				append last current-section parsed-line/2
				append ini-block current-section
				current-section: copy []
				append current-section form section-name
				append/only current-section copy []
			] ;; either
    ] ;; for
 append ini-block current-section
 return to-hash ini-block
Thanks, sqlab......That works fine. (I should read the documentation 
in future before writing the script :)
I've updated the script in the Library:
Thanks for your attenton to my questions. 

It seems I stumbled across the need for support of comments in ini 
files. I was also trying to cut & paste from the viewing version 
of some scripts, rather than the download version as I did not realise 
there was a destinction.  It is also possiable that my cut & pastes 
were not complete perhaps, as the scripts that would not run like 
that before seem to work ok now.

I notice that a lot of things show anomolous behaviour when used 
by inexperienced users who lack confidence. It is like they know 
who they can play tricks on, & who won't stand for it.
Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
Another (maybe foolish) question please.

I am trying to use this script to help me understand the use of parsing 

to extract data from files. If I paste the script into my REBOL/View 
console it pastes in the script ok, but the examples do not work.

This seems very common with a lot of the scripts in this library 
and is a problem I have been fighting with for several days.

This is what I get.
>> ini: parse-ini-file %/c/windows/win.ini
** Script Error: Out of range or past end
** Where: parse-ini-file
** Near: append last current-section parsed-line/1

Am I pasting the script & examples to the wrong type of console or 

I feel it must be something I am doing as so few of the example scripts 
work for me.

Thanks, /\/\
ok. I follow your extraction of rules idea & this is what you had 
in your original suggestion.  Now I am getting more familiar with 
what I am looking at I can understand the benefit of that & will 
start to work that way now.

[copy .. [" ip address" to end]]  was to get the interface address 
in the interface section of the file. It is identified by
1) some line after the line containing "interface"

2) at the begining of the line always starting with one space before 
the word "ip address"

3) before any line with a non-blank first char unless it is a new 
instance of "interface" (hence my IntFlag which Steeve didn't like 
my method of use)

I found from testing that [to "ip address" copy temp to end] or [to 
" ip address" copy temp to end] found the string anywhere in the 
line, but [copy .. [" ip address" to end]] only finds the string 
if it is at the start of the line which is what I was trying to achieve. 
Have I made a mistake here & need to retest my assumptions perhaps?

I always appreciate lots of different views on issues so I am loving 
the multiple responses. 

Sunanda you have reminded me about line numbers. I will tackle them 
after the extraction of rules I think, as I want them in my output 
for data output quality & validation checking.

I have been looking at your parse-ini.r to see how you have read 
a file into a Rebol block, but I may stick with read/line for a bit 
longer while get my head round parsing each line in turn.  I get 
the impression that once I have a final block of code there will 
be someone who can turn it into 2 short lines including a built in 
Easter egg game.
Group: MySQL ... [web-public]
I use mySQL admin utility, which sets old-passwords item in my.ini 
file, yet Doc's mySQL driver does not work ... now I am at the end 
huh, ok. Finally can test ... while I have set old-passwords in my.ini, 
restarted service, it is not enough - so I installed mysql administrator 
app and changed user password, server probably needs to regenerate 
them to behave correctly ..
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
Another thing to note when downloading the PHP binaries is renaming 
the php.ini-dist file to php.ini
it's running.. I hade cheyenne root different from root set in php.ini
shouldn't I set docroot also in php.ini?
there is no php.ini, just php.ini-dist, php.ini-recommended
php.ini is optional
Pekr: are you using a php.ini file ? If you're using one, just remove 
it and retry the test.
there was not php.ini, just _php.ini - I moved it out, still the 
same ... currently on vacation with my notebook with Vista. Tried 
relative path, absolute path, no path - manually starting php-cgi 
- b 9999, still not luck ....
yeah, but you need to set it up in my.ini, right?