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world-name: r3wp

Group: Parse ... Discussion of PARSE dialect [web-public]
Tomc:  Do I understand that :word would be like "get word" and needed 
in a parse sentence but you can just use the shortcut 'word' most 
everywhere else?
and that would be get 'word  not get word
That's interesting. Parens and paths used to be active - oh yeah, 
that was changeda while ago. Still, there are some value types that 
are active (function types, lit-path, lit-word) and if you think 
you will get one of these you should disable their evaluation by 
referencing them with a get-word, unless you intend them to be evaluated.
tipicaly get around with
but I can't get 'pos set in my own code in the () block after the 
parse block where 'pos is set.
that means it does get set inside the parse block, but it's set to 
none after the parse block again.
template has to be displayable as gfx man does it, with temporary 
text, images, whatever .... I am just supposed to get correct data 
in there ....
I also have a naming convention I've been playing with for a while, 
where parse rule words have an "=" at the end (e.g. date=) and parse 
variables--values set during the parse process--have it at the beginning 
(e.g. =date). The idea is that it's sort of a cross between BNF syntax 
for production rules and set-word/get-word syntax; the goal being 
to easily distinguish parse-related words. By using the same word 
for a rule and an associated variable, with the equal sign at the 
head or tail, respectively, it also makes it easier to keep track 
of what gets set where, when you have a lot of rules.
my god, I think I finally  -get-  Parse... call me the village idiot. 
 I used to use parse, now I also understand subconciously it  ;-)
That's a ~very~ good example, Oldes... it should be put in the docs 
somewhere (if it isn't already.)  I didn't understand how get-words 
and set-words worked in parse, either, before..
I have an easy one for you gurus. Let's say I want to parse a file 
and get all the "www..." out of it. The thing is that they end in 
either a space or a linefeed. How do I do a (written in pseudo parse 
to give you an idea) "to "www" copy tag to 'either a linefeed or 
a space'"? I've tried charsets, vars, blocks but the best I can do 
is one or the other. Note, finding the "www" is the easy part, it's 
ending the string that is giving me fits. Thanks in advance.
Oldes, thanks. I get it. You one smart cookie. Gracias.
on the other hand, this may not be enough in some cases (e.g. if 
the fall-back rule isn't able to get to the end)
huh? not sure get what you mean... how can the above be desired? 
 it mangles symmetricity of data and tokenizing?  for example it 
strips end / of a dir...
at least the above oddity should be documented, cause one can get 
bitten until encountering the above... in my case, it renders the 
above almost useless, as I cannot trust the output.
hehe... I would not want the bug to get too comfortable,  less it 
becomes a feature  ;-)
oh dear .. vanilla has died on me.  I get server error ...
I get server error still.
how to parse such a string:
   {some.string/(a + (b.a * c()))/end} 
to get:
   ["some" "string" "(a + (b.a * c()))" "end"]
I'm not sure I get it. how does parse know how to deal with 'p?
and nothing works... if I set here to be the previous letter and 
then use skip in the rules... the first dot from nstr will not get 
removed... since we cannot go past the begining.
if i do (a: charset "abc") i want to do also (decharset a) to get 
"abc" :) that's readable ;)
this is the problem with [some "a" "a"]. This is equivalent of "a*a" 
in regex which is perfectly valid, but problematic in parse. This 
is simple example, but it can get quite complicated so I'm not sure 
I can handle all cases. The reversed order seemed simpler. But you 
will probably prove me wrong :)
Just tried your benchmark on my machine.....I get similar % faster 
for char! matching.
Though the elapse times vary depending on the version of REBOL.
just a quick idea:

FORALL is implemented as mezzanine function. It calls FORSKIP which 
is mezzanine also. As you can see, it's probably not the fastest 
method. So here's the idea. Cannnot be FORALL rewritten to make it 
faster and is it possible to use PARSE to do this?
So I tried and came up with this simple function:

parall: func [
	'word body
	/local data
	data: get :word
	parse data compose/deep [

  some [(to set-word! word) any-type! (to paren! [do bind body :word])]

(parall is just a shortcut for parse version of forall).

this is very simple function written in five minutes and not very 
well checked, it needs some additional work (eg. it does not return 
same value as 'forall etc).

So let's do some test (using Ladislav's %timblk.r):
>> n: copy [] repeat i 100 [append n i]

== [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4...
>> time-block [forall n [b: n/1 + 1]] 0.05
== 3.623046875E-4
>> time-block [parall n [b: n/1 + 1]] 0.05
== 3.814697265625E-6
>> 3.62e-4 / 3.81e-6
== 95.0131233595801

95x faster? whooo....

and what about bigger block?

>> n: copy [] repeat i 10000 [append n i]

== [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4...
>> time-block [forall n [b: n/1 + 1]] 0.05
== 3.540625E-2
>> time-block [parall n [b: n/1 + 1]] 0.05
== 3.7994384765625E-6
>> 3.54e-2 / 3.8e-6
== 9315.78947368421

9000x ? omg...

; Try against this, the forskip code with the skip part taken out
forall: func [
    "Evaluates a block for every value in a series."
    [catch throw]

    'word [word!] {Word set to each position in series and changed as 
    a result}
    body [block!] "Block to evaluate each time"
    /local orig result
    if not any [
        series? get word
        port? get word

    ] [throw make error! {forall expected word argument to refer to a 
    series or port!}]
    orig: get word
    while [any [not tail? get word (set word orig false)]] [
        set/any 'result do body
        set word next get word
        get/any 'result
I tried to enclose parse in loop 1 [] and it seems to handle break. 
I guess you'll probably prove me wrong, Brian :)

parall: func [
	'word body
	/loc data
	loop 1 [
		data: get :word
		parse data compose/deep [
			some [(to set-word! word) skip (to paren! [do body])]

re: continue - this is not r3 ;)

>> n: [1 2 3 4 5] parall n [if n/1 = 4 [break/return "break"] if 
n/1 > 4 [print "bad"]]
== "break"
you get a true answer, but that not the case
well, I'm stumped.  Tried many variations on the theme and couldn't 
get any to work.  Good luck.
[unknown: 9]:
Yeah, it needs someone to kick it off, get it started, fill it with 
about 50 good words.  Where is a "kid" when you need one?
How do you build parse rules?

rule: copy []
word: "abc"

;; Want to compose the block to look like this  ["abc" (print ["found 
word len" 3])] 

insert tail rule compose [(word) (print "found word len (length? 
word))]  no go - obvious

I've tried  compose/deep [(word) (to paren! [print ["found word len" 
(length? word)])]  but length? word doesn't get composed, it gets 
included in the to paren! expression  compose/only/deep same thing

I guess the question is what is the technique to compose something 
that is to include paren! expressions with data inside that needs 
to be composed?  **With binding of course**  :)
[unknown: 5]:
I'm trying to parse data using that but seem to get it parsing some 
spaces also
Group: SDK ... [web-public]
Volker, that helps some.  But now I get:

Unknown word or style: request-date
I've been trying to get this to work all day.  Now my Englsih grammar 
is being affected.  :>)
I think that has to do with evaluation constraints then. That is, 
DRAW will get words, but not do further evaluation (kind of like 
CONSTRUCT), so it's safe.
I'm trying to use the 2.6.2 version of enface from the SDK to encap 
a Rebol script I used to encap with rebolve, but I get the following 
okay. this is good to know. thanks, guys. something else i couldn't 
find in the documentation was a method of getting a values returned 
by a pointer. for example, void get_value(int field, float *value); 
In this case, "value" is an output parameter. Does REBOL have a method 
of correctly passing a buffer and having it get filled in?
I've already tried the following:
foo: 16#{00000000}

C_get_pointer: make routine! [ "Returns pointer to structure."
	dummy [string!] "Pass 'foo' here"
	return: [integer!]
] my-lib "c_get_pointer" 
foo: 16#{00000000}

I know this is a trivial example. In this one, calling c_get_pointer 
with foo does in fact fill foo in with 4 bytes of data (presumably 
the correct address), but all calls to other functions which make 
use of that pointer crash. I can only assume that the pointer is 
wrong (byte swapped perhaps) or that I'm doing something not quite 
; Try this
C_get_pointer: make routine! [ "Returns pointer to structure."
    ip [struct! [[integer!]]] "Pass 'foo' here"
] my-lib "c_get_pointer" 
foo: make struct! [val [integer!]] none
C_get_pointer foo
Great, that works perfectly, as you said for local files.. I haven't 
managed to get include to work yet for remote files, is the patched 
prebol.r available somewhere? (your rebsite is down)
I haven't managed to get include to work yet for remote files
 - interesting, what did you try?
If I made a typing mistake above it wasn't in the original, as you 
can see I get an error including the file via http, that same file 
works perfectly when i do it ...
Well, REBOL supports file forks on Mac in a way that you can use 
the same code between Mac and other platforms - the other platforms 
just pretend to have a data fork. However, alternate data streams 
on NTFS are not supported by REBOL so you can get tripped up there.
Well, it's nice that they are semi-supported through a filename hack 
that is actually in the underlying APIs that REBOL calls internally, 
but it is not supported through the actual mechanism REBOL uses for 
supporting that kind of thing on other platforms, and so is not portable.

Try get-modes %file 'forks or the /custom refinement to open, read 
or write with the [fork "forkname"] parameter. On platforms other 
than Mac there is generally only one fork ("data") but if the code 
you write is fork-aware it will be portable. This is the method that 
REBOL should be using to support streams on NTFS or any equivalent 
feature on other OSes' file systems.
if you know that the problem is [, just count up on [ and down on 
] and stop when count < 0. or you can just print only the lines with 
[ or ] in them so you get a "compressed" view of the source and look 
for the missing bracket visually.
I get it only for rebcmd, rebbase, rebol, rebpro are working ...
Group: SQLite ... C library embeddable DB [web-public].
Ok, I thought there was a different trick. Well, I'm not using JOINS 
nor VIEWS a lot in my app. I preferr to get back Rebol blocks and 
traverse these and collect what I need. Much simpler than hacking 
long SQL statements.
... one more point for future. Imagine obtaining correct order from 
SQL, then using REBOL level grid, and column sort facility. I think 
that we also will need to get such things adressed in R3 directly, 
or it will distort sort order ...
I want to sort in SQLite. But then you receive your recordset to 
REBOL, you put it into grid for e.g., which has facility for sorting 
columns. Then you press particular column, and grid sorts your result 
recordset using rebol's built in 'sort function ... and the result 
is wrong ... (well, but this is minor issue, the importance is to 
get correct resultset from the query. I just tried to say, that R3 
has to address some localisation principles itself too ....)
Actually size of the image does not seem to be the prob as this works: 

SQL reduce [{insert into images values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)} "img/1" 
"img/2" "img/3" "img/4" "img/5" pic "img/7" "img/8"]
where pic is a large 4000x3000 full color photo.
I get no error.

But if I loop 50 and insert the above data 50 times I get an error???
I'm able to get a large set of results from mysql and use it (View 
the images in a layout) but when I try to insert this data into sqlite 
it seems to get currupted...
It sounds like a sqlite problem...
That's one cause why I want to get my hands on the external library 
interface in R3 ASAP.
It worked for me but now I started to get "Not a database or encripted" 
error and I couldn't figure out why.. I discovered that the sqliteadmin 
app was making v2 files now and that was the problem.
Did anyone try using sqlite.r from Dobeash in free rebol code 2.7.6 
on linux. (debian). I get "feature not available in this REBOL" but 
it works on windows.
aha.. I am getting somewhere .. it alows it now but I get some error 
with .so .. maybe this is the reason cheyenne can't open it either 

>> do %sqlite.r
Script: "SQLite driver" (26-Nov-2008)
REBOL - Security Check:

Script requests permission to open a port for read/write on: libsqlite3.so
Yes, allow all, no, or quit? (Y/A/N/Q) Y
** Access Error: Cannot open sqlite3_prepare_v2

** Near: *prepare: make routine! [db [integer!] dbq [string!] len 
[integer!] stmt [struct! [[integer!]]] dummy [struct! [[integer..
when I installed sqlite with apt-get install sqlite3 I got 2 files 
into /usr/lib/ directory   ./usr/lib/libsqlite3.so.0.8.6  and   ./usr/lib/libsqlite3.so.0 
... if I run rebol it doesn't find sqlite so I copied one of them 
(I tried with both, they are of same size btw) to directory where 
rebol / rebpro and sqlite.r is and renamed it to    libsqlite3.so 
  and then it seems to find it ... now this is just common sense 
as I am not that experienced with this on linux
aha.. stupid me.. apt-get usually doesn't provide latest versions 
but a more "stable" ones ... yes it's  3.3.8
You don't need to use apt-get for sqlite, just download the latest 
library and put it in your app folder near sqlite.r : http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-3.6.11.so.gz
(I guess you'll need to rename it to libsqlite3.so).
I don't get this ... I started getting very long loading times with 
my webapp when I changed or inserted the and it was very fast before 
... now I saw that it's the sqlite making these delays.. this is 
not the problem of sqlite.r but the sqlite itself because I get the 
same behaviour with sqlite3 shell.

But I can't believe this , I am certain I am doing something wrong.. 
I remember sqlite can handle GB of data and is very fast, but in 
my case... I have 183 rows in a simple 5 column table (db file is 
10kb) .. if I do single update table X set y = ".." where Z = ".."; 
 it takes like 3 seconds. This updates just 1 row out of 183. Does 
anyone have any idea? I tried to do the "Vacuum" command but it's 
the same after it.
I will insert random rows so I will have couple of 1000 , and then 
I will see what I get
aha, I will try that .. and I can use Integer for user ... because 
now each user get's folder like u<Int> ... and I could maybe put 
all 3 mailboxes into the same table so it would be only 1 insert 
/ update instead of 3 on changes ... I didn't think performance will 
be the problem here (it still seems a little funny) , because it's 
just a simple table without any relations or anything and no big 
amunt of data
but the changes you proposed will help me get it faster anyway and 
I will try them
In sql there is no need for reordering the column order, as you can 
get any order you desire by using the column names in your select 
I understood the text in link that if you get a lock, you wait for 
a while and try again.. and that by this method even it scales to 
quite big number of concurr processes compared to mysql for example
He tried only 100 times (by looking at the example he gave) .. and 
I don't know what he means by 500 >>> in line with mysql 

and others- at 500+ simultaneous users you start to get about a 10% 
because of lock overhead. <<< 

Most probably not 500 processes writing all the time ...  without 
no difference, sooner than later I get a lock, even with 100 retries 
after less than 1000 statements
I get up to 200 inserts with just one process, with two concurrent 
process this slows down to 30 to 60 per second
I'm pretty sure a proxy process can handle 200req/s at the frontend 
and backend. So if 200req/s is the maximum you can get from one process, 
adding more processes just devides this down. But it won't scale 
If I have some processes serving incoming events and sending their 
data to a central storage process, the central process sometimes 
seems to get an event, but not the data with that event.
When the data really arrives, I do not get the event.
Maybe he got the first event meant for an other connection
hm.. I have a question for SQL / sqlite experts : 

I have a query with two JOINS . There is parent table which has 2 
subtables ... in each subtable I need to aggregate (SUM) some value 

select i.*, SUM(ib.price * ib.qty) as amount, SUM(ip.amount) as payed_amount
	from invoice_sent as i 

  left outer join invoice_sent_b as ib on i.id = ib.id_invoice_sent

  left outer join invoice_sent_p as ip on i.id = ip.id_invoice_sent
	group by i.id order by i.title;

The problem is tha because of join , the amount is correct , is the 
sum of values in invoice_sent_b , but payed_amount is multiplied 
by the number of rows invoice_sent_b has . 

I understand why this happens, but I don't know how to prevent it, 
if I want to get all data in one query.

( I know how to solve the prolem , but it's outside the DB so it's 
more of  a hack  -- I also ger COUNT of _b table rows and divide 
second SUM by it on client )
I seem to get an error with sqlite after using "call" to start an 
external program.

** User Error: SQLite out of memory
** Near: make error! reform ["SQLite" error]

Anyone experience this?
Thanks for the suggestion Manu.  Sounded good to me, but I get the 
same error even with the empty string at the front:

>> sql "select '' || jobid || role from roles where userid = 'cda6'"
** Syntax Error: Invalid integer -- 1124prgr
** Near: (line 1) 1124prgr

even though it appears to be integer, jobid variable is text, according 
to SQLite:
>> sql "select typeof(jobid) from roles"
== [[text] [text] [text] [text]]
Again, thanks!  I welcome any other suggestions.
in the VID extension kit you can say:

set-face my-panel object

object: get-face my-panel
There is no standard I know of for mapping data to faces. A number 
of us have rolled our own systems over time, each with our own critieria 
and design aesthetic.

As a simple starting point, consider setting up declarative mappings 
and driving a data-exchange loop. e.g.

face-field-map: [
    lname 2 fname 3 spouse 4 
    email 5 hphone 6 cphone 7 
    addr 8 city 9 state 10 zip 11

foreach [face-name field-index] face-field-map [
    set-face get face-name  pick db/:counter field-index
Thanks Gregg, as a newbie I was just trying to get an idea as to 
how others are handling this.  I was thinking that there had to be 
a more concise method than the one I was using.
IIRC, the latest SDK purchase gives you a license for every platform. 
 might be worth upgrading (50$ is like not going to restaurant once... 
your wife/girlfriend will get over it  ;-).
I'm not sure if that would be worth the effort, SQL can get fairly 
complex and if a REBOL SQL wouldn't implement everything (even specific 
databases prorietary extensions to SQL) that wouldn't be a noticable 
gain in simplicity. Wouldn't it still just be SQL written in REBOL's 
syntax? Actually, I think it's more like SQL already is a perfect 
example of a DSL on it's own (not implying here that SQL is perfect, 
just the example is).
It does sound like a bug.

Best way to get it looked at / resolved is to add  a bug report to 
RAMBO (the R2 bug database):
Is there a way to force sqlite to release a database. 

I get a currupt db now and again and I want to automate the process 
of re copying an older version over it once I detect it is currupted 
using a try block.

But once the database is accessed it won't let me delete it or disconnect 
from it. Anywayaround this?
And has anyone been experienceing curruption to their db's...looks 
like binary characters get written into some fields randomly. Other 
people do not seem to be having this problem with the program on 
their computers.
Group: Games ... talk about using REBOL for games [web-public]
RebTower 0.0.7 has been released.
- All art is now completed.

- Card Builder is included with this release so you can make/modify 
your own cards.

- Added turn pause mode so you can get a better look at the cards 
the computer plays.
Get it at: http://rebol.mustard.co.nz/rebtower-0.0.7.zip(657kb)
[unknown: 9]:
When do we get rules?
The rules seem to go like this.. 
you get the lousy cards, and the machine pwns ;)
once i get XWings, XYChains and Swordfish coded ill release the GUI 
etc ;)
One last thing, it would be VERY cool to have it take place in something 
like an airport, or a factory, where you have to do a bunch of things 
to get a product or plane or something to take off.
Prevent a bank robbery, etc.
Oldes, one solution that is easy though a bit ugly, is to make the 
standalone version Windows only (ie. DirectX etc) but make sure it 
works perfectly in Wine. Then you automatically get a version that 
runs on Windows, Linux and Mac (intel). Anyone else can use the flash 
version. (Mac users would need crossover, or manually installing 
wine; but if you think you'll have enough users, you could license 
the transgaming engine and bundle it with the game so that it "looks" 
like a mac game to users - eg. just like Spore is doing)
It looks it's not easy to get the Devkit to develop for Wii http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=424725
I think when 'Defend your castle' can be on WiiWare, it's probably 
not so hard to get some license.
Weare thinking about using this https://www.scaleform.com/to get 
ourgame running on consoles, but it's quite expensive
Max was quick to show me the basic workings of a vector drawing application 
that he built  with his Liquid code in hopes to help get me started 
in creating an app that required a vector drawing feature built-in. 
 He does have some great code, albeit too complex for my simple brain. 
 From my perspective it's show him the money, and he'll build you 
a masterpiece.  He's one of the few guys I know that can say they 
make their living solely on Rebol coding.  Not to mention he has 
about as many interests outside of coding as Carl does.
the R2 event system has severe limitations.  for gaming its almost 
unusable unless you really hack it, and even then, you don't get 
key UP events so its hard to do a lot of types of games.
Me too on the hope.  I took a crack at a game in REBOL once. But 
I could not get my head round some of the event handling.  Drawing 
was easy (umm, for a stick figure artist type ala moi that is, if 
not 'good').    ;)
That's the irk I have with PC gaming: That you have to upgrade your 
hardware every 6 months and wrestle with drivers. I advised my nephew 
again to get into PC gaming for those reasons as I don't want to 
change the diapers on his PC, every time something doesn't play.
a big step in GFx occured at about the same time, you could actually 
call it a leap.   Hardware shaders, better illuminations and gfx 
ram jumped to be 256MB at minimum on most cards.

but most games of today allow very low settings which allow you to 
work on older machines... I've got a 4 year old 1.5Ghz core duo with 
an old 8600M nvidia card.

and SC2 is quite responsive on it.  though I would like to play with 
a bit more graphics quality... its not the game's fault.  4-5 years 
ago 3D game graphics quality was still pretty deficient.  but with 
any average 100$ card today,  you'll get pretty amazing graphics.
Henrik: I played games on my as cheap as you can get 5 year old single 
core 450 Euro computer just fine, including the newest just released 
games. You don't have to buy a new computer every couple of months, 
you just can't set the graphic settings very high. So in effect, 
when you buy a new computer you are not paying to play new games 
but to play games in better quality. Now after these five years I 
bought another 450 euro computer just two weeks ago, with 4GB RAM, 
4x2,8 Ghz CPU and an Nvidia GT320 with 1GB VRAM, this will work for 
the next 5 years too I believe :)
Finished it today too, some time this morning. Played the whole damn 
night yesterday, I was shocked when the sun rose :) Yeah the end 
left a lot to be desired but Starcraft 2 is a trilogy, so that was 
to be expected. I only hope Blizzard will really manage to get the 
second game out in just one year. I can't really see that happening. 
It'll probably be 3 or 4 years. Did you get to play all missions? 
My mission counter says 25 of 26 missions completed. Where's the 
26th mission and why wasn't I able to play it? ^^ And if I do count 
by myself I get to 28 completed missions in the mission archive anyhow 
so maybe their mission counter is just one big bug. The missions 
are very short but I'd say it took me between 30 and 50 minutes for 
each mission and with 28 missions + 4 bonus protoss missions, this 
is a whole lot of content. Most games only give you 7 to 12 hours 
of gameplay (some a lot less, some a lot more). Starcraft 2 took 
me over 20 hours to play through. And then you still got challenge 
missions, multiplayer, custom maps Vs A.I, user contributed missions 
thanks to the level editor, etc.
Thanks. ACW.r coded by hand, but helped by the fact that I used a 
real map as a background image to trace over (the compass rose method 
of indicating paths is really easy ... "start in Cairo, go 3 hexes 
north, etc"). By comparison, I spent days trying to get the same 
results with CC3 (Campaign Cartographer 3) ... but I'm only a casual 
CC3 user.
anyone here play GT5.... I'm so pissed off by this game.

everytime I play I get aggravated.  If anyone here is a game designer 
this is the game to study about how *not* to build a game.
from the stupid menu and useless extra screens (which are slow to 
load, pointless, irritate and can't be turned off), to the cosmically 
idiotic AI which repeatedly slams your car if you dare get into the 
driving line until it eventually drives you out of the road wtf?... 
funny that they don't bounce out... did the authors forget the basic 
laws of physics... the same force is applied to both objects in a 

I mean like come one.  even GT3, 15 years ago, was more fun and actually 
felt a lot more real in many things.

the braking is ridiculous and many times, cars just spin out of control 
completely randomly.  NASCAR racing is totally bullshit.
Kaj, .... Gab pretty much nailed it.

Endo, .... Indeed, so are you saying you can't beat this go program 
every single time in just a few moves?  I seem to be able to beat 
it every single time almost instantly, which I think was Ladislav's 

I'm just confirming I did not simply find a way to beat it as a sort 
of trick.  I used to design AI for games, so I tend to get around 
it pretty quickly.

If you would like I will send you a video of me plaything this game 
several times.
2701 / 1026212345...2627[28] 2930...99100101102103