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world-name: r3wp

Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
I qould 1) split on comma to get list of entities  2) for each entity 
if it's a single num append it to block, else split again and append 
 whole range to the block
I usually try to take a few small steps rather than try to get the 
answer straight away.

The test data:

>> inp:  {random 2/2,2/4-6,2/33-37}

== "random 2/2,2/4-6,2/33-37"
Let's start with 2/ and see how we get on 

>> parse/all inp [ any [copy range "2/" some digit  (print range) 
| skip ]]


mhinson... If I can encourage you... once you will "get" it... it 
will all become <really> simple.  you mind is just adapting to maping 
rules and seeing the inherent stack of what they imply.  

Don't give up, it will all become clear.  I think we all feel the 
same anxiety at first.  Most don't follow through, its a good thing 
that you persevere.  :-)
I suppose any data can get damaged, so it is better for the rules 
to crash & burn than hide the fact that the data is damaged
I tried Peters rules & Steves first rules, then Ladislav gave me 
some more structure to it which seemed like a good idea when things 
get more complex. But I cant quite fit it all together.
is it because the skip never get called so the parse is stuck on 
the first position or match & parse needs to move to the tail to 
return true?
:-)  I missed such a big feature of rebol for sooo long, just because 
I didn't get these nuances.  and its hard to make a tutorial out 
of this, cause it sooooo boring, and you don't realize why its so 
important until you really start to use parse.
I agree, it needs to be interactively taught. I know I will still 
get it wrong, but I fee more confident to analyse what is going wrong 
That looks exactly the structure I had in mind, but how do I get 
the data into the right part of the structure?
if I have data of   3 2/1 & I know it refers to a vlan.
I will have up to about 1500 of these for each file
In fact I do know the index structure, so your first example is exactly 
what I need.   :-)

How do I get the data back out of this structure please?  I dont 
understand all the colons in it.
If you use integers and words as your indexâÊyou don't have colon, 
like in:


If you have a variable with the index, you need the colon to get 
the value of the variable, else REBOL will see it as a word, like 

idx1: 2
idx2: 35
I can't get it to work. 
>> data/1/2/vlan: 3
** Script Error: Cannot use path on none! value
** Near: data/1/2/vlan: 3
I tried to create a data structure like this

i2: [[vlan []][disabled []][name []]]

i1: [[i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2][i2]]

but when I try to use the structure I get
data/1/3/vlan: 3
** Script Error: Cannot use path on none! value
** Near: data/1/3/vlan: 3

Have I just made a typo?  or am I barking up the wrong tree?
in the above, you're expecting 20 - 30 copies of i2, but you're going 
to get all of them exactly the same ....
I did not follow exactly your intentions,
am I correct, you want to get a structure with 4 qualities?

Then why you do not add for every line you are parsing your 4 elements:
either with 
append data reduce [port disabled vlan name]
or with
append/only data reduce  [port disabled vlan name]
then you would need a different structure
with flat 13 * 48 elements first
and you would get 13 * 48 lines output
maybe I still do not get what you want to do.(
I heard about Rebol because of parse, & it seems right to learn about 
it.  I am stll very much a noob & appreciate the intensive help I 
get here very much.

I think the only way I could have got more help would have been to 
use a cute girls name as my login. ;-)
mhinson, for your next scripts, maybe you should work a bit more 
on things that are completely unrelated to parse. it helps to get 
away from it a while and then get back to it later.
Thanks for point this out, I see it is very important.

I will try to use your new function passing once I get it working 
in a basic form.  Thanks.
every single day (and often a few times that day):

- I open up a rebol console from quick-launch bar in windows (taking 
about 0.1 sec to appear)
- type help 'some-func 
- test the 'some-func with some-data I'm using. 
- close the console.  

overall it takes about a few seconds, to do a unit test of something 
I'm adding.
 no bloat,  no dangling window.

python offers something similar... but:
- python takes anywhere from 3-10 secs on load.  

- then you have to know in what lib the most basic function is (alread 
half as usefull) 
- the console itself is really bad, 
- previous commands browsing is really stupid

- having to type so much more code to get the simplest function test 
going is a pain
- in the end, its a non-feature.
I was just pointing out that rebol is sooo fast to launch that you 
can close it and its not a pain... I easily get up to 10-15 windows 
open at a time, and when you've got half of them as rebol consoles, 
its easier not to guess which one is the help window  :-)
Oh, wait until we get going on the modularization - then you'll really 
see things getting removed :)
I really need to get my R3 chat setup... I'm fearing loosing to much 
time if I start chatting there...
I get a 404 on that link at rebol.org
That's about as fundamental you can get. Now, a more complex layout 
consists of many faces and this works by grouping them in a tree 
of objects.

In the FACE object, there is an entry called PARENT-FACE, which is 
how faces are grouped together in a tree. PARENT-FACE can be another 
face object or a block of face objects.

This is fundamentally how a typical View layout works, and you can 
build a layout like this by hand, by creating each face, setting 
position and size, color, text, etc. for each face, and put them 
together in a tree and display them with View.
It seems too complex to get started... the examples seem to jump 
from childishly simple, right to very hard, with no middle ground.
this is simple, with gfx and goes over everything, just to get you 
going... Its the only docs we had for years!
Hi, I have read the recomended http://www.rebol.com/docs/view-guide.html
 so I have an idea of some of the stuff to expect from VID, but as 
soon as I try to do anything not explicity shown in that document 
I find my understanding is really very thin & flimsy. This is an 
example of me failing to get the results I expected. Perhaps there 
is just one basic step I have omitted that is messing everything 
else up?  Any tips would be welcome & appreciated, but dont miss 
a Sunday snooze on my account please :-)
mmm: layout [

 space 0x0         ;; thought this would make items touch each other. 
 dosnt work?
	my-sldr1: slider 300x10 [print "1 clicked"]  ; ok
	my-sldr2: slider 300x10 [print "2 clicked"]  ; ok

 space 1x1         ;; thought this would make items 1 pixel further 
 apart. dosnt work
	my-sldr3: slider 300x10 [print "3 clicked"]  ; ok
	name1: text "Inital text" 100x30             ; ok

 button "Change text" [name1/text: "Text now changed"  show name1] 
  ; ok

 button "Cente" [my-sldr2/size: 100x40 show mmm]  ;; this breaks, 
 but does make a change

 my-sldr1/step: 25             ;; imagined this did soemthing, but 
 cant see or guess what, seems to break the lat button

    my-sldr3/edge/color: blue     ;; this works but also applies its 
    self to the last button
	my-sldr3/dragger/color: red   ;; doesnt seem to work 

view mmm   ;; ok

? mmm      ;; shows components of object, reference for what they 
all mean is not available
? my-sldr1 ;; again guessing what they do is frustrating 

probe my-sldr1 ;; I know what the parts are but cant guess which 
ones work or what they do.
I am using it for my ssh-tool, which will be online within a few 
days (once I get my web server fully operational).
how do I get to the r3 console please?  I just get a dos type box 
with a >> prompt.
Group: Rebol School ... Rebol School [web-public]
Ok, I get the if x is modified it won't change the original,

What I don't get is that and empty block [ ] is just empty.  It is 
not like a word or anything is it?

Yes, i did see the performance numbers.  that is good to see!
I think I understand now Brian,

In terms of just initializing a value, both of these are only done 
once, then they are essentially the same,

But if at any time you eval X or Y a second time, then you get different 

Thank you for explaining it to me!
Effectively, you are making x the _same_ as the string "a" so when 
one changes, they "both" do. as Henrik says, you want to initialise 
x to the _value_ of the string "a" instead.

It may be clearer like this
     A: copy "a"
    loop 10 [

        x: A    ;; x is the _same_ as A ... you want [x: copy A] to get its 
        value instead 
        append x "b"
>> loop 10 [x: "a" append x "b"]

And yet, if I repeat the exact same comand 10 times, I do NOT get 
the same result

x: "a" append x "b"
x: "a" append x "b"
you need to pass the values to map because the formula block only 
contains tag! which basically are strings (tags have no context, 
nor values).
if instead you use get-words as tags, you don't need to.

my-compose: func [code [block!] /local pos][
	parse code rule: [
		any [
			  to get-word! pos: (pos/1: get pos/1) skip 		    	
			| to any-block! into rule

>>x: 1
>>y: 2
>>z: 3
>>my-compose [print :x + (:y + :z)]
==[print 1 + (2 + 3)]

my-compose: func [code [block!] /local pos][
	parse code rule: [
		any [
			  pos: get-word! (pos/1: get pos/1)
			| into rule
			| skip
Steeve thanks, now it is much more clear.

I'll use the get-word type as you suggest. (I have to change a bit 
my dialect, but it's not a problem)
And even if all functions get definitionally scoped RETURN/EXIT, 
they wouldn't become keywords at all.
Just for fun (it's a slow sunday today) I've wrote a rebol version 
of the code used as benchmark in this page http://tinyurl.com/5nezt9

here's the code:


person: make object! [
	_count: none
	_prev: none
	_next: none
	_construct: func [n] [_count: n]
	get-prev: does [_prev]
	set-prev: func [pr] [_prev: pr]
	get-next: does [_next]
	set-next: func [nxt] [_next: nxt]
	shout: func [shout nth /local aux] [
		if shout < nth [
			return shout + 1
		aux: get-prev aux/set-next get-next
		aux: get-next aux/set-prev get-prev

chain: make object! [
	_first: none
	_last: none
	_construct: func [size /local current] [
		repeat i size [
			current: make person []
			current/_construct i
			if none? _first [_first: current]
			if not none? _last [
				_last/set-next current
				current/set-prev _last 
			_last: current
		_first/set-prev _last
		_last/set-next _first
	kill: func [nth /local current shout] [
		current: _first
		shout: 1
		while [not equal? current current/get-next] [
			shout: current/shout shout nth
			current: current/get-next
		_first: current		

start: now/precise
iter: 100000
loop iter [
	current-chain: make chain []
	current-chain/_construct 40
	current-chain/kill 3

print ["Time per iteration =" (difference now/precise start) / iter 

which give me:
Time per iteration = 0:00:00.00080234

802 microsecond that is the slower time of the benchmark, 

but not SO slow, php is near with 593 microsecond, jython 632 ... 
.(the test system is pretty like mine so i can compare the result)

There's a way to improve the performance?
get-prev: does [_prev]
set-prev: func [pr] [_prev: pr]
get-next: does [_next]
set-next: func [nxt] [_next: nxt]

These will also slow things down. I'm not sure if you can get rid 
of them.
And that REMOLD should be using get/any 'value instead of :value 
- an R3-ism that crept into the code.
is get/any 'value faster?
In R3 :value supports that - it means GET/any instead of GET.
Weird one :)

remold: func [x /all /flat /only][

 do head remove-each ref next copy 'mold/all/flat/only [not get in 
 bind? 'x ref] reduce x
Jeez , I don't need of the bind stuff...

remoldx: func [x /all /flat /only][

 do probe remove-each ref copy 'mold/all/flat/only [not get ref] reduce 
aha.. you get set-net not provided also... maybe you call set-user-name 
also in user.r and that produces the error
I' m probably doing something wrong, when I use a color of none I 
get a gray backdrop not a transparent one. I'm trying to answer one 
of RebolTutorials questions. 

Here's the code:

I' m probably doing something wrong, when I use a color of none I 
get a gray backdrop not a transparent one. I'm trying to answer one 
of RebolTutorials questions. 

Here's the code:

>> b-t: layout [
[    backdrop [color: none]
[    text "line 1" red
[    text "line 2" blue
[    ]
>> y-b: layout [
[    b-b: box white 728x90 effect [gradient 0x1 sky]
[    ]
>> b-t/offset: 0x0
== 0x0
>> b-b/pane: b-t
>> view y-b
Thanks for pointing that out Anton. I a real beginner when it comes 
to view.

When I added with I didn't get a transparent face but I did when 
I triued Steeve's suggestion to set the color of the face to none.
That was quick! Yet still don't get the 'range' part. I do understand 
the copy/part a 2, and the second copy/part next a 2. Maybe I don't 
understand how to interpret the API docs?
I think I get it. I find this a misnomer. It is not a range, it should 
be "ending position". It is a range because the starting position 
is implied. (?).
yes, the big disadvantage is that once you get used to REBOL, most 
other languages become painful to work with.
Chris, That is a good idea, for the quick and dirty, but I am having 
an issue with WHAT

WHAT has what is supposed to be an optional field for module name 
that follows it.  But if I do this:

	echo %tmp.txt
	echo none

This is processed as if it was this:

	echo %tmp.txt

 what echo               <--- echo becomes the passed parameter into 

How do I get around that other than specifying a dummy field?  Try 

	echo %tmp.txt

 halt		<--- halt will NOT be executed since it is pulled into the 
 WHAT function!!
	echo none
Hey, this worked!

first transcode/next read %tmp.txt

!        <-- which is the first function name in my temporary file

Now, how do I get the first literal for each line???  Parse??
Here is the completed script to get only Function names (nothing 
else) in a file:

echo %tmp.txt 
what () 
echo none 
funct-block: read/lines %tmp.txt

funct-names: map-each x funct-block [to-word parse x [return to " 
write/lines %Funct.txt funct-names
WHAT gets its words from the system/contexts/exports object. MAP-EACH 
takes a block, so the object is converted to a block. The :v is equivalent 
to GET/any 'v in R3. The () in the second EITHER block is to generate 
an unset! value, which will cause MAP-EACH to not add a value to 
the block for that round. And SORT sorts words in R3.
Hi Brian,  Man, do you ever sleep -- you were up late last night, 
or are you somewhere around the globe?  Yes the Decode did work when 
I did this:

html-blk: decode 'markup to-binary read http://www.rebol.com/docs/reference.html

Is there an easy way to parse out the html stuff and get ONLY the 
text parts?
Got a simple question:

I defined a function called pref.  Its purpose is to simply print 
a precise time and value (which could be one of several values), 
but it is not doing what I expect:

pref:	func [value][print [now/time/precise "-->" value]]

pref	["Your current directory is" what-dir]    ; <-- wanted hh:mm:ss:xxx 
--> Your current directory is ...

but instead I got this:   15:04:43.968 --> Your current directory 
is what-dir

the function did evaluate the now/time/precise correctly, but did 
not evaluate the what-dir.  What can I do to get it to resolve all 
passed variables?
In R3, reference types are the types that aren't in the immediate! 
typeset (which is just documentation):
>> print mold immediate!

make typeset! [none! logic! integer! decimal! percent! money! char! 
pair! tuple!

 time! date! datatype! typeset! word! set-word! get-word! lit-word! 
issue! event!]
well guys i have to say the community works and i am pleasntly impressed.I 
am checking the libraries now and trying to get the script to work 
since i am getting  ** Access Error: Cannot open /C/users/alemar/download/test.r
** Where: halt-view

** Near: do %/C/users/alemar/download/test.r                     
                   i will figure it out eventually and i can get 
to real programing in this langueage** Access Error: Cannot open 
** Where: halt-view

** Near: do %/C/users/alemar/download/test.r** Access Error: Cannot 
open /C/users/alemar/download/test.r
** Where: halt-view
** Near: do %/C/users/alemar/download/test.r
After each typed character, I do get the console to print each one 
out, but then I seem to loose the end value when I hit enter
Any ideas on how to get my end value in R2?
Is it possible to get the value of variable number of occurences 
while parsing block?
Is there a way I can get all three strings? Thank you very much!
Is it possible to get the current context name in Rebol?

I'm trying to write a log function (write log data to file, like 
nlog or log4net in .net world), surely it will be nice if I could 
also write the current function being logged.

log: func [to-log] [write/append/lines %log.txt reform [now current-context/parent-context/name 
plus: func [a b] [log reform ["adding" a "to" b] a + b]
>> plus 1 1
== 2
>> read %log.txt
== "14-Feb-2011/23:35:04+7:00 plus adding 1 to 1^/"

What I'm asking if whether such a thing like current-context and 
it's parent context exist, and how to get them. Thanks!
You can, sort of, by cheating and generating an error.....The error 
object usually contains the current context name, but not the parent's
     plus: func [a b /local name][
        name:  get in disarm try [0 / 0 ] 'where   ;; cheat
        print name

        log reform ["adding" a "to" b "in" name]  ;; and add name explicitly 
        to log function call
        a + b
You can get the name of the word that the function was called through 
in the current call stack. This isn't *the* name of the function, 
but it's *a* name of the function. Note: "pity it can't be made into 
a function  :-)" This is because if you put that trick in a function, 
then *that* function is the function that will be referenced.
VID question (R2): Is it possible to get the cursor position in the 
scroll-line event? I wanted to use the scroll to zoom in (like in 
google maps), and to zoom in to the right area, I needed the cursor 
position. Thanks for the help.
You can get cursor position using CARET-TO-OFFSET
yes, you need to hack the event engine a little bit.   

As gregg says, you need to have a memory of the last move event to 
get its position  and store it (you can do this with an event-handler). 
 glayout and GLASS do this for handling scrollwheel events.

what I also do is find the top-level face which is under the mouse-cursor 
and fire off my own events from the scroll-wheel instead of relying 
on a text field.

again, you can trap the scroll-wheel events in the event handler.

if you want to have a ready-made solution, download glayout.r from 
rebol.org  and look at the hacked WAKE-EVENT function.

it already does all of this and wraps it up by adding new function 
you can add to your face/feel  object in order to handle scroll-wheels.
Is there a way to to get the time in a datetime value without using 
>> d: now
>> d/time
== 12:09:58

Is there something like select d 'time OR pick d 'time ? Thanks.
I don't understand it, from 'probe', it seems like it already returned 
1.0, why arcosine/radians still get > 1.0
If I got it correctly, using struct, we get access to the internal 
representation of decimal in R2. Then the third value in the struct 
is the number behind the comma, and we divide it into two section 
using struct! i, which will then reveals the last number. Hope I 
get it right.
but I know there are more prominent things to change/fix (if any 
will get fixed at all) that I don't realistically expect anything 
changed about this in near future (but that sql dialect would be 
much cooler if it werent for , exception)
because of all this factor programmers developed various nice conventions 
where they use ! >> to better show what is going on: like int->string 
 or words that get values out of tupple (object)   person name>> 
.. etc (it's been more than a year since I did anything in factor, 
rebol replaced it)
yes, it's good to know and it is true that rebol can be very fastly 
typed when you get into zone (although I don't have US kyb layout)
A delimiter is "used to specify the boundary between separate, independent 
regions in plain text or other data streams". That means, that when 
using e.g.


, and using the #"," as a delimiter, we get just two words a and 
b, the #"," being used only as a delimiter separating the words, 
not having any additional meaning.

As opposed to that, the | word in the Parse dialect is interpreted 
as the "choice operator".
No, if you write


you get just one word, i.e. the #|" character is not used as a delimiter 
at all
My understanding is that our last discussion was that you say it's 
a different game because "," is a delimiter and "|" is an operator, 
I say I don't see mayor difference... who f* cares .. you think your 
way and I'll think my way. I just work on hayfield for 2 hours and 
this "," issue is the smallest of things I care about. Even if I 
limit on Rebol it's unimportant. Especially in the light that R3 
(which fixes tons of issues I have with rebol) might not ever materialize 
for all I know.

I respect you, you wrote closure (and a bunch of other wizard level 
stuff) for R2 which I am ***very*** happy I can use, and I still 
hope I will get your Bindology when I get time to read it. Let's 
move on.

Same for Gabriel. But if you will keep writing why "," must be forbidden 
and I will see (what are in my oppinion) flaws in your reasoning, 
I will reply with my counterpoints. If I have time.
I can do string parsing in any language with getchar() while()
 - oh well, but PARSE is no getchar(). :-)

You guys make it sound like block parsing is an order of magnitude 
easier than string parsing. Actually, it's the same, if you can get 
block parsing to work, you can definitely get string parsing to work 
as well. The level of difficulty is exactly the same. (Actually... 
I think I could write a translator from a block parsing rule to a 
string parsing one.)
Henrik, my problem is that is see block and string parsing as equally 
difficult, especially for newbies that have probably never heard 
of the concept, and that have no experience in designing languages, 
BNF rules and grammar parsers. if you can get block parsing to work, 
then you figured out the hard part already, and can get string parsing 
to work with only minor extra effort.

String parsing may be hard, but so is block parsing.
No, I don't lose the ability. I just get a much better impression 
of it. It doesn't matter how it's connected, but if you know how, 
it's much easier to figure out the rest.
This was a great discussion on an important topic. When I look at 
the participant's names and think, man, if you guys think it's hard, 
just think what it is for the regular person. :-) Last week I wrote 
a simple x-10 dialect and used the info from reboltutorial to get 
me started and I often go back to www.codeconscious.com/rebol/parse-tutorial.html 
 for Brett's "sort of" parse tutorial. But you're right, to get answers 
to "why" something doesn't work would be helpful. It may seem obvious 
to Ladislav, but my friend I know you are a genius. I remember your 
presentation at the first devcon and wondering, "What in the world 
did that guy say?"
and be aware I'm not this noob around I' m a ten year contributor 
 of rebol bringing stuff I was the only one to bring  sone how I 
managed to get myself  helped this has to be acknoleged liek the 
fact that now  in day the only rebol dicionary in french is due  
to me
Marco, that is problematic, as copying face objects may destroy certain 
bindings in a face, essentially causing faces to be "entangled", 
some functions work only with the old face and some only with the 
new face. It depends on the style and how it was written. Memory, 
speed and complexity of the operation gets worse, the bigger the 

It's easier to just generate the face once, store the values and 
use GET-FACE and SET-FACE on the layout.
store the values and use GET-FACE and SET-FACE

 - more accurately, "store and retrieve the values using GET-FACE 
 and SET-FACE".
who cares henrik get face set face who cares there is no r3gui
Marco, the one thing that VID then doesn't do so well is allow groups 
of faces to be SET-FACEd and GET-FACEd easily, which is probably 
what scared you. The VID Extension Kit solves this by allowing these 
functions to work on entire layouts.
worst when I gently take on my free time to give some advice as a 
professional that get  7K euros every month to do websites in php 
javascript c /C++/java/.net  since more thamn 20 years  .. I'm just 
ignored liek you can see henriok ignores me hoping my rage wares 
off on its own to resume it's futile routine
I can't beleive rebol get such a pathetic endign
and trust me I'm teared  ... I stupidly love rebol and all the things 
rebol tryed to  create ---  but I like nenad's guts to get ride of 
your doing the same thing .... cause that was you really deserve
Marco, my response to you seems to have scrolled away. Did you get 
What does a misplaced item error mean? I get it when I try to read 
a file like so:

lines: read/lines %file.txt
todun - a little bit more dynamic version of counter:

counter: func ['var add-value][if not value? var [set var 0] set 
var (get var) + add-value]

counter x 10   ; --- x does not have to exist, and if is inicialised 
and set to 0
@Geomol, when I run the script with the DO include, I get the following:
Note: In R2, if you use the old-style reflectors to get at the spec 
then you can replicate the R3 weirdness because it returns a reference 
to the original spec. The SPEC-OF reflector is much safer, even in 
R2, because it returns a deep copy instead. Have I mentioned lately 
just how bad it is to use the R2-style ordinal reflectors instead 
of the R3 style *-OF reflectors?
HELP uses WORDS-OF to show the arguments at the top, but uses SPEC-OF 
to get the detailed argument help below. The spec returned by SPEC-OF 
doesn't have any effect on the execution of the function - it's just 
The inconsistency between R2 and R3 is because R3's reflection model 
was changed to be more secure, and easier to sandbox. In R3 you can't 
get a reference to the real spec and body of a function after the 
function is created, at least from non-native, non-debug code. That 
is why the hack above required saving a reference to the spec from 
before the function was created; if you don't do that, you won't 
be able to get at the spec or body afterwards if your security settings 
are set to the defaults (and turned on - that's another story).
The inconsistency between R2's and R3's spec and body copying behavior 
during MAKE function! was an efficiency issue. The startup code of 
R3 uses a non-copying version of FUNC, and this speeds up startup 
quite a bit. However, the function builder mezzanines copy the spec 
and body, moving the copying behavior from the MAKE action to the 
mezzanine code - it's still about as fast because the actual copying 
is done by the same native code. As a side benefit, we get a bit 
more flexibility when we need it, especially when you don't leak 
references to the original spec and body that were passed to the 
MAKE action. MAKE module! does the same non-copying behavior for 
the same reason, though MODULE doesn't make a copy because the body 
is generally even bigger, and is not saved at all in the constructed 
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