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Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
Comment [] is the word comment followed by a block in REBOL. It works 
because the block doesn't get evalutated.
In any case, a block works in Red/System, so it doesn't get compiled
so what to add to be able to click on something and get a calback 
I've managed to get most of it built, but I don't have much running 
yet. It's certain that I can eventually get it to work on my Linux, 
but I'm not sure yet it will succeed on Syllable Desktop
how big is actually enlightenment (the parts you need to use, to 
get a GUI and app done using it)?
Yes, as I said, I have it running on X. As far as I can see: it could 
also be using the SDL backend, which I'm trying to get to work
(`xwd -out shot.xwd -root -display :0.0` should get you a screenshot. 
Or `import -window root shot.png`, if you have imagemagick.)
Yes, there is no Red code yet, and I will only write any if I get 
it to work on Syllable Desktop
I haven't had time for it yet, but I'll get to it
Do they come with C libraries that you need to install to get these 
So that's what Kaj looks like! Kaj, you have a very kind face. :-) 
 It is an excellent quality video as well. Of course I have very 
little idea of what you are saying but once you get to the code, 
it's familiar. Thanks Bas for posting this.
I am patient, it's just that after the experience with RT, I fear 
you might get lost somewhere between the lines of the source code 
Maarten: yes, but they are two show-stoppers for that, firstly you 
need to be based in USA, secondly you need to get a big enough user 
That i also why some of us are trying to get some modest programming 
work to contribute directly in the right place.
@Graham and others: I should have wrote you earlier about what I 
am currently doing instead of leaving you with no info, sorry for 
that, I was very busy these last weeks, with both real life events 
(good ones ;-)) and a new customer from which I accepted a short-term 
job to help pay the bills. The contributions I've received so far 
*are* helpful and I can't thank enough all the people that made donations! 
But their are not enough to cover all my expenses here, if I could 
get 3-4 times more from donations, that would be perfect, but as 
long as the userbase won't be larger I think that it won't be  possible.

So I've accepted a short contract (til end of june) to build a trading 
bot generator with a visual editor (GUI in View) that emits MQ4 language 
source code for feeding the Metatrader4 application. Of course, I'm 
building it in REBOL (Red not ready yet for that). The plan was to 
work part-time on it and part-time on Red, but these last two weeks 
I had to work almost only on that project. I still have a few days 
of intensive work on it, then I'll switch to part-time.

I have quite a lot of code to commit (the Red compiler), but I'll 
wait to finish first the internal modifications in Red/System (to 
ease the integration with Red) before publishing it.
The last info was that there are still bugs remaining in Red on ARM 
to get the bindings working, so that's probably the problem with 
All I know is that you didn't get cURL and GTK working on ARM Debian
Can't wait, when we get to that level in RED .....
Unfortunately yes, but it should end in about ten days, so I could 
finally get back to the interesting stuff. I'm becoming an MQL4 language 
expert now, and I really don't like that (even if it can make me 
see some interesting niche opportunities for a Red dialect). ;-)
How can I get address of c-string! variable?
another question :) how to get pointer to integer! ? as byte-ptr! 
converts the value and doesn't return address.
The get-word! syntax for integer! variables hasn't been implemented 
yet. So currently, the only way (AFAIR) is to wrap your integer! 
in a struct! (as you would do in REBOL).
If I create struct! inside function and return pointer to that struct 
(as I cannot return struct), how can I get the struct from that pointer?
If I run this code

s: declare struct! [
	f [float!]
s/f: 12345678.9
p: as byte-ptr! s
v: p/value
w: 256 * as integer! p/value
x: 256 * as integer! v
print [x ".." w]

I get  this result: 52480..4194304

Why the difference? Shouldn't W and X be same as V is same as P/VALUE?
If you don't get the memory from the operating system
In Linux, on your original code, I get:
With your latest version I get *** Runtime Error 11: float stack 
check (on windows).
Just an update, I just tried latest Kaj's code on Ubuntu under VirtualBox 
and I get *** Runtime Error 9: float invalid operation
Can anybody check this code? https://gist.github.com/3135678

It's not a bug, but I wonder why the obviously more complex sine-osc 
is cca 50% faster than square-osc. These are the results I get on 
my machine:

sine-osc time:  1068
square-osc time:  1790
I've pushed the enhanced get-word syntax support, so it's now possible 
to get a pointer on integer!, byte!, float! and float32! variables 
(without having to wrap them in a struct!). For example:

	s: declare int-ptr!
	a: 123
	s: :a
	print s/value		;-- will output 123

I will add the ARM backend support for that and update the documentation 
But in short - Red is going to be compiled language, and it will 
probably get some kind of JIT too, to allow interactive stuff like 
console. Red language compiles down to Red/System, which is kind 
of VM for it. In fact, it is REBOL-like low level wrapper to C, allowing 
some bindings. Red/System apps recently run even on ARM, eg I am 
able to run it on my HTC Sensation. But that's raw ARM Linux, no 
Android API linking yet ....
I've just pushed a fix for your issue. I know correctly get the TRUE 
block being executed when it should.
Please take some time to give good thought about this kind of things 
and specifying in more detail what is needed, so other people get 
a chance to help out with doing a little programming for Red (/system). 
While not everybody is a topgun like yourself, there is a lot of 
legwork that could be taken out of your hands.
We'll get two great languages for the price of one, and one is already 
`system/words` virtual path support was added in today's commits, 
to be able to get/set a global variable or call a function from within 
namespaces with conflicting local names.


    e: 123
    a: context [
        e: -1
        print-line e
        print-line system/words/e
        system/words/e: 0
    print-line e

will output:
Where do you get that integer64 value from?
I actually had to do something like that once, a configuration file 
contained a bunch of strings in english and they needed them in spanish 
but weren't willing to actually get someone to translate them. So.. 
I used Google Translate.
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
I can rebuild the working.
   is there a word missing there?  not sure I get it.
My REBOL book has started forward sale today here http://product.dangdang.com/product.aspx?product_id=22807051
. The first 1'000 readers will get the book before the end of July.
sigh... it took this long to get to this point
Hi, I have added two scripts today on rebol.org. one is how I plan 
using the mysql driver from Nenad, the other one is reproducing the 
php script on http://www.alistapart.com/articles/succeed/to get 
well formed URL/URI 's and get rid of the ?id=99&stuff='idea' kind 
of links. 

It is not yet really finished for I haven't tested/thought about 
how this works with requesting the indexfile in subdirectories. Also 
if there are ideas how to store and reproduce articles from a database 
using one two or more keywords feel free to put them up.
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
This tool lets you visualize information by specifying how a value 
is mapped to a visually recognizable property like color, font, font-size, 
line width, etc.

You get a complete interactive editor to make such models. Immediate 
visual feedback is the major goal of our tool.

You can mix data from different sources to visualize multi-dimensional 
information. Here is an example of such a model:
Congratulations Jerry! I think Carl should get back to R3 at least 
just because of your book. Maybe you should try to send him an email 
about that?
Look forward to (an English!) version of your book Jerry!
Can Carl really be persuaded to get back to R3? Please?? :)
Congratulation Jerry, I'll do my best to get a first Red alpha out 
this month, so you can add it to the book.
Group: Rebol School ... REBOL School [web-public]
try to listen to the same port... you will get an error that the 
port is already opened.
Hi guys, anyone have a library in Rebol to get Amazon Records passing 
a keyword and sorted by daterank?
I have the SDK (full encryption strength) and I've been playing with 
the rijndael encryption algorithm. I cut and pasted the code below 
from http://www.rebol.com/how-to/encrypt.htmland it produces 256 
as the port strength despite the strength being stated as 512. Is 
it 256 or 512? The web page says Rebol can provide 512 with rijndael. 
Can it?

port: open [
    scheme: 'crypt
    direction: 'encrypt
    key: akey
    strength: 512
    algorithm: 'rijndael
    padding: true
print port/strength

When I switch the algorithm to blowfish I get the expected 512 port 
strength. Is blowfish actually 512?

I need to know what level of encryption I am working with. TIA.
fact1: 'a
get-prop: func [o][either object? o [first next second o][o]]

blk: [greater? to-decimal get-prop do bind reduce [fact1] obj num1]objs: 
This is the same thing without the need of the blk code:

foreach obj objs [
	if num1 < get-prop obj/:fact1 [print obj/a]]
small mistake, missed the to-decimal.

foreach obj objs [
	if num1 < get-prop to-decimal obj/:fact1 [print obj/a]]

foreach obj objs [
	if num1 < to-decimal get-prop obj/:fact1 [print obj/a]]
caelum, take a look at the style code. the colors are likely embedded 
in it:

>> get in get-style 'led 'colors
== [0.255.0 255.0.0]

Then something like this:

stylize [
	led: led with [colors: [<your colors here>]]
You're ramping up fast sujoy. Most people don't get to using BIND 
for a long time. :-)

I think the number of options are limited enough that you could get 
pretty far, but a custom system would be great. If you could template-ize 
things, users could submit their templates for others to use, or 
to be integrated into the default system.
parse-int-values: func [

    "Parses and returns integer values, each <n> chars long in a string."
    input [any-string!]

    spec [block!] "Dialected block of commands: <n>, skip <n>, done, 
    char, or string"
        gen'd-rules ; generated rules
        result      ; what we return to the caller

        emit emit-data-rule emit-skip-rule emit-literal-rule emit-data
        digit= n= literal=
        int-rule= skip-rule= literal-rule= done= build-rule=
        data-rule skip-rule

    ; This is where we put the rules we build; our gernated parse rules.
    gen'd-rules: copy []
    ; This is where we put the integer results
    result: copy []

    ; helper functions

    emit: func [rule n] [append gen'd-rules replace copy rule 'n n]
    emit-data-rule: func [n] [emit data-rule n]
    emit-skip-rule: func [n] [emit skip-rule n]
    emit-literal-rule: func [value] [append gen'd-rules value]
    emit-data: does [append result to integer! =chars]

    ; Rule templates; used to generate rules

    ;data-rule: [copy =chars n digit= (append result to integer! =chars)]
    data-rule: [copy =chars n digit= (emit-data)]
    skip-rule: [n skip]

    ; helper parse rules
	digit=: charset [#"0" - #"9"]
    n=: [set n integer!]
    literal=: [set lit-val [char! | any-string!]]

    ; Rule generation helper parse rules
    int-rule=: [n= (emit-data-rule n)]
    skip-rule=: ['skip n= (emit-skip-rule n)]
    literal-rule=: [literal= (emit-literal-rule lit-val)]
    done=: ['done (append gen'd-rules [to end])]

    ; This generates the parse rules used against the input

    build-rule=: [some [skip-rule= | int-rule= | literal-rule=] opt done=]

    ; We parse the spec they give us, and use that to generate the

    ; parse rules used against the actual input. If the spec parse

    ; fails, we return none (maybe we should throw an error though);

    ; if the data parse fails, we return false; otherwise they get
    ; back a block of integers. Have to decide what to do if they
    ; give us negative numbers as well.
    either parse spec build-rule= [
        either parse input gen'd-rules [result] [false]
    ] [none]
wrt mod-api... yes, and no, I was temporarily assigned to another 
project, but should get back to it tomorow, so I hope to have a release 
next week.
This might help you get started:

>> d: open/direct/lines %system-use-case-list.html
>> ln-d: length? ln: first d
== 6
>> ln+nl: read/binary/part %system-use-case-list.html ln-d + 2
== #{3C68746D6C3E0D0A}
Just make sure you never get paid per line of code
NOW returns current datetime and GMT. If I changed my GMT settings 
REBOL doesn't reflect the new settings.

Is there anything I can do to get new GMT settings? Otherwise long-running 
tasks cannot get the correct GMT. Any idea?
If you are running your app on a system that might switch time zones, 
it's best to keep track of time internally in the UTC zone (+0:00). 
This is a little different for R3 and R2.

R3: Use now/utc to get the UTC version of a datetime, or for a stored 
datetime d use d/utc. It does the math for you.

R2: Whenever you get the time, subtract the zone offset from the 
datetime, like this:
>> d: now
== 8-May-2012/11:36:01-5:00
>> d: d - d/zone
== 8-May-2012/16:36:01-5:00
>> d/zone: none
== none
>> d
== 8-May-2012/16:36:01
Thank you BrianH.

My question is, REBOL process (console or encapped app.) doesn't 
automatically detect of the time zone settings change of the PC.
>> now/zone
== 3:00

>> ;I changed my local time zone to +2 GMT or it changed automatically
>> now/zone
== 3:00

Is there a way to "refresh" zone in NOW, without closing and reopening 
the app.

Let's say I get the Windows time zone using a Win32 API. Then something 
>> now/zone: 2:00
== 2:00
>> now
== 8-May-2012/23:45:16+3:00 ;doesn't work
Hi, I need again your help:
I have an invalid image in my database.
I update images inside my window and I use this code:

	if not error? [to-image load news/immagine] [
		immagine/image: to-image load news/immagine

I have tried this code too:

	if not error? [picture: to-image load news/immagine] [
		immagine/image: to-image load news/immagine
However I get the following error:

Script Error: Invalid argument: make image! [170x78 #{
** Where: to-image
** Near: to image! :value

The error is generated from the block following the IF

Why I am not able to catch the wrong image ?
Now I have another problem: I have a "description" text field I get 
from internet and it is "untagged".  The field is very long.

When I update the field with an empty string in VID I get strange 
You can do this by adding the buttons to a panel and update the contents 
of this panel.

view/new layout [p: panel 500x500 []] ; start with an empty panel. 
note that VID does not support scrolling panels out-of-the-box. For 
this you need the VID Extension Kit.

append p/pane make get-style 'button [] ; you will need to adjust 
for offset here, otherwise the new phase will be placed on top of 
the old one.

do in last p/pane 'init ; you will need to initialize the face, which 
is the FACE/INIT block that resides in the face style definition. 
once the init block has been run, the face will set itself up and 
then you can show it

show p

This is just a simple version of what can be done.

To clear it again:

clear p
show p

If you want to do more than this, I think you need to use the VID 
Extension Kit, because you will be spending a lot of time managing 
scrollbars and panels. It has styles that are meant for this purpose.
Thank you all for addressing my concerns and for your answers about 
my first coding question.

Ahh.. rejoin. Reading up on it makes me better understand how some 
things are to be done in Rebol.

 Continuing to the final goal...

I have to extract an email address from a GET transfer. The methoed 
of sending the info to me is completely out of my control. An email 
address will be entered into a form on a website not controled by 
me. GET methoed will send the data to my script. The people who created 
the form on the external site advised that they label the email address 
as "trnEmailAddress".

 So now I want to see if I am correct in thinking how to extract and 
 use the email address. Will using the decode a cgi form command (I 
 know they are not commands in the tradiational sense)  work. How 
 does it work, does it create variables out of the GET (or Post when 
 using Post, but I am forced to recieve the info via GET) stream?

The GET stream in my case will include "&trnEmailAddress=person%40example%2Ecom. 
So can I do this?

decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string

send trnEmailAddress "Thank you. Rest of message." 

Thanks for your help.
Sunanda: Thanks again for issuing the World invitation. Everyone 
thanks for the continuing help.

I have read the cited document, but it just leaves me with more questions.

Is the following literal?

cgi-string: read-cgi
cgi-block: decode-cgi cgi-string
cgi-obj: make object! cgi-block 

 That is to say should I type exactly that? Or is cgi-string for example 
 a theoretical variable assignment that I could call anything? Are 
 they all proper commands, or is any part of that just for example 
 purposes?  I am thinking I should copy and paste it verbatium. I 
 am also thinking I mispelt verbatum.

 I am stuck with GET. Does this mean I can leave out some code that 
 makes up for  not knowing if the original data is POST vs GET? These 
 are hypothetical questions for better long term learning. I for now 
 will go with the idea that everything is as straight fowarrd as it 
 seems. I know that my GET stream will have "trnEmailAddress" in it 
 which is a field that will contains an email address.

 So will the following  generate a random number, extract the address 
 and email the same random number to that email address?

token: random/seed now/percise

cgi-string: read-cgi
cgi-block: decode-cgi cgi-string
cgi-obj: make object! cgi-block 

send trnEmailAddress rejoin [ "Thank you. Your number is" token "." 

 Graham: Thank you for the extra info on GUID, but Windows is not 
 involved here. I realize that random number generating really isn't 
 unless you have a monkey throwing darts at a numbered board. Regardless 
 extra effort to 
make a number unique is useful and your advice appreciated. 

 I do not think the corner cases will come up and the people who control 
 the original form assured me that web page issues warnings if the 
 form is not filled out correct which should help. I do realize that 
 people are idiots, systems are not fool proof, etc. What I am saying 
 is my basic needs are basic and I should be OK so I am not fretting 
 over those examples. It is great though to know the solutions are 
 out there when I need them.

Yes, the names of the words are arbitrary. -- you can chose your 
own names.

Whether the data came in via GET or POST makes no difference if you 
issue the READ-CGI just once.

If the CGI string was yadda.com?email=[me-:-test-:-com]&token=0
then the cgi-obj will look like this:
    make object! [
    email: "[me-:-test-:-com]"
    token: "0"

Note the values are strings, so you need to convert the email value 
to an email! datatype:

  send to-email cgi-obj/email rejoin [ "Thank you. Your number is" 
  cgi-obj/token "." ]
A slightly shorter version that does the same, I think:
        localize-file: func [file [file!] ][
            mold to-local-file clean-path file 

I added [file!] to the parameter.....You get the parameter type-checked, 
hence a better error message if you pass it something that is not 
a file name.
Group: Databases ... group to discuss various database issues and drivers [web-public]
ChristianE implements an R2-like API in an R3 port model, and it 
just feels alien, though it does allow me to have more portable code 
between R2 and R3. This helps when i have to have a script extract 
data in R2 because it needs to get text or numeric type data, but 
then close and call itself in R3 to parse that data. My %rebol.r 
is R2 and R3 compatible.
Knowing C, it would be better to add it to the ODBC API, at least 
for someone who already knows SQL. That way you can get wider database 
support, since most SQL database vendors support ODBC. Heck, even 
Microsoft is making a free unixodbc driver for MSSQL.
using rebol's ODBC interface, is there a way to get the names of 
the columns in the last select query?  sometimes, we do not provide 
the columns (select * from table) , so relying on assumptions to 
match return values and their columns is quite dangerous.
If you want to get the column metadata about a table, use the 'columns 
- For R2: http://www.rebol.com/docs/database.html#section-27

- For R3: http://www.diefettenjahresindvorbei.de/odbc/odbc-docs.html#section-3.8
 though there's an error in the docs, so use 'columns instead of 
Arnold, I just know enough to get myself connected so these instructions 
might not be too good. As Endo and I are suggesting, perhaps you 
can only accept connections from (localhost). So, you have 
to Grant privileges to the user from your IP. 

Go to http://whatismyipaddress.comand then click on "IP details." 
You will find "Hostname." It is that hostname that you will grant 
privileges to along with the user such as  [user'-:-'hostname]. I imagine 
right now it only accepts [user'-:-'localhost]
try to get support for that, they can easily do that.
Possibly the true admin is hidden by the plesk. I hope tomorrow I 
get an answer from my provider. Today is a holiday here, tomorrow 
a working day, just opposite to most of Europe.
such as, R2 doesn't support new SQL Server datatypes. You should 
CAST & CONVERT your values in your SQL to be able to get those values 
into R2 app.
I get tripped up by missing datatype support with the R3 extension 
a lot more than with R2. Converting from numeric to float is one 
thing - iffy, but at least you can do it; converting from varchar(max) 
or text to varchar is often impossible without data loss.
It's interesting when I try to connect using a port scheme I cannot 
get error msg:

>> con: open [scheme: 'odbc target: "..."] ;try with wrong password 
for example
** Script Error: ODBC error:

>> con: open odbc://sa:[qwe1234-:-mydsn]

** Script Error: ODBC error: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 
10.0][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'sa'.  <<< now I got error 

Any idea how to get "real" error message?
my form should get value from <input name="oneone" type="text">....
in values(?) i should put what???? as i said it should get value 
from <input ...> !!!!!!
please use:

values: decode-cgi read-cgi

then you will get block of values IIRC
You first check that the value is acceptable for what can be expected. 
This is to prevent SQL injections and other malicious input from 
hackers/innocent users and monkeys using your application. Than you 
insert a SQL command to insert or update  the mysql database just 
like you did when you did with your select statement before.

 mijnquery: "INSERT INTO cms_artikel (titel, tagregel, sectie, toegevoegd, 
 artikel_tekst) VALUES ('"

 mijnquery: append mijnquery rejoin [titel "', '" tagregel "', '" 
 desectie "', '" toegevoegd "', '" artikel-tekst "')"]
 insert db mijnquery

 The names after INTO are the fieldnames of the table cms_artikel 
 the ones after VALUES are the REBOL variables that get replaced by 
 their values
Endo  values should get from form ,it is a big problem till now that 
no one could underestand ...
Group: !Syllable ... Syllable free operating system family [web-public]
I'm starting to get the GUI build to work, and it takes a few hours 
here, but Syllable Desktop can't use the second core on this machine, 
and compiling is roughly half the speed as on Linux, anyway, so that's 
roughly consistent with your timing
It doesn't help that the ports get stuck just before they would become 
useful - as has happened with many ports attempts over the years
Well, Ok, I need to get rich, to pay some dev to port View to RED 
for my purposes :-)
Kaj - I do remember View 1.0 alpha with CID (predecessor to VID) 
on a Pentium 75, 130 - ran "acceptable". Cell phones have limited 
UI needs imo, I doubt AGG will be slow. Of course some heavy operations 
might drag some juice from the battery, as it is not accelerated. 
We now need to find the ways of how to get Cyphre's idea becoming 
a reality ...
Group: Web ... Anything related to the WWW [web-public]
Doesn't sound too onerous - I'd say most of the changes could be 
made to the parser, then tweak the emitter to get the output you 
want. Do you have a sample document? Is this the version you're using? 
- http://reb4.me/r/xhtml
I get "** User Error: Handshake Response does not contain Login URL" 
when I try etsy/as "username"

Is this the API you're trying to access?  Looks as if it uses OAuth 
2.0 (Etsy and Twitter are 1.0) - I'm not fully aware what the differences 
are.  Note that even though Twitter and Etsy both use the same signing 
method (OAuth), they differ in how you get the user key - looks as 
if this one is different again...
Hmm, that came across as unreadable here : ) - here it is again:


Is this the API you're trying to access?  Looks as if it uses OAuth 
2.0 (Etsy and Twitter are 1.0) - I'm not fully aware what the differences 
are.  Note that even though Twitter and Etsy both use the same signing 
method (OAuth), they differ in how you get the user key - looks as 
if this one is different again...
do http://reb4.me/r/oauth


probe-lowercase: func [str [string!]][
    lowercase copy str

read [
    scheme: 'oauth
    target: 'get
    url: test-site
    user-data: context [a: "Foo"] ; params
    key: make key [
        consumer-key: consumer-secret: "Your Keys Here"
    user: make user [token: secret: "Your User Keys Here"]
    awake: :probe-lowercase ; result processor, like :load-json
do http://reb4.me/r/oauth
do http://reb4.me/r/altjson

tm: read [
	scheme: 'oauth
	url: https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/home_timeline.json
	target: 'get
	user-data: context [count: 10]
	key: make key [
		Consumer-Key: #consumer_key
		Consumer-Secret: #consumer_secret
	user: make user [
		token: #user_key
		secret: #user_secret
	awake: :load-json
Is GET supported in read/custom ?
print read/custom http://localhost/test.rsp[get "a=b&c=d"]
Read is GET
I tried to change the method without changing the URL when switching 
POST and GET. Didn't work. Anyway, not a problem.
I am new to Git. I'd like to use it (or something similar) to keep 
a distributed copy of a web app I am developing. I'd like copies 
on two local systems (laptop and desktop) with the possibility of 
sharing with another developer based far away and deploying the app 
on my web host.

I sort of get the concept (at least the part about commits, etc), 
but am not really sure how to keep everything in sync. Is it worth 
using a hosting service like GitHub or Bitbucket (I know that perhaps 
defeats the purpose) to assure availability or figuring out how to 
use the web host for this purpose?
To "keep everything in sync" with Git, you have have to do pairwise 
syncs. Each pairwise sync can be initiated from either side, the 
respective commands being "fetch" (from remote to local) and "push" 
(from local to remote).

If you want to keep many separate sites in sync, mediating the sync 
via a central host makes sense (as it avoids the exponential explosion 
of pairwise syncs).

If you have SSH access to your web host, using your web host for 
a central Git repository is trivial (assuming you have - or can get 
- Git installed on the web host).
Evgeniy Philippov:
To start some new discussions, 1) I like Squeak/Pharo Smalltalk's 
AIDA/Seaside systems. Hope to to practice them in realworld soon 
(creating a community site)... 2) I'm coding a new Oberon system 
 which will be able to do one of the following at once: a) interpret 
oberon b) translate oberon to x86 machine code c) translate oberon 
to javascript. This is a very long-term project, but I get excellent 
support from the oberoncore.ru community, and am actually making 
good progress. Current oberon project status is c++ sourcecode-based 
ssystem interprets oberon, interpreter has many temporary stubs.
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