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world-name: r4wp

Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
Doc - I was quite surprised with your argumentation. I really don't 
know, if we are so much in an IT, but are you guys serious, that 
for normal user, in order to just give some tool a try, such user 
should use systems like Fossil or Git? I find myself competent enough, 
but unless new Windows client appeared, it was just nightmare to 
get things going, especially if one does not feel the need to understand 
all that pull/push etc. stuff.
Is that really so much of a problem, to add link to latest zip archive, 
with just one sentence, that it points to kind of "nighty" pre alfa 
builds? Or do you really find R/S and Red not being worth giving 
a try even in an early phase of development?
True, but it takes too much searching to find.  red-lang.org is the 
place I would expect to go to download the language, and it would 
be super nice if the instructions were right there as well.  If that 
doesn't work, the second best would be a link to the instructions.
Kaj in !RebolBot: "I think that only works in Red, refinements starting 
with a number :-)"

Refinements that start with a number work in R2 and R3 as well. Path 
elements aren't refinements though, they're regular words or other 
values. If you find any basic data syntax differences between Red 
and R3 in datatypes that they have in common, report them: they're 
either a bug in R3 or in Red, or possibly in both.
Looks like we need to find some simple but efficient online collaboration 
tool to better keep track and organize all the common sub-tasks between 
R3 and Red that keep poping up these days.
Pekr: we don't have much regression tests for the interpreter yet, 
so regressions might have happened during the last set of interpreter 
changes. Also, some edge cases have not been tested yet, we'll probably 
find more of this kind of bugs soon.
Neither am I :)  I tend to put stuff in CureCode first, resolve the 
design issues there (especially if they need community feedback), 
then add or fix tests in rebol-tests, then do the fix. If I learn 
more while doing the fix, sometimes the tests need more work, and 
sometimes the ticket needs changing. Or rejecting, because sometimes 
while doing the fix we find out why it's a bad idea.
Got multiline strings LOADing working, but now I need to find a way 
to efficiently (if possible) output the right delimiters:

    probe load {

    == ["
red>> a: %dev
== %dev
red>> type? a
== file!
red>> length? a
== 3
red>> append a %/red/hello.red
== %dev/red/hello.red
red>> length? a
== 17
red>> find a slash
== %/red/hello.red
red>> index? find a slash
== 4
red>> form a
== "dev/red/hello.red"
red>> mold a
== "%dev/red/hello.red"
red>> a/1
== #"d"
red>> last a
== #"d"
red>> a/5: #"R"
== #"R"
red>> a
== %dev/Red/hello.red
Where do I find LOAD tests? There are only these ones: https://github.com/rebolsource/rebol-test/blob/master/load-tests.txt
Tell the Red interpreter "find a slash" and it finds one, Now that's 
programming computers! 
Hurray for file! support!
I agree that it is not yet possible to deeply validate user input. 
I'll see if I can find a cheap workaround for the release.
All these logos are missing some pegs. Could be a real cool way of 
depicting progress. All of the tower starting at the left (REBOL) 
site and ending as a full tower on the right Red site. We are now 
somewhere with the top two layers on the second pin. (Only to find 
out we moved the complete tower to the middle pin.)

Great progress Doc
I find that the way Rebol handles it is more a limitation than an 
help. When checking for local words, you need to keep in mind two 
lists: one for the local words to collect, one for the iteration 
words, to leave apart. I prefer one simple rule rather than two rules. 
Making a few more keystrokes to add those iteration words to /local 
list is easier for me, than wasting brain processing power to tell 
apart which words I should collect, which one I should not.

Moreover, if I want the iteration words to be defined in the function 
or global context, I can't in Rebol...Looks definitely more like 
a limitation than an help to me.
Arnold, the point is that Rebol makes the loop counter a local word 
in a hidden context. It saves user from having to defining it as 
local manually (I have argued above about how I think this is, in 
practice, rather counter-productive).

We need to find the right balance between human-friendliness and 
As several followers have requested some docs for the internal API, 
I will see this week, if I can find a few hours to write a basic 
one, just to get you started.
Quick find. :-)
Playing with Francois's OpenCV binding.  I get an error on Linux 
ARM when compiling his OpenCV camera test.  The error is:

./opencv-cam-test: symbol lookup error: ./opencv-cam-test: undefined 
symbol: atexit

I've looked through all the code for the OpenCV cam test, the OpenCV 
binding itself, related libraries and Red/System source and I can't 
find "atexit" anywhere.  Am I overlooking it?  Any ideas what code 
this message is coming from?
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
Once rebol went open source and decided it's time to return to rebol, 
it was rather frustrating for me to find resources about rebol. I'd 
like to create such a page for other people's convenience. Should 
it be reboler.com or rebolista.com or anything else? The page will 
be a compilation of resources that will help newcomers get an idea 
of what rebol is all about and how to get started, such as: where 
to get the latest news, relevant contributors, blogs, important libraries, 
etc. I'd like to register the domain tonight and have the page ready 
in a couple of weeks. Not a big deal - just a quick reference at 
least for myself. Please suggest name and stuff to put on the page. 
Congrats to the community for sticking to rebol thru the quiet times 
- I did not.
Hello, now on http://rebol.informe.comthere is a wiki containing 
Rebol 2 and Rebol 3 (GitHub) wikis. You are welcome to contribute! 
If you are curious on  in the forum you'll find the scripts to upload 
automatically all words descriptions in a wiki.
That's helpful - it took me a little looking to find and download 
all the libs.  I doubt there are too many people outside our small 
group who would put in the effort.
I've updated the Red test binaries with the latest Red features, 
including the new support for the file! type:


As a reminder, here are instructions for downloading them in one 


All programs for Syllable, Linux and Windows are supposed to work 
now. If you want to help improve the quality of the upcoming Red 
release, please test them and report bugs you find.
In case you did not find it in the other group:

New release of Red is here! 0.3.2: REPL release on http://www.red-lang.org/
I've temporarily rerouted our most important domains to our current 
IP address, so they work again, but they will break again when our 
network provider changes the address back.

Try REBOL works again, but it being half down allowed Graham and 
Andreas to find a bug in R3's HTTP handler. :-)
You can find it at: http://development.saphirion.com/experimental
My Redis scheme was updated heavily and I hope it's ready for use 
by others. You can find it here: https://github.com/rebolek/prot-redis
We did a new Saphir / R3 Andoid release.

-fixed input text renderin bug

-reworked misc internal threads synchronisation issues to fix possible 
dead locks
-added ACTIVE, INACTIVE events
-added horizontal native scrolling for layouts wider than screen
-fixed screen rotation
-updated demo script (just type DEMO in the console)
-fixed BROWSE bug

-added .r3 suffix to be able open this type of R3 scripts automatically
-other smaller internal fixes

If you want to test it on your phone just run the console and type:

do http://development.saphirion.com/experimental/demo.r

ATTENTION: We changed the directory layout a bit. You find the Andoid 
release here:


We added other platforms as well:

And the root is still:

Next Wednesday I will give a short talk about our porting efforts 
here via Web-Cast:  http://www.vksi.de/sneak-preview/17072013-android-qs.htm
We have pushed our R3-GUI sources to Github. The project was cleaned 
up, old stuff removed etc. So it should be in pretty good shape. 
We keep the GibHub repository in sync with our internal SVN repository. 
We will further take a look at pull requests and take your feedback 
into our main line. You can find the repository here:

Group: Rebol School ... REBOL School [web-public]
using beautifulsoup in python however, i can do the following:

from bs4 import  BeautifulSoup as bs
import urllib2

uri = "http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/vadra-/a-little-helpmy-friends//489109/"
soup = bs(urllib2.urlopen(uri).read())

p = soup.find_all('p')
[s.extract() for s in soup.p.find_all('table')]
[s.extract() for s in soup.p.find_all('script')]
[s.extract() for s in soup.p.find_all('tstyle')]

text = bs(''.join(str(p))).get_text()

...and this gives me exactly what is required...

just want to do this in Rebol! ;)
#! /usr/bin/env r2

here: what-dir

program: dirize clean-path here/../../../cms/files/program/PowerMezz

do program/mezz/module.r

load-module/from program

module [
	imports: [
;	print mold-tree load-html read http://osslo.nl/leveranciers

	make-dir %data

	for id 1 169 1 [
		print id

  page: load-html read join http://osslo.nl/leveranciers?mod=organization&id=

  content: get-node page/childs/html/childs/body/childs/div/childs/3/childs/2

		body: get-node content/childs/table/childs/tbody
;		print form-html/with body [pretty?: yes]
;		print mold-tree body

;		item: get-node body/childs/10/childs/2
;		print form-html/with item [pretty?: yes]
;		print mold-tree item
;		print mold item

		record: copy ""
		short-name: name: none

		unless get-node body/childs/tr/childs/th [  ; Missing record
			foreach item get-node body/childs [

    switch/default type: trim get-node item/childs/td/childs/text/prop/value 
					"Logo:" [

;						if all [get-node item/childs/2/childs/1  get-node item/childs/2/childs/1/childs/1] 
;							repend record

;								['icon tab tab tab tab		get-node item/childs/2/childs/a/childs/img/prop/src 
;						]
					"Naam:" [
						if get-node item/childs/2/childs/1 [
							repend record

        ['name tab tab tab tab		name: trim/lines html-to-text get-node item/childs/2/childs/text/prop/value 
...					"Adres:" [

      unless empty? trim/lines html-to-text form-html/with get-node item/childs/2 
      [pretty?: yes] [
							street: get-node item/childs/2/childs/1/prop/value
							place: get-node item/childs/2/childs/3/prop/value

							number: next find/last street #" "
							street: trim/lines html-to-text copy/part street number

							unless empty? street [
								repend record ['street tab tab tab tab	street newline]
							unless empty? number [
								repend record ['number tab tab tab tab	number newline]
							unless place/1 = #" " [
								where: find  skip place 5  #" "

        repend record ['postal-code tab tab tab	copy/part place where  newline]

								place: where
							unless empty? place: trim/lines html-to-text place [
								repend record ['place tab tab tab tab 	place newline]
					"Telefoon:" [

      unless #{C2} = to-binary trim/lines html-to-text form-html/with get-node 
      item/childs/2 [pretty?: yes] [
							repend record

        ['phones tab tab tab tab	trim get-node item/childs/2/childs/text/prop/value 
					"Website:" [

      if all [get-node item/childs/2/childs/1  get-node item/childs/2/childs/1/childs/1] 
							repend record

        ['websites tab tab tab		trim get-node item/childs/2/childs/a/childs/text/prop/value 
					"E-mail:" [

      if all [get-node item/childs/2/childs/1  get-node item/childs/2/childs/1/childs/1] 
							repend record

        ['mail-addresses tab tab	trim/all get-node item/childs/2/childs/a/childs/text/prop/value 
					"Profiel:" [

      unless #{C2} = to-binary trim/lines html-to-text form-html/with get-node 
      item/childs/2 [pretty?: yes] [
							repend record [
								'description newline
									tab replace/all

          trim html-to-text form-html/with get-node item/childs/2 [pretty?: 
										"^/" "^/^-"
					print ["Onbekend veld: " type]
			write rejoin [%data/
				replace/all replace/all replace/all any [short-name name]
					#" " #"-"
					#"/" #"-"
					#"." ""
			] record
good to know!

i haven't seen janko around in a long time - i've been interested 
in using his distributed actors library, but cant find it online 
A button can remove itself: lokk here:
a: layout [b: button [remove find a/pane b show a]]
view a
Another question ... I'vd like a field action facet to be triggered 
on field exit.
But I can find two cases (under windows) when it isn't:
1. ctrl+tab out of the field, rather than tab
2. right click another face, eg a button

   view layout [field 100x100 [print "field was exited"] button "click 
   me" [print 'left] [print 'right]]

Any ideas for making the field action trigger in all cases? Please!

(Right now my workaround is to do a bulk check on all fields when 
the user clicks a main action button like SAVE, but that means they 
may see multiple field-exit messages all at once, and later than 
they'd expected).
Thanks for the welcome back message.

 I left off asking about the mySQL driver. So I want to insert into 
 a database a random number the code already generated and associate 
 it with an email address that was provided by a CGI form. Have yet 
 to create this in the real world but for now let us assume I will 
 call the database "customers". The people who process the credit 
 card and collect the email address advised me that the address will 
 be labelled "trnEmailAddress".

 After finding the mySQL driver Here is what I figured out using placeholders 
 for things like password, etc. Would appreicate knowing if this is 

; Loads MySQL driver
do %mysql-driver/mysql-protocol.r
; Opens connection to MySQL server
db: open mysql://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/database

; Send query to database server. Enters random number from above. 
customers is probably the name of the database I will create

insert db ["INSERT INTO customers VALUES (?,?)" "trnEmailAddress" 

 Next I need to insert an existing PDF file (an e-book) into a directory 
 created by the script. The directory will be named after a random 
 number that was earlier generated by the script. I am astounded that 
 I can not find the command to copy a file. So the variable assigned 
 to this random number is called "token".

 So I have the following.

make-dir %token/

 How do I copy a file into this new directory? Also, is that the corecct 
 way to make a directory?
Francis, if you search through the Qtask source, you will find a 
448 encryptor writte in JS that runs in the browser, you might enjoy 
how we did it.
Thanks GrahamC. Where do I find view.r? I just searched my whole 
HD for it. Not there.
If you did a grep on your source directory you'll find it ... in 
For R2: native loops are faster than mezzanine (function) loops, 
so much faster that their individual differences amongst themselves 
are almost irrelevant. For R3 all loops are native (except FIND-ALL, 
temporarily), so the big difference is one-time-per-call bind/copy 
overhead for binding loops, versus not having that for non-binding 
auto-crop-bitmap-text: func ["Returns a cropped image, or none if 
the input image was blank"
	image [image!] 
	/local region
	if region: find-bitmap-text-crop-region image [ 

  copy/part skip image region/1 region/2  ; return a cropped image
I sometimes can look at ONE LINE of code and not understand it

 - it can happen to anyone of us (at least I do not have any problem 
 to admit it happens to me as well) I just don't give up in such case 
 knowing that I will be rewarded if I find out what it is I am not 
Does anyone know where I can find the '%gui.r' in the 'do %gui.r' 
line of this program?


I have searched Christopher Ross-Gill's website and don't see it 
or where to find it.
That is, you want to see if you FIND the command in a set of known 
commands and act accordingly.
So, coming back to the original question... :-) Rather than doing 
"script =" for every command, you could say "if find ["quit" "q"] 
cmd [break]", so it's easier to check multiple commands, aliases, 
etc. e.g., what about HALT?
Should I use FIND instead?
You can always find a solution :-)
/LAST refinement doesn't return the last match when used with /REVERSE 
refinement. Is that a known issue?

>> FIND/reverse/last tail "aoboco" "o"
== "o"
>> FIND/reverse tail "aoboco" "o"
== "o"

>> FIND "aoboco" "o"
== "oboco"
>> FIND/last "aoboco" "o"
== "o"
Hello, someone needs Sublime Text 2 editor  syntax highlight file, 
see http://rebol.informe.com/forum/rebol-2-f8/sublime-text-2-t59.html
Do you know where he may find it?
find/reverse and find/last are somewhat identical but not from the 
same point of start. So you have to use one XOR the other.
Endo, what result do you expect for

  FIND/reverse/last tail "aoboco" "o"

Gregg: When use /REVERSE refinement it searches backwards from the 
current position. So I expect to find the /last "o" (in the negative 
direction) which is "oboco".
 the captial O is the LAST one in backward direction.

I understand that the last "o" is still the right most one. But I 
expected the other one at first glance.
To my understanding "find/last serie value" is the same thing than 
"find/reverse tail serie value".
Here you can find some info:
Question about an example from the R3 docs:

str: "abcdef"
end: find str "d"
for s str end 1 [print s]

find finds the d at position 4, if I replace end with 4, I get the 
same result.
However: type? end says string! and no pointer

If I replace the text in str, end still equals to "def", so it does 
not point
at str any more.
Can someone explane this?
'find returns the string at certain position, just print 'end, and 
you will obtain "def"
How can I find out that the for loop exchanges end with 4, exept 
for looking it up myself ?
end: find str "d"

==> search for "d" in the "abcdef" series in memory, then create 
a word! 'end that hold the position of "d" in this same serie.
try on one line in console:

>> str: "abcdef" end: find str "d" print end insert str "0" print 
To find source codes, you will need to search with google or so. 
"blowfish source code c" first result looks promising http://www.schneier.com/blowfish-download.html
Group: Databases ... group to discuss various database issues and drivers [web-public]
I have a problem with RebDB: how works db-select/group?

>> db-select/where/group/count [ID title post date]  archive  [find 
post "t" ] [ID]
** User Error: Invalid number of group by columns
** Near: to error! :value
I use the sql dialect like this:

sql [select count [ID title post date] from archive group by [ID 
title post] where [find post "t"]]

The trick with this particular query is the that the "count" selector 
must have exactly one more column than the "group by" selector.  
The first three elements [ID title post] are used to sort the output 
and the last element [date] is counted.

output will be organized:
	ID	title	post	count
As for R3 - maybe there was also some other R3 ODBC extension, somehow 
can't find it ....
Group: #Red Docs ... How should Red be documented [web-public]
I think I should chime in here because I am one of those people who 
are not naturally inclined toward the programming arts. I see that 
many of you realize that the docs have to reach a vast audience from 
novice to expert. That will involve using different methods of presentaton 
and detail. How would you envision the database to look like. If 
we could create something pretty complete then I think all the desired 
above could be accomplished. For what it's worth I use the following:

The rebol dictionary - to look up words and usage I can't remember, 
try to decipher some functionality I need, hopefully find examples.

The View docs - to find out how things works and to remember how 
certain words work

Everything I can find on Parse - This is one subject that is all 
over the place.

Nick's tutorial and Reboltutorial - To learn about topical items 
that one can do in rebol such as sound and animation.

Altme - Asking all of you, especially Henrik, if I can do something 
and how or when something doesn't work.
Rebol.org - To find scripts that do things I need to do

Google - OK, this is generic and possibly obvious but when I am trying 
to figure something out, it's "Rebol ..."

The above items are my  most used resources and not exclusive. Note, 
for me the R3 docs were harder to navigate, especially a few years 
ago when I was looking at the GUI stuff. To me at least they seemed 
all over the place.

So, if one were to analyze that usage, it may help to develop something 
that can accomplish those different needs.
Everything I can find on Parse - This is one subject that is all 
over the place.
 - I am curious whether you read


as one of the sources?
I think a wiki like Wikibooks could be a good start, but I would 
like to use makedoc format. I know that the R3 wiki has been adapted 
to accept makedoc format as input, how could we do the same for Wikibooks? 
Is it possible to export all wikibook content to a parse-able format? 
I don't want to be trapped in a given tool, I want to be free to 
retarget docs to whatever format/tool we find appropriate in the 

If wikibooks is not the best tool for the job, we might want to install 
a copy of R3 wiki on another server.

The only issue I have with wikis is that we need someone in charge 
there, reviewing every single change and filtering them when needed. 
Without someone fulfilling that role, it will quickly become a big 
I think that e.g. Mikrotik used the same wiki Carl choosed for R3, 
and they made it a bit prettier. I would find such docs good enough 
- http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Main_Page
Find something to emulate, whatever it may be. Learn from others 
who have done this before.
Having the doc string there has the benefit of letting you use Find 
on a web page to help locate what you want by purpose rather than 
name. Having an a.k.a. (Also Known As) annotation could help too. 
I did this for myself when starting with REBOL, noting what equivalent 
funcs were in the environment I was coming from.
Group: !REBOL3 ... General discussion about REBOL 3 [web-public]
How would I find out?
I think the additional guess is another real regression on the machine 
I'm using. But let me find out which test is newly crashing.
brian, iirc, it was about inability to have view exe being used as 
real fonsole. Carl did not find a way of how to do it ...
That has been discussed too many times. It's a pity you cannot find 
the discussing in some archive...
You are ignoring the definitions:

1) there is the IEEE 754 "definition" specifying which number corresponds 
to 0.1 - I know (using my Rebol script), that it actually is the 
number 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625

2) there is my definition specifying which strings "accurately enough" 
represents the IEEE 754 number 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625. 
According to my definition (you can find it defined as a Rebol function 
in the ML) all of "0.1", "0.10000000000000001" and "0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625" 
"accurately enough" represent the number.
Citing from the source of LOAD:

next [
    print "LOAD/next removed. Use TRANSCODE."
    cause-error 'script 'no-refine [load next]

As far as I am concerned I find that print annoying (I find the error 
more than sufficient). Are there some people preferring to keep the 
Btw, module systems like slim are the reason why I changed the underspecified 
parts of Carl's original module system into features that you might 
find familiar. It wasn't based on slim specifically, or even Gabriele's 
system, but an earlier module system that I wrote for the Apache 
module version of R2 back in 1999. It had similar characteristics 
to your module systems because I had come from strong modular languages 
like Oberon and Delphi, and because I had to solve some of the same 
problems you did.
Do you find the Rebol programming wikibook appropriate?
I find that becomes quite assymetric in use.  if TO is going to change 
behaviors... relative in some cases and absolute in others... using 
weird datatype conventions (which seem to be completely different 
from the rest) then I'd rather have a new Absolute keyword which 
works just like to on All datatypes.
I tried to find a submitted bug in Curecode, but couldn't find one, 
so I submitted one.
More prot-send.r testing.  Had the hardest time trying to get 'send 
to work with my mail server.  Found I had to change a line in prot-send.r 
to :

 smtp-port: [ scheme: 'smtp host: (user/smtp) user: (user/user) pass: 
 (user/pass) ehlo: (find/tail user/email 
) timeout: 600 ]

as EHLO on my SMTP host was expecting only the domain portion of 
the email address instead of the entire email address which is what 
I had been trying.
@GrahamC:  Yes. I am going to try to find the source of the problem. 
This used to be my job at RT. ;-)
If you can find a way to be more specific on OSX, so that _only_ 
URLs get handled, that would be great. OTOH, xdg-open is already 
rather versatile as well (only I fear that OSX's open is even more 
But I think the original intent was for NONE to open an empty browser. 
Can't find any references for that.
Oh, and please don't be bug-for-bug compatible in your R2 version. 
If you find bugs in R3's version, let's report and fix them, now's 
the time :)
I thoguht I did a FOR compatible wrapper for CFOR at one time, but 
I can't find it right now.
I gave the

    for i 1 2 0 [prin "x"]

a second thought, and the fact is that the "forever" functionality 
looks legitimate as well. Thus, it would be best if we made a user 
poll to find out what is preferred. Whether looping forever or not 
looping at all. So, please, let us know what do you prefer.
Well, I do not require you to invent or justify how it should work. 
I think that it really may be just a matter of preference. So, you 
just need to tell what it is you would find the most convenient behaviour 
when writing the

    for i 1 2 0 [prin "x"]

in your code.
Is this by design or oversight? DATE can be used for most access 
paths, but not with PICK
    ser: [1-jan-2000 9999]
    select ser 1-jan-2000
    == 9999
    find ser 1-jan-2000
    == [1-Jan-2000 9999]

    == 9999
    pick ser 1-jan-2000
    ** Script error: invalid argument: 1-Jan-2000
For start > end, if step is positive then FOR should do nothing. 
It should only trigger an error for 0. 
 - hmm, I find it quite natural to prefer:

For start > end, if step is not negative then FOR should do nothing
 like Endo seems to prefer
Over 10% of scripts at Rebol.org seem to use FOR. (135 out of 1152).

That's an upper bound as there may be a few false hits if someone 
is using 'for as a word etc....The search URL below finds the word 
FOR where it is in the body of a script (ie not in a comment, string 
or header)

Hello, here you can find a user that have difficulties to build Rebol3 
on Solaris, please mayyou help him?

split-path: func [

 "Returns a block containing a path and target, by splitting a filespec."
	filespec [any-string!]
	/local target
	either any [
		; It's a url ending with a slash. This doesn't account for
		; formed URLs. To do that, we would have to search for "://"
		all [slash = last filespec]
		all [url? filespec  slash = last filespec]
		; Only one slash, and it's at the tail.
		all [target: find/tail filespec slash  tail? target]
		reduce [copy filespec  copy %""]
		target: tail filespec
		if slash = last target [decr target]
		target: any [find/reverse/tail target slash  filespec]
		reduce [copy/part filespec target  to file! target]
Well, it really is worth it to find out what the preferences are 
and whether people like the "invariant" I proposed.
Let's widen the discussion a bit. Spitting a string at a delimiter. 
Easy enough to define clear behavior if the series contains the delimiter, 
but what if it doesn't? Most split funcs return an array, splitting 
at each dlm. If no dlm, return the original series as the only element 
in that array. 

What if we always want to return two elements? e.g., we have a SPLIT-AT 
func that can split a series into two parts, given either an integer 
index or value to match. Let's also give it a /LAST refinement, so 
it can split at the last matching value found, like FIND/LAST works. 

Given that, what do you expect in the case where the dlm (e.g. "=") 
is not in the series?

    SPLIT-AT "abcdef" "="   == [? ?]
    SPLIT-AT/LAST "abcdef" "="    == [? ?]
Regarding the split-path behaviour in the %foo case. I stongly object 
against the proposal to obtain [%. %foo], since for example INCLUDE 
whan obtaining %foo with empty path uses INCLUDE-CTX/PATH to find 
%foo (which may even exclude the %./ directory if it is not in INCLUDE-CTX/PATH), 
while when obtaining %./foo it just finds the file in the current 
directory (which is not equivalent)
And the reason I posted the SPLIT-AT question was to see if we could 
find a solution for both.
I'm fine with a purely REJOIN-based invariant as well. (Even though 
I personally find a path-based invariant more useful.)
if it where a generic string handling function I'd agree with you... 
but its not... it has added meaning, it splits filesystem paths. 
 its not just a string.  if it where, I'd use parse or some tokenize 

I see absolutely no merit in trying to make split-path act like a 
generic string handling func.  the point of the func is to separate 
folder and file into two parts.   to me it comes down to either you 
decide that when there is no data you invent a default, or use the 
internal one which is none, which works well with soooo many other 
funcs.  if there is no directory part in the path, do not try to 
find a suitable value for it... there is none... funny, even when 
trying to explain my point of view, the actual sentence reads almost 
like a line of rebol source.  :-)
About excuses - there are imo no excuses. As I said - we are just 
few, and ppl are busy with other things too. As for those really 
needing GUI right now (it's not me for e.g.), I think, that some 
ppl prefer what they know R2 VID, RebGUI, just because of typical 
entry barrier. There is nothing wrong with R3-GUI imo, and from what 
I studied in the past, it is much better system than R2. Sometimes, 
it is difficult to find out real reasons, why ppl react this way, 
or that way, I just dunno ...
Group: !R3 Building and Porting ... [web-public]
I believe the Android porting effort will show us what is the optimal 
solution. It is good to find a balance between highly optimized but 
not much compatible HW engine and smoething that is fast enough and 
can be ported without big pain.
Group: Community ... discussion about Rebol/Rebol-related communities [web-public]
I mentioned a little earlier the idea of posting a message containing 
links to all Rebol/Rebol-related community locations along with activity 
levels in each of these. This would be a weekly or bi-weekly posting 
at each location. The idea is to allow people to easily find out 
how active the other communities are at the moment if they happen 
to fall into any one of them as a result of a search, for example.

The content would be something like:
I've seen this kind of periodic, summary messages being posted on 
several mailing lists and find them helpful and not overly intrusive 
or spammy - thoughts?
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