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world-name: r3wp

Group: All ... except covered in other channels [web-public]
Enter this into the address bar of Mozilla, and hit enter.. 

7 Carl's Blog
Here's how to set up the bookmark.. 

1.) Open up Mozzila and under Bookmarks, hit "manage bookmarks"
2.) Click on "New Bookmark", 
	for name put "7"
	for location, enter "http://o7o.org/7=%s"  (without quotes)
	for keyword, use "7"
	click "OK"
hallo, alls... I am not sure where to post this, so I figured I'd 
do it here...  I am trying to replace the default icon's for an encapped 
app using Resource Hacker... but if I replace the icons, the app 
crashes with an Out of Memory error... here's the actual output:** 
Script Error: Not enough memory
** Near: script: decapsulate
if none? script
** Press enter to quit...
i have been thinking about function! values inside parse rules; parse 
could you the function code block as a rule, but "enter" the function 
when entering the rule; so you can take advantage of the function's 
technology is surprising sometimes...   my DNS provider just sent 
me a mail to confirm my phone number.... 
- I click on the link in the mail, 

- a web page opens up with a form to verify my number (it was wrong!)
- I click a little link that says... call now!

- not 1 second after hitting the link, *my phone actually rings* 
and it spells out a magic number

- the next web page that arrives after "call now!", has a field to 
enter the number!
- press submit.
- done!

the most advanced captcha I've seen so far.

this mixing of web and physical space is always a bit strange... 
is it not?
my cellphone provider does this type of thing .. sends me a  passkey 
to my cell to enter online.
I think you may have to start it once via the GUI and enter the password.
Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
we noticed that 1.2.17 was loosing some posts - but we like to hit 
enter to separate messages and keep on writing the next one without 
waiting for the post to show. We miss that badly
I'm developing an app for searching AltME. You can apply multiple 
filters to select an intersection of: world, group, user, message-text, 
date and message-id.

At this point, it's actually usable, but I still need to improve 
the user interface so you can see and enter the filters properly. 
Currently, I'm still entering the filters in a source file.
I looked up an old post (2007) talking about how to start Altme Worlds 
on windows start-up. Brock had the answer but I could never get it 
to work. Three years later, I decided to try again. Here are some 
lessons I learned along the way:


You may want to back up the altme folder just in case something goes 
awry. You will also need to know where the files are located.

You may also want to create another temporary worldmaster user and 
note the password. If you're like me, it has been a long time since 
I had to type in the user password.

1. Before you turn off your worlds, go to http://www.altme.com/check.html
and check your world(s). Note the port number and write it down.

2. Create a shortcut icon on your desktop to altme if you don't already 
have one. Do this by right clicking on altme and select "Send to/Desktop."

2. Right mouse click your "Start" menu (I only did this in XP so 
adjust for any changes you might have in your OS) and choose "Explore." 
An "explorer" window will open.

3. Go to the "Start Menu" folder in the the explorer folder tree 
in the left column. In the right column open up "programs" then open 
up "Startup."

4. Drag the altme shortcut icon from the desktop to the startup folder.

5. If you have more than one world, right-click on the just added 
altme shortcut icon and rename it to something like altme-worldname.

6. Show the properties of the just added altme icon by right-clicking 
and choosing properties.

7. There, in the "Target" field, you will add on to what should already 
be there. It should have something like: "C:\Program Files\altme\altme.exe", 
telling the OS where to find altme and the name of the actual program. 
As you may know, the quotes are there because the "Program Files" 
folder has a space in it. Leave it as is and add:

-s "yourworldname" - p the-port-number. E.g., "C:\Program Files\altme\altme.exe" 
-s "myworld" -p 5402. Do not close the properties window but continue 
to the next step.

8. Below the "Target" field you will see the "Start in" field. There, 
enter where altme and its server files exist. The top level folder 
is enough. E.g., "C:\Program Files\altme\" 

9. Apply the changes to the properties and try it out by making sure 
the world is not running and then clicking on the altme icon in the 
Startup folder. This saves you from having to reboot if a mistake 
was made. You should see the familiar altme server window pop up.

10. You need to also check by logging into the world through the 
client. If you can and the data is all there. Great. The only thing 
left is to reboot and make sure it loads by itself.

11. Repeat for all the worlds you have. You'll end up with n altme 
icons each with a different name. 

Things that went wrong:
Before the server could be launched properly via the icon

1. Getting the wrong syntax in the properties/Target. - I thought 
everything had to be enclosed in a single quote string but it doesn't.
After the server was launched

1. Couldn't connect to the altme world - Seem to be related to the 
port #'s I was using. I went back and launched the worlds the manual 
way and checked the ports on the altme website.

2. Could connect but no users. - This had to do with "Start in" info 
or lack thereof. Altme was looking for the data in the Startup folder 
as opposed to my regular altme folder. Your actual data should be 
fine and of course you made a backup, right?

3. Some data (posts) got mixed up - Who knows on that one. I made 
so many attempts, I may have confused something.

4. My user profile was gone or had a different name. - Again, my 
guess is that this was due to the "Start in" info. Worst case, try 
the default "Master" "pass" user. I ended up using another known 
user (hence, my advice to create a temp worldmaster user), then I 
renamed the user I knew was me to me. Weird but it happened in a 
couple of my worlds but only to my profile.

5. I made a copy of the actual altme.exe and named it altme2.exe 
thinking that perhaps this was the problem. The target was then changed 
to reflect it. Don't do this, it  is not necessary and may freak 
you out.

Now I have 4 worlds up and automatically running when I need to reboot 
the server. Yea.
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
Or map enter key to the button?
Buttons can't be focused. You would have to stylize your own button 
to do this. I think it was Frank Sievertsen who long ago showed how 
to make CHECKs focusable and respond to keys: tab, space enter etc.
does anyone has any quick effect for dialog box, when I press enter, 
and search criteria is not found in database, I don't want to display 
empty grid, but then I have user to notify, there was no search result. 
Don't want to use label, as I would have to refresh it from various 
places. Nor dialog box - so sound (is that easy to play some default 
Windows action sound?) or some few flashes of background or so :-)
enter something in the field, press enter ... press Return on second 
dialog, press Quit on first one - instead of quitting rebol, you 
will be brought once again to lay2
Type something in the box, press enter, click return - and unfocus 
the field (like clicking on the window) and it shows lay2 again - 
looks like it's just viewing lay2 when the field is unfocused - which 
is before the button is clicked, right?
Pekr: "But - does 'dirty work for other elements too, as e.g. check-box? 
No, why should it? with check-box you can save immediate
 check its-on? [its-on?: value]

with field 'dirty? makes sense, because you enter multiple chars 
before need to update db.
Is it currently possible with REBOL to have always-on-top dialog 
box, so I can e.g. urge user to select/enter something and will not 
allow him/her to go back to underneath window screen?
Geomol, I don't see why you can't wait for the mouse down before 
deciding on the axis direction. If shift happens to be pressed when 
you get the down event, then you enter "shift-down" mode, and on 
subsequent move events, either shift is pressed, so decide and "quantize" 
to a horizontal/veritcal direction, or not, so allow any direction 
as usual.
connecting to:

** User Error: Error.  Target url: not 
be retrieved.  Server response: HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
** Near: cont: read

Firefox: {Enter username and password for "level_15_or_view_access" 
(a security requester prompting for username and password).
What is a good way to check for certain values in an input field?

Let's say, I want to do an integer field, I've tried this as the 
action function:

if error? try [to-integer value] [set-face face 0]

It works first time, but if I try enter an integer afterwards, it 
just get settet to zero again. Any ideas?
You can enter integers at first, but if you enter a letter, it stops 
What do you need the focus for? To enter text or to catch something 
I ask, because if you wanna enter text, the question is, how to get 
rid or the cursor in general. If you wanna catch other events, you 
do it with the FEEL functions.
I mean that upon manually enter a dollar amount into the D0-amount 
field I want the same amount automatically entered into the C0-amount 
enter = entering
most people wait for the enter key then call an update to set the 
value in appropriate fields
Henrik - my suggestions - forget about column resizing etc. - that 
stuff may come later! I rarely use it for e.g. - what would I concetrate 
upon? Make the engine universal enough. Callbacks for double clicks, 
clicks, enter insert - simply - keyboard navigation is a must. Horizontal 
scrolling is a must. Make your engine to work with millions of lines 
of data - introduce clever caching - you can compute it - you know 
how large your grid canvas is, you can divide it by number of rows 
visible, number of columns visible. Make so called "caching window", 
having e.g. three screens of rows in the cache - once you move slider 
or press page-down several times, compute the number of presses, 
calculate new position, refill the cache, go for the display. That 
is kind of grid we did under windows 6 years ago - unbeatable ...
I just unzipped it, hit enter on .r file, and using View 1.3.2 I 
got nice, full-screen presentation ... you use right-arrow to move 
to next slide ...
but I can tell you what our 300 users are used to, working with 3 
grids we introduced within last 10 years, what they valued most - 

- column resizing was not an issue at all - proper grid can calculate 
size to set it automatically - we had two modes, auto column-width 
adjust, or static, set in config

- drag and drop was rarely used for columns. You can do it othe way 
around - let users to choose which columns they want to see, in what 
order. Let them save the config!!! Without it, forget about your 
grid being powerfull - what ppl are looking for is comfortable view 
of their data. Each person is used to slightly different view

- horizontal scrolling is a must. How cbut I can tell you what our 
300 users are used to, working with 3 grids we introduced within 
last 10 years, what they valued most - 

- column resizing was not an issue at all - proper grid can calculate 
size to set it automatically - we had two modes, auto column-width 
adjust, or static, set in config

- drag and drop was rarely used for columns. You can do it othe way 
around - let users to choose which columns they want to see, in what 
order. Let them save the config!!! Without it, forget about your 
grid being powerfull - what ppl are looking for is comfortable view 
of their data. Each person is used to slightly different view

- horizontal scrolling is a must. How cbut I can tell you what our 
300 users are used to, working with 3 grids we introduced within 
last 10 years, what they valued most - 

- column resizing was not an issue at all - proper grid can calculate 
size to set it automatically - we had two modes, auto column-width 
adjust, or static, set in config

- drag and drop was rarely used for columns. You can do it othe way 
around - let users to choose which columns they want to see, in what 
order. Let them save the config!!! Without it, forget about your 
grid being powerfull - what ppl are looking for is comfortable view 
of their data. Each person is used to slightly different view

- horizontal scrolling is a must. How cbut I can tell you what our 
300 users are used to, working with 3 grids we introduced within 
last 10 years, what they valued most - 

- column resizing was not an issue at all - proper grid can calculate 
size to set it automatically - we had two modes, auto column-width 
adjust, or static, set in config

- drag and drop was rarely used for columns. You can do it othe way 
around - let users to choose which columns they want to see, in what 
order. Let them save the config!!! Without it, forget about your 
grid being powerfull - what ppl are looking for is comfortable view 
of their data. Each person is used to slightly different view

- horizontal scrolling is a must. How cbut I can tell you what our 
300 users are used to, working with 3 grids we introduced within 
last 10 years, what they valued most - 

- column resizing was not an issue at all - proper grid can calculate 
size to set it automatically - we had two modes, auto column-width 
adjust, or static, set in config

- drag and drop was rarely used for columns. You can do it othe way 
around - let users to choose which columns they want to see, in what 
order. Let them save the config!!! Without it, forget about your 
grid being powerfull - what ppl are looking for is comfortable view 
of their data. Each person is used to slightly different view

- horizontal scrolling is a must. It is so basic feature, I wonder 
why noone is requesting it? grids based upon list show its main flaw 
- non ability to scroll horizontally. Real life apps do consist of 
more fields usually then you can fit into your screen ;-)

- sometimes users requested split-view, so that few left columns 
got locked and did not scroll horizontally ....

- proper keyboard handling is a must - enter=edit, ins=insert record, 
del=delete record, move by arrows, pgdn, pgup, end home, ctrl plus 
pgdn, pgup, home, end, left, righ ....
Another way is to have the sentence prebuilt .. and there are active 
words eg yes/no in the sentence you can click on to change, or to 
enter values eg. temperature of xxx C.
Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
using the up arrow, its a quick way to test multiline stuff without 
filling up the history, allowing you to go up just once, and press 
but here goes...

n: to-integer ask "enter a number"
if  n < 0  [quit/return 1]
sum: 0
i: 0
while [ i <= n ] [ sum: sum + probe (i * i)  i: i + 1]
print sum
my-func: func [] [
	n: to-integer ask "enter a number"
	if  n < 0  [quit/return 1]
	sum: 0
	i: 0
	while [ i <= n ] [ sum: sum + probe (i * i)  i: i + 1]
	print sum
my-func: func [] [
	n: to-integer ask "enter a number"
	if  n < 0  [quit/return 1]
	sum: 0
	i: 0
	while [ i <= n ] [ sum: sum + probe (i * i)  i: i + 1]
	print sum
my-func: func [] [
	n: to-integer ask "enter a number"
	if  n < 0  [quit/return 1]
	sum: 0
	i: 0
	while [ i <= n ] [ sum: sum + probe (i * i)  i: i + 1]
	print sum
yep.  and don't forget to run the function at the end...

I'd also put a trailing ask ""

my-func: func [] [
	n: to-integer ask "enter a number: "
	if  n < 0  [quit/return 1]
	sum: 0
	i: 0
	while [ i <= n ] [ sum: sum + probe (i * i)  i: i + 1]
	print sum


ask "press enter to quit"
Sorry about the previous msg - still getting used to Altme :o

I'm taking the examples right from the URL in my previous msg. Is 
there a simple and bullet-proof way to enter the code at the REBOL 
Group: Parse ... Discussion of PARSE dialect [web-public]
[unknown: 5]:
what if they just enter a field and that field is translated as a 
block as [string!]
one way to deal with that would be to make your form so that it would 
not be possible to enter the data in a different way than the intended 
format, but that requires more form design of course.
Yes, you will be able to use Unicode for variable names. I wouldn't 
suggest it though: You have to use Character Map to enter half of 
Perl 6's operators because they did exactly what you suggested :(
well, if you have a data input screen ... then the user can enter 
all sorts of stuff
Unless that user is trained to enter the right syntax, you'll have 
to clean up before you can load the string.
but if you  do that you must limit the behaviour of INTO.
currently INTO enter in paren! path! and block!.
if think it's to versatile
In the console if you type a {  and then hit Enter, it continues 
on the next line.

:{   and }:   don't seem to work, either.
Regexlib has a different ISO-8601 date matching regex:

And the ability to enter any regex and target strings to test what 
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
I note that editing is still broken though :(  if you enter lots 
of CRs in front of the sample text, the slider doesn't change to 
reflect this.
CTX-REBGUI/COLORS is an object of value:
	window          tuple!    236.233.216
	widget          tuple!    244.243.238
	edge            tuple!    127.157.185
	edit            tuple!    255.255.255
	over            tuple!    255.205.40
	menu            tuple!    49.106.197
	btn-up          tuple!    200.214.251
	btn-down        tuple!    216.232.255
	btn-text        tuple!    77.97.133

CTX-REBGUI/EDIT is an object of value:
	tabbed          block!    length: 5
	hilight-on-focus block!   length: 2
	caret-on-focus  block!    length: 4
	action-on-enter block!    length: 3

ctx-rebgui/widgets/set-sizes unit-size font-size

Plus many widgets have various option flags to control some aspect 
of their behavior.

Probably not skinning in the true sense but enough to change basic 
scale, colors and behaviors to cover the major use cases as they 
have been presented to me thus far. Skinning that lets you change 
"look & feel" to the extent that the GUI can mimic native Windows, 
OSX, C64, etc could be done but at what price in complexity and delivery 
time? And what percentage of folks would just stick with the default 
look & feel anyway. Another way of saying this is to ask whether 
it is a good idea to put 80% of your effort into satisfying the needs 
of 5% of your user-base?
at present actions only fire on enter .. not on tab or any other 
type exit to leave the field

 - you type exit, Exit, try enter, tab, nothing happens ... then you 
 try to delete what you wrote and somehow you can no longer see, what 
 you type ...
Somehow i dont like the names 'on-focus, 'on-unfocus. They feel loong 
somehow. how about

 field enter [system/view/caret: face/text true] exit [face/text = 
The idea with the on-* naming is to clearly indicate an event. I 
toyed with using just focus / unfocus but these verbs could be confused 
with the functions of the same name. Likewise, 'enter could be confused 
with the 'return keyword and 'exit has the same issue with regards 
to both 'exit and 'quit. 'on-enter and 'on-exit are possibilities 

on-focus and on-unfocus return true or false so as you can handle 
failure. This scenario is more likely with on-unfocus where you would 
want to trap and handle a field validation failure for example.

The difference between on-unfocus and the usual action (both may 
be triggered by pressing enter for instance) is that on-unfocus enables 
you to interrupt the normal work-flow by aborting the unfocus and 
subsequent focus operation - something you could not [easily] do 
normally. Also, for many widgets the usual action and on-* actions 
may be different (e.g. pressing enter to initiate the default action 
may be quite different to pressing tab and leaving the field).

For those familiar with Oracle*Forms, and similar products, these 
new actions are like the pre-field and post-field triggers (with 
the app-level ones mapping to pre-form and post-form).

Good questions all, keep them coming.
On that note, would it be usefull for the script to prompt for, "Press 
Enter for Public dir, anything else for current"?
Minor website changes:

Licencing / Development

RebGUI is a community project that is free for both commercial and 
non-commercial use. Submissions, in particular widgets, will be accepted 
and credited to the author under the condition that they carry these 
same licence conditions.


Enter the following command from the REBOL console:

	do http://www.dobeash.com/files/rebgui/get-rebgui.r

To see all the widgets in action type the following from a REBOL/View 
1.3.1 (or later) console:

	do view-root/public/www.dobeash.com/files/rebgui/tour.r
can keycode shortcuts be used for Yes and Now

 ... I was going to map Enter to OK / Yes and just leave ESC mapping 
 to Close / Cancel / No. What keycodes were you thinking of ("Y" and 

CTRL+A in list doesn't mark all entries
 ... good spot, I'll add it to the list.
Yes and No as well as Enter and Esc would be good.
What I do is, that I check the input of a field with on-unfocus and 
change TEXT and DATA to default values "0.0" and 0.0 and stay in 
the field. The error happens if I than enter a text longer then 3 
chars (the length of TEXT). If I just enter 3 or less chars it works.
Try setting a field/text field/data to a default text and enter a 
longer text. Should bring the error as well.
and as for browsing - yes, I very often use keyboard - to open new 
tabs (ctrl t), typing search phrase, pressing arrow down (=pointing 
it to google) .... or simply using "find as you type", enter, backspace 
for navigation :-) But that is available in Mozilla/FF
Might be related to the discussion above:

If I have a 'field that uses an on-unfocus event and I enter some 
test and than click on a drop-down list, the on-unfocus event for 
the field isn't generated.
tab-panels: If I use nested tab-panels and add a pre-enter action 
for the nested tab, it's not executed for the first tab shown. As 
this tab is implicitly shown if the parent tab is clicked, the action 
doesn't seemed to be triggered.
The area field is still showing the same problems I reported before. 
 If, in tour.r, you enter lots of text so that the slider shrinks, 
then reset the slider to the top, focus on another widget, return 
to the area widget, move the slider to the bottom and then click 
inside the area, the text moves to the top.
I tried:
REBOL Preprocessor 2.0.0
Copyright 2002 REBOL Technologies

Input file? rebgui-ctx.r
Output file? rebgui.r
***ERROR (widgets/button.r): Cannot load file: button.r
** Press enter to quit...
I'm getting this error now occasionally with the changes to area

** Script Error: max expected value1 argument of type: number pair 
char money date time tuple series
** Where: action
** Near: system/view/caret: offset-to-caret parent-face min max
** Press enter to quit...
Any reason why this doesn't clear on ESC

popup-search: has [ qs ] [
    display "Quick Search"  [
        label "Enter name" return
        qs: field 80 [ ] return
        reverse button "Close" #"^[" [ unview ]
        do [ show-focus qs ]
It must be dynamic, so not only at creation time. And, I only store 
values wehre the user did enter something. Hence it's necessary to 
iterate over every form element and either set a value if available 
or reset to a default value.
somehow the keep-caret-in-visible-area magic is broken. take tour, 
enter a lot of lines with content. more then fit in window. scroll 
down, set caret and scroll up. when the caret scrolls out of range, 
it moves automatically up. keeps also position in line. but not if 
char is at start of line, then it jumps to second char.
** Script Error: Cannot use add on block! value
** Where: action
** Near: set-sizes 2 + guisizerg/data
** Press enter to quit...
if I enter some text into my area field before save the values, when 
I restore the template, it works.
Haven't seen this error before : ** Internal Error: Stack overflow
** Where: into-widget
** Near: unless find [object! block!] type?/word get
** Press enter to quit...
Also committed rev#26 with support for Ctrl-Enter hard tabs, and 
removed references to drop-tree/number-field so create-distribution 
works correctly.
** Internal Error: Stack overflow
** Where: into-widget
** Near: unless find [object! block!] type?/word get
** Press enter to quit...

Got this error again on tabbing out of a field :(
click on the button, and then type in the first field, enter,  click 
the button.

you can now tab between the two fields but can not type as the window 
"0" has focus.
Odd ....
** Script Error: max expected value1 argument of type: number pair 
char money date time tuple series
** Where: action
** Near: view*/caret: offset-to-caret parent-face min max
** Press enter to quit...
** Where: into-widget
** Near: unless find [object! block!] type?/word get
** Press enter to quit...
** Internal Error: Stack overflow
** Where: into-widget
** Near: unless find [object! block!] type?/word get
** Press enter to quit...
* Internal Error: Stack overflow
** Where: tabbed?
** Near: all [find tabbed face/type face]
** Press enter to quit...
This pops up a VID window .. enter some text and then "Accept"
Another area problem :(

** Script Error: Cannot use path on none! value
** Where: switch
** Near: pane/data: - para/scroll/y / (total - visible)
** Press enter to quit...
One I hadn't seen before ... 
** Script Error: foreach expected data argument of type: series
** Where: next-field

** Near: foreach sibling siblings [if target: any [tabbed? sibling 
into-widget/forwards sibling] [
return target]] all
** Press enter to quit...
use the trac to enter bugs.
Sometimes when I enter text in the project-name field of the Projects 
tab and then click on the Tasks tab I get a "tell Microsoft about 
this" type error, but not always.
re: area hilight. Refer rebgui-edit.r

	;added AREA too according to Robert's request -Cyphre
	hilight-on-focus: [area edit-list field spinner]

 caret-on-focus: [area drop-list edit-list field grid password spinner]
	action-on-enter: [drop-list edit-list field password spinner]

All of these can be modified at runtime by reference to ctx-rebgui/edit/<block>/<word> 
... the bigger question is what constitutes a reasonable set of default 

re: radio-group. Robert's changes forced labels to be strings. I'm 
pretty comfortable with this change as label expects a string argument 
and a radio-group is a collection of labels. On the other hand, the 
reason I changed drop-list (to form all values) is that it is not 
reasonable to expect an arbitrary list of values to all be strings 
(e.g. a list of postcodes), and/or to expect the developer to maintain 
their string state. I'm open to counter arguments on this one though.
I would like to see tab also activate the face action.  I've asked 
this before, and take it that I have to do it myself.

I see a block called action-on-enter, so presumably I create my own 
little list of widgets, and then trap the tab key, and fire the action.
re Custom widgets and tabbing. You may want to have a look at the 
following blocks in the edit object:


You can reference these within your init code as follows:

	insert tail ctx-rebgui/edit/tabbed 'my-widget
build#52 committed to SVN. Includes following fixes:

	- Info option now prevents tabbing

 - Added action-on-tab block to behaviors (works in same manner as 
	- Fixed modal requestor problem
build#58 committed to SVN. Fixes 2 major tabbing issues:

 1) tab-on-enter now fires *after* calculation of next field (so works 
 correctly with show-focus)

 2) tabbing within tab-panel fixed (next field is prevented from looking 
 at non-displayed tabs)
where do I enter the url of trac?
I get some propfind error, if I enter http://track.geekisp.com/rebgui
enter the svn url and that's it.
Group: Rebol School ... Rebol School [web-public]
How do you add line brakes to this altme textbox? CTRL+ENTER does 
not work.
Is there an easy way to suppress a carriage return and line feed 
when hitting the enter button?

For example:  I'd like to be able to do this:
Guess # 1:  XXX <enter> "  Nope, too high, guess lower"
Guess # 2: YYY <enter> "  Nope, too low, guess higher" ...

Can this be done with the ASK somehow?
Henrik,  That is close, but I'm looking to be able to enter several 
characters, then hit the enter button, but NOT have a LF character 
printed at the time of the enter.
I'm stinking close!!!! But not there yet:  Try this in R2:

		set-modes system/ports/input [binary: true]
		string: []
		until [
			prin char: to-char input
			append string char
			char = 13 ; <enter>
		set-modes system/ports/input [binary: false]
		head string
		print "string: " string
After each typed character, I do get the console to print each one 
out, but then I seem to loose the end value when I hit enter
Any idea on what I'm doing wrong with R2 for this code:

		set-modes system/ports/input [binary: true]
		string: ""
		until [
			char: input
;			print char-x: to-char char
			if not char = 13 [
				prin "-" prin char-x: to-char char
				append string char-x
			char = 13 ; <enter>
		set-modes system/ports/input [binary: false]
		head string
		print "string: " string

Typing in the following gives me this:

I was hoping for
-1-2-3string: "123"
Typing in      123<enter>
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
A lot of negative talk about too meny mobile OS's already but the 
phone market is a lot different than PC Market...with contracts every 
one or two years most people trade in their phone at most every 2 
years and each time re-evaluate the field (some of anyway). This 
gives new guys a chance to enter the fray. If you got somethng unique 
you may gain share quickly.
So it is official - Nokia partners with Microsoft -no answers to 
what happens to Symbian/MeeGo strategy yet though:

Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
Forget certificates right now, before we enter another pointless 
discussion. The thing is, that I believe RT regards reblet signing 
important thing, and that it will come. If it is not part of the 
system, noone will do it, period. The same reason, why RT pushes 
for rebservices - it will be standard without any need for further 
discussion, if we do it this way, or that way ...
I was meaning how to enter the different styles inside a text box 
.. would it need a menu bar to pick the different styles
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