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world-name: r3wp

Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
Maxim, it works for me now, cool. Some notes:

-The usage/interface seems to me too clunky. Better would be something 
append win make gob! [
	offset: ...
	size: ...
	data: context [
		renderer: 'opengl
	draw: [trinagle ... sphere ... whatever] ;your 3d dialect here
And that's it IMO there is no need for other 'bloat' around.

-Since you are proposing the CGR philosophy:

1.is it possible to use more than one gl-gob ? I tried just a quick 
attempt but it failed for me.

2. is it possible to compose normal gobs together with the gl? I 
had no luck with this either.

Regarding the performance:

I don't think there is anything to comment at the moment because 
you are just using the raw/built-in OpenGL abilities (same stuff 
we did with Ladislav and Cal 5 years ago in R2). So talking here 
about FPS or number of polygons has the same information as saying: 
"I have older/newer gfx card" The fps is not related to the current 
code...everything is just direct HW executed calls.
%opengl-test.r3 ran fine.

%opengl-simple-test.r3 crashed after a few seconds:

@** Script error: cannot access window in path event/window/data

** Where: all -apply- wake-up loop -apply- wait forever catch either 
either -apply- do
** Near: all [
    obj: event/window/data
    obj: select obj 'handle...

Same error for complex tree.

Happened on torus too, then I figured it out. The error occurs if 
I move the mouse over the animated area. Other than that, it looks 
very cool Max.
Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
Continuous improvement is the only path.  Either Carl does this, 
or this product will be abandoned.
I guess cindy was tired of looking at them and it was either ebay 
or the garbage...  ;-)
(I am backing them up locally, by the way, if Carl needs anything)

Proper backup tools can't do anything against the altme server overwriting 
the files. Either your filesystem supports snapshots, or the altme 
server has to support the backup operation directly at least by suspending 
file activity while the files are being copied (or, the file storage 
has to be designed so that files are immutable, that way at the very 
least you can't lose old data because of overwriting)
Yeah, it is kind of hidden...  I probably wouldn't have thought to 
look in the Divider settings for it, either
Renaming groups should have no effect on either REBOL.org's or REBOL.net's 
links (both use the persistent group number rather than its name).

Taking a group from [web-public] to not web-public.....REBOL.net 
deletes the posts (that does break links). REBOL.org simply stops 
publishing newer posts. So all posts orginally [web-public] stay 
that way.
The clipboard under Windows doesn't always work consistently either.
IMHO I think you should consider what message your user naming convention 
send to new users. For me it says that you treat some persons differently. 
That is bad if you like more people to come here. No one want's to 
be treated differently. Either you let everyone use whatever name 
they like or all use the same rules.
Group: !REBOL3 GUI ... [web-public]
no tabbed panels either
We are using hinting. But on platforms where FreeType2 lib is used 
the hinting results can be not nice. This is because it depends how 
FreeType lib is compiled (either with the Apple hinter, or with the 
free non-commercialy licenced alternative)
ctx-rebgui3: make object! [

	cursors: make object! [
		app-start: 32650
		hand: 32649
		help: 32651
		hourglass: 32650
		arrow: 32512
		cross: 32515
		i-shape: 32513
		no: 32648
		size-all: 32646
		size-nesw: 32643
		size-ns: 32645
		size-nwse: 32642
		size-we: 32644
		up-arrow: 32516
		wait: 32514

	colors: make object! [
		page: white
		edit: white
		text: black
		true: leaf
		false: red
		link: blue
		theme: [165.217.246 0.105.207 0.55.155]
		outline: [207.207.207 160.160.160 112.112.112]

	metrics: make object! [
		cell: 4
		gap: cell * 2
		line: cell * 5
		margin: cell * 4
		margin-size: as-pair margin margin
		radius: 2

	;	Private functions

	set 'make-gob make function! [[

  spec [block!] ; offset, size and one or more attribute/value pairs
		/data object
		/local size text gob axis
		size: spec/2
		if any [negative? size/x negative? size/y] [
			text: select spec 'text
			all [block? text text: first find text string!]

   size: 8x4 + size-text make gob! compose [size: 9999x9999 text: (text)]
			all [negative? spec/2/x spec/2/x: size/x]
			all [negative? spec/2/y spec/2/y: size/y]
		gob: copy []
		;	attributes are (text, color, effect, image and draw)
		foreach [attribute value] spec [
			switch attribute [
				box [
					attribute: 'draw
					value: compose [
						pen (get value/1)
						line-width 1
						fill-pen (get value/2)
						box 0x0 (spec/2 - 1x1) (metrics/radius)
				pill [
					attribute: 'draw
					axis: either spec/2/x >= spec/2/y [2] [1]
					value: compose/deep [
						pen (colors/outline/3)
						line-width 1

      grad-pen linear (spec/2/:axis * .1) (spec/2/:axis * .9) (all [axis 
      = 2 90]) [(colors/outline/1) (white) (colors/outline/1)]
						box 0x0 (spec/2 - 1x1) (metrics/radius)
			append gob reduce [attribute value]
		spec: gob

  gob: make gob! compose [offset: spec/1 size: spec/2 (to set-word! 
  spec/3) spec/4 data: (make object! any [object copy []])]
		foreach [attribute value] skip spec 2 [

   append gob make gob! compose [offset: 0x0 size: spec/2 (to set-word! 
   attribute) value]

	;	Public functions

	set 'display make function! [[
		title spec

  /local gob xy max-x max-y left-to-right? after-count after-limit 
  here arg append-widget widget last-widget word
		xy: metrics/margin-size
		max-x: xy/x
		max-y: xy/y
		left-to-right?: true
		after-count: 1
		after-limit: 9999
		gob: make gob! compose [text: (title) data: (make object! [])]

		append-widget: make function! [[][
			unless widget [exit]
			unless handler [

    handler: compose/deep [on-down: make function! [[event][(action)]]]
			append gob switch widget [
				bar [

     make-gob compose [(xy) (as-pair max-x - metrics/margin 1) color (colors/outline/3)]
				button [
					all [none? size size: 15x5]

     make-gob/data compose/deep [(xy) (size * metrics/cell) pill none 
     text [center (text)]] handler
				text [
					all [none? size size: 15x5]

     make-gob/data compose/only [(xy) (size * metrics/cell) color (white) 
     text (text)] handler
			last-widget: last gob/pane
			;	1st reverse item?
			unless left-to-right? [

    last-widget/offset/x: last-widget/offset/x - last-widget/size/x
			xy: last-widget/offset
			;	max vertical size
			max-y: max max-y xy/y + last-widget/size/y
			;	horizontal pos adjustments
			all [
				xy/x: xy/x + last-widget/size/x
				max-x: max max-x xy/x
			;	after limit reached?
			either after-count < after-limit [
				;	spacing

    xy/x: xy/x + either left-to-right? [metrics/gap] [negate metrics/gap]
				++ after-count
			] [
				xy: as-pair metrics/margin max-y + metrics/gap
				after-count: 1
			all [:word set :word last-widget]
			word: widget: action: handler: size: text: color: none

  parse reduce/only spec [after bar button handler return reverse rich 
  text] [
			any [
				opt [here: set arg paren! (here/1: do arg) :here] [
					'return (
						xy: as-pair metrics/margin max-y + metrics/gap
						left-to-right?: true
						after-limit: 9999
					| 'reverse (
						xy: as-pair max-x max-y + metrics/gap
						left-to-right?: false
						after-limit: 9999
					| 'after set arg integer! (
						;	return unless this is first widget
						if widget [
							xy: as-pair metrics/margin max-y + metrics/gap
						after-count: 1
						after-limit: arg
					| 'handler set arg block! (handler: arg)
					| 'rich set arg block! (text: arg)
					| [set arg integer! | set arg pair!] (size: arg)
					| set arg string! (text: arg)
					| [set arg tuple! | set arg none!] (color: arg)
					| set arg block! (action: arg)
					| set arg set-word! (append-widget word: :arg)
					| set arg word! (append-widget widget: arg)

		gob/size: metrics/margin-size + as-pair max-x max-y
		gob/offset: system/view/metrics/work-size - gob/size / 2
		append system/view/screen-gob gob
		show system/view/screen-gob

	set 'undisplay make function! [[gob][
		remove find system/view/screen-gob gob
		show system/view/screen-gob

	;	Start global GUI event handler

	active-gob: none
	system/view/event-port: open [scheme: 'event]

 system/view/event-port/awake: make function! [[event /local evt gob][
		evt: map-event event
		gob: evt/gob
		while [not object? gob/data] [gob: gob/parent]
		if all [event/type = 'move gob <> active-gob] [
			attempt [active-gob/data/on-away event]
			active-gob: gob
			attempt [active-gob/data/on-over event]
		evt: to word! ajoin ['on- event/type]
		attempt [gob/data/:evt event]
I was just curious to see how Gab's systemm worked .. and I tried 
%test.r but 

>> do %test.r
Script: "Test vid" Version: none Date: none
Script: "REBOL View System Functions" Version: none Date: none
Script: "rewrite-tree function" Version: none Date: none

Script: "Simple dialect to create/resize gobs" Version: none Date: 

Script: "REBOL VID 3: Definition of FACE prototype object" Version: 
none Date: n
Script: "REBOL VID 3: Functions" Version: none Date: none
Script: "REBOL VID 3: Events Handling" Version: none Date: none
Script: "REBOL VID 3: Styles" Version: none Date: none
** Script error: cannot MAKE/TO map! from: none!

** Where: make either make handler parse parse-set-dialect make-styles 
catch eit
her either applier do catch either either applier do
** Near: make map! style-spec/options
I don't like 'facets either ...

, I think is used in relation to "facing", which means what facets 
are facing ... something. No I don't like the word either. :-)

From source:

faced:  ; OBJECT! - prototype of face/facets (face instance facets)
	object [
		area-size: 0x0
Either blocks in FACE/FACES or FACE/FACES doesn't exist. Some parts 
of a face is built dynamically as the layout is made, so if the part 
is not needed, it's not there. Yay for the ability to extend objects, 
I guess. :-)
seems you can't use reflection functions on events either.
ok, AltME doesn't work either...
Gregg, yes it looks like that...either there is some bug in WAIT 
or WAIT is not letting CPU to get IDLE state anymore from some reason.
Ah, so you are inserting the events system port not event port. That 
was the difference.

I tried it here...works here in case the event loop doesn't contain 
any time consuming code(ie. is almost 'empty' as in your example).

But when I add some 'load'  into the loop then receiving of other 
event types is going to be rapidly limited/blocked when comparing 
to the FOREVER loop.

Either I'm doing something wrong or inserting events from the awake 
handler somehow blocks the whole flow.
Maxim, no problem, I have not much time either now so feel free to 
clarify any time later.

I was just wondering what you are looking for to satisfy your needs.

And of course, you cannot request functionality of big complex 3D 
systems which are usually fat high-level layers over  low level graphics 

You should think about the DRAW at the level of graphic library api, 
not application layer.

So I more awaited comparison with OpenGL, DIrectX, Cairo, Qt , Java2d 
 and so on. Anyway, I'm curious about your  examples....

Also I don't understand what is so wrong on using dialect as an interface 
when Rebol should be the case where working with blocks, dialects 
etc. should be a plus.

For example If you prefer interface based on function calls over 
dialect the I'd like to know what benefits you see in that approach 
Steeve - your script reports some error here:

>> do http://sites.google.com/site/rebolish/test-1/draw-shapes-22.r
Script: "Untitled" Version: none Date: none
** Script error: Moved has no value
** Where: catch either either applier do
** Near: catch/quit either var [[do/next data var]] [data]
Looking at reactors now, this seems to be the way to store these 
emit functions. Reactors are more powerful than I thought and according 
to docs, under the place Graham links to above, we can write our 
own. The MAKE-REACTOR function doesn't exist though, it's called 

I hope to make use of triggers as well. Triggers are faces that are 
not stored in the layout after they have been processed. They are 
performed either when entering a panel during layour or when exiting 
it (possibly also other places). I hope that triggers can be used 
to pass specific options to already laid out faces, making triggers 
appear as options to a face.
Script: "Untitled" Version: none Date: none

** Script error: skip does not allow word! for its offset argument
** Where: catch either either applier do
** Near: catch/quit either var [[do/next data var]] [data]
in R2, the console is a window that is controled by the application. 
 in R3, for now, the console is controled by the OS.

Windows does not allow an application to be either a windows app 
or a console app.
Henrik - is there any resolution to resizing system? I know that 
we both objected to max-size element for e.g., and IIRC there were 
some proposals of how to either fix current model, or replace it 
with different one. Have you made any decisions in that regard yet?
IMO this could be doen by using different actors and reactors based 
on platform ID. Either it's all included or pre-processed. Maybe 
it's even possible to load a module with all the actors and reactors 
for the specific platform.
Cool, because I did not like RebGUI resizing either, dunno why. Maybe 
because I was not getting what I exptected ...
Posted 5 shots:


from 212 to 216. I think they need some explanation from either Ladislav 
or Cyphre.
Hello guys, just few notes from my side regarding the layout sematics 
and min/max-size etc:
-the layout will be still as simple as in the current R3GUI

-most of the time only 'style maker' will need to handle min/max/init 
size of the specific style

-by default layout elements have to be organized either in PANEL 
or GROUP structures (though it is possible create your super special 
style for circular layouts or whatever ;))

-at the PANEL/GROUP layout level there will be only three kinds of 
1) style with absolute size (in any axis)
2) style with elastic size (in any axis)

3) optional RETURN keyword used for line breaking to create variable 
number of rows/cols(default ehaviour is to set fixed number of cols/rows 

-to achieve more complex layout user can redefine min/max sizes according 
his needs
AdrianS: as I said in my last message here, "-by default layout elements 
have to be organized either in PANEL or GROUP structures (though 
it is possible create your super special style for circular layouts 
or whatever ;))"

By this I meant there will be two default 'layout generator' styles 
GROUP and PANEL but you can create own styles that will generate 
their content differently.
Resizing news: the latest state is, that there are two "container 
styles", the first one being a group - a layout in which graphic 
objects are arranged into either rows or columns, not necessarily 
into *both rows and columns* at the same time, the second one is 
a panel - a layout in which graphic objects are arranged into both 
rows and columns at the same time.
in group the objects are organized into either rows or columns (internally 
lines all the time), i.e. XY is misleading
Summary: in a group, objects are arranged into lines, that are handled 
depending on the LAYOUT-MODE as either rows or columns
so the group style can lay things in either rows, or solumns, or 
Well, group style layouts things in either rows, or columns, depending 
upon layout-mode argument. The panel style layouts styles in both 
We can go along with Group and Panel, as Pekr suggests, no problem 
On naming, I think PANEL is too general and doesn't describe the 
layout behavior. I could live with it though. 

I agree that TABLE should be saved as that is the common term for 
the spreadsheet model. GRID was used for that for a long time, and 
still is sometimes, but GRID could also be good when thought of as 
a canonical grid layout. GRID-LAY, CANON-LAY, or TABLET aren't too 
inspiring either.
I think I would reword the doc string a bit for grammatical consistency.

It looks like it should be either "Set" and "perform", or "Sets" 
and "performs".
I don't' read Chinese either but there doesn't seem to be any spacing 
between the words
Graham, sorry, I really don't know the rules how code points in Unicode 
should be positioned. That needs to be studied and corrrections being 
made in the text rendering/layouting loop. Just a note, even now 
the text rendering/layouting code ismore than 50Kb of C++ code so 
either someone needs to study all the Unicode rules and make new 
replacement or publish patches to the current version.
Who wasn't doing UIs. There are downsides to either approach.
It won't be transparent either way. Either you need to specify the 
direction of the coordinate system (declarative overhead) or specify 
the transform (procedural overhead). And there will be computing 
overhead either way.
The question model is which is more efficient to use, both at development 
time and runtime. Letters will be tough either way (likely more for 
bottom-up), but graphics will be simpler bottom-up until display 
cause it rasterizes in that direction.  is my guess.   its calculations 
actually aren't different either way.
Group: !REBOL3 ... [web-public]
>> stats/series
== [16384 11618 4590 25 151 150 199]
>> a: [1 2 3]
== [1 2 3]
>> stats/series
== [16384 11623 4601 25 135 134 202]

Only one of those is the new block - the rest are overhead of either 
the STATS function or of the REPL loop itself, or runtime overhead, 
or call overhead, or assignment overhead. I'm starting to think that 
STATS/series isn't very useful.
Maxim, a series reference only contains a pointer to the internal 
series structure and either a pointer to the offset or a 32bit index 
(Carl could say which). The internal series structure could have 
a pointer to the start of the series, or it could be a header of 
the series data itself, depending on which is better for memory allocation. 
What you see in extensions are marshalled values, not regular R3 
stack frames or other value slots.
R3 won't utilise more than 1 core either way :)
Global variable space should be the special object holding global 
values in R2. That's not the symbol table, either
About logic, I guess, it's related to a wish to use PICK with logic 
argument. It works like this for SKIP:

>> skip [a b] true
== [a b]
>> skip [a b] false
== [b]

and you can use PICK instead of EITHER sometimes like:

value: pick [1 2] b > 1

instead of

value: either b > 1 [1] [2]
Yes, the initial imagined behaviour is turned around with logic. 
:) The PICK method is also faster than the EITHER method, if it's 
simple values to pick. If you have to reduce the block, the EITHER 
method is faster, as EITHER already reduce its blocks.
This is by far the longest period of Carl's disappearance, IIRC. 
The reasons we can only speculate about - some personal/family difficulcies, 
burn-out to the REBOL topic, new daily job, which does not   left 
you with much energy and free time to do some other stuff, REBOL 

We tried to get Carl's answer on R3 Chat, only with sporadic answer 
of recent Carl's job. But no answers to "what's next" for the REBOL. 
The reasons might be various again - Carl is willing to proceed, 
he just dosn't have time/energy. He is most probably not willing 
to open-source the project either, which gets us into kind of schizophrenic 
situation - no open-source, no progress either. If Carl would know 
the answer to what's next for REBOL question, he would already share 
it with us. But he did not do so, yet, which is a bit disappointing 
of course.

As for a phone call - I don't know - I would not call him, as it 
could get him into feeling, that we push him to give us an answer, 
which he might not have right now. But - I think that call from some 
friend, e.g. Reichart, would be accepted differently. But then - 
we can't push anyone to do anything, and from few weeks old discussion 
I think that Reichart does not necessarily feel urge to do such a 
thing, which is OK too.

So ... we wait ... and RED progresses at least, so hopefully in the 
end, there is still the chance that we will see the light in the 
end of the tunnel :-)
The original was written before MAP-EACH and the new COLLECT. Here 
is the source I have, updated to use those as the current version 
does, but with the last rule reverted to the original.

Related cc reports: 

split: func [

    "Split a series into pieces; fixed or variable size, fixed number, 
    or at delimiters"
    series	[series!] "The series to split"

    dlm		[block! integer! char! bitset! any-string!] "Split size, delimiter(s), 
    or rule(s)." 

    /into	"If dlm is an integer, split into n pieces, rather than pieces 
    of length n."
    /local size count mk1 mk2
    either all [block? dlm  parse dlm [some integer!]] [
            map-each len dlm [
                either positive? len [
                    copy/part series series: skip series len
                ] [
                    series: skip series negate len

                    ; return unset so that nothing is added to output
        size: dlm   ; alias for readability
        collect [
            parse/all series case [
                all [integer? size into] [

                    if size < 1 [cause-error 'Script 'invalid-arg size]
                    count: size - 1
                    size: round/down divide length? series size

                        count [copy series size skip (keep/only series)]
                        copy series to end (keep/only series)
                integer? dlm [

                    if size < 1 [cause-error 'Script 'invalid-arg size]

                    [any [copy series 1 size skip (keep/only series)]]

                'else [ ; = any [bitset? dlm  any-string? dlm  char? dlm]

                    [any [mk1: some [mk2: dlm break | skip] (keep copy/part mk1 mk2)]]
split: func [

    "Split a series into pieces; fixed or variable size, fixed number, 
    or at delimiters"
    series	[series!] "The series to split"

    dlm		[block! integer! char! bitset! any-string!] "Split size, delimiter(s), 
    or rule(s)." 

    /into	"If dlm is an integer, split into n pieces, rather than pieces 
    of length n."

    /local size piece-size count mk1 mk2 res fill-val add-fill-val
    either all [block? dlm  parse dlm [some integer!]] [
        map-each len dlm [
            either positive? len [
                copy/part series series: skip series len
            ] [
                series: skip series len
                ; return unset so that nothing is added to output
        size: dlm   ; alias for readability
        res: collect [
            parse/all series case [
                all [integer? size  into] [

                    if size < 1 [cause-error 'Script 'invalid-arg size]
                    count: size - 1

                    piece-size: to integer! round/down divide length? series size
                    if zero? piece-size [piece-size: 1]

                        count [copy series piece-size skip (keep/only series)]
                        copy series to end (keep/only series)
                integer? dlm [

                    if size < 1 [cause-error 'Script 'invalid-arg size]

                    [any [copy series 1 size skip (keep/only series)]]

                'else [ ; = any [bitset? dlm  any-string? dlm  char? dlm]

                    [any [mk1: some [mk2: dlm break | skip] (keep/only copy/part mk1 

        ;-- Special processing, to handle cases where the spec'd more items 

        ;   /into than the series contains (so we want to append empty items),

        ;   or where the dlm was a char/string/charset and it was the last 

        ;   (so we want to append an empty field that the above rule misses).
        fill-val: does [copy either any-block? series [[]] [""]]
        add-fill-val: does [append/only res fill-val]
        case [
            all [integer? size  into] [

                ; If the result is too short, i.e., less items than 'size, add
                ; empty items to fill it to 'size.

                ; We loop here, because insert/dup doesn't copy the value inserted.
                if size > length? res [
                    loop (size - length? res) [add-fill-val]
            ; integer? dlm [
            ; ]

            'else [ ; = any [bitset? dlm  any-string? dlm  char? dlm]

                ; If the last thing in the series is a delimiter, there is an

                ; implied empty field after it, which we add here.
                case [
                    bitset? dlm [

                        ; ATTEMPT is here because LAST will return NONE for an 

                        ; empty series, and finding none in a bitest is not allowed.

                        if attempt [find dlm last series] [add-fill-val]
                    char? dlm [
                        if dlm = last series [add-fill-val]
                    string? dlm [
                        if all [
                            find series dlm
                            empty? find/last/tail series dlm
                        ] [add-fill-val]
split: func [

    "Split a series into pieces; fixed or variable size, fixed number, 
    or at delimiters"
    series	[series!] "The series to split"

    dlm		[block! integer! char! bitset! any-string!] "Split size, delimiter(s), 
    or rule(s)." 

    /into	"If dlm is an integer, split into n pieces, rather than pieces 
    of length n."

    /local size piece-size count mk1 mk2 res fill-val add-fill-val
    either all [block? dlm  parse dlm [some integer!]] [
        map-each len dlm [
            either positive? len [
                copy/part series series: skip series len
            ] [
                series: skip series negate len
                ; return unset so that nothing is added to output
        size: dlm   ; alias for readability
        res: collect [
            parse/all series case [
                all [integer? size  into] [

                    if size < 1 [cause-error 'Script 'invalid-arg size]
                    count: size - 1

                    piece-size: to integer! round/down divide length? series size
                    if zero? piece-size [piece-size: 1]

                        count [copy series piece-size skip (keep/only series)]
                        copy series to end (keep/only series)
                integer? dlm [

                    if size < 1 [cause-error 'Script 'invalid-arg size]

                    [any [copy series 1 size skip (keep/only series)]]

                'else [ ; = any [bitset? dlm  any-string? dlm  char? dlm]

                    [any [mk1: some [mk2: dlm break | skip] (keep/only copy/part mk1 

        ;-- Special processing, to handle cases where the spec'd more items 

        ;   /into than the series contains (so we want to append empty items),

        ;   or where the dlm was a char/string/charset and it was the last 

        ;   (so we want to append an empty field that the above rule misses).
        fill-val: does [copy either any-block? series [[]] [""]]
        add-fill-val: does [append/only res fill-val]
        case [
            all [integer? size  into] [

                ; If the result is too short, i.e., less items than 'size, add
                ; empty items to fill it to 'size.

                ; We loop here, because insert/dup doesn't copy the value inserted.
                if size > length? res [
                    loop (size - length? res) [add-fill-val]
            ; integer? dlm [
            ; ]

            'else [ ; = any [bitset? dlm  any-string? dlm  char? dlm]

                ; If the last thing in the series is a delimiter, there is an

                ; implied empty field after it, which we add here.
                case [
                    bitset? dlm [

                        ; ATTEMPT is here because LAST will return NONE for an 

                        ; empty series, and finding none in a bitest is not allowed.

                        if attempt [find dlm last series] [add-fill-val]
                    char? dlm [
                        if dlm = last series [add-fill-val]
                    string? dlm [
                        if all [
                            find series dlm
                            empty? find/last/tail series dlm
                        ] [add-fill-val]
A bug?

>> a: [false]
== [false]

>> either a/1 [true][false]
== true
No, try this:

a: [#[false]]
either a/1 [true][false]
I solved it using 
either get a/1 [true][false]
As I see it, the rule should be, that either you wish the function 
you create to be modified/modifiable and then you should use the 
property of the MAKE function, or you don't wish that, and in that 
case other functions should not help to do it.
Ladislav - I don't mind you thinking I am wrong, as I might be easily 
misunderstood. This time though, I insist. You either know what has 
to be done to support your effort, or you don't, which is often the 
case of good engineers ...
You either know what has to be done to support your effort, or you 
don't, which is often the case of good engineers ...

 - that is typical for you, an unrelated thing. You ignored Karl Robillard's 
 effort, so it is your ignorance. I did not.
Yes, we've made other functions help work around the potential security 
weakness of MAKE function! - that's the tradeoff we made for efficiency. 
And as long as you either use COPY/deep generators like FUNC, or 
control the accessibility of your source, it's a really good tradeoff.
I'm curious: How can you get a word 'b bound to a function context, 
when the function is not running, you don't have access to the original 
function body, and all you have is a word 'a bound to that same context? 
No command or extension tricks either - they're already assumed to 
be unsafe.
I'm curious: How can you get a word 'b bound to a function context, 
when the function is not running, you don't have access to the original 
function body, and all you have is a word 'a bound to that same context? 
No command or extension tricks either - they're already assumed to 
be unsafe.

 - I offer you this statement, which I *can* prove in a reasonable 

- I assume, that F is a function having a context with more than 
one variable (Otherwise, there is nothing to prove, is there?)

-, so, for the simplification, let's assume, that there are variables 
'var-a and 'var-b in F's context, such that:

- the Attacker has already access to the variable 'var-a bound to 
the F's context

- , but he does not have the access to the variable 'var-b bound 
to the F's context yet

- now, let's assume, that having access to the variable 'var-b in 
the F's context he would be able to "do some harm" (whatever that 
"harm" is)

Provided, that the above conditions are met, the Attacker is already 
able to do the harm even not having the variable 'var-b bound to 
the F's context available yet. Do I have even to prove the statement?
The above statement requires either access to a word of the same 
spelling bound to the context. I'm talking about accessing a different 

1) Due to the way how the function contexts are implemented in R3, 
the word 'b in F's context does not refer to a password when F is 
not running.

2) Because of that, I either cannot read the password at all, or 
have to be able to read it somehow, which is possible *only* when 
the function is running. (oherwise, there is no danger of me reading 
the password as is well known)
3) do I have to continue?
On a separate note, I want to standardize on either R2 or R3 for 
work (no GUI or SDK required). What are the advantages of R3 compared 
to R2 at present, and what (apart from GUI and SDK) can R2 do that 
R3 can't?
weak and underpowered CALL.No /output or /wait parameter IIRC.

I agree with the general notion (that CALL is weak, atm), but: /wait 
is there (albeit not working on Linux, IIRC). /output is missing 

But CALL is fully doable as extension or from within the hostkit. 
So if anyone really needs it, it's a matter of either developing 
it yourself or funding the development. (Feel free to contact me, 
if interested in the latter.)
Alright, not "most of the time", just in this case. For others:
>> 1 + 1.0
== 2.0
>> 1 + $1
== $2
>> 1 + 100%
== 2.0

Maybe that's why it seems weird. I guess that since R3 char! values 
are currently limited to the codepoints in the BMP they are 16 bits, 
so converting back to char! would be a potential loss of range. It 
could go either way, so I guess the datatype-on-the-left rule is 
a way for the developer to specify which they want. And that rule 
applies to string types too (for INSERT and APPEND), so it's not 
completely weird.
wish for R3 / Topaz / Red / World:

I wish that refinements would be totally reworked (not R2 compatible 
:( ).

Current situation with some examples:

view/new/title/offset/options win "Dialog" 20x20 'resize

remove_last: func [{remove last (n) element(s) of a series}
	serie [series!] /n num [integer!]
	num: any [num 1]
	remove/part skip tail serie negate num num

append: func [{Appends a value to the tail of a series and returns 
the series head.} 
    series [series! port!] value /only
    head either only [
        insert/only tail series :value
    ] [
        insert tail series :value

New situation with different syntax and default values:

view win /new true /title "Dialog" /offset 20x20 /options 'resize

remove_last: func [{remove last (n) element(s) of a series}
	series [series!] /n: 1 [integer!]
	remove skip tail series negate n /part n

append: func [{Appends a value to the tail of a series and returns 
the series head.} 
    series [series! port!] value /part /only /dup
    head insert tail series :value /part part /only only /dup dup

Note that append could also be redifined as: #macro append [] [head 
insert tail]
defined?: func either rebol/version >= 2.100.0 [[
	{find all defined words in the given context}
	context [any-object!]
	/local words
	{find all defined words in the given context}
	context [object!]
	/local words	
	words: first context
	remove-each word words [not value? word]
this looks more likely:

defined?: either rebol/version >= 2.100.0 [
	func [
		{find all defined words in the given context}
		context [any-object!]
		/local words
		words: words-of context
		remove-each word words [not value? word]
	func [
		{find all defined words in the given context}
		context [object!]
		/local words	
		words: bind first context context
		remove-each word words [not value? word]
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
No refinement to MOLD needed. MOLD should know nothing about heredocs. 
Use a separate formatter function, like this:
mold-heredoc: func [value tag [string!]] [ 

 ajoin ["#[[" tag "^/" either string? :value [value] [mold :value] 
 "^/" tag "]]"] 
Whether the tag is optional or not - well, I am not firmly at either 
side. Nevertheless, the empty tag can be considered a tag as well, 
just a special one.
This is my attempt at a function that returns the object or value 
at the end of the given path.  If there is nothing at the given path, 
it returns none.

  get-obj-value: func [ obj [object!] path [path! word!]
        /local id 
        if word? path [ path: to-path path ]
        either not empty? path [
            either all [ 
                id: in obj path/1  
                obj: get id 
                either 1 = length? path [
                    return obj
                    either object? obj [
                        get-obj-value obj remove copy path
                        return none
                return none
        ][ obj ]

improvements appreciated
Not as far as I know,
You could probe the system like this:
    write %tmp "one length"
    write %TMP "another length"

    either (get in info? %tmp 'size) = (get in info? %TMP 'size) ['insensitive]['sensitive]
What I meant to write was:

all [exists what-dir? exists? uppercase what-dir exists? lowercase 

Plus then you need to check if info? is the same on all three.

I think that covers your case......But is not perfect either .... 
It fails If the what-dir path happens to contain no case sensitive 

It's tricky!
I take it back.. REBOL cannot have any idea what I want to do, so 
better to use compare function, like:
sort-pairs: func[block-of-pairs][
	sort/compare block-of-pairs func[a b][
		either a/x < b/x [
			either a/x = b/x [
				either a/y < b/y [
					either a/y > b/y [-1][0]
			][ -1 ]

sort-pairs [748x430 68x206 748x194 305x147]
;== [748x430 748x194 305x147 68x206]
either write your own parser ... or use my smtp challenge :)
Post it to the idioms group in R3 chat #754, either the file, a link 
to the original, or as source in a message.
switch: func [
    "Selects a choice and evaluates what follows it." 
    value "Value to search for." 
    cases [block!] "Block of cases to search." 
    /default case "Default case if no others are found."
    either value: select cases value [do value] [
        either default [do case] [none]]

What should this function be called, and what options does it need?

change-in: funct [key value] [
    either a: find block key [change next a :value][
        repend block [key :value]

It basically implements the a/key: value operation of maps, but for 
Note that the unless guard above is compatible with the R3 version. 
If either series is empty or at its tail at that position, it's a 
noop, silently.
But it looks like the error is triggered before the SQL call, so 
it looks like either the db or counter variables are none.
And not well enough documented either. I don't really know how /compare 
works, not completely.
I know, that it is documented somewhere, that the Comparator can 
yield either logic! value or a number, where a negative number means 
"<", zero means "=", and a positive number means ">"
BrianH <And not well enough documented either. I don't really know 
how /compare works, not completely.>

Comparators and the stable-sort trick (-1, 0 +1) are documented here 
in an old change log. It never made it into the dictionary for SORT:
; implementation:
swap-sub: func [
	{swap the subseries using the SWAP-FIRST function}
	a [series!]
	b [integer!]
	/local la lb pa pb
	pa: a
	la: b - 1
	pb: skip a la
	lb: (length? a) - la
	while [all [la > 0 lb > 0]][
		either la <= lb [
			loop la [
				swap-first pa pb
				pa: next pa
				pb: next pb
			pb: skip pa la
			lb: lb - la
			pa: skip pa la - lb
			loop lb [
				swap-first pa pb
				pa: next pa
				pb: next pb
			pa: skip pa negate la
			la: la - lb
			pb: skip pa la
this may look more readable:

; implementation:
swap-n: func [
	{swap n elements}
	a [series!]
	b [series!]
	n [integer!]
	loop n [swap-first a b a: next a b: next b]

swap-sub: func [
	{swap the subseries using the SWAP-FIRST function}
	a [series!]
	b [integer!]
	/local la lb pa pb
	pa: a
	la: b - 1
	pb: skip a la
	lb: (length? a) - la
	while [all [la > 0 lb > 0]][
		either la <= lb [
			swap-n pa pb la
			pb: skip pa la
			lb: lb - la
			pa: skip pa la - lb
			swap-n pa pb lb
			pa: skip pa negate la
			la: la - lb
			pb: skip pa la
swap-sub: func [
	{swap the subseries using the SWAP-FIRST function}
	a [series!]
	b [integer!]
	/local la lb pa pb
	pa: a
	la: b - 1
	pb: skip a la
	lb: (length? a) - la
	while [all [la > 0 lb > 0]][
		either la <= lb [
			swap-n pa pb la
			pa: pb
			pb: skip pa la
			lb: lb - la
			swap-n skip pa la - lb pb lb
			la: la - lb
			pb: skip pa la

swap-first: func [
	{swap the first elements of A and B}
	a [series!]
	b [series!]
	/local t
	k: k + 1
	set/any 't first a
	change/only a first b
	change/only b get/any 't

k: 0
swap-sub [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] 7
k ; == 6
Here's a working version:

map-each: func [

 "Evaluates a block for each value(s) in a series and returns them 
 as a block."
	[throw catch]

 'word [word! block!] "Word or block of words to set each time (local)"
	data [block!] "The series to traverse"
	body [block!] "Block to evaluate each time"
	/into "Collect into a given series, rather than a new block"

 output [any-block! any-string!] "The series to output to" ; Not image!
	/local init len x
	; Shortcut return for empty data
	either empty? data [any [output make block! 0]] [
		; BIND/copy word and body
		word: either block? word [
			if empty? word [throw make error! [script invalid-arg []]]

   copy/deep word  ; /deep because word is rebound before errors checked
		] [reduce [word]]
		word: use word reduce [word]
		body: bind/copy body first word
		; Build init code
		init: none
		parse word [any [word! | x: set-word! (
			unless init [init: make block! 4]
			; Add [x: at data index] to init, and remove from word
			insert insert insert tail init first x [at data] index? x
			remove x
		) :x | x: skip (

   throw make error! reduce ['script 'expect-set [word! set-word!] type? 
   first x]
		len: length? word ; Can be zero now (for advanced code tricks)
		; Create the output series if not specified
		unless into [output: make block! divide length? data max 1 len]
		; Process the data (which is not empty at this point)

  until [ ; Note: output: insert/only output needed for list! output
			set word data  do init

   unless unset? set/any 'x do body [output: insert/only output :x]
			tail? data: skip data len
		; Return the output and clean up memory references
		also either into [output] [head output] (
			set [word data body output init x] none
I'm learning more about what may be happening. According to the docs, 
I may be getting either a 401 or 404 error. More as I figure this 
Group: !REBOL3 Proposals ... For discussion of feature proposals [web-public]
Keep in mind that only *one* of those proposals for the new model 
of function behavior would be done. I am in favor of either "Definitional 
return with an option to not define RETURN and EXIT, dynamic return 
as a fallback" or "Definitional return with an option to not define 
RETURN and EXIT, no dynamic return". How about you?
right now..  my brain would choose this way:

my-brain [ ]

hour: 12h35AM
options: [
	"Dynamic return with optional transparency"
	"Definitional return only"

 "Dynamic-return-only functions vs. option of definitional-return-only 
	"Dynamic return with a definitional return option"

 "Definitional return with an option to not define RETURN and EXIT, 
 dynamic return as a fallback"

 "Definitional return with an option to not define RETURN and EXIT, 
 no dynamic return"

either hour > 00:00:00 & hour < 06:00:00 [
	select options random length? options

 write altme://!REBOL3 Proposals/answer  read http://www.rebol.net/wiki/Exceptions
Btw, Ladislav, thanks again for the CLOSURE constructor. If you hadn't 
come up with that great a solution then R2 likely wouldn't have gotten 
closures at all, and none of the other fake datatypes would have 
made it in either, which would have been a real tragedy if we missed 
out on the typeset! stuff.
If given a choice I would prefer only a single return type, dynamic 
or definitional. Definitional would be better, but we could work 
with either, as long as they have their version of the [throw] option. 
That means 6 or 1.
I really need to fill in the Exceptions page with the real differences 
and advantages of dynamic and definitional scoping. There are advantages 
that either has that the other does not. It would be a real loss 
to not have both in different circumstances. The different circumstances 
being definitional for returns and dynamic for breaks and throws.
Well it comes down to this: Functions are defined lexically. Though 
they are called dynamically, they aren't called until after they 
have already been bound, definitionally. But as a side effect of 
tasking, those bindings are stack-relative, and those stacks are 
task-local. But random blocks of code outside of functions are bound 
to object contexts, and those are *not* task-local. So that means 
that the old R2 practice of calling shared blocks of code is a really 
bad idea in R3 if any words are modified, unless there is some kind 
of locking or synchronization. This means that those blocks need 
to be moved into functions if their code is meant to be sharable, 
which means that at least as far as RETURN and EXIT are concerned, 
they can be considered lexically scoped. The advantage that we would 
get from being able to call a shared block of code and explicitly 
return in that block is moot, because we can't really do that much 
anymore. This means that we don't lose anything by switching to definitional 
code that we haven't already lost for other reasons. At least as 
far as functions are concerned, all task-safe code is definitional.

Loops are also defined lexically, more or less, and the rebinding 
ones are also task-safe because they are BIND/copy'd to a selfless 
object context that is only used for that one call and thrown away 
afterwards. And most calls to loops are task-safe anyways because 
they are contained in functions. However, the LOOP, FORALL, FORSKIP 
and WHILE loops do not rebind at the moment. We actually prefer to 
use those particular loops sometimes in R3 code because they can 
be more efficient than *EACH and REPEAT, because they don't have 
that BIND/copy overhead. Other times we prefer to use *EACH or REPEAT, 
in case particular loop fits better, or has high-enough repetitions 
and enough word references that the 27% overhead for stack-local 
word reference is enough to be more than the once-per-loop BIND/copy 
overhead. Since you don't have to move blocks into *loops* to make 
them task-safe, you can use blocks referred to by word to hold code 
that would be shared between different bits of code in the same function. 
This is called manual common subexpression elimination (CSE), and 
is a common optimization trick in advanced REBOL code, because we 
have to hand-optimize REBOL using tricks that the compiler would 
do for us if we were using a compiled language. Also, PARSE rules 
are often called from loops, and they are frequently (and in specific 
cases necessarily) referred to by word instead of lexically nested; 
most of the time these rules can be quite large, maximizing BIND/copy 
overhead, so you definitely don't want to put the extensive ones 
in a FOREACH or a closure.

Switching to definitional break would have three real downsides:

* Every loop would need to BIND/copy, every time the loop is called, 
including the loops that we were explicitly using because they *don't* 

* Code that is not nested in the main loop block would not be able 
to break from that loop. And code that is nested in the main loop 
would BIND/copy.

* We can in theory catch unwinds, run some recovery code, and send 
them on their way (hopefully only in native code, see #1521). Definitional 
escapes might be hard or impossible to catch in this way, depending 
on how they are implemented, and that would mean that you couldn't 
recover from breaks anymore.

The upside to definitional break would be that you could skip past 
a loop or two if you wanted to, something you currently can't do. 
Another way to accomplish that would be to add /name options to all 
the loop functions, and that wouldn't have the BIND/copy overhead. 
Or to use THROW or THROW/name.

The situation with THROW is similar to that of the non-binding loops, 
but more so, still task-safe because of functions. But CATCH and 
THROW are typically the most useful in two scenarios:

* Escaping through a lot of levels that would catch dynamic breaks 
or returns.

* Premade custom escape functions that might need to enforce specific 

Both of these uses can cause a great deal of difficulty if we switched 
to definitional throw. In the first case, the code is often either 
broken into different functions (and thus not nested), or all dumped 
into a very large set of nested code that we wouldn't want to BIND/copy. 
Remember, the more levels we want to throw past, the more code that 
goes into implementing those levels. In the second case definitional 
throw would usually not work at all because the CATCH and the THROW 
would contained in different functions, and the code that calls the 
function wrapping the THROW would not be nested inside the CATCH. 
So you would either need to rebind every bit of code that called 
the THROW, or the definitional THROW would need to be passed to the 
code that wants to call it like a continuation (similar concept). 
Either way would be really awkward.

On the plus side of dynamic (whatever), at least it's easy to catch 
an unwind for debugging, testing or recovery purposes. For that matter, 
the main advantage of using THROW/name as the basic operation that 
developers can use to make custom dynamic escape functions is that 
we can build in a standard way to catch it and that will work for 
every custom escape that is built with it. The end to the arms race 
of break-through and catch.
It's not task-safe either, but recursion-safety is more of an issue 
for now.
We could really use a native LET or SELFLESS - either would do, actually, 
and could be used to implement the other.
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