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world-name: r3wp

Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]

- Thanks for all the feedback (both public and private) guys
- Sunanda: 'stats - missed that one; system/stats should fix it

- shadwolf: MD2-IDE was the VID proto-type; mdViewer is the *real* 
View implementation (i.e. I won't radically change the render engine 
on you again ;) )
AShley there is a problem rendering this in MDViewer
<c red>t</c><c orange>e</c><c orange>s</c><c yellow>t</c>
[unknown: 10]:
its like i.e. "reverse enginering"...
[unknown: 10]:
I.e. the problem with introducing REBOL into a BIG software development 
compagny is that the developers are always willing to try a change! 
but the total package of moving from 1 development enviroment to 
the other is far to complicated and expensive to do it.. So they 
stick with what  "others" use  and do, without thinking through the 
whole picture.. Its a pitty but a fact though.. Still if a development 
compagny would start directly (or on a new project) with i.e. REBOL 
the change that it will have success if far greater. Well....getting 
to that stage is difficult because REBOL is unknown... Its like "air" 
to the people, so you have to put time into it.. (There is no time 
inside big compagnies..there is only time in technology enhanced 
compagny's that do research. So you miss a market...) Anyway a nice 
topic which keeps me sometimes thinking about "Who promoted the Wheel.. 
;-)" It was an evolution... And indeed Internet promotion is part 
of this evolution so please continue ;-)
Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
petr, the deep changes are, i guess, to make Carl's life easier. 
(i.e. compiler and string)
i.e. if we make tag parsing more strict, we can probably solve the 
Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
Glad to see that in Rebol there are many ways to Rome.

Alphabetical sort - Is there a built-in way to obtain the right sort 
order for the french language.

a b c d e é è ë f g ... I dont see it as a 'sort refinement, and 
'am a bit surprised.  Else why fuss with 8 bit chars?  So I suppose 
it is there, but don't see it.

In plain sort, the accented caracters are coming last! a: [é è ê 
ë a c b d e g f h i k j l m n p o q r t s u v x w y z]   sort a
== [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z è é ê ë]
For thos einterested: just received e-mail from Cindy stating that 
there will be a (cheaper) upgrade path to R3 for R2 licensees, butno 
details available just yet.
Thanks everyone for your prompt and honest comments.

Why did I join this community? The primary reason is to be part of 
a small, smart and passionate group who think differently, which 
when combined with REBOL is a very powerful combination. Therefore 
it would seem that focusing the resources of the community on a "killer" 
application leveraging REBOL3 would increase the chance of REBOL 
becoming main stream, and as a side effect possibly allow part time 
REBOL developers to become full time REBOL developers. As an example, 
think what Ruby on Rails did for Ruby. Wouldn't it be nice to get 
paid to do what you love!

IMO/E I believe it's very important for the application vendors to 
have very close and strong ties with the platform vendor so architectures 
and features can be designed and exist at the correct layer. Also, 
if something needs to be implemented in the application but really 
belongs in the platform, it can be done in a way that enables that 
feature to be migrated in the future with minimal impact and extra 
work. This seems to fit with REBOL's history of improving based on 

I'd like to think it's possible to build great applications in 3 
months, with new releases every three months as required based on 
requirements, so I don't have the time (and maybe not even the ability) 
to spend years learning REBOL. I'd also argue that for a company 
to be successful, it needs a small team to have a number of diverse 
skills which is focused on delivering the product. I mentioned when 
I first signed on that I would be interested to meet REBOL gurus 
who are in Northern California and see what happens when interesting 
(or not) people get together. Sorry for the length of this post and 
thanks for listening.
The fact that it's one small yet complete executable and rebol.org 
has scripts for things like XML etc. ... I have seen REBOL scale 
from netowrk management tools to e-bank prototypes to ...
delimit: func [
        "Insert a delimiter between series values."
        series [series!] "Series to delimit. Will be modified."
        value            "The delimiter to insert between items."

        /skip   ;<-- be sure to use system/words/skip in this func

            size [integer!] "The number of items between delimiters. Default 
            is 1."
        ; By default, delimiters go between each item.
        ; MAX catches zero and negative sizes.
        size: max 1 any [size 1]

        ; If we aren't going to insert any delimiters, just return the series.

        ; This check means FORSKIP should always give us a series result,
        ; rather than NONE, so we can safely inline HEAD with it.
        if size + 1 > length? series [return series]
        ; We don't want a delimiter at the beginning.
        series: system/words/skip series size

        ; Use size+n because we're inserting a delimiter on each pass,

        ; and need to skip over that as well. If we're inserting a

        ; series into a string, we have to skip the length of that

        ; series. i.e. the delimiter value is more than a single item
        ; we need to skip.
        size: size + any [

            all [list? series  0] ; lists behave differently; no need to skip 

            all [any-string? series  series? value  length? value]
            all [any-string? series  length? form value]
        head forskip series size [insert/only series value]
Put another way, what is the rule for when a word must explicitly 
bear the sigil prefix of  :  ? I.e., when is a get-word! required 
and when does any word suffice?  ::word is an error but   to file! 
:myString  in a func is no different from  to file! myString   and 
how do you pur carriage-returns into this message-post box!  ;-)
;One tip if you are new like me
  save %hist_001.r system/console/history
; then in user.r
  system/console/history: load %hist_001.r
: when you have materials worth reviewing as you learn ....

; PS  I meant 'former' as model, i.e, "Little Schemer"  "Seasoned 
Schemer" "Reasoned Schemer"

Prolog has the 'Art of .. ' 'Craft of ' and 'Practice of Prolog' 
Can u tell me why we use datetype  unset!  in the func  list-dir 
 but not in the func  to-logic 
I.e.  why do we not have
   to logic!
return false when I pass in it an unset!

Or am I missing something here ?  Maybe I miss what is the diff between 
 'qwetr  being type set-word! and it not having a binding yet or 
my having sent
    unset 'qwetr

Is this like the  diff in other lang's between  nil_or_null and undefined_or_undeclared 
oh I see

   listdir   ; the param is not there, i.e., we have something unset!

    listdir qwetr  ; errror

But could the latter not return false a la negation-as-failure meaning 
I cannot browse your putative directory ?

I guess I am asking " What is the Rebolesque way of seeing this? 
; the docs say
/part - Limits the search to a given length or position. 

range - The range argument. (must be: number series port) 

; but it is not clear how to pass in that range argument as a 'position' 
let alone a series or port

; the only sign of something going wrong other than an error is that 
the 'end' is simply spit back out at the console, i.e., no error 
but bogus 'result''
; i.e.,
>> type? write %tmp.txt "newbie"
== unset!
>> unset? write %tmp.txt "new"
== true
>> c: open %temp.txt
>> e: insert c "test"
>> close %temp.txt

>> type? e         ; this is easy to explain to Smalltalker as in 
ST you cannot assume that a method returns self
; I only have the issue if I build t2 to hold some functor and a 
word bound to a block rather than the block, i.e., not
>> t1: [a "one" b "two" c "three" x [f "for"]]
== [a "one" b "two" c "three" x [f "for"]]
>> t2: reduce['functor t1]
== [functor [a "one" b "two" c "three" x [f "for"]]]
>> t2/functor/c
== "three"
Group: PDF-Maker ... discuss Gabriele's pdf-maker [web-public]
It is probably a bit funny, but I used to put both of following head 
part in my HTML pages:

    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1257">

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-10">

It worked so that it was corectly displayed in M$ Exploer and Opera.

The Baltic Rim ( "Windows Baltic Microsoft code page – cp 1257") 
is the standart.

I will send to your e-mail couple of images with characters and codes.
i.e. it's much more flexible than TeX actually, however there are 
a number of drawbacks; you can't apply a fit algorithm to pages (boxes 
in this case) if they are not all the same width.
yet it's something for higher level dialects to do imho. i.e. makedoc 
would do that.
bold and italic are a different font (i.e. you use Times-Italic instead 
of Times-Roman)
pdf maker can't do this, because manual intervention is in general 
not desirable. (i.e. an app that uses the pdf maker to produce invoices 
should not expect the user to manually fix the layout if there are 
anton, if you can convince me they are needed (i.e. there are things 
that are useful to do that can't be done without them) :)
update: added embedded tables (i.e. tables between paragraphs)
i.e. the first column is forced to be very small by the second column 
having long text
Group: Parse ... Discussion of PARSE dialect [web-public]
Quick question for the parse experts. If I have a parse rule that 
looks like this:

parse spec [
	any [
		set arg string! (...) | set arg tuple! (...) | ...

How would I add a rule like:

	set arg paren! (reduce arg)

that always occurred prior to the any rule and evaluated parenthesized 
expressions (i.e. I want parenthesized expressions to be reduced 
to a REBOL value that can be handled by the remainder of the parse 
;***** Conversion function from/to CSV format
csv-to-block: func [

 "Convert a string of CSV formated data to a Rebol block. First line 
 is header."
	csv-data [string!] "CSV data."

 /separator separ [char!] "Separator to use if different of comma 
	/without-header "Do not include header in the result."

 /local out line start end this-string header record value data chars 
 spaces chars-but-space

 ; CSV format information http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Articles/CSV/CSV01.htm
] [
	out: copy []
	separ: any [separ #","]

 ; This function handle replacement of dual double-quote by quote 
 while copying substring
	this-string: func [s e] [replace/all copy/part s e {""} {"}]
	; CSV parsing rules

 header: [(line: copy []) value any [separ value] (if not without-header 
 [append/only out line])]

 record: [(line: copy []) value any [separ value] (append/only out 

 value: [any spaces data any spaces (append line this-string start 

 data: [start: some chars-but-space end: | #"^"" start: any [some 
 chars | {""} | #"," | newline] end: #"^""]
	chars: complement charset rejoin [ {"} separ newline]
	spaces: charset exclude { ^-} form separ
	chars-but-space: exclude chars spaces
	parse/all csv-data [header any [newline record] any newline end]

block-to-csv: func [
	"Convert a block of blocks to a CSV formated string." 
	blk-data [block!] "block of data to convert"
	/separator separ "Separator to use if different of comma (,)."
	/local out csv-string record value v
] [
	out: copy ""
	separ: any [separ #","]
	; This function convert a string to a CSV formated one

 csv-string: func [val] [head insert next copy {""} replace/all copy 
 val {"} {""} ]
	record: [into [some [value (append out #",")]]]

 value: [set v string! (append out csv-string v) | set v any-type! 
 (append out form v)]

 parse/all blk-data [any [record (remove back tail out append out 
graham, iirc my version is meant to handle embedded quotes when properly 
escaped, i.e. you should have "123 ""C"" AVENUE" there for it to 
...There are actually lots of programs that can be given (E)BNF grammars 
as input and automatically produce code for parsers for the given 
grammar. In fact, this is the most common way to produce a compiler: 
by using a so-called compiler-compiler that takes a grammar as input 
and produces parser code in some programming language....
The syntax on (E)BNF languages varies widely, widely enough that 
the parse dialect itself can be considered an EBNF language.
Graham, the best book I know of on regexs is Jeff Friedl's 'Mastering 
Regular Expressions'. He has an email validating regex (i.e. it just 
matches the RFC822 spec for an email address) which is almost 5K 
; Version with support for decreasing ranges
regset: func [expression /local out negate? b e x] [
    negate?: false
    out: make bitset! []
    parse/all expression [
        opt ["~" (negate?: true)]
        some [
            "-" (insert out #"-") |
            b: skip "-" e: skip (
                b: first b  e: first e
                loop 1 + (
                    either b > e [b - x: e] [e - x: b]
                ) [
                    insert out x
                    x: 1 + x
            ) |
            x: skip (insert out first x)
    if negate? [out: complement out]

; Version without support for decreasing ranges
regset: func [expression /local out negate? b e x] [
    negate?: false
    out: make bitset! []
    parse/all expression [
        opt ["~" (negate?: true)]
        some [
            "-" (insert out #"-") |
            b: skip "-" e: skip (
                b: first b  e: first e
                either b > e [
                    insert insert insert out b #"-" e
                ] [
                    loop 1 + e - b [
                        insert out b
                        b: 1 + b
            ) |
            x: skip (insert out first x)
    if negate? [out: complement out]
; Version with support for decreasing ranges
regset: func [expression /local out negate? b e x] [
    negate?: false
    out: make bitset! []
    parse/all expression [
        opt ["~" (negate?: true)]
        some [
            "-" (insert out #"-") |
            b: skip "-" e: skip (
                b: first b  e: first e
                either b > e [
                    insert out e
                    repeat x b - e [insert out e + x]
                ] [
                    insert out b
                    repeat x e - b [insert out b + x]
            ) |
            x: skip (insert out first x)
    if negate? [out: complement out]

; Version without support for decreasing ranges
regset: func [expression /local out negate? b e x] [
    negate?: false
    out: make bitset! []
    parse/all expression [
        opt ["~" (negate?: true)]
        some [
            "-" (insert out #"-") |
            b: skip "-" e: skip (
                b: first b  e: first e
                either b > e [
                    insert insert insert out b #"-" e
                ] [
                    insert out b
                    repeat x e - b [insert out b + x]
            ) |
            x: skip (insert out first x)
    if negate? [out: complement out]
my measurements show:

>> time-block [parse "a" ["a"]] 0.05
== 3.83615493774414E-7
>> time-block [parse "a" [#"a"]] 0.05
== 3.61204147338867E-7

, i.e. the opposite
lazy-parse: func [string rules /local parsed?][
;does not support ANY yet (wrong results)
	parsed?: false
	rules: copy rules
	parse string [
		some [
			b: rules/1 e:
				parsed?: true
				rules: next rules
				if empty? e [
					either empty? rules [
						parsed?: true
						rules: copy [break]
					] [
						e: next b
						if empty? e [parsed?: false]
Group: MySQL ... [web-public]
need help from mysql gurus ;-)  have this where clause:

now here they say that doublecuoting should make the match accent-sensitive, 
but noo 8-(
have set everything utf8 ..
and now I have a prove:

not-squote: complement charset "'"
not-dquote: complement charset {"}
ws: charset " ^-^M^/"

data: {INSERT INTO hmm_kalendar_akce VALUES (NULL,9,'posledni-skotsky-kral',NULL,'(Last 
King of Scotland, The)','Poslední skotský král',NULL,NULL,'','http://www.kinoartbrno.cz/?stranka=film&amp;film=posledni-skotsky-kral',0,NULL)}

;the parse part from insert-all-queries function:
	parse/all s: data [
		any [
			#"'" some ["\'" | "''" | not-squote] #"'"
			|{"} some [{\"} | {""} | not-dquote] {"}
			| #"`" thru #"`"
			| e: #";" (
				probe "next query?"
				probe e
			  ) any [ws] s:
			| skip
(i.e. the search client protocol that can talk to Sphinx). You can 
also compile a client in mysql and then use sql for your queries.
You should get back a top-level JSON object, but nested blocks will 
be arrays, not objects. e.g.

>> rebol-to-json [a: 1 b: 2 c: [d: 4 e: 5] f: #[object! [g: 6 h: 

== {["a", 1, "b", 2, "c", ["d", 4, "e", 5], "f", {"g": 6, "h": 7}]}
Group: AGG ... to discus new Rebol/View with AGG [web-public]
Pekr: the SVG Demo is just a quick and dirty prototype. I'm just 
going to get it to the stage where it can display simple SVG icons 
(for RebGUI). If someone else wants to write an SVG viewer that is 
fully SVG 1.1 (with 1.2 around the corner) compatible then good luck 
... I'm *not* going to be doing that! ;)

yeksoon: see above comments. I'm tweaking the SVG Demo code on an 
SVG icon by icon basis. As long as it works for the icons I use (or 
intend to use) I'm happy - I don't guarantee the code will work with 
anything other than the specific SVG files I have tested it on.

Cyphre: SVG is such a "flexible" standard isn't it? :) One question; 
how did you map SVG "path d" commands (e.g. <path style=... d="M 
10 10 C 20 20 ... z") where there is no "z" command to close the 
"shape" (i.e. the AGG shape command closes by default).

shadwolf: Having our own SVG icons is a good idea as we don't have 
to worry about licence / distribution issues and we can tweak the 
generation to make it as AGG compatible as possible. To do that we 
need to settle on *one* tool so as we generate consistent SVG code, 
and we should generate SVG that uses a single unit of measure, preferably 
pixels, as it's a real pain trying to handle multiple units of measure 
within the same file. I'll continue this discussion in the RebGUI 
Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
Now this is interesting ...

Email: [holger-:-rebol-:-com]

Smtp-challenge loaded ..
domain:  rebol.com

220-gs5.inmotionhosting.com ESMTP Exim 4.42 #1 Mon, 20 Jun 2005 18:19:13 
HELO compkarori.com

220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited, 
220 and/or bulk e-mail.

250 gs5.inmotionhosting.com Hello compka at compkarori.com []
Mail from:
250 OK

550-"The recipient cannot be verified.  Please check all recipients 
of this

in state 3:  550-"The recipient cannot be verified.  Please check 
all recipients of this
user not found
Email: [gregg-:-rebol-:-com]

Smtp-challenge loaded ..
domain:  rebol.com

220-gs5.inmotionhosting.com ESMTP Exim 4.42 #1 Mon, 20 Jun 2005 18:19:37 
HELO compkarori.com

220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited, 
220 and/or bulk e-mail.

250 gs5.inmotionhosting.com Hello compka at compkarori.com []
Mail from:
250 OK
250 Accepted
in state 3:  250 Accepted
ok - user is here!
Email: [gabriele-:-rebol-:-com]

Smtp-challenge loaded ..
domain:  rebol.com

220-gs5.inmotionhosting.com ESMTP Exim 4.42 #1 Mon, 20 Jun 2005 18:20:01 
HELO compkarori.com

220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited, 
220 and/or bulk e-mail.

250 gs5.inmotionhosting.com Hello compka at compkarori.com []
Mail from:
250 OK
250 Accepted
in state 3:  250 Accepted
ok - user is here!
I think I make post a string or literal     i.e   [ 'POST
I have tried "Overflow: auto" (I just had a look to makedoc anywhere 
result to see how it handles that),
but fall on the I.E. inconsistency.

1. I don't know if i understand correctly, but if You give only one 
size (f.e. width), image will be scaled with aspect ratio to that 
size. You can set .photo size too of course (so it will not ruin 
Your layout)

2. Text under the image - I can't identify the problem. Can You give 
a link to it?

I need another short advice :-)

do you prefer:

- directly accessible menu menu: http://www.creactive.cz/work/xidys/online/


- initially collapsed menu: http://www.creactive.cz/work/xidys/xidys_web_hp.jpg

   - with mouse-over effect: http://www.creactive.cz/work/xidys/xidys_web_hp2.jpg

   - and after clicking an item: http://www.creactive.cz/work/xidys/xidys_web_sec.jpg

(dis)advantages to both:

According to company working on our website, there is something like 
slight barrier, when user needs to click, and wait where the click 
does take him/her. According to them, users prefer scrolling. OTOH 
the menu can get long, and e.g. e-shop direct icon is not visible 
(nor is last section), and there is no easy other place, where to 
put such an icon (direct link).

thanks a lot :-)
I prefer direct e-shop link
this is part of a script I use to monitor and restart  my vpn and 
ssh tunnel :
connect: does [
		call rejoin [{osascript -e "tell application \"System Events\"
			tell current location of network preferences
				set vpn to current configuration of service \"VPN\"
				if not connected of vpn then
					tell application \"AlmostVPNProMenuBar\"
						stop (profile named \"default\")
					end tell
					connect vpn
					delay 6
					tell application \"AlmostVPNProMenuBar\"
						start (profile named \"default\")
					end tell
					tell application \"AlmostVPNProMenuBar\"
						stop (profile named \"default\")
					end tell
				   disconnect vpn
					delay 6
					connect vpn
					delay 6
					tell application \"AlmostVPNProMenuBar\"
						start (profile named \"default\")
					end tell
				end if
			end tell
		end tell"}]
>> send [tim-:-akwebsoft-:-com] "testing rebol"                        
Net-log: ["Opening" "tcp" "for" "esmtp"]
connecting to: mail.akwebsoft.com
Net-log: [none "220"]

Net-log: {220-host266.hostmonster.com ESMTP Exim 4.76 #1 Sun, 09 
Oct 2011 11:45:39 -0600 }

Net-log: {220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport 
unsolicited, }
Net-log: "220 and/or bulk e-mail."
Net-log: [["HELO" system/network/host] "250"]
Net-log: {250 host266.hostmonster.com Hello bart []}
Net-log: ["AUTH CRAM-MD5" "334"]
Net-log: ["WARNING! Using plain authentication."]

Net-log: [{AUTH PLAIN dGltQGFrd2Vic29mdC5jb20AdGltQGFrd2Vic29mdC5jb20AdEhqMTk0OSc=} 

** User Error: Server error: tcp 503 AUTH command used when not advertised
** Near: smtp-port: open [scheme: 'esmtp] 
either only
>> set-net [[tim-:-akwebsoft-:-com] mail.akwebsoft.com mail.akwebsoft.com 
none none none [tim-:-akwebsoft-:-com] "****" ]
>> send [tim-:-akwebsoft-:-com] "testing"
Net-log: ["Opening" "tcp" "for" "esmtp"]
connecting to: mail.akwebsoft.com
Net-log: [none "220"]

Net-log: {220-host266.hostmonster.com ESMTP Exim 4.76 #1 Sun, 09 
Oct 2011 12:00:11 -0600 }

Net-log: {220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport 
unsolicited, }
Net-log: "220 and/or bulk e-mail."
Net-log: [["EHLO" system/network/host] "250"]

Net-log: {250-host266.hostmonster.com Hello Graham-PC []}
Net-log: "250-SIZE 52428800"
Net-log: "250-PIPELINING"
Net-log: "250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN"
Net-log: "250-STARTTLS"
Net-log: "250 HELP"
Net-log: ["Supported auth methods:" [plain login]]
Net-log: ["WARNING! Using AUTH LOGIN."]
Net-log: [
    "AUTH LOGIN" "334"
Net-log: "334 VXNlcm5hbWU6"
Net-log: ["dGltQGFrd2Vic29mdC5jb20=" "334"]
Net-log: "334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6"
Net-log: ["KioqKg==" "235"]

** User Error: Server error: tcp 535 Incorrect authentication data
** Near: smtp-port: open [scheme: 'esmtp]
either only
>> send [tim-:-akwebsoft-:-com] "testing rebol"                        
Net-log: ["Opening" "tcp" "for" "esmtp"]
connecting to: mail.akwebsoft.com
Net-log: [none "220"]

Net-log: {220-host266.hostmonster.com ESMTP Exim 4.76 #1 Sun, 09 
Oct 2011 12:12:54 -0600 }

Net-log: {220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport 
unsolicited, }
Net-log: "220 and/or bulk e-mail."
Net-log: [["EHLO" system/network/host] "250"]
Net-log: {250-host266.hostmonster.com Hello bart []}
Net-log: "250-SIZE 52428800"
Net-log: "250-PIPELINING"
Net-log: "250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN"
Net-log: "250-STARTTLS"
Net-log: "250 HELP"
Net-log: ["Supported auth methods:" [plain login]]
Net-log: ["WARNING! Using AUTH LOGIN."]
Net-log: [
    "AUTH LOGIN" "334"
Net-log: "334 VXNlcm5hbWU6"
Net-log: ["dGltQGFrd2Vic29mdC5jb20=" "334"]
Net-log: "334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6"
Net-log: ["dEhqMTk0OSc=" "235"]

** User Error: Server error: tcp 535 Incorrect authentication data
** Near: smtp-port: open [scheme: 'esmtp] 
either only
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
but we are still unclear on that come wants to wait until the official 
new version is out to improve the diccionnary with new words in it 
 others want to start from now with yet new words existing in the e ...
Let me try this again. 

RT hosts this world for REBOL discussions, and they graciously don't 
complain that we have a lot of off-topic channels, probably because 
they understand that's how people work. It is for the REBOL community.

There aren't any set rules here, nor do I think we need them. I think 
that, as a community, we need some non-REBOL channels, just not so 
many; and not so "loud" (i.e. active) that they consistently shadow 
the REBOL content. If each of us "self monitors", there should be 
no problem. i.e. if you find yourself writing a lot more non-REBOL-related 
messages than REBOL-related ones, consistently over time, think about 
whether that's adding value to the world.  

I disagree somewhat with the view of "let them opt out of a group 
if they don't like it", because that puts the power in the hands 
of one group to drive others away. That's just me.

To me, a group belongs here, and a conversation has value, if it 
is of interest to the vast majority ofere people who are part of 

Here are a couple suggestions:

1) Don't post a long stream of uninterrupted messages. If there's 
a subject on your mind, post a message or two on it, and see if anyone 
responds. If not, don't keep posting more messages on that subject.

2) If a non-REBOL conversation involves only two or three people 
and/or is argumentative in nature, go private or off-world. Again, 
this is not our world; let's not abuse RT's storage and bandwidth.

Be aware, if you have a lot of free space on the media (i.e. dozens 
of gigabytes), it could take quite some time to complete.
The problem is, everytime I press'e' key, colorization is turned 
of off and 'e' does not appear on the screen!!!
I can type 'E' (e + shift) but not 'e'. I like 'e', it's on of my 
belowed characters and I was so dumb to not backup my older installation. 
Don't you now, what can be the problem?
It's not only 'e' that does not work, I can't type 'v' too. :/
Same in french / Le même en français : la traduction française du 
User Guide de REBOL Core est terminée. Elle est disponible sur le 
site du Rebol Documentation Project http://www.rebdocproj.org/article.php3?id_article=197, 
en version PDF. Enjoy !
...but thanks to those who ask me if I am OK...just spending more 
of my time with more e-Fish-Ant-Sea!
Group: SDK ... [web-public]
Is 'linear the default for gradients? i.e. are the objects being 
de-ref'd correctly at all? I haven't tried this in the new View, 
so I'm not sure how lookups are evaluated. Does it work if you use 
so if it cannot find the program.exe file (i.e., itself), it cannot 
extract the rebol code, and won't work.
i.e. basically storing a mini linker within the encap.exe and storing 
rebol.o and the supplied code as a source.o and linking them directly, 
so that the output would look like it was within rebol mezz code.
If %view.r from the old SDK is included instead of %view.r from the 
new SDK, the script runs but gives the following error message:

Misplaced item: "imanXw"
Misplaced item: "Quit"
Misplaced item: [
    (write %session-time.txt (session-time
 + (difference now/precise time-start)))
    (write %exchange-rate.txt exchange-rat
If I encap with 2.6.2, including %view.r also from 2.6.2 the script 
does not run, but instantly gives this error message:

** Script Error: exchange-rate has no valu
** Where: switch
** Near: forall args [
    val: first args
    switch/default type?/word val [
        pair! [append pairs val]
** Press enter to quit...
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
foreach e t [probe e/1]
No need to register to post .. Well it's better that's sure ... So 
to register go to this page http://www.rebolfrance.info/rebolfrance.info?do=register
you fill the form with login, Real Name and e-mail.
Graham: Next RebGUI build, 0.3.0, requires View 1.2.124 or higher.

Pekr: difficult without a global event system (as shadwolf asked 
about before). If I can achieve the same effect (i.e. close when 
mouse leaves widget) without it then I'll implement it that way instead 
(global event handling is just too expensive for the few cases it 
is required).
But it does perform its action each time it is clicked ... *unless* 
it is already "active" (i.e. we ignore clicks on the currently active 
tab). If the intent / desire is to have a "refresh" type ability 
then specifying a button for that tab (which calls the action) is 
probably the better way to go.

 1) Code size. What it loses in code size it gains in aesthetics and 
 simplified behaviour (check out the request-color and request-date 
 actions in %tour.r to see the extra "state" code required by the 
 original implementation). I like Brian's base64 solution.

 2) Tab-panel color: I've based this on the WinXP color scheme. Try 
 changing it to colors/window, it just doesn't look right. But slider 
 can be used on a colors/widget or colors/window background. WinXP 
 solves this by using a gradient / edge so that it is distinguishable 
 on either. So for RebGUI, a number of solutions are possible:

  - add a new colors/slider background that "works" with both widget 
  and windows background colors

  - add a new colors/tab-panel background that "works" with both widget 
  and windows background colors

  - use an effect like gradient to distinguish the slider background 
		- or edge
		- or?
	I'm open to suggestions on this one. ;)

	1) I like the in-line image solution

 2) I like the base 64 solution even better! One problem, the button-down 
 image renders the same as button-up (i.e. 1st and 2nd images render 
 the same ... even though a quick glance at the data suggests they 
 are different?)

	Any examples where the desired behaviour is used?


 I did the same (replaced scroller call with "slider data [arrows]") 
 for text-list / table and it worked fine for me. Check for code that 
 tried to reference sub-faces in the old scroller widget (as Anton 
 refactored slider to use just one face).
I'm currently developing a load-svg-icon function that will take 
an SVG file name and size, and return a scaled draw block. Some questions 
need addressing first though (feel free to post the GPL answers to 
the licensing group):

1) Can I distribute a set of GPL SVG icons with the RebGUI zip bundle? 
If so, under what terms / conditions?

2) If someone creates a RebGUI binary application (with the to be 
released SDK) can they include GPLed SVG files, and if so, under 
what terms / conditions?

3) Can GPLed SVG files be distributed under a different file name(s)? 
(e.g. rename gnome-gtk-folder-icon3.svg to open.svg)

4) What if I want to take a set of GPLed SVG files and distribute 
them as pre-converted draw-blocks (so RebGUI apps don't need to convert 
icons from SVG to Draw)?

Now some design questions:

1) Should the result of the proposed load-svg-icon be a draw block 
or an image?

2) Should RebGUI have a stock image cache or a stock draw-cmds cache? 
(i.e. is it better to cache draw cmds or images)
Certainly, and indeed that was how it was handled before I "discovered" 
min-size ... but handling this non-natively (i.e. not via min-size) 
looks and feels a bit crude as well as being inconsistent with how 
other [non-REBOL] apps handle resize.
Graham, best you can do is remove #Y directive from first 3 widgets. 
To make things even clearer, revert the span-resize function to its 
pre-0.3.4 definition (i.e. replace the following:

			;	protect against negative sizes
			if find face/span #"W" [
			if find face/span #"H" [


			if find face/span #"W" [face/size/x: face/size/x + delta/x]
			if find face/span #"H" [face/size/y: face/size/y + delta/y]

in %rebgui.r (as has been done in the next build).
Focus question. Given that CR and Tab should fire a field's action; 
should loss of focus due to mouse click do the same (i.e. should 
clicking in field1 then field2 cause field1's action to fire)?
No plans with 'get-text, unless it was to do something over and above 
what face/text does (i.e. trim then show).

The alert problem is related to RebGUI's liberal use of hide-popup 
to cope with drop-lists and edit-lists that need to be closed when 
another one is opened. I figured at the time that having more than 
one non-modal dialog open at the same time probably didn't make much 
sense - although an alert from within one is a valid case [in hindsight].
Group: DevCon2005 ... DevCon 2005 [web-public]
without packet loss (i.e. on my lan) quality is very good. if you 
see it ok there then i assume we can go this way, maybe with a relay 
from surfnet.
http://www.colellachiara.com/devcon05/Show05.zipfor your presentations! 
note, that this is based on Carl's latest show.r, i.e. the one he 
used last here, not the show.r you can find around :-)
heh, now I remembered something - some 5 years ago, when I was put 
in the charge for e-business team, we met with one partner from Germany 
and I asked them, if CZ, as a post-communistic country, has really 
weak internet connectivity and internet presence, especially in regards 
to companies. Two guys looked one at each other, started laughing 
and told us "haha, you've never been in Italy, right?" :-) Nothing 
against Italy, really, it just came to my mind right now :-)
Group: rebcode ... Rebcode discussion [web-public]
the main thing is, that the details need to be discussed more (i.e. 
the grammar for the rules dialect, and things like this).
Because I've got lot of this objects (i.e. this object is oscillator 
with settings like pitch and with one rebcode function to produce 
actual value).
only   mul -> mul.i, muld -> mul.d and so on. i.e. latest.
2 ** exponent:

set a 2.0
log-e a
mul.d a exponent
exp a
>> x: rebcode [exponent][set a 2.0 log-e a mul.d a exponent exp a 
return a] x 3.0
== 8.0

>> x: rebcode [exponent][mul.d exponent 0.693147180559945 exp exponent 
return exponent] x 3.0
== 7.99999999999999
There are some optimizations you can make to the code too, such as 
changing code like this:
    set [v1 v2] reduce [_d _e]
to this:
    v1: _d
    v2: _e
label EXX
	set.i tmp _b set.i _b _b' set.i _b' tmp 
	set.i tmp _c set.i _c _c' set.i _c' tmp
	set.i tmp _d set.i _d _d' set.i _d' tmp
	set.i tmp _e set.i _e _e' set.i _e' tmp
	set.i tmp _h set.i _h _h' set.i _h' tmp
	set.i tmp _l set.i _l _l' set.i _l' tmp
exchange of  b, c, d ,e , h , l, with b' , c', d', e', h', l'
Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
i.e. it can be in earlier. others will need community support.
The current library interface is servicable, but could be improved.

For example, char arrays in C structs are a real pain to deal with,

there is redundancy if you're importing a number of routines, from 

the same library, and extra work is required to deal with pointers
to values.

The biggest issue for me seems to be that I have to use COMPOSE 

heavily to get the results I want, or there's a lot of duplication
in struct and routine defs.

--- Easier Routine Declarations

The only thing I've addressed in my lib interface dialect is
making it easier to declare routines. I posted it to REBOl.org
for discussion:


--- Pointers

This is maybe a bit of an extreme example, but I had to do it, so 
it's not purely theoretical.

    LPINT-def: [value [integer!]] none

    LPINT: make struct! LPINT-def none

This struct shows where a nested struct is needed.

    _FAX_JOB_PARAM-def: compose/deep/only [

        SizeOfStruct    [integer!]      ; DWORD structure size, in bytes

        RecipientNumber [string!]       ; LPCTSTR   pointer to recipient's 
        fax number

        RecipientName   [string!]       ; LPCTSTR   pointer to recipient's 

        Tsid            [string!]       ; LPCTSTR   pointer to transmitting 
        station identifier

        SenderName      [string!]       ; LPCTSTR   pointer to sender's name

        ;SenderName      [struct! [value [string!]]]       ; LPCTSTR   pointer 
        to sender's name

        SenderCompany   [string!]       ; LPCTSTR   pointer to sender's company

        SenderDept      [string!]       ; LPCTSTR   pointer to sender's department

        BillingCode     [string!]       ; LPCTSTR   pointer to billing code

        ScheduleAction  [integer!]      ; DWORD job scheduling action code

        ;ScheduleTime    [struct! (SYSTEMTIME-def)]        ; SYSTEMTIME  
          time to send fax
            wYear       [short]
            wMonth      [short]
            wDayOfWeek  [short]
            wDay        [short]
            wHour       [short]
            wMinute     [short]
            wSecond     [short]
            wMilliseconds [short]

        DeliveryReportType  [integer!]      ; DWORD e-mail delivery report 

        DeliveryReportAddress [string!]     ; LPCTSTR   pointer to e-mail 

        DocumentName        [string!]       ; LPCTSTR   pointer to document 
        name to display
        CallHandle          [integer!]      ; HCALL reserved
        ;_PTR   Reserved[3]  [integer!]      ; DWORD must be zero
        _PTR-0  [integer!]      ; DWORD must be zero
        _PTR-1  [integer!]      ; DWORD must be zero
        _PTR-2  [integer!]      ; DWORD must be zero
        _PTR-3  [integer!]      ; DWORD must be zero
    _FAX_JOB_PARAM: make struct! _FAX_JOB_PARAM-def none
    _FAX_JOB_PARAM/SizeOfStruct: length? third _FAX_JOB_PARAM

    fax-complete-job-params: make routine! compose/deep/only [

        JobParams     [struct! (LPINT-def)] ; ptr to job information struct

        CoverPageInfo [struct! (LPINT-def)] ; ptr to cover page struct
        return:       [integer!]
    ] winfax.dll "FaxCompleteJobParamsA"

So, the API call returns pointers to structs containing the 
data we want; to get it we need to dereference the pointers
after the call.

    complete-job-params: func [
            params-ptr cover-ptr    ; API return pointers

            params cover            ; REBOL structs with data from API
        ; allocate return pointer structs for API call
        params-ptr: make-LPINT
        cover-ptr: make-LPINT

        ; make the API call

        reduce either 0 <> fax-complete-job-params params-ptr cover-ptr [

            ; get data from pointers returned by the API

            params: get-dereferenced-data params-ptr _FAX_JOB_PARAM-def

            cover:  get-dereferenced-data cover-ptr  _FAX_COVERPAGE_INFO-def

Getting the de-ref'd data is the real pain, and seems like it might
be unsafe in the way I did it, though it worked.

    get-dereferenced-data: func [

        {Given a pointer to memory, copy the target data into a REBOL struct.}

        pointer [struct!]   "LPINT structure whose /value is the data pointer"

        struct-def [block!] "The struct you want returned with data"
        /local struct data orig-pointer result
    ] [

        struct: make struct! compose/deep/only [ ; make wrapper struct
            sub [struct! (struct-def)]
        ] none

        orig-pointer: third struct              ; store original inner pointer

        change third struct third pointer       ; change inner pointer to 
        ref'd data

        data: copy third struct/sub             ; copy data from the inner 

        change third struct orig-pointer        ; restore inner pointer

        result: make struct! struct-def none    ; make result struct

        change third result data                ; change data in result struct
        struct: data: orig-pointer: none

--- char arrays in structs, or as routine parameters

You can't just declare a fixed size block or string to do this, 
you have to (AFAIK), have individual elements for each item.
That's a huge pain if you have a 128 element array, so I end
up generating them dynamically. I think that was Cyphre's idea
originally, but I don't have notes on it.

    make-elements: func [name count type /local result][
        if not word? type [type: type?/word type]
        result: copy "^/"
        repeat i count [
            append result join name [i " [" type "]" newline]
        to block! result

    GUID: make struct! GUID-def: compose [
        Data1   [integer!]  ; unsigned long
        Data2   [short]     ; unsigned short
        Data3   [short]     ; unsigned short
        (make-elements 'Data4 8 #"@")  ; unsigned char
    ] none

--- MAKE-ing structs

How do other people make structs from prototypes? 

    make-struct: func [prototype /copy /with data] [
        make struct! prototype either copy
            [second prototype]
            [either with [reduce [data]][none]]

--- BSTR type

I've only needed it for one project, but it might be worth 
finding out if it would be worth adding BSTR support for
Windows, as a routine datatype.
Group: Postscript ... Emitting Postscript from REBOL [web-public]
it may mean printing a document (i.e. typesetting), or just printing 
what you have on screen
what about parameter for face, specifying where your 0x0 is? I do 
remember, when Carl was at Viscorp, and they were working on ABL\E 
with Jim Goodnow, Carl stated, that new AmigaOS should be able to 
have windows with different resolution on one screen :-)
r: rot: 0 view layout [origin 0 box 400x400 white effect [draw [pen 
black translate 200x200 rotate

 rot translate -200x-200 box 100x150 300x250]] rate 0 feel [engage: 
 func [f a e][if a = 'time [r: r +
 1 rot: 360 // 360 - r show f]]]]
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
Note: so long as QM is server neutral (i.e. it's Apache friendly), 
it will not be as efficient as it could be under Cheyenne.  I really 
would like to do a Cheyenne-only version, but not until QM is feature 
complete (and I will say 'stop' as some point :)
Cheyenne release v0.9.14 beta. Download at http://softinnov.org/tmp/cheyenne-r0914.zip

Changelog :

o response/forward improved : 

 - fully supports URLs as argument (can now forward to another virtual 
	- URL validity check (must have an explicit target).
	- protection against cycles.

o Command line option -p extended, now you can specify several listen 
ports separated
   by a comma (ex: -p 80,10443).

o New command line option -e : load and initialize Cheyenne without 
entering the

   event loop (needed for embedding Cheyenne in third party apps).

o Added a new experimental module: mod-embed. Purpose is to allow 
easy Cheyenne

   integration in third-party REBOL applications that require an embedded 
   server. (Uncomment mod-embed in httpd.cfg file to activate it)

o Added %embed-demo.r file to show a sample of the mod-embed usage 
and API. 

o RSP: <% without %> eats all the memory. Fixed.

o URL-encoded request values were not parsed correctly. Fixed.

o RSP: fixed a typo in 'decode-params blocking the multipart data 
decoding and
   also a local word ('type) leaking in GC.

o UniServe's service startup refactored to be more flexible.

The new mod-embed is experimental. Please look at the %embed-demo.r 
file and send your feedbacks here.
This is with the latest beta ...

>> page: read
URL Parse: none none none none show.cgi
Net-log: ["Opening" "tcp" "for" "HTTP"]
connecting to:
Net-log: {GET /show.cgi HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
Connection: close
User-Agent: REBOL View
Net-log: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
Net-log: ["low level read of " 2048 "bytes"]
Net-log: ["low level read of " 2048 "bytes"]

== {<HTML><BODY><FONT FACE='ARIAL' SIZE='-1'><a href="/">Back</a><br><br>
<B>Script path :</B> /E/cheyenne916/Cheyenne/www/ <BR><BR...

>> page: read/custom ['post join 
"content=" url-encode content ]
URL Parse: none none none none show.cgi
Net-log: ["Opening" "tcp" "for" "HTTP"]
connecting to:
Net-log: {POST /show.cgi HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
Connection: close
User-Agent: REBOL View
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 147479
Net-log: none

** User Error: Error.  Target url: 
not be retrieved.  Server response: none

** Near: page: read/custom ['post 
join "content=" url-encode content]
and from Cheyenne

## Error in [uniserve] : On-received call failed with error: make 
object! [
    code: 305
    type: 'script
    id: 'invalid-arg
    arg1: none
    arg2: none
    arg3: none
    near: [parse/all data [
            some [
                s: to bound e: (
                    if e <> s [
                        either wrt? [
                            insert/part tmp/port s skip e -2
                        ] [
                            insert/part tail req/in/content s e
                s: bound [
                    "--" to end s: break
                    | thru crlfcrlf e: (
                        insert/part tail req/in/content s e

                        if wrt?: to logic! find/part s "Content-Type" e [

                            append tmp/files name: make-tmp-filename

                            repend req/in/content [mold name crlf]
                            if tmp/port [close tmp/port]
                            tmp/port: open/mode name [
                                binary direct no-wait write new
        tmp/buffer: either
    where: 'process-content
] !
just go to cmd.exe Window consoíe and type: net help start :-) So, 
IMO the trick is to use "net start  cheyenne.exe" or something like 
that. Then you use "net stop cheyenne.exe". It should be equivalent 
of linux /etc/rc.d/init.d/service-name start
Group: Games ... talk about using REBOL for games [web-public]
Yes, and the trailing "e" which is the feminine form
The archangel uses the e-less form
301 / 1172123[4] 56789101112