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world-name: r4wp

Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
I know. OK, maybe I need an advice. I was looking into some C code 
educatory example, which contained something like:

char multi[5][10];

decomposed to:

    multi[0] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'}
    multi[1] = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j'}
    multi[2] = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J'}
    multi[3] = {'9','8','7','6','5','4','3','2','1','0'}
    multi[4] = {'J','I','H','G','F','E','D','C','B','A'}

which gets stored in a memory block of a "0123456789abcdefghijABCDEFGHIJ9876543210JIHGFEDCBA" 

If I would be supposed (for any reason :-), to interface to such 
a construct, I would simply use a pointer in Red, and would be responsible 
to manually decompose/treat the value of arrays, not to break it 
for the C level code?
For example: 
    a: context [c: 123 d: b/e]
    b: context [e: 456  f: a/c]

cannot be compiled currently.
`system/words` virtual path support was added in today's commits, 
to be able to get/set a global variable or call a function from within 
namespaces with conflicting local names.


    e: 123
    a: context [
        e: -1
        print-line e
        print-line system/words/e
        system/words/e: 0
    print-line e

will output:
I've sent money to europe by bank wire, and it's very expensive. 
 Best if you can setup a US bank account when you're next visiting 
the USA ( if that is possible for non residents ), or an E*trade 
Pekr maybe try this instead of with 1 2 3 4 5 
>> GET_BUFFER: [a b c d e]
== [a b c d e]
>> data: 4
== 4
>> GET_BUFFER(data)
== 4
>> GET_BUFFER/:data  
== d
>> GET_BUFFER/(data)
== d
I used no punctuation char, just "e", then changed it to "e" (with 
hook above it), and it added that strange chars to the end of the 
string ...
uh, in above line, in the word "svete", the first "e" has hook above 
it, like in the original HelloWorld you used for czech ...
Can we call it E: like on my Atari 8-bit? ;-)
Yes, the hope is that we can rally support to do the things, like 
web sites, forum moderation, etc. so core developers (i.e. Doc) can 
focus on development.
Basically, Red/System compiler is doing automatically what C compiler 
requires you to do manually (i.e. specifying function prototypes 
separately in headers).
Hi Kaj on my macbook:

Last login: Fri Oct 19 07:21:16 on 

 MacBook-van-Arnold-160:~ Arnold$ 
 ; exit;
Hello, world!
§±ÖÁµ, ºÌüµ!
`O}Y, NLu
Dobrý den svte

[Proces voltooid]

 /Users/Arnold/Downloads/Red\(/System\)\ Testing-dc1b702068063b65/Darwin/Red/Fibonacci 
 ; exit;

MacBook-van-Arnold-160:~ Arnold$ /Users/Arnold/Downloads/Red\(/System\)\ 
Testing-dc1b702068063b65/Darwin/Red/Fibonacci ; exit;
Fibonacci 35: 9227465

[Proces voltooid]

MacBook-van-Arnold-160:~ Arnold$ /Users/Arnold/Downloads/Red\(/System\)\ 
Testing-dc1b702068063b65/Darwin/Red/empty ; exit;

[Proces voltooid]
I took the programs from the Red tree under Darwin
Many years ago, I found REBOL 2 and liked it a lot, but back then 
REBOL didn't support Unicode, so it was useless in China/Taiwan. 
I wrote e-mail to Carl, but I got no feedback. So I decided to start 
a magazine column in China and Taiwan to introduce REBOL. My idea 
was to make readers love REBOL and felt the same pain (of no unicode 
support). I also kind of encouraged them to write e-mail to RT on 
the Unicode issue.
Though, Ladislav claims he and Carl did encounter such issue at least 

 - I am claiming that I have revealed a bug in Carl's code caused 
 by the fact that indices are not isomorphic to integers, i.e. they 
 "contain a gap". That is a totally different issue than whether indexing 
 should be 1-based or 0-based.
, i.e. the gap needs to be prolonged to infinity, otherwise we are 
simply inconsistent
(i.e. "SKIP-based")
I.e., you'd hardly ever actually write PICK series 1, you'd use FIRST 
My Understanding of Series:

A contiguous collection of boxes sequentially numbered in ascending 
order starting at 1.
Each box can contain any rebol value
The head of a series is always box number 1

The last item in a series is always in box number (length? series)
The tail of a series is always box number (length? series) + 1

Any series can have multiple words referencing any box in that series 
resulting in a sub-series (but not a copy)

index? series - always returns the box number of the value referenced 
by series

Evaluating a word referencing a series returns the series from box 
number (index? series) up to and including box number (index? tail 

index? is the only rebol word that directly uses the box numbers 
of the series

All other rebol words that manipulate series are relative to the 
box number of the word referencing the series

A series is empty when: equal? head series tail series => true – 
or – when all boxes are empty


s1: [a b c d e f g h i j]  => creates 10 boxes numbered 1 to 10 from 
the left with a in box 1 and j in box 10 – unseen is box 11 which 
is 'tail as seen by: index? tail s1

s2: at s1 3 => references s1 starting from box 3 of s1 - [c d e f 
g h i j]

s3: at s2 4 => references s1 starting from box 6 of s1 - [f g h i 
j] which is item 4 of s2

probe index? s1 => 1
probe index? s2 => 3
probe index? s3 => 6

probe head s3 => [a b c d e f g h i j] - showing that s3 references 
the same series as s1

probe pick s1 2 => 'b
probe pick s2 2 => 'd
probe pick s3 2 => 'g

probe s3/-2 - this is shorthand for back back s3 or pick s3 -2 (the 
negative number simply means move back twice) => 'd

probe tail s1 => []
probe tail s2 => []
probe tail s3 => []

forall s2 [prin first s2] print => cdefghij
forall s3 [prin first s3] print => fghij

probe index? tail s1 => 11

Possible SOLUTION:

So, what is missing? Words that directly manipulate the box numbers 
(index)? – so maybe we need something like this:

s1/index: 4 => sets the index of s1 to 4 and causes word s1 to reference 
the series starting from box 4

add s3/index 2 => adds 2 to the index of s3 causing s3 to reference 
the box 2 places further on => 'h

add s2/index -2 or subtract s2/index 2 => subtracts two from s2's 
index causing s2 to now reference box 1

You can now use any mathematical operations on the index of a word 
referencing a series as long as it results in an integer in range

If index? series > (length? series) + 1  or index? series < 1 then 
an "index out of bounds" error should result
Zero is a non-issue because it has no meaning in a 1 based series

This kind of shorthand: s1/-3 becomes redundant - but if kept still 
means: back back back s1
My Understanding of Series:
A contiguous collection of boxes sequentially 
numbered in ascending order starting at 1.

 - this is correct only for series I would call "Head Series", i.e. 
 such series that are their own heads.
It doesn't scale well, and as you can see in the following example, 
it can quickly get nasty:

    [/external obj1 [a b] /external obj2 [c d] /external obj3 [e f] /global 
    g h]
...for easy embedded stuff, just give me a small GUI system, for 
bigger picture, give me a  HTML5

So what do you propose for the GUI, that will allow it to look good? 
i.e., what is your constructive suggestion, rather than criticizing 
all the wrongs of the past.
I have found an issue with word! value casing in Red. The Red/System 
code generated for:
	print 'a = 'A
          stack/mark-native ~print
          stack/mark-native ~strict-equal?
	word/push ~a
          word/push ~A

The problem is that Red/System is case-insensitive, so ~a and ~A 
are the same variable. So, no way to make it work like that. I see 
two options for solving it:

1) Make Red/System case-sensitive.

2) Deep encode each Red generated symbol to distinguish lower and 

Solution 2) works, but it makes symbol decoration operation very 
costly (each symbol letter is prefixed with a sigil for lowercases 
and another one for uppercases). The example above becomes:

          stack/mark-native ~_p_r_i_n_t
          stack/mark-native ~_s_t_r_i_c_t_-_e_q_u_a_l_?
          word/push ~_a
          word/push ~-A

So, it is not nice, it doubles every Red symbol size that is handled 
by Red/System and slows down Red compilation by 25%.

So, my questions are:
a) Does anyone see another cheaper solution to this problem?

b) In case of option 1), do you have anything against making Red/System 
identifiers case-sensitive?
STRICT-EQUAL? delegates to the datatype. Should the doc string just 
say "strictly equal" in it, or should it be more like R2? i.e., there 
may be more going on, unless you have a behavior locked down for 
So this for MOLD?

Returns a source format string representation of a value.

i.e., include "string"
I will have to test more. If I just paste the original append source 
into the console (i.e. all doc strings removed), calling append then 
Right, adding basic float support to Red is not difficult, but as 
floats are not needed internally to build Red, they are low priority 
(but if someone wants to contribute it, it will be welcome). Moreover, 
the runtime lexer is disposable code, it will be soon replaced by 
a new one with Unicode support and more complete syntax support. 
So extending it now for additional literal forms is a bit of waste 
of time.

If someone is interested in implementing float support anyway, the 
decimal! name is reserved for a future BCD datatype, so possible 
names are: real! or float!. It will be a 64-bit float, so mapped 
underneath to Red/System float! type. A support for float32! at Red 
level is not planned, converting float! to float32! at Red/System 
level when needed (i.e. OpenGL API) should be enough.
; JS-like MAP. The order of args to the function is a bit odd, but 
is set

; up that way because we always want at least the value (if your 
func takes

; only one arg), the next most useful arg is the index, as you may 

; progress, and the series is there to give you complete control 
and match

; how JS does it. Now, should the series value be passed as the head 
of the
; series, or the current index, using AT?
map-js: func [

 "Evaluates a function for each value(s) in a series and returns the 
	series [series!]

 fn [function!] "Function to perform on each value; called with value, 
 index, and series args"
	/only "Insert block types as single values"
	/skip "Treat the series as fixed size records"
		size [integer!]
	collect [

  repeat i length? series [   ; use FORSKIP if we want to support /SKIP.
			keep/only fn series/:i :i :series ; :size ?
;res: map-js [1 2 3 a b c #d #e #f] :form
;res: map-js [1 2 3 a b c #d #e #f] func [v i] [reduce [i v]]
;res: map-js [1 2 3 a b c #d #e #f] func [v i s] [reduce [i v s]]
;res: map-js "Hello World!" func [v i s] [pick s i]
Is the plan to use .res files? i.e., to have a resource compiler 
that the linker can include?
-e:67: warning: Insecure world writable dir ...

got a couple of those. Any problem?
@XieQ you subtract 1 first and then add it back? All indices get 
shifted 1, including the last one. In loops in C it is i.e. j < N 
and in R/S it will be j <= N. 
You meant curiosity not curiously.
The red APK builder script build.r attempt to download some files 
i.e. http://static.red-lang.org/droid-tools/jli.dll.But only gets 
404 Page not found...
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]

the problem, that the console window closed, was caused by my wong 
assumption, that the convention for file names is the same as in 
read   -> crash
read %test -- > crash
write %test -- > crash
read "test"   --> works
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
My English is not very good. Writing a book in English is very difficult 
for me. I might need to hire someone to help me translate it into 
English and make it an e-book. Good news is, my publisher is willing 
to let me put 1/3 of the books in slideshare or somewhere like that 
to share with others when the book is published. BTW. The book is 
about 330 pages.
(i.e. a program that interprets REBOL code entered by the user, etc.)
Andreas, there is apparently a difference between code/data that 
is considered to be part of the interpreter and...

 - yes, hat is exactly what I tried to underline, and I especially 
 wanted to cite these:

If a programming language interpreter is released under the GPL, 
does that mean programs written to be interpreted by it must be under 
GPL-compatible licenses?
When the interpreter just interprets a language, 
the answer is no. The interpreted program, to the interpreter, is 
just data; a free software license like the GPL, based on copyright 
law, cannot limit what data you use the interpreter on.

when the interpreter is extended to provide “bindings” to other facilities...

- I have to emphasize *when the interpreter is extended* and *other 
facilities* - i.e. other code not considered to be a part of the 
interpreter. Also, code present in the interpreter does not qualify 
as *interpreter extension* providing bindings to *other facilities*
Kaj, the fossil source browser that you linked to has a download 
option for the current version as an archive - for those who don't 
want to bother installing fossil - i.e. they don't need to install 
file by file
Kaj, do you have specific instructions for running test apps? e.g., 
for Red/System on Windows, should all GTK stuff work, or does it 
require other installations?

Basic MS DOS Red tests ran fine here.

\Red(System) Testing\MSDOS\Red>hello
Hello, world!
?a??e, ??sµe!
??, ??
Dobry den svete

\Red(System) Testing\MSDOS\Red>Fibonacci.exe
Fibonacci 40: 102334155
sorry wrong group

the problem, that the console window closed, was caused by my wong 
assumption, that the convention for file names is the same as in 
read   -> crash
read %test -- > crash
write %test -- > crash
read "test"   --> works
I would think with something like a Topaz, i.e. Rebol in a browser, 
they could have something much greater.
, i.e. if you really get identical builds when getting identical 
Bo - I wonder if you know about Cyphre's intent to accelerate View 
anyway, so imo Carl just misses important info on what is actually 
going on ;-)

Ladislav, is the method you outlined for defining variadic functions 
is there a way not to have the variadic function not change the arity 
of any functions following the variadic function?

i.e. with the definition of 'sumn, as you have it, if you have the 
following in a script:

print sumn 1 2
print "hello"

The "hello" doesn't print. I guess this is because when Rebol is 
'do-ing the script, the 'print is returned by the variadic function 
and the 'do dialect somehow doesn't re-interpret that word with its 
following argument, but sees it as a no-argument 'print. 

If, on the other hand, you have:

print sumn 1 2

do print "hello"	;or if you have something like "foo" instead of 
the 'do

 will be printed out as intended

Could you describe what is happening here since I'm not exactly sure 
I understand how Rebol is handling things? Among other things, how 
is it OK to invoke arg-adder without providing the one arg it expects 
when you have "return/redo :arg-adder?
Thanks, Robert. Could you briefly describe somewhere (in just a few 
sentences) the workflow you use when working on/debugging r3-gui? 
i.e is it possible to stay in the same R3 instance and rebuild (do 
you even need to be using the monolithic r3-gui script when debugging?), 
reload the script safely, etc.
Group: Rebol School ... REBOL School [web-public]
Also check E164 formatting:
You should just remember that end: never fails, so the expression:

    end: </div> break | </br> break | ...

is equivalent to:

    end: [</div> break | </br> break ...]

, i.e., the end: part is known for all alternatives
Evgeniy Philippov:
Peter, that would be good. If I will have his e-mail I will probably 
write him.
I wrote another function which returns in the above format, so I 
can SELECT/SKIP 2,  to get the number of occurence of the value, 
and it doesn't use SORT, uses REMOVE-EACH instead.

>> f: func [b /local c r n1 n2] [r: copy [] foreach v unique b [c: 
copy b n1: length? c remove-each w c [v = w] n2: length? c append 
r reduce [v n1 - n2]] r]
>> a: [a b c c a a b b c d d e e e f f h f f g h]
>> f a
== [a 3 b 3 c 3 d 2 e 3 f 4 h 2 g 1]
Thanks Steeve, that's much more robust than my code :)

Just for info .....

....It needs some error trapping to handle un-loadable values, eg:
    >> is-a "number?" "33.e"
    ** Syntax Error: Invalid decimal -- 33.e

....And (like my code) it's not so good with 'true and 'false owing 
to the way REBOL works:
    >> is-a "logic?" "true"
    == false

But it'll do the job!
>> head rle/into "ddeeee" rle/into "aaabbc" make block! 10
== [3 #"a" 2 #"b" 1 #"c" 2 #"d" 4 #"e"]
An alternative for R3 (strings and blocks)
rle: func [s /local p e o][
	o: copy []
	parse/case s [
		any [

   p: skip any [e: if (p/1 == e/1) skip] (repend o [offset? p e p/1])
Steeve, that's basically the same as my R2 RLE's block rule, but 
with the IF workaround replaced with IF. It has a few gotchas:
- Executes function values in block data
- Doesn't handle unset! or error! values

- Converts lit-paths to paths and lit-words to words before comparison 
and again before putting in the output.
- Lots of intermediate block creation overhead

- Considers bindings of words when comparing them, not just case-sensitive 

The first 3 can be handled by using :p/1 and :e/1 instead of p/1 
and e/1, and the fourth by using REDUCE/into instead of REPEND. The 
last one can't be handled by any built-in function or operator in 
R3 (see http://issue.cc/r3/1834for details) but you could do a combination 
of functions and operators to get case-sensitive comparison without 
considering bindings. PARSE/case's QUOTE operation is the fastest 
method for doing that at the moment.

Nice job on neatly bypassing the relaxed bounds checking of R3 blocks. 
Though the if (p/1 == e/1) would succeed if p/1 is none and e is 
at the end of the block, the skip would still fail. That trick saves 
one e: operation.
The PARSE IF method does let you add a /compare function option though, 
so you can be as specific as you want. Instead of if (:p/1 == :e/1) 
you would do if (apply :f [:p/1 :e/1]) then pass :== or :strict-equal? 
as a parameter..
Here's a version of my last one above, but with Steeve's trick adapted 
to make a /compare option. It defaults to its old case-sensitive 

rle: func [
	"Run length encode to series of [length value]"
	s [series!] "The series to encode"

 /into {Insert into a buffer instead (returns position after insert)}
	output [any-block!] "The output buffer (modified)"
	/compare "Comparator function for equvilance"
	comparator [any-function!]
	/local x r qr b e
] [
	unless into [output: make block! 2] x: none
	r: case [
		compare [[any [e: if (apply :comparator [:x :e/1]) skip]]]
		any-string? :s [[any x]]
		'else [qr: copy [quote 1] [(poke qr 2 :x) any qr]
	parse/case :s [any [b: set x skip r e: (
		output: reduce/into [offset? :b :e :x] :output
	either into [:output] [head :output]
Whoops, forgot a bracket:

rle: func [
	"Run length encode to series of [length value]"
	s [series!] "The series to encode"

 /into {Insert into a buffer instead (returns position after insert)}
	output [any-block!] "The output buffer (modified)"
	/compare "Comparator function for equvilance"
	comparator [any-function!]
	/local x r qr b e
] [
	unless into [output: make block! 2] x: none
	r: case [
		compare [[any [e: if (apply :comparator [:x :e/1]) skip]]]
		any-string? :s [[any x]]
		'else [qr: copy [quote 1] [(poke qr 2 :x) any qr]]
	parse/case :s [any [b: set x skip r e: (
		output: reduce/into [offset? :b :e :x] :output
	either into [:output] [head :output]
,i.e. only in case the function is collected
Why this doesn't work?
e: func [] [f]

context [f: does [print "ok"] do bind 'e self] ;error: f has no value

or when I BIND the F inside E, still doesn't work:
o: context [f: does [print "ok"]]
bind first second :e o
** Script Error: f has no value

while this one works:
do bind first second :e o
== ok

doesn't F stay BINDed?
In your first try (bind 'e self), you're binding only this 'e word, 
not the :e function body, so if you replace it with: bind second 
:e self, it will work.

In second try, you're never binding 'e function body, you've just 
binded a new instance of 'f word that you have created using FIRST. 
That's why it works when you add DO, you're evaluating that new 'f 
instance which has the correct binding. Just remove FIRST, it will 
bind 'e body block and you'll get the result you've expected.

>> e: func [] [f]
>> o: context [f: does [print "ok"]]
>> bind second :e o
== [f]
>> e
i don't follow your point re: recursing from anywhere (i.e., from 
non-tail position)
that was originally _args_ but i switched it out so that you could 
get a more readable recur call (i.e., cheekily make use of 'with' 
so that it read better)
not be pedantic, but i linked to that for the opening two sentences:

In computer science, a tail call is a subroutine call that happens 
inside another procedure as its final action; it may produce a return 
value which is then immediately returned by the calling procedure. 
The call site is then said to be in tail position, i.e. at the end 
of the calling procedure.
I think I included all your modifications Ladislav but shortly :-)
 - well, your version still
- misses error handling

- uses the arg-block passing method (which is a matter of preference, 
i.e. some may prefer that)
- uses REDUCE which does not "tolerate" certain argument types

- uses the arg-block passing method (which is a matter of preference, 
i.e. some may prefer that)
No it uses the regular passing method, like yours. 
- misses error handling

True, though it's not that hard to figure where to add some throw-on-error.
 "- uses REDUCE which does not "tolerate" certain argument types"
Good catch
#! /usr/bin/env r2

here: what-dir

program: dirize clean-path here/../../../cms/files/program/PowerMezz

do program/mezz/module.r

load-module/from program

module [
	imports: [
;	print mold-tree load-html read http://osslo.nl/leveranciers

	make-dir %data

	for id 1 169 1 [
		print id

  page: load-html read join http://osslo.nl/leveranciers?mod=organization&id=

  content: get-node page/childs/html/childs/body/childs/div/childs/3/childs/2

		body: get-node content/childs/table/childs/tbody
;		print form-html/with body [pretty?: yes]
;		print mold-tree body

;		item: get-node body/childs/10/childs/2
;		print form-html/with item [pretty?: yes]
;		print mold-tree item
;		print mold item

		record: copy ""
		short-name: name: none

		unless get-node body/childs/tr/childs/th [  ; Missing record
			foreach item get-node body/childs [

    switch/default type: trim get-node item/childs/td/childs/text/prop/value 
					"Logo:" [

;						if all [get-node item/childs/2/childs/1  get-node item/childs/2/childs/1/childs/1] 
;							repend record

;								['icon tab tab tab tab		get-node item/childs/2/childs/a/childs/img/prop/src 
;						]
					"Naam:" [
						if get-node item/childs/2/childs/1 [
							repend record

        ['name tab tab tab tab		name: trim/lines html-to-text get-node item/childs/2/childs/text/prop/value 
...					"Adres:" [

      unless empty? trim/lines html-to-text form-html/with get-node item/childs/2 
      [pretty?: yes] [
							street: get-node item/childs/2/childs/1/prop/value
							place: get-node item/childs/2/childs/3/prop/value

							number: next find/last street #" "
							street: trim/lines html-to-text copy/part street number

							unless empty? street [
								repend record ['street tab tab tab tab	street newline]
							unless empty? number [
								repend record ['number tab tab tab tab	number newline]
							unless place/1 = #" " [
								where: find  skip place 5  #" "

        repend record ['postal-code tab tab tab	copy/part place where  newline]

								place: where
							unless empty? place: trim/lines html-to-text place [
								repend record ['place tab tab tab tab 	place newline]
					"Telefoon:" [

      unless #{C2} = to-binary trim/lines html-to-text form-html/with get-node 
      item/childs/2 [pretty?: yes] [
							repend record

        ['phones tab tab tab tab	trim get-node item/childs/2/childs/text/prop/value 
					"Website:" [

      if all [get-node item/childs/2/childs/1  get-node item/childs/2/childs/1/childs/1] 
							repend record

        ['websites tab tab tab		trim get-node item/childs/2/childs/a/childs/text/prop/value 
					"E-mail:" [

      if all [get-node item/childs/2/childs/1  get-node item/childs/2/childs/1/childs/1] 
							repend record

        ['mail-addresses tab tab	trim/all get-node item/childs/2/childs/a/childs/text/prop/value 
					"Profiel:" [

      unless #{C2} = to-binary trim/lines html-to-text form-html/with get-node 
      item/childs/2 [pretty?: yes] [
							repend record [
								'description newline
									tab replace/all

          trim html-to-text form-html/with get-node item/childs/2 [pretty?: 
										"^/" "^/^-"
					print ["Onbekend veld: " type]
			write rejoin [%data/
				replace/all replace/all replace/all any [short-name name]
					#" " #"-"
					#"/" #"-"
					#"." ""
			] record
I see that some folks use 'copy' on top-level bindings (i.e., foo: 
copy [], bar: copy "", bas: copy #{}). Is this simply stylistic (for 
consistency with initialisation inside of blocks) or am I overlooking 
a potential pitfall?
(i.e., i'm asking about 'foo: [1 2 3]' rather than 'bar: [1 2 3] 
foo: copy bar')
Thanks for the welcome back message.

 I left off asking about the mySQL driver. So I want to insert into 
 a database a random number the code already generated and associate 
 it with an email address that was provided by a CGI form. Have yet 
 to create this in the real world but for now let us assume I will 
 call the database "customers". The people who process the credit 
 card and collect the email address advised me that the address will 
 be labelled "trnEmailAddress".

 After finding the mySQL driver Here is what I figured out using placeholders 
 for things like password, etc. Would appreicate knowing if this is 

; Loads MySQL driver
do %mysql-driver/mysql-protocol.r
; Opens connection to MySQL server
db: open mysql://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/database

; Send query to database server. Enters random number from above. 
customers is probably the name of the database I will create

insert db ["INSERT INTO customers VALUES (?,?)" "trnEmailAddress" 

 Next I need to insert an existing PDF file (an e-book) into a directory 
 created by the script. The directory will be named after a random 
 number that was earlier generated by the script. I am astounded that 
 I can not find the command to copy a file. So the variable assigned 
 to this random number is called "token".

 So I have the following.

make-dir %token/

 How do I copy a file into this new directory? Also, is that the corecct 
 way to make a directory?
result is like:[
    ["c" none]
    ["a" none]
    ["t" none]
    ["a" none]
    ["e" "e"]
    ["r" none]
    ["o" "o"]
    ["a" "a"]
then you may need some formatting like:

print "<table>"
foreach row result [print "tr" foreach cell row [print "td" ...

, i.e. print out a HTML table specification
;key1 - contains public and private keys
rsa-key1: rsa-make-key
rsa-generate-key rsa-key1 1024 3

;key2 - contains only public key
rsa-key2: rsa-make-key
rsa-key2/e: 3
rsa-key2/n: rsa-key1/n

;data to ecrypt encrypt 
data: copy/part checksum/secure mold now/precise 16

;encrypt data using the key2 (with pub key only)
crypt-key: rsa-encrypt rsa-key2 data

;decrypt data(that have been encrypted using key2) using the key1(needs 
to contain private key)
data2: rsa-encrypt/private/decrypt rsa-key1 crypt-key

either equal? data data2 [
	print "decrypted data match the original - decription passed"

 print "decrypted data differs from the original - decryption failed"
the problem was you forgot to set the generator value (key/e) when 
makeing rsa-key2
i.e., get the command, check if it's special and, if not, DO it.
Group: Databases ... group to discuss various database issues and drivers [web-public]
@TomBon: my query for joining two tables is :insert db["select * 
from data LEFT JOIN data1 ON data.oneone=data1.oneone"]     and output 
is :[

    ["c" "a" "t" "a" "e" "r" "o" "a" none none none none none none none 

]    plz tell me what should i write in query that i get values instead 
of none in output ?
the output of this query insert db[{select * from data LEFT JOIN 
data1 ON data.oneone=data1.oneone}]
 is : [

    ["c" "a" "t" "a" "e" "r" "o" "a" "c" "a" "t" "a" "e" "r" "o" "a"]
i got this results:c c
a none
t t
a none
e none
r none
o none
a none
Group: !Syllable ... Syllable free operating system family [web-public]
How big are the Enlightenment libs? Does E have any peculiar build/runtime 
Group: !REBOL3 ... General discussion about REBOL 3 [web-public]
MDP is a dialect of Rebol.

 - actually, it is a dialect of Rebol exactly like C, i.e., not at 
The adaptation would be: make QUERY always take a second parameter, 
i.e. change from `QUERY target` to `QUERY target mode`. Let the MODE 
parameter be a block (or even unconstrained in type) to be used by 
the scheme implementation as seen fit.
what exactly does mode do?

>> query/mode %tiger.png none
== make object! [
    name: %/E/r3gui/tiger.png
    size: 6515
    date: 26-Apr-2009/9:12:54+13:00
    type: 'file

>> query %tiger.png
== make object! [
    name: %/E/r3gui/tiger.png
    size: 6515
    date: 26-Apr-2009/9:12:54+13:00
    type: 'file
>> query/mode %tiger.png 'size
== make object! [
    name: %/E/r3gui/tiger.png
    size: 6515
    date: 26-Apr-2009/9:12:54+13:00
    type: 'file
Ahhhh. So, is there every a case where we would want to maintain 
the sign (i.e. because we need the sign itself), or is "-0.0" preferred 
because it is more correct?
So there's no short list (i.e. not something that goes into the kind 
of detail Bindology covers) of documented changes? In the meantime 
I asked this on StackOverflow:

ZIP support would be great. I've wanted it for a long time, but want 
more than just a "compress this value" function. i.e. it needs to 
work like a port or have an interface that lets us navigate, list, 
It's actually pretty easy to see how they managed it. It was:

- A multi-language IDE (not a programming language, people already 
get those for free)
- With a GUI with an emphasis on modern graphic design (pretty!)
- With a fancy demo (more pretty!)

- With an initial focus on programming languages and development 
platforms that are already popular (built-in customer base)

Powerful IDEs are some of the only development tools that people 
are still willing to pay money for (i.e. Visual Studio). Most people 
can't choose what language they write in, but they more often can 
choose their IDE. And for crappy-but-IDE-friendly languages, an IDE 
can make all the difference in your productivity. They're not as 
helpful for really powerful extensible languages like Rebol or Perl, 
unless the language is so bad that just about anything would help 
(Perl). Plus, since an IDE is an end-user app you can afford to GPL 
it, since the only stuff built on it are add-ons - that doesn't work 
for programming languages unless they have a clear distinction between 
user code and built-in code that is distinct enough to not violate 
the GPL distinctions, because most of the competition is permissive 
- and without the GPL restrictions there is nothing to sell, so there 
is no business model to get a return on investment.

It's nice to point to other open source projects and say "See! We 
could have done that!" but unless those are comparable projects their 
success isn't comparable either.
hmm, but 1 = 1 + 0, i.e. the END value actually is reachable in the 
latter case
for i 1 3 0.2  [print i] ; prints 1 ... 2.8 (end value is not included)

 - this is an arithmetic problem; 0.2 is not representable exactly 
 by a binary floating point (i.e. decimal!) value.
i.e. C language for () is not a FOR loop, in fact. it is a general 
Sunanda mentions that 1.1.1 / .1 is correct under R2/Windows. Can't 
test that currently, but 9.9.9 is returned by R2/Linux (i.e., this 
behaviour doesn't look like a regression in R3)..
We are giving developers more control by saying that some stuff is 
under their control (i.e. the code blocks). We are providing some 
safety by saying that some stuff is presumed to be not under their 
control and thus possibly suspect (i.e. immediate-evaluation parameters 
to functions that they didn't write). We do screening of some stuff 
because that cuts down on the screening they have to do themselves. 
That way dvelopers can use functions and assume that they are safe 
to use by default.

For instance, one advantage of #1993 FOR would be that they would 
have to go out of their way to make it do an infinite loop, since 
no combination of start, end and bump would generate one. That means 
that they wouldn't have to wrap calls to FOR in expensive conditional 
code, they can just pass in any values of those parameters and trust 
FOR to never go infinite without them expecting it. Your CFOR would 
not have that advantage, but since it takes code blocks for all parameters 
it is assumed that you are more careful about those code blocks, 
as you should be as a general rule in R3.

It's about providing a balance. Complete consistency in how all parameters 
are treated regardless of their nature would not allow us to help 
developers where they need it. However, having a consistent policy 
that code must be treated more carefully by developers than non-code 
allows developers some flexibility while still allowing them to be 
careful. That is why code that developers provide explicitly is considered 
to be what they want to do, at least from the outside of functions. 
And you can make the distinction between code and non-code using 
simple type tests, which is why we have APPLY and ASSERT/type.
Anton, which is the behavior question. Do you expect SPLIT-PATH to 
return a target you can write to (i.e. a file)?
CTRL-E  or the little pencil icon above text box
A question for AdrianS or other lurkers: I already mentioned that 
SUMN actually used unevaluated argument passing style (APS). Do you 
find that style appropriate or would you prefer SUMN to use a different 
APS? (Consult https://github.com/saphirion/documentation/blob/master/argpass.mdp
if you don't know what I am talking about).

Advantages of using evaluated APS for SUMN:

- argument can be a result of an expression, i.e., the function would 
be referentially transparent in the sense that it would accept expression 
results, e.g. sumn 1 2 * 3

Disadvantages of evaluated APS for SUMN:

- (sumn 1 2) would not work since the function would miss a stopping 

Advantages of using literal APS for SUMN:

- partiall referential transparency, the function can accept result 
of an expression, if the expression is in parentheses, i.e. sumn 
1 (2 * 3) would work
- partial referential transparency, sumn 1 :x * 3 would work

- (sumn 1 2) would work, since the literal APS obtains the stopping 


- sumn 1 2 * 3 would not work
- sumn 1 x would not work either

Advantages of using unevaluated APS for SUMN:

- (sumn 1 2) would work, since the literal APS obtains the stopping 
#[unset!] at the end of the paren
- sumn 1 (2 * 3) can be made to work if desired
- sumn 1 x can be made to work if desired


- sumn 1 2 * 3 would not work
- sumn 1 :x * 3 would not work
Group: Community ... discussion about Rebol/Rebol-related communities [web-public]
I'm just wondering (really, just that): is dev capacity (i.e. Cyphre 
GUI. other's on OSX, 64 bit) the limiting factor to accelerate in 
the short term? Or money?

world-name: r3wp

Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
i.e. spaces and newlines are treated as any other text content.
Group: Rebol/Flash dialect ... content related to Rebol/Flash dialect [web-public]
go here: http://www.macromedia.com/cfusion/entitlement/index.cfm?e=file_format
register and download
It could be good commercial product to sell :) There are many users 
- and most free fonts are english only (same with tools for making 
fonts from handwriting f.e.).
Oldes, making some progress thanks to your help. There is one example 
with soem embedded rebol code (the arc example). Is there a way to 
have rebol do some processing then expose what it does to flash? 
I want to write a function in rebol to take a string and create a 
block of characters which I then want to pass to flash. 

For example, I can hardcode a_block: ["h" "e" "l" "l" "o"] but I 
would rather send the string "hello" to a function and have it generate 
that block then pass it to flash. It seems that what I do within 
a "rebol [ ]" block is hidden from flash.
doAction [
	info: rebol [now]

 info: reform [(rebol [rejoin ["h" "e" "l" "l" "o"]]) "now is:" info]
doAction [
	rebol [
		myRebolBlock: ["h" "e" "l" "l" "o"] ;this is Rebol's variable
		rswf/compile-actions compose/only [info: (myRebolBlock)]
Group: Plugin-2 ... Browser Plugins [web-public]
WRT to the 1.3.3 release: I'm going to need your help on sifting 
through all the "noise" (i.e. everyone's opinion about we should 
have or not have) to drill down to the features that are absolutely 
necessary for this release.
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