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world-name: r3wp

Group: All ... except covered in other channels [web-public]
after a text file being read from a directory is another db operation.
another good point.. think ill load up a directory with a few 100,000 
files and see what happens ;)
Took about 6 mins to move the directory.   So it appears to be a 
trade off.
Benefits of using files... 

- much more flexible (ie: a 10mb binary file in a DB is not a good 
- easier to manipulate.
- magnitude faster access time
directory opus 8 has as similar function and is scriptable, I believe, 
but I can't be sure if it can be run from a cli
After that any script in a directory that the server sees as EXECUTABLE 

the default "scripts" directory) which ends in *.cgi will be sent 
to the
rebol interpreter.

YekSoon, keeping my fingers crossed.
[unknown: 5]:
It has a drop directory for playlist updating
Bo has written such a utlity .. that also backs up to a ftp directory
I hope you can place .exe itself in such a directory. It is imo necessary, 
that in such a case, update-date.r is being run by new .exe already. 
Imagine you want to rebuild database, and that there is View 1.4, 
which uses RIF, rebcode. You can't do it using old .exe, which uses 
older kernel incarnation ...
Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
When and if that problem is solved, the solution script will indeed 
go into the init.d directory.
I remember vaguely that when I had tried starting a world with the 
-s paramater, Alteme was not picking up the worlds user list, like 
it was not started in the correct directory. Anyway. I'm glad to 
have this solution now. So I'm preparing to setup my linux server 
to come up with X and altme running on my world after a boot up.
AltME Error: Cannot write to file: track/track.set Is the file write 
protected? Does the directory exist?
I did this to get it to work:

- installed the missing libstdc++.so.5 using Adept package manager

- copied the entire Altme directory from WinXP to Kubuntu, to a directory 
in my home directory, using rsync

- renamed mods/ directory to old-winxp-mods/ (I think the mod files 
I collected while in WinXP don't apply to the linux version)
That's it. Here I am with all the old messages.
How does AltME launch web browser? I have my browser defaulted to 
FF, but it always starts IE. Not that it would be much of a problem, 
but IE proxy setting is set by our Active Directory rule with each 
log-in, so at home I have to constantly change the proxy setting 
each time I get home, in order to be able to start links directly 
from AltME ....
Reichart - I am kind of experience user, don't worry. When I click 
on .html or .htm (or any other form), FF gets started. Vista usese 
a bit different form of registration imo. It e.g. states, that my 
FF has 9 from 10 possible registrations, so I added even another 
one. However, I might know, what AltME is using. I checked on what 
is still registered with IE, and it is - .mht, .mhtml, .url. So my 
suspicion is, that what AltME or OS does, is that it uses .url. When 
I rename .html file to .url, it gets IE icon. I will have to wait 
for my folks to return, because I don't know, why the .url option 
is greyed in IE section - maybe some Active Directory policy rule, 
dunno ...
The part I am not good at I admitted - the possible cause being Active 
Directory policy, which could override even my admin local settings, 
if I am connected to domain.
I am getting an error on new altme installs on Windows XP on PC's 
which have not had a prior install; install, accept updates (some 
13 files are offered for downl0ad - I think after entering Rebol3 
world ... at which point altme dies with a warning that cannot write 
to track directory as it may not exist; restart of altme then proceeds 
I wish to open up the directory where files are shared but the windows 
explorer doesn't open.
I believe, because I installed Altme into the programs directory, 
that the data etc is in some virtual drive system to sandbox everything.
AltME should change the default install directory and not choose 
the Programs directory in Vista.
If you are on Vista (or for that matter any Windows from 2000 up), 
install AltMe in %appdata%\AltMe. AltMe's directory usage is not 
Windows 2000 compliant.
I moved my AltME from program files to it's own directory so I can 
now browse the downloads.  Now I get a security requester each time 
I start up Altme ... I guess because it has not been signed.
If you are on a system with more than one user, you can do what Chrome 
does and install under each user's Local Settings folder, or Application 
Data if you don't care about roaming profiles. Different folder names 
on Vista, but the same principle. Vista's "new" security behavior 
is just working around apps that don't obey the Windows 2000 directory 
usage rules.
I've moved to my new windows 7 laptop and have setup Altme in it's 
own directory at c:\altme
Fix the permissions of the directory. AltME (like many REBOL programs) 
doesn't act like a proper Windows app, it acts like a portable app. 
It doesn't put its files in the right place for an installed Windows 
app. Vista and 7 are right to complain.
Chrome works like AltME and works just fine with the Windows 2000 
security model. It does this by putting the program and its files 
in the local settings directory, then checking it before running. 
MySpace IM used to do this to allow students to load the program 
onto half-locked-down computers at their schools without getting 
permission from the admins (I was one such admin, so this was annoying), 
but Chrome seems to be much less of a security hole. AltME could 
quite easily work the same way.
The real problem is that no program in some directory under the Program 
Files directory should be putting its data files (or allowing writing) 
to the same directory as the program files. That's a Win9x thing, 
and insecure. If programs that are running outside of the system 
directories run with less privileges, then all the better.
As it is, Win7 (and to a lesser extent Vista) do exactly that kind 
of workaround for bad programs under Program Files, redirecting their 
data files to another ProgramFiles directory under local settings. 
It's tricky, but not as tricky as trying to make the programs secure 
otherwise. However, if you put your program directory somewhere where 
it can't figure out that aliasing, the system has to assume that 
you know what you are doing and you have to act accordingly and fix 
the permissions on the directory to match what you want to do.
Giving myself write privgs on the altme directory has fixed the issue. 
 Tiresome this.  What exactly is the security problem with storing 
data with programs?
The real problem is that no program in some directory under the Program 
Files directory should be putting its data files (or allowing writing) 
to the same directory as the program files.

I don't agree with this.  In fact, I vote that we have sandboxes 
(that are also folders), and a company can do what ever they want 
in their own sandbox.
move your debug file to the altme/servers/vertuzo directory, then 
restart the world
Yes. Graham... try this: in your altme dir, remove mods/ directory. 
Then restart it.
Tried to go back to version 1.2.17 of altme, keeps updating to the 
current version. And under windows 7, when I delete the program from 
the program directory and copy the older version altme, it doesn't 
even ask me if I want to update now or next time, it just starts 
with the latest version! It's frustrating. I want the old version 
back - without the grey frozen box.
Put the files somewhere other than in the program files directory; 
stop acting like a Win9x progeram.
Carl, you should also try running AltME in XP or 2000 as a regular 
user (not "Power User" or admin), without making any changes to the 
permissions of the AltME directory. Oh, and your %appdata% to local 
trick won't work on XP or 2000 because the naming convention for 
the directories is different. The registry method works for all Windows 
2000+ though.
Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
This is a problem that has occurred since View 1.2.100 or before 
(but seems not a problem in View 1.2.48 or 1.2.54)
I see a difference between these two:
	request-file/keep/file %hello

The first one remembers the directory of previous invocations, but 
the second one doesn't.

I think when the /FILE refinement is used, it just ignores the previous 
directory, reasoning that the user is passing in the "current directory" 
via %hello
That seems simplistic.

I would prefer if REQUEST-FILE would check the /FILE refinement's 
NAME argument to see if it contains a path or is just a single file.
When it is a path, then it is OK to use it.

When it is just a single file, then it should use the previous directory.
Why can't we get a directory requestor?
Well I don't think it's weird anymore.   make port! on %file/  uses 
scheme: 'directory
make port! on %file  uses scheme: 'file
>> what-dir
== %/home/giesse/
>> read %/

== [%proc/ %initrd/ %sys/ %bin/ %initrd.img %media/ %Recycled/ %srv/ 
%usr/ %etc/ %boot/ %vmlinuz %lib/ %mnt/ %tmp/ %sbin/ %cdrom/ %...
>> read %//
== [%.directory %giesse/]
>> read %///

== [%Detective/ %.hplip.conf %.teamspeak2/ %.mythtv/ %.qt/ %.fontconfig/ 
%.clay/ %.Skype/ %.recently-used %.face.icon %.DCOPserver_...
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
I wonder if there can be some refinement to 'read so that when it 
reads a directory, it returns the full path for each file rather 
than just the file name.
Louis, in Core or View ? In View, you can read/write to the public 

This is VIEW-ROOT (the directory you selected during install, by 
default it is in a windows user profile directory).

When you click on an app from a rebsite, it is saved (by READ-THRU, 
PATH-THRU) into the public cache before running.
So, if it is your app, say at 
then it could save prefs files to
path-thru http://yoursite.com/app-prefs.r
	save path-thru http://yoursite.com/app-prefs.r[my prefs data]
How do you include a space in a directory name for Request-file/file?
I''ve been caught-22 on that many times since I like to set my ini 
file definitions to be readable blocks and don't follow why other 
data types are correctly recognized e.g. blk: [1 12-feb-2006 $30.00] 
 but not true or false or Yes or No  without a reduce.  If you use 
blocks for the ini file settings you get caught by the reduce  e.g. 
if want this ini: [	clean-up-target-directory? Yes start-at 10:30:01 
first-day-to-run 12-dec-2006 last-day-to-run 31-dec-2006] reduce 
requires me to flag the words as 'words.
>> foreach f read %synapse-chat/ [ ?? f either dir? f [ print [ "directory: 
" f ]][print ["file: " f] ]]
f: %April/
file:  April/
f: %Compkarori/
file:  Compkarori/
because it's in the current directory ?
foreach f read dir: %synapse-chat/ [ ?? f either dir? dir/:f [ print 
[ "directory: " f ]][print ["file: " f] ]]
I am trying right now to write a file to an FTP server. What I would 
like to do is:
- open the port 
- try to write the file
- if that fails, create the parent directory if necessary
- try to write the file again
- close the port
HELP (please) I have installed Core 2.6 on an embedded Ubuntu Linux, 
and when I try to open the comm port, I get and Access Error for 
ttyC0 but when I look in the /dev/ directory, I see a ttyc0 but not 
a ttyC0  ...   I tried as root to ln -s /dev/ttyc0 ttyC0  ...  but 
get the same error.
ttyc0 is actually there, and ttyC0 is not (in the /dev directory) 
and I have tried root  and normal passwords.
I have just managed to patch FTP handler so it creates subdirectories 
recursively as needed. So code like this, which would fail before 
if the directory didn't exist, now works:
write ftp://user:[pass-:-server-:-dom]/my-dir/test "hello"
Hm, but now how to make directory thru FTP:(
This means you no longer have to worry about creating the directory, 
you only need to WRITE your file.
Anton, yout ftp patch was not working, but I solved the issue with 
missing directories using this code:
while [

 error? set/any 'err try [trgp: open/direct/new/write rejoin [ftp-url 
 trg-dir trg-file]]
	err: disarm err
	if all [
		err/code = 800
		parse err/arg1 [thru "tcp 550 " copy missingdir to ":" to end]
		print ["Making directory:" join ftp-url missingdir]
		if error? try [make-dir join ftp-url missingdir][
			trgp: none
It works only for one directory level:-)
** User Error: Server error: tcp 550 httpdocs/test/1/2/: No such 
file or directory
Ok, I recommend to use open and close the port *not* in direct mode, 
just to create the directory.
Then, try opening your port in direct mode to do the write.
I found the problem, you have this:

{Server error: tcp 550 Can't change directory to} thru {:} {No such 
file or directory}
but my ftp server's response is only:

Server error: tcp 550 httpdocs/test/1/2/: No such file or directory
For that matter Volker, you could set view-root to the standard sandbox 
directory like this:
view-root: join to-rebol-file get-env "APPDATA" "REBOL"
The Core Manual  ( http://www.rebol.com/docs/core23/rebolcore-17.html
)does limit the possible causes a little:

6.3.1 cannot-open

A file could not be accessed. This could be a local or network file. 
Most common reason for this error is a nonexistent directory.
Pretty useless directory path - it's only got one element.
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
Did you install the binary into the same directory as your other 
Views ?
Does %user.r work with View 1.3. I add the following line to %/c/rebol/view/user.r

	print "User.r called"

then double-click the %rebol.exe file in the same directory ... but 
no message.
dunno, probably not a bug, but at least a cache headache - imagine 
following scenario. Today I did small script for my friend. I created 
C:\app-name-here directory and put it inside, along with rebol/view. 
I then decided to install View, to get .r association, so that my 
small scripts could be put directly onto Window desktop (I don't 
need yet another desktop - View one, If I can't parametrise it further 
- buttons, removal of rebol.com etc.). So, after installation, I 
filled in network info, saved, and exited view. Then I could see, 
dirs like 'public, 'local 'desktop were created.  So I deleted them, 
to remove additional clutter they caused in my directory. To my surprise, 
View ignores the fact it is already installed, I choosed to not use 
desktop, yet I was brought to desktop once again.
I can understand that I should not probably put cache location into 
my preferred app directory directly, but I wanted to have it self-contained 
- not Rebol scattered around my hd. Sadly, settings for desktop are 
in Desktop directory, so once I delete it, rebol starts to desktop 
once again. Imo we need desktop?: no setting in user.r
Group: Parse ... Discussion of PARSE dialect [web-public]
Here's an example of what you could do with the PARSE proposals:

use [r d f] [ ; External words from standard USE statement
    parse f: read d: %./ r: [
        use [d1 f p] [ ; These words override the outer words
            any [
            ; Check for directory filename

                (d1: d) ; This maintains a recursive directory stack
                p: ; Save the position

                change [ ; This rule must be matched before the change happens

                    ; Set f to the filename if it is a directory else fail
                    set f into file! [to end reverse "/" to end]
                    ; f is a directory filename, so process it

                        d: join d f ; Add the directory name to the current path

                        f: read d   ; Read the directory into a block
                    ; f is now a block of filenames.
                ] f ; The file is now the block read above
                :p  ; Go back to the saved position
                into block! r ; Now recurse into the new block
                (d: d1) ; Pop the directory stack
            ; Otherwise backtrack and skip
                | skip
            ] ; end any
        ] ; end use
    ] ; end parse
    f ; This is the expanded directory block
Here's an revised version with more of the PARSE proposals:

use [r d res] [ ; External words from standard USE statement
    parse res: read d: %./ r: [
        use [ds f] [ ; These words override the outer words
            any [
            ; Check for directory filename

                (ds: d) ; This maintains a recursive directory stack
                [ ; Save the position through alternation

                    change [ ; This rule must be matched before the change happens

                        ; Set f to the filename if it is a directory else fail

                        set f into file! [to end reverse "/" to end]

                        ; f is a directory filename, so process it

                            d: join d f ; Add the directory name to the current path

                            f: read d   ; Read the directory into a block
                        ; f is now a block of filenames.
                    ] f ; The file is now the block read above
					fail ; Backtrack to the saved position
					into block! r ; Now recurse into the new block
                (d: ds) ; Pop the directory stack
            ; Otherwise backtrack and skip
                | skip
            ] ; end any
        ] ; end use
    ] ; end parse
    res ; This is the expanded directory block
Brian, it seems that when a file is parsed instead of a sub-directory, 
then your script duplicate the previous sub-directory
( I need to parse meta tags description and keywords and abstract 
if they exist -- they can come in any order, there can be one or 
multiple spaces/newlines/tabs between tag arguments, there can be 
" or '  used as argument="asdasd" )
>> doc2: {<head>

{    <title>Dragonicum.com - making the right business connections 

{    <meta name="keywords" content="Company Directory, Join Us, Advanced 
Search, Trade Leads, Forum, Trade S

{    hows, Advertising, Translation, fair trade, trade portal, business 
to business, trade leads, trade even
{    ts, china export, china manufacturer" />

{    <meta name="description" content="New international trade portal 
and company directory for Asia, Europe

{     and North America. Our priority No.1 is to create and maintain 
a safe, well lit business-to-business m

{    arketplace, by assisting our members in identifying new trustworthy 
business partners!" />

{    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/blue_main.css" type="text/css" 
== {<head>

<title>Dragonicum.com - making the right business connections !</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="Company Directory...

>> T: "" parse doc [ thru "<meta" "name=" skip "keywords" skip "content=" 
m: skip (m1: first m ) copy T to m1  to end ] print T

Company Directory, Join Us, Advanced Search, Trade Leads, Forum, 
Trade Shows, Advertising, Translation, fair trade, trade portal, 
business to business, trade
leads, trade events, china export, china manufacturer

>> T: "" parse doc [ thru "<meta" "name=" skip "description" skip 
"content=" m: skip (m1: first m ) copy T to m1  to end ] print T


( as you see because keywords are first it works for them , but doesn't 
for description , they can be in different order in other document 
>> T: K: D: "" parse doc [ SOME [ thru "<meta" "name=" skip [ "description" 
(V: 'D) | "keywords" (V: 'K)] skip "content=" m: skip (m1: first 
m ) copy T to m1
(set V T) ]  to end ] ?? K ?? D

K: {Company Directory, Join Us, Advanced Search, Trade Leads, Forum, 
Trade Shows, Advertising, Translation, fair trade, trade portal, 
business to business, tr
ade leads, trade events, china export, china manufacturer}

D: {New international trade portal and company directory for Asia, 
Europe and North America. Our priority No.1 is to create and maintain 
a safe, well lit busi

ness-to-business marketplace, by assisting our members in identifying 
new trustworthy business partners!}

== {New international trade portal and company directory for Asia, 
Europe and North America. Our priority No.1 is to create and mai...
It does not even have parameter to distinguish directory and file 
- what a lame tool. You have to use trick - icacls c:\some-dir\sub-dir-or-file*. 
, which is relict of 8.3 naming, so actually it will match and dir 
and file, not having suffix ....
Group: Syllable ... The free desktop and server operating system family [web-public]
That's right, Syllable is not Unix. Indeed there is no /mnt directory. 
There could be, and like Unix, volumes can be mounted anywhere in 
the file tree, but the convention is to mount volumes in the root: 
There is no /mnt dir as such. But Linux often uses a /media directory 
as well, for the actual mount points, although they could also be 
anywhere else. Like Unix, mountpoints in Syllable can be made anywhere 
you want them. But the mount utility of the desktop (click right 
in the Media folder) just mounts disks in the root /
You should know that the root directory in Syllable is virtual. It 
is stored in RAM, so it is not persistent across reboots
Yeah, it's the standard S3Sync tool that's included. Read the Server 
manual for an example of backing up a directory
Kaj, in your documentation, you mentioned how to start Cheyenne and 
the FTP server automatically by uncommenting lines in their respective 
start scripts. On startup, where are these scripts being called? 
I ask because I would like to add applications to run at startup. 
If it's a standard Linux thing, that's fine, I can look it up. I 
noticed that the directory structure, though, is different from Linux 
installations I've seen in the past.
Cheyenne has no traditional Linux packaging, so it's in the Syllable 
format. You can make your own resource package in the same format 
to add extra start scripts in a modular way. You would add a package 
directory under /resources/:
Once the directory structure is set up, a most common start script 
could be edited like this:
Sorry, forgot the tasks directory in the start script:
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
Another problem - RT's request-dir traps when you try to access a 
directory that is not available, but RebGui's crashes.  And it can't 
be trapped with a try block at the request-dir level.
Anton, most of us assume that rebgui.r is in the current directory 
as in Ashley's demos.
live from the net distro have been yet intented in projects like 
libskins written  Etienne Alaurent  the base concept was to  call 
the  distro url website install.r files if the  distro wasn't yet 
present on the harddrive .... this produce a probleme with  1.2.8+ 
rebol/view version as a public directory was created localy to the 
running script directory so u get as many distro of libskins installed 
 in ur harddrive that  u get scripts using lib skins....
i don't know if that's clear 1.2.8+ rebol/vie version create a public 
directory in the local directory where the script is launched and 
not using anymore the  global rebol/public directory.  libskin installaer 
was design to install all file in the global rebol/public directory. 
As this  system have been broken in  early betas  this produce to 
get as many install of libskins in local public directory that u 
have scripts running it. I fear an online distro system for rengui 
willl produce the same issue... and forcing us to install a rebgui 
version not once for all in rebol/public directory global but in 
local script directory ...
You have luck, you are wrong :) (afaik). Releases use a global directory. 
only betas do not, you would not want to mix release-code and alphas, 
for example loading rebcode in the release-cache.
Decided to go with a simple manifest / checksum approach. Long term 
we really need something like Anton outlined previously (multi-level 
caching with the option to control it on an app by app basis). Anyway, 
have a try of this:

	do http://www.dobeash.com/files/rebgui/get-rebgui.r

but be aware that it writes its files to the *current* directory 
(as determined by 'what-dir) and replaces any "base" files with a 
differing checksum (so make a copy of any local changes you have 
made and want to keep).

I've also updated the issues log at: http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/issues.html
Did someone actually need a specific directory instead of the public 
cache ? I would have thought if someone wants to maintain their own 
directory, then they can get the files out of the public cache themselves. 
That way if they are patching they can be sure their patches aren't 
overwritten by accident.
But if you look in your public cache you will see thousands of files. 
It's a good place to keep all those "little" apps, that you try for 
maybe five minutes. Also it's a relatively safe way to automatically 
store files without filename collisions. You would annoyed pretty 
quickly if the View Desktop asked you for an install directory every 
time you clicked an icon.
My rebol/view directory is filled with different versions, all using 
the same user.r, public cache etc.
Just the directory where view.exe was launched.
RebGUI goes Beta! With the fixing of some long running area / scroll 
/ slider bugs I've finally reached a stable enough release candidate 
for 0.4.0 Beta; so, from a REBOL/View console:

	do http://www.dobeash.com/get-rebgui.r
	do view-root/public/www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/tour.r

Also note that the demo directory includes a nifty new pie-chart 
widget demo (thanks Robert).

I've also separated the 0.3.x and 0.4.x issues into separate sections: 

Changes in this release include:

 Scrolling fixed (all area scroll / slider problems should be fixed, 
 and a couple of minor field scrolling issues were also fixed)

 set-locale function to dynamically change locale files / dictionaries
	pie-chart widget added

 slider width reduced by 1/5 for area, table, text-list, drop-list, 
 edit-list (looks better)

 table column arrows made smaller and darkened, plus right-most arrow 
 moved to table boundary (more space for column heading text)

and an important one from 0.3.9 that I omitted to mention last release:

 drop-list / edit-list now size to the smaller of number of items 
 or available space in the bounding parent face (so no more lists 
 that disappear off the edge of a face / window)

In the works. I've already restructured the source by removing each 
widget (from %rebgui-widgets.r) to its own <widget>.r file under 
a new %widgets/ directory. Next step is to create a link to each 
source file under its matching WidgetsList Wiki entry.

I've also created a monolithic script (striped output from prebol.r) 
which resides at: http://www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/rebgui.zip

The intention at this stage is to have multiple source files that 
can be collaboratively worked on, with a "build" every so often to 
merge them into a single script for easy access / deployment (not 
everyone will want to grab the source from SVN). The fact that each 
widget resides in its own source file now makes it very easy to "plugin" 
additional widgets.
How is that possible ? I've just gone into the SVN repository directory 
with rebol and typed:
	do %rebgui-ctx.r
	display "" [area]
Much appreciated. Tree widget is a requirement for an improved directory 
guys, did you test get-rebgui on systems without view installed? 
I was just informed, that it states that downloading manifest OK, 
but apparently the directory does not exist at all  ....
Pekr, i was confused too. thought you want to extract rebgui without 
/view, /core only. "not installed" .. :)

No directory: I guess it takes the default sandbox without installation, 
that one it suggest while installing.
Anton - as for the get-rebgui, if you are the author, you could check 
following - Bobik's situation was, that he used latest View, the 
script showed following:

connecting to: www.dobeash.com
Script: "RebGUI update system" (21-Feb-2006)
Local RebGUI version ==> none
Remote directory ======> http://www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/

Local directory =======> c:\documents and settings\user-name-here\data 
Downloading manifest ==> OK

the thing is - above directory does not exist, nor was it created 
by the get-rebgui script .... so the thing is, what happened then. 
It did not start downloading particular widgets though ...
I wonder where View took the above directory from? Does it rely on 
registry? Or does it ask just OS for the current user data directory? 
Or? .... strange ...
It gets it from view-root, which is the public sandbox directory, 
used by path-thru etc. as usual.
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
mysite.selfip.com [
	root-dir %/www/mysite/		; documents root directory
	default [%index.html %index.rsp %index.php]			; default files
Still cannont get vhosts working:

mysite.selfip.com [
	root-dir %www/mysite	; documents root directory
	default [%index.html %index.rsp %index.php]			; default files

if I change my default root-dir to that above I get the corresponding 
index page for that directory...it just does not seem to reconize 
the vhost url
aaaahhhh you must include the port number in the vhost domain...

mysite.com:83 [
	root-dir %/www/mysite/		; documents root directory
	default [%index.html %index.rsp %index.php]			; default files
I can only rename in current directory .. also doesn't seem to work 
in a subdirectory of current dir
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