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world-name: r3wp

Group: All ... except covered in other channels [web-public]
Yes, it is possible. I can actually imagine a distributed operating 
system, where the whole Internet is seen as one single computer.
yes, every computer is a resource in the internet operating system...
hmm, on one computer:
I can change it, I did so for Azureus for e.g., but it requires me 
to enter local network IP. But what if I want to have two users using 
Chord? How do I tell the NAT which computer it should contact on 
2222 port? Or should I use different port for each user?
The Tiny °7° URL above points to this URL
Has anyone thought about advertisement kiosk  network? Maybe kiosks 
are not the correct word. Let me explain. Some time ago I watched 
Scala Multimedia and how it is used, mainly in US. It can take sources 
from various parts and play them. The, when we at Xidys paid for 
one local media advertisement, it was some 5x7 cm and it costed us 
5K CZK = 218 USD. Quite a lot of money, as it was just local paper, 
issued weekly. Then I visited other town and saw one advertisement 
pannel of one computer shop, it was that typical rolled kind of equipment, 
like watching panel at airport telling when planes take-off ....
Windows generally uses the registry for mapping to extension.
Try looking for something as follows under "regedit":

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE    System       CurrentControlSet          Services

W3Svc               Parameters                 Script_Map Once there 

wantto EDIT --> New --> String Value to add a new extension association 

   ".cgi" Then MODIFY the new ".cgi" entry to associated it with the 
executable, eg

   "C:\rebol\rebol.exe %s %s" Here "C:\rebol\" may be different on your
system and note that you must end with .exe.

Now restart the computer to get the new setting.
The groups should be sent to his computer. You can set the message 
limit under settings.
Good argument. Icon metaphors often are pretty misleading or ambigous 
at least. But the intention of my question was more of the kind of 
"What icon will we see in the future in places where now-a-days we're 
still used to find a floppy disk?" I'm sure we'll have to wait a 
reasonable amount of time until my computer knows what I want to 
save and what not ;-) We'll use icons for some more years, I suppose.
[unknown: 9]:
so, I'm somewhat pessemistic about a community collaboration on such 
a project.

Pessimism implies something can fail…what can fail here?  Centralized 
information does not exist.  Building a site that centralizes information 
instantly accomplished the goal, as long as it can be updated by 
the very creation of information.  If it was nothing but an RSS transponder 
it would already accomplish something.

The trick to all of this is simply opening everything up.  Which 
brings up another great example, you blog, and your blogs have 0 
comments.  I blog (to a more private forum not computer related), 
I get anywhere between 20 and 100 comments.  But it is because I'm 
linked off a centralized feed.

People need to be invited in, given places to go, and know that things 
are happening.
Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
and now we have new "patches" like WGA, which may stop your computer 
from working also
And the IT refused to load Altme on his PC. He said he didn't want 
to slow down his computer. Hey, it's hard to win against that kind 
of mindset. Not even the truth sways that.
How does Altme! keep track of  a client's cach of messages? Does 
it update based on differences from the messages on hte client machine 
or from the server? What I want to know is: if I use altme from two 
differnet computers will I always get a full update when I log on 
or will I lose messages if I loged on a different computer before. 
I'm having trouble updating on a computer I  recently installed Altme 
on. I am not able to get many of the groups to download the old messages.
[unknown: 5]:
maybe it is just my computer that is doing this.
Make sure you have AltME closed when you change it or close it then 
open it after changing it. I used "Set program access and computer 
defaults" and selected custom then picked Firefox as my default browser.
We must be seeing something different. I get the option for changing 
the different extension if I pick the second option. I think I will 
post an image later.  I am not in  my Vista computer at this time.
If my work is not in computer developments, I would replace it with 
XP already.
Last night, for the second time...  When I connected to Altme Reichart's 
name was "none" his color was correct though.  

The first time this happened it was on a different computer and Reichart 
remained "none" for the duration of the install so I had to reinstall. 

Altme seems to have corrected itself somehow this time.  Reichart, 
you will be pleased to know that you are no longer "none"
novice users = less computer literate users
Robert, thank you for donating your computer to our server farm while 
you were away…

I would think that Comcast is up to its old tricks, but I've seen 
this problem elsewhere too - same computer, different line.
If apps passed this up to OSes, then a person can bring thier shortcuts 
to any computer, or any computer connected to the web.
I've been using Altme for a project with a guy who is very non-tech. 
He did not know how to drag a window. Anyway, it is working out great. 
We are using File sharing to re-format a bunch of text files and 
with the abilty to add comments and check lists its saving a lot 
of time over traditional Email. He is still not really up to speed 
so once he is it wil really shine. And with the abiltty to just add 
new members where they can read any old messages to see where we 
are and what we have been doing.

I regret not using it for my Appraisal business. My partner and I 
had to email files back and forth all the time. And sometimes we 
needed to get files from one another but one of us was away or not 
at our computer. If we used Altme we would never have had that problem.
My server that runs on 5403 works fine, but 5400, 5401 and 5402 I 
cannot get to work.  Anyone know a way to redo the worlds without 
losing the current information to get these 3 working?  Do I need 
to buy a computer or VM for each world served?
i mean making the computer standing a lively converstation that makes 
sens is quite not the joke really
it melts your computer and spams alll the people in your contact 
list  ;-)
I'm a little worried about granting everyone group rights in the 
world I'm creating. It will be mostly NYC firefighters, many of which 
have little computer/internet/web experience and might delete groups 
accidently or maliciously as the are a group that is not always as 
well behaved as most reboler's. 

But at the same time I want them to be able to create private groups.

If a group is deleted how difficult is it to restore it...if possible...with 
previous messages.
amacleod:  to answer your question about who assigns the port number. 
 It's registered with Safeworlds but assigned by your computer.
So if you have two worlds running on two seperate computers (both 
on port 5400) and you later wish to run them on hte same computer 
you are going to have a problem....
That would be my understanding.  The only way I know of getting around 
that is by creating a new world with a new name on the computer hosting 
the two (while the first is running remember), then copy the world 
files from the one computer to the new world and it should recognize 
the files as belonging to that new world.  I don't believe the contents 
of the world has any reference to the world name, so the files can 
be moved from one world to another without issue.
there is one issue which is SO ANNOYING, I sometimes close altme 
before throwing out my computer by the window.

 when the display becomes a blue screen if the client loses its connection 
 with the server...

this is both useless and highly irritating, cause when the world 
re-connects (99% of the time on its own) you have to re-click on 
the group, which looses the "unread msg" beige highlight.  it also 
forces you to have to re-click on the text entry with the mouse.

when your internet connection is buggy or a server has troubles... 
disconnection may happen repetitively every few seconds.  the blue 
just makes altme unusable in a situation where it should just stall, 
until a new message is sent.

when a world disconnects, it should just change the color of something 
or put a label somewhere obvious in red color... but don't touch 
the GUI's functionality.... please
once again altme reports a trojan on Vista: Category: Trojan

Description: This program is dangerous and executes commands from 
an attacker.

Recommendation: Remove this software immediately.

Microsoft Security Essentials detected programs that may compromise 
your privacy or damage your computer. You can still access the files 
that these programs use without removing them (not recommended). 
To access these files, select the 'Allow' action and click 'Apply 
actions'. If this option is not available, log on as administrator 
or ask the local administrator for help.


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380 is Chat (not web public)

As with all AltME *.set files, it is just a fiile of REBOL blocks, 
each block containing text entries that define one post

It is possible that it has lots of REBOL code thta people have posted. 
Pehaps source code in other languages too; and maybe some REBOL molded 
binary #{....}

Hard to see how that could damage your computer....Unless it has 
become infected in some other way. Have you tried deleting the world 
and restarting it? That would get you the canonical 380.set (assumimg 
you are a member of that group)
Reichart, the computer was used by others while AltME was having 
it's issue responding.  I left AltME running to see if it would recover. 
 It never did..  My history was set to 100 messages.
Just a note, I had to reinstall Altme again because of computer failure. 
 And like the previous times I got the following note from my antivirus: 
  Category: Trojan

Description: This program is dangerous and executes commands from 
an attacker.

Recommendation: Remove this software immediately.

Microsoft Security Essentials detected programs that may compromise 
your privacy or damage your computer. You can still access the files 
that these programs use without removing them (not recommended). 
To access these files, select the 'Allow' action and click 'Apply 
actions'. If this option is not available, log on as administrator 
or ask the local administrator for help.

containerfile:C:\Program Files\altme\worlds\rebol3\chat\380.set

file:C:\Program Files\altme\worlds\rebol3\chat\380.set->(SCRIPT0001)

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Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
I guess, we can think of it this way: some values like 0.1 to computer 
floating-point system is like square-root 2 or pi to our human base-ten 
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
Because I'm writing scripts on more than one computer I need to sync 
files somehow. I can use flashdisk for synchronization, but USB is 
not always available or I forget my flashdisk at home, so it's not 
always the right option.

Or I can use ftp to upload and download files. But at the end I've 
got lots of different directories with different versions, because 
I have no intelligent file structure.

I was inspired by Google filesystems for win and lin so I decided 
to use some freemail (gmail preferably) for my scripts maintaing. 
Unfortunatly, Gmail needs some authentication, SSL or what and SSL 
under Rebol needs Command and Command needs 350$ to buy.

So I found another freemail provider that offers both non-authenticated 
SMPT and POP and therefore is OK for REBOL (btw. remeber the old 
REBOL example? send [luke-:-rebol-:-com] read http://www.rebol.com? Hard 
to do with all the authetications required today.) and I started 

The result is a small application called %rspace.r that can upload 
file to repository, download newest version from repository, or you 
can get list of all files in repository and finally, if you're happy 
with your script, you can publish it on www/ftp. All this with documentation 
in less than 6kB.

All you need is REBOL and mail account cappable of SMTP/POP without 
authentication. It's good to have an FTP account for publishing files 
but that's not required. If you do not have an mail account, I've 
set up one on seznam.cz, user 'rebolspace' and pass 'spacerebol' 
for testing this application (it's built in, so you can start testing 
right after download).

Remember, it's just alpha, does not have many features, but it works, 
I can write something here, update it there and have all the versions 
accesible from everywhere. It's written for REBOL scripts so with 
big projects it's going to be very slow and unusable, but for small 
project (and most REBOL scripts are really small) it's probably good.

So download it form http://krutek.info/rebol/rspace.r(stable) or 
http://rebolspace.sweb.cz/rspace.r(latest published version). 

WARNING: because [rebolspace-:-seznam-:-cz] is open account it won't be 
wise to use it ordinarily. Please, if you like it, set up your own 
account and use it instead of built-in one.
And remember: all suggestions and fixes are welcome.
when I first met programming language - basic on 8 bit home computer, 
I could not get how A = A + 1 can be valid :-)
Sorry to log off so suddenly like that. I had some computer problems.
My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT\Environment
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
There is a window face option named "all-over", that will "Causes 
the over event to report a continuous stream of mouse positions as 
the mouse moves over the face". I use it in Canvas, but there seem 
to be a problem. After a while, when I haven't touched the computer 
for some time, it seems, that the all-over option is canceled. It 
can be seen in Canvas, that the coords in the title-bar isn't updated, 
when the mouse is moved.

Does anyone know something about this? I've checked RAMBO, but couldn't 
find anything about it.
My original thought process was that I don't want to automate the 
deleting of files in the cache, on my computer or someone else's. 
I think if the user wants to delete their files, they should do it 
themselves. I don't want to get involved in any data loss.

So I thought it preferable to do an intelligent update. But for that 
I need an intelligent interface... -> shell-list.
Mmm... in practice it may work ok, your system. But it begins to 
make unclear to the user what is in his computer.
i prefer not to have version-conflicts. changed something in cache, 
worked on another computer, had same (old file) there and nearly 
uploaded that. no problem when cache is cleard first.
Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
they removed many USER features in vista, thinking it makes is safer 
if you can't do anything with your computer... but the features are 
still there anyways... which is totally stupid... its in fact less 
safe, now that you can't fix things directly in the panels.
Well.. The fact of life is that *if* you can find an computer system 
(even officially stadartized programming language) that works exactly 
the same 10 (or more) years, it's development obviously must have 
ended..  100% backward compatibility is totally impossible, question 
is how well the situation is handled, documented etc..
the best for a new install is to get your computer to sync on a fast 
line and then its ok for the daily updates.
>> do http://www.rebol.org/library/scripts/helloworld.r
connecting to: www.rebol.org
Script: "Great Computer Language Shootout : hello" (27-Sep-2005)
hello world
Group: Parse ... Discussion of PARSE dialect [web-public]
Robert, there's no emulator written in REBOL, that can run Elite, 
afaik. But there are emulators emulating the BBC computer, if that's 
what you mean, and they can run Elite. I use an emulator called BeebEm3.
[unknown: 5]:
Anton, trying creating a word string! and a datatype! string! value 
and insert into a block.  [string! string!]  and then do your testing. 
 I remember discussing this with BrianH when I ran into the issue. 
 I don't have REBOL on the computer I'm currently working from right 
now so I can't present any test at the moment and I'm turning this 
laptop back in to the company soon.
it took me about 30 seconds to solve it with lines.  with a single 
parse rule, after 15m  I was still trying to corner a simple detail 
that meant rewriting the whole rules, or adding a new rule, just 
for one specific situation.  Had I started with another rule setup, 
I'd encountered another nagging situation (like yours has tumbled 

my time / hour is worth more than 2 milliseconds my of my computer 
consuming 1/4 watt of electricity.  Using 500 bytes more of ram that 
is recycled, also isn't worth consideration.

like I said, I'm pragmatic, that's all there is to it.
Group: Syllable ... The free desktop and server operating system family [web-public]
I thought Orca was to be renamed to avoid a name clash with the global 
context of computer languages
Well, I guess white is having a bad day. :-) I don't know if it's 
the human or the computer
I tried to boot on another computer but it seems that it is not bootable
got it to boot but the display frequency wa out of range on one computer 
and it froze earlier in the sequence on the other
hum my bro have a eee pc 1000 H and the only problem he face is with 
wifi and he is absolutly not a computer specialist. This can be solved 
by ndiswraper or madwifi patching it
I tend to need the Server stuff more (auto startup, headless operation, 
remote console), so I don't use VirtualBox myself, nor do I have 
an available computer on which I can install VirtualBox, since all 
compatible computers I own have VMware Server installed, even this 
Assuming that interface is bootable on the computer in question, 
or course.
Sounds like you have the right qualifications and computer setup, 
I know of several people with very limited computer skills who have 
managed to install Server on their own
I have physically dropped this computer while it was running a few 
times without it even noticing.
You could also rid your life of complexity and go back to one computer 
And going to one computer would add complexity, since many people 
are doing stuff at different locations :(
Evgeniy Philippov:
In the Russia, there is normally one computer per family, and in 
some cases a few computers per family.
Evgeniy Philippov:
I prefer to work with stable version first, to not encounter clashes 
with newborn bugs. If I get to anything working, I would like to 
merge it with the development version. So I will not currently install 
a development version. I have one computer with four hard drives 
and multiple partitions, one QEMU Syllable installation, and one 
native HDD Syllable installation.
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
Anybody see what is wrong with this script? It is supposed to call 
ImageMagick to reduce the size of specific jpeg files in a directory. 
 It processes a few files, then locks up my computer.

rebol []
files: sort read %.
num: length? files
print ["Number of files in directory: " num newline]
count: 0
foreach file files [
	if all [find file ".JPG" not find file "Nain-"][
		newfile:  join "Nain-" file
		call/console reduce ["convert" file "-resize 25%" newfile]
		count: count + 1
		prin [count " "]
print "DONE"
I keep getting "internet busy.." on altme with the other computer
It took me half of day of looking but I think I am close to it now.. 
when I run the script I get 

iptables: No chain/target/match by that name

and it's realted to this line:

 iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

after much digging it currently it looks that the vps is missing 
"state" kernel module which is given there by -m "meaning match" 
.. I just wrote the vps host computer admin and I hope he will be 
able to enable it
Is any computer system? Depends on the 7-year old. But Mint is the 
least worst
Maybe it's fine on Ubuntu, I'm using Xubuntu as the computer is really 
really old.
You mentioned older computer. Is Xubuntu less resource hungry than 
Some Plug-computer experience: I use one as the replacement for DroboShare 
(which is crap and damn slow). So I have set it up to be my file-server 
where a Drobo Storage Array is attached too. All conected via Giga-Ethernet, 
using AFP and Bonjoure.
most likely, something failed during the shutdown, but you didn't 
notice as the computer did shut down at the end.
Evgeniy Philippov:
lubuntu (light ubuntu) problems.

sudo green_meadow/computer_house/AltME/042/altme 
[sudo] password for gouslar: 

green_meadow/computer_house/AltME/042/altme: error while loading 
shared libraries: libXaw7.so.7: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
ldd green_meadow/computer_house/AltME/042/altme 
	linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xf77b5000)
	libX11.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6 (0xf766a000)

 libXext.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXext.so.6 (0xf7657000)
	libXt.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXt.so.6 (0xf75fa000)
	libXaw7.so.7 => not found
	libXmu.so.6 => not found

 libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 (0xf750f000)

 libfreetype.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libfreetype.so.6 (0xf7478000)
	libm.so.6 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0xf744d000)
	libdl.so.2 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 (0xf7448000)
	libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 (0xf742a000)
	libc.so.6 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0xf72ae000)
	libxcb.so.1 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxcb.so.1 (0xf728f000)
	libSM.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libSM.so.6 (0xf7285000)
	libICE.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libICE.so.6 (0xf726b000)
	/lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xf77b6000)
	libz.so.1 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libz.so.1 (0xf7256000)
	libXau.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXau.so.6 (0xf7252000)

 libXdmcp.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libXdmcp.so.6 (0xf724b000)
	libuuid.so.1 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libuuid.so.1 (0xf7244000)
lsb_release -dr
Description:	Ubuntu 11.10
Release:	11.10
uname -asm

Linux greenmeadow 3.0.0-14-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 21 20:28:43 
UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

How do I fix missing "libXaw7.so.7" and "libXmu.so.6"?
Evgeniy Philippov:
cat > altme.sh
chmod u+x ./altme.sh 
Evgeniy Philippov:
Unrelated thing: "The Linux framebuffer (fbdev) is a graphic hardware-independent 
abstraction layer to show graphics on a computer monitor, typically 
on the console. The word framebuffer means a part of video memory 
containing a current video frame, and the Linux framebuffer means 
\u201caccess method to the framebuffer under the Linux kernel\u201d, 
without relying on system-specific libraries such as SVGALib or another 
user space software." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_framebuffer
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
I work with 300 users, met thousands, I don't agree with you too. 
Someone created a myth imo ... I think that who pays most attention 
is - computer geeks to have something to talk about :-) Each IS here 
has its own set of logic. I am after consistency, but not necessarily 
consistency with OS as a crucial point of app UI usability ...
edges problems hihihih this kind of bug i absolutly don't have on 
my computer and  i don't know why ...
<devil's advocate>With a project like RebGUI I would expect to be 
able to find a URL that I could use to execute the source within 
my application.  Preferably the link would include a COMPATIBILITY 
number so that any updates to RebGUI would be executed seemlessly 
using 'load-thru but if at any point an update is known to break 
compatibility with a previous version then it's downloaded from a 
different URL and hence wouldn't screw with my application.  We have 
to be able to leverage the infrastructure of the internet in our 
applications.  Having to load the application on the user's computer 
means that I can't use RebGUI for anything other than an encapped 
application because I don't trust my users to install the RebGUI 
scripts on their system correctly and sorry, but I don't want to 
have to include so many files in my application and I'm not going 
to take the time to copy them all into my application either.</devil's 
Yes, but date/time is a no go. It assumes computer systems are in 
sync, and that time-zones are handled correctly. You know, red-icon 
Ashley - that is simply rudiculous. I have 300+ users at my sight. 
Those type data into system. You really depreciate the fact how ppl 
use computer - the mouse is waste of time, totally ...
If the mouse is a waste of time for your users, then they don't need 
a GUI. Just deliver data entry functionality via a console type application. 
My users [medical] make extensive use of TabletPCs so no mouse / 
pen is a bit of a deal-breaker for me. ;)

the mouse is waste of time, totally

 ... so you don't use a mouse for file management (File Explorer) 
 or browsing? And of course you don't need one for Paint type operations? 
 Not everyone who uses a computer is doing pure keyed data entry. 
 Different strokes for different folks.

Anyway, I'm gradually adding keyboard support to RebGUI as time and 
REBOL fixes permit; but it's not high on my list of priorities.
Group: Rebol School ... Rebol School [web-public]
I think, it's an excellent book. I read about it on the web long 
ago, people discussing different books dealing with geometrical problems 
in computer graphics. I bought it back then and have used it often 
About intersect of line and polynomial curve.
There's a preview of the book, I was talking about here:

Tiny C Compiler. I don't have the link handy on this computer, but 
google it.
You asked how to make a random number between e.g. pi and -pi. There 
are a number of ULPs (Unit in the Last Place) between those two numbers. 
For 64 bit decimals, it's a large number. The possible decimals in 
computer arithmetic lie closer together around zero than for large 
numbers. If you had a routine, that would give you any possible 64 
bit decimal number between pi and -pi with equal probability, then 
you would get a lot more numbers close to zero than close to either 
pi or -pi. The distribution wouldn't be flat (as you would expect).

It's much better to choose, how many different values between pi 
and -pi, you need, and then make a random integer of that number, 
and do some calc to get the result between pi and -pi.

I hope, it makes sense.
Break it down:
>> at "*[YY-MM-DD=03-06-30]*" 12
== "03-06-30]*"
>> copy/part at "*[YY-MM-DD=03-06-30]*" 12 8
== "03-06-30"
>> parse copy/part at "*[YY-MM-DD=03-06-30]*" 12 8 "-"
== ["03" "06" "30"]
>> reverse parse copy/part at "*[YY-MM-DD=03-06-30]*" 12 8 "-"
== ["30" "06" "03"]

>> form reverse parse copy/part at "*[YY-MM-DD=03-06-30]*" 12 8 "-"
== "30 06 03"

That's as far as I got on R3; I don't have R2 yet on this computer.
I'm looking at 'Load being a data format interpreter, not a human 
text loader.  in all (or just about) computer languages and file 
formats, the dot is used for decimals, not the point... specifically 
because the "," is always used as a delimiter.      I find it a bit 
unfortunate that Carl decided to go against the complete CS industry 
on this.  that's all.      a large part of REBOL is based on practicality, 
not correctness. 

this is one case where reason went towards correctness (a principle) 
 rather than practicality (how can it be more useful in the majority 
of cases).
Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
petr, sure it's running on Carl's computer. it has probably been 
for a while. it'll be more interesting when it starts working outside 
of his computer too ;)
As for red-black trees, I'm not sure they had been invented yet the 
last time I was in school for computer science. My studies were more 
focused on programming language design than data structures, so again 
I am not the one to ask.
But is it REBOLish? :-) Like Pekr is concerned with. REBOL is a different 
language. It's more of a human language than a computer language. 
I think, a key to decide the structure of the language is to look 
at the sentences, it's possible to write with the language, and then 
see if those sentences makes sense and are easy to read and understand.
Group: Postscript ... Emitting Postscript from REBOL [web-public]
Most cheap printer are dumb. The power is in the driver: the computer 
does the job then send raw command to the printer controller. They 
are often called "Winprinter" because of the usually Windows only 
driver they provide (well, not so true today as it used to be a few 
years ago).

Expensive printers include processor, RAM and the firmware to understand 
the print command by themself. PCL or PS ones (but it exists other 
languages like on Kyocera printers, I have done things for that 12 
years ago).
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
Worked out the other issue.. Flash requires crossdomain.xml file 
to be delivered up by Cheyenne when running Flash that uses xml.Socket 
(like RASH).
Butt it's working well now.. and very cool. 

Works like this.. I run my local copy of Framewerks with embedded 
Cheyenne server, and park the GUI on any server (always accessible, 
single point of bug fixing etc.) for all to use.. currently it's 
here  http://kommonwealth.com/exper/gui.html

Now, it wont work for you 'cuz you're not running framewerks.. but 
if you were..  you could type into the box "codes" and it would open 
the RASH code file, on your desktop, using your favorite text editor. 

But wait.. there's more... 

In my local code.txt file i have the following line

PnG "testing" ][bout: {<pre>ok this works</pre>} makeXML ['DISPLAY 
'MSG "testing works here"]]

So when I open another browser, and point it to http://localhost/
testing  that line is fired (more on all this later).. 

Which does two things.. it outputs "ok this woks" to this second 
localhost page .. BUT (and this is the cool part)

it sends the "testing works here" into the panel on the first kommonwealth 

In other words, Im able to PUSH data to the remote page at ANY TIME.. 
  this will make for the ultimate in portal pages. 

And.. if that's not enough, Im able to pass messages to the DOM via 
javascript to the kommonwealth page as well. 

Allowing things like sliding in panels.. fading div elements moving 
images.. whatever.

So.. remote page can manipulate my computer.. run apps, do any Rebol, 
reboot .. whatever.. and the local desktop can manipulate a remote 
web page.

I'm having trouble getting Cheyenne running as a service with windows 
server 2003. I get this message when I try to start from the services 
	Could not start Cheyenne Web Server service on local Computer.

 Error 1053: This service did not respond to the start or control 
 request in a timly fashion.
Updates made no difference...Having trouble with getting MySQL running 
properly too....Even XAMP is not wroking right. Must be something 
wacked on my computer or stuff running on WServer that I'm not aware 
of conflicting with this stuff.
From Linux channel .. I will first have to make my webapp compatible 
with the latest version on local computer
no, doc apache is on 82...cheyenne is on port 81 on the server and 
i tried 83 on y other computer..
iI reaching the default page..just not getting vhosts dir
btw, Dock, correct me if I'm wrong, it should be pretty easy to modify 
Cheyenne to distribute task-handlers (RSP processors) on computer 
Group: DevCon2007 ... DevCon 2007 [web-public]
I trained with another computer where I was able to switch the keyboard 
layout to English as opposed to the small tablet-like device
[unknown: 9]:
I can't get all the movies due to my memoru limit ( on this computer).
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