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world-name: r4wp

Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
First test looks three times as fast. I'll shut down the machine 
to do a clean test
Isn't the libc doing important initialization and clean-up in these 
two functions?
as clean as in GLFW? argh.... ;-)
didn't say anything about clean :)
GUI, nice would be a clean cross plattform ANSI C lib, handling the 
basic window & eventmanagement

and providing access via a simplified meta-api (VID-DSL). this way 
nearly all script languages could 
use this lib as a native GUI generator.
#221 is about keeping the x87 FPU stack clean in case of a nested 
`either` expression.
Pekr: right, from now on, you can expect daily progress on Red layer. 
I will push the new code soon, I still need to complete it a bit 
and clean it up.

Jerry: the baby looks nice, we'll just have to keep it away from 
junk food and it will grow up well. ;-)
Pekr: I had fun too working on low-level with Red/System, but it 
takes a lot of energy while working at Red level is a lot more relaxing. 

But this is short holidays, once Red gets mature enough (I bet on 
a couple of months), we'll start working on Red/System v2 (rewritten 
in Red, with a new compiler & linker architecture). This will give 
up the opportunity to reboot Red/System, fix a few design decisions 
if required, extend it, and get a clean and lean new code base in 
Red. I plan to write some architectural specs about the target compiler 
before starting, so all contributors will be able provide me with 
feedback before we implement it. Trust me, you _will_ like the final 
compiler! ;-)
Well, not coming from C kind of languages, I actually used code inclusion 
rarely. The preprocessing stuff in any language looks arcane to me, 
but that's just my feeling, as it is REALLY a long time ago, since 
I used code -> compile -> link technique (CA-Clipper - 1998 :-)

So I better wait for more "clean" way - the other method you described 
- simply what I am expecting is kind of Rebcode - writing any function 
in Red, using Red/System or C or ASM, whatever :-) But most probably 
I am confusing and create a mishmatch even in such case :-)
We did a lot in R3 to clean up binary vs. string conversion. There's 
probably more work to do, but it's a good start.
I can't accept your pull request, it's a complete merge of different 
branches (you're probably mixed up several branches, or you haven't 
rebase before submitting the pull request). You need to submit only 
the changes you did. For that, you need to have a clean codebase 
and up-to-date wrt the branch you're modifying.
Kaj: I got a reply from AVIRA telling me that the binary I've submitted 
was clean:

Red/System also offers a nicely compact and clean toolchain, which 
R3 doesn't even focus on. As far as I know, not many people like 
the current C toolchains.
Just erroring out on index 0 is ann improvement.

Making "pick 1" and "pick -1" return the same element is an improvement.
R3's behaviour is an improvement.

R2's messy behaviour with a clean set of SKIP, PICKZ, POKEZ is an 
screen for limited word use

 That would need to happen at the LOAD level...not very clean from 
 a design POV.
Merged branch `fix-issue-277`. Thanks to all contributors and testers 
for helping clean up those issues.
@Fork: Precisely why Carl chose to use C...cross platform compatibility 
and clean coding.  As far as code goes, I'd much prefer "boring" 
to "messy" or "complicated".
Some of the new operations were added to reduce bugs by having clean 
implementations of things that PARSE users frequently need to do 
but usually get wrong, such as CHANGE, INSERT, REMOVE, IF, THEN, 
AND, NOT, QUOTE and DO. The modification ops are the ones that lead 
to the most frequent R2 parse errors.
found it... using:
code: as red-integer! stack/arguments
int: code/value

so now I can change colors in console... will clean it later and 
upload:) now back to work
Another note: messing up with the stack (using push/pop) in a user-function 
is fine as long as you returned the stack clean before calling a 
function that could generate an exception. Failure to do so will 
result in a crash. It might be possible to make stack-unwinding for 
exception resistant to such cases, I will investigate that.
Arnold, if you clean up the code and make it look more like Red/System 
and less like C, we could add it to the library folder in the Red 
It is just slightly different. The possibility to go back to the 
first element of the array or store that address. :(ran_arr_buf/1) 
would make it a lot easier. 

I already had a lot of help from Peter on this (thumbs up!) and I 
made good progress by now.

I get the pointer of the array and I can go up and down  using + 
and -, this works great, and the pointer is going along with it then 
and I suspect that if I do 
ptr: ran_arr_buf 
and I progress ran_arr_buf by 1 that I progress ptr too.

I now kinda solved it by using an additional variable. When I reach 
a 100, I subtract 100 from the array ran_array_buf to go back. 

Tonight and tomorrow I have some time to clean up my code and I can 
experiment some more. 

It is proven it can be done, but keeping the extra variable is surely 
slowing down compared to C's pure pointer solution.
Yes I know, I built one in already, except when you have shifted 
the ran_arr_buf, this one shifts along, but I want to return then. 
So I saved it in a sav_arr_buf to take care of this. All in all because 
I try to stay as close as possible to the original I have some extra 
bookkeeping to take care of. Later today I will clean up the code 
further and hope the smoke clears up ;)
Arnold, if you want to provide your random function as a library 
to other programmers, then yes, you should include a function to 
clean up its internal state
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
Massive R3-GUI documentation brought online. ATT: The docs still 
referr to the old GUI model. We are going to clean everything up 
in the next weeks.
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
Remove the bad lines version 1.04 works for me here. Mailed and uploaded 
just in between some modifications to clean things up a bit. Sorry 
for the inconvenience!
If you don't look at the source, but just examine the behavior from 
the outside, that is called clean-room reverse engineering. You can't 
be blocked on copyright violation grounds, just patent and trademark 
stuff. Even the function specs could be considered to be not copyrightable, 
according to Google vs. Oracle, though that case's appeals haven't 
made it to the supreme court yet. The doc strings are another issue 
though since they aren't technically necessary for interoperability. 
Copyright laws (at least in the US) don't make a distinction between 
code and data when it comes to derived works.
so typically a build is just three steps:
- fetching an r3-make
- make make
- make clean prep
Need to clean up and properly re-integrate a few bits.
However, the reliable way to do a full & clean build is `make make` 
followed by `make clean prep r3`.
Group: Rebol School ... REBOL School [web-public]
Found the answer to my first task:

Had to read the documentation a little further and needed a function 
localize-file: func [file] [
    rejoin [{"} to-local-file clean-path file {"}]

Now call reform [player localize-file to-file thissong] does play 
the song!
A slightly shorter version that does the same, I think:
        localize-file: func [file [file!] ][
            mold to-local-file clean-path file 

I added [file!] to the parameter.....You get the parameter type-checked, 
hence a better error message if you pass it something that is not 
a file name.
it's certainly quite clean looking. did not analyse the code yet.
;Go back to recur as a function.
;Still recur can't be used as a parameter, local or a refinement.

;This implementation is much more clean (no shitty compose/deep) 
and still very short.

;The collision of words is avoided by the use of singleton functions 
;I'm confident with this one. It could be the last one -_-;

rfunc: func [[catch] spec [block!] body [block!] /local ctx args][
    ctx: bind? first second throw-on-error [
        ;* Temporary function created to retrieve parameters
        ;* and to get a new context for 'recur.
        ;* The context will remain alive (not GC'ed).
        func append copy spec /recur [recur]
    args: bind to-block form first ctx ctx
    ctx/recur: func spec reduce [

        quote #[function! ['word] [throw/name second bind? word 'recur]] 

        first args ;* may be 'recur if empty specs (still, it's ok)
    func spec reduce [
        quote #[function! [args body][

            while [true][set/any args catch/name [return do body] 'recur]
        head remove back tail args ;* remove 'recur
        bind/copy body ctx         ;* bound 'recur
;Go back to recur as a function.
;Still recur can't be used as a parameter, local or a refinement.

;This implementation is much more clean (no shitty compose/deep) 
and still very short.

;The collision of words is avoided by the use of singleton functions 
;I'm confident with this one. It could be the last one -_-;

rfunc: func [[catch] spec [block!] body [block!] /local ctx args][
    ctx: bind? first second throw-on-error [
        ;* Temporary function created to retrieve parameters
        ;* and to get a new context for 'recur.
        ;* The context will remain alive (not GC'ed).
        func append copy spec /recur [recur]
    args: bind to-block form first ctx ctx
    ctx/recur: func spec reduce [

        quote #[function! ['word] [throw/name second bind? word 'recur]] 

        first args ;* may be 'recur if empty specs (still, it's ok)
    func spec reduce [
        quote #[function! [args body][

            while [true][set/any args catch/name [return do body] 'recur]
        head remove back tail args ;* remove 'recur
        bind/copy body ctx         ;* bound 'recur
#! /usr/bin/env r2

here: what-dir

program: dirize clean-path here/../../../cms/files/program/PowerMezz

do program/mezz/module.r

load-module/from program

module [
	imports: [
;	print mold-tree load-html read http://osslo.nl/leveranciers

	make-dir %data

	for id 1 169 1 [
		print id

  page: load-html read join http://osslo.nl/leveranciers?mod=organization&id=

  content: get-node page/childs/html/childs/body/childs/div/childs/3/childs/2

		body: get-node content/childs/table/childs/tbody
;		print form-html/with body [pretty?: yes]
;		print mold-tree body

;		item: get-node body/childs/10/childs/2
;		print form-html/with item [pretty?: yes]
;		print mold-tree item
;		print mold item

		record: copy ""
		short-name: name: none

		unless get-node body/childs/tr/childs/th [  ; Missing record
			foreach item get-node body/childs [

    switch/default type: trim get-node item/childs/td/childs/text/prop/value 
					"Logo:" [

;						if all [get-node item/childs/2/childs/1  get-node item/childs/2/childs/1/childs/1] 
;							repend record

;								['icon tab tab tab tab		get-node item/childs/2/childs/a/childs/img/prop/src 
;						]
					"Naam:" [
						if get-node item/childs/2/childs/1 [
							repend record

        ['name tab tab tab tab		name: trim/lines html-to-text get-node item/childs/2/childs/text/prop/value 
...					"Adres:" [

      unless empty? trim/lines html-to-text form-html/with get-node item/childs/2 
      [pretty?: yes] [
							street: get-node item/childs/2/childs/1/prop/value
							place: get-node item/childs/2/childs/3/prop/value

							number: next find/last street #" "
							street: trim/lines html-to-text copy/part street number

							unless empty? street [
								repend record ['street tab tab tab tab	street newline]
							unless empty? number [
								repend record ['number tab tab tab tab	number newline]
							unless place/1 = #" " [
								where: find  skip place 5  #" "

        repend record ['postal-code tab tab tab	copy/part place where  newline]

								place: where
							unless empty? place: trim/lines html-to-text place [
								repend record ['place tab tab tab tab 	place newline]
					"Telefoon:" [

      unless #{C2} = to-binary trim/lines html-to-text form-html/with get-node 
      item/childs/2 [pretty?: yes] [
							repend record

        ['phones tab tab tab tab	trim get-node item/childs/2/childs/text/prop/value 
					"Website:" [

      if all [get-node item/childs/2/childs/1  get-node item/childs/2/childs/1/childs/1] 
							repend record

        ['websites tab tab tab		trim get-node item/childs/2/childs/a/childs/text/prop/value 
					"E-mail:" [

      if all [get-node item/childs/2/childs/1  get-node item/childs/2/childs/1/childs/1] 
							repend record

        ['mail-addresses tab tab	trim/all get-node item/childs/2/childs/a/childs/text/prop/value 
					"Profiel:" [

      unless #{C2} = to-binary trim/lines html-to-text form-html/with get-node 
      item/childs/2 [pretty?: yes] [
							repend record [
								'description newline
									tab replace/all

          trim html-to-text form-html/with get-node item/childs/2 [pretty?: 
										"^/" "^/^-"
					print ["Onbekend veld: " type]
			write rejoin [%data/
				replace/all replace/all replace/all any [short-name name]
					#" " #"-"
					#"/" #"-"
					#"." ""
			] record
Group: !Syllable ... Syllable free operating system family [web-public]
Be aware that we're not fond of serving anything. We've always made 
a lot of effort to keep our downloads as small and clean as possible. 
We welcome contributions, but we also like them to contribute their 
own hosting. Otherwise, it takes more of our time than it saves
even with a clean shutdown
Group: #Red Docs ... How should Red be documented [web-public]
Gregg - totally agree on avoiding doc fragmentation. This is a serious 
consideration for newcomers who need a guiding hand to see the overall 
picture. It's pretty important to convey a sense of being authoritative 
on documentation. Another related issue is that of keeping documentation 
current/clean. Old, deprecated, outdated material should be deleted 
or at least be made a lot less visible in the community.
What I like about http://clojuredocs.org/quickref/ClojureCore, 
compared to the rebol dict page and senha API page, is:

- No need to expand or collapse the TOC on the left. You can see 
two top-level headings. 

- Single scrolling page you can scan. And I do like the visible scrolling 
in this case.

- Summary doc string visible for each item. Again, good for scanning.

- Having the number of examples listed is nice, and shows what needs 

- It's a clean, effective layout to my eye, providing useful detail 
before drilling down.
Looking more at sencha/ext-js and closuredocs, I like aspects of 
both. Sencha has some very nice detail pages, and closuredocs has 
a clean feel, with easy ways to add examples, see also entries, and 
Group: !REBOL3 ... General discussion about REBOL 3 [web-public]
I would gladly toss out the MDP parser for a clean markdown parser.
Gabriele also did a variation for Qtask. Not sure about compatibility, 
but it would be more modern, and likely a very clean implementation.
No, I see that, it's just not necessarily a very good dialect in 
the sense of dialect design. It's powerful, but not clean enough.
I can imagine what "clean" means, then. Fortunately enough, I do 
not need to care.
A slightly better path-based invariant:

set [d b] split-path f
clean-path/only f = clean-path/only d/:b
Using the clean-path test, here's where my proposed version fails:

Path quality failed: %"" %/
         %""     ; clean-path test
         %/      ; clean-path p/:t
Path quality failed: %foo %/foo
         %foo    ; clean-path test
         %/foo   ; clean-path p/:t
dirname/basename does a clean-path before splitting.
I haven't had the time to follow all the discussion in detail, but 
to me, the second part of split-path should NEVER return a directory 

when doing   set [dir file]  I should be able to count on the fact 
that the second part is either a file or none.  The same for the 
first part which should always be none or a dir.  I have my own implementation 
in R2 which makes this strict and it simplifies a lot of code.
so we can do with absolute certainty:

if second set [dir file] split  path [   ]

IIRC some of the versions of my split perform a clean-path to simplify 
and add robustness to the result.
The plain "path-invariant" (just d/:b) I posted earlier was too simple, 
only the later refined one, including clean-path caters for the corner 
cases I posted as well.
if you give me split-path %"" I'd return [none none]  if you want 
a meaningfull default for the dir, then just use clean-path before 
supplying the value to split-path, then you'll be assured of always 
getting a directory.
Pekr: I agree the docs are still not corrected...infact it is a mix 
of old(patched) docs from Carl and some '"dev notes" docs from Saphirion 
team who did significant changes.

I started to at least review the Carl's docs to fix the most confusing 
or obsolete parts but I relaized I have not enough time now for that 
instead of programming. 

If you want to help clean-up the documentation or even write new 
document...kind of "User guide" for newcomers I'm offering you a 
help/support with any questions issues etc. during the doc writing, 
just le me know. Also we can discuss the issues in the R3GUI group 
here (I still wonder noone is asking anything...probably noone is 
Group: !R3 Extensions ... [web-public]
Some NOSQL connectors would be fine too, not all supporting a straight 
REST interface. MongoDB, Redis and Tokyo/Kyoto offers a very clean 
C api.

world-name: r3wp

Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
[unknown: 9]:
We plan to clean it up, and write a paper that explains it all, for 
example, you can actually dump all your grpahics, and then replace 
them all.
[unknown: 9]:
So our next update is coming along, aside from any features we are 
planning to include in the next build of AltME, we are looking for 
a new top 10 list of features or bugs for an interim release.

Please take some time to think about this before posting, in an attempt 
to keep this post clean and simple.

Even if you have posted to feedback in the past, I'm look for what 
is most important to you.

Also, the Recycle bug is being fixed, but can't be for this interim 
build, since it is part of the new architecture.
Feature Req: 'Clear All'.  If I am away (say two days) from altme.. 
I come back /login only to find all groups highlighted with messages 
since my logoff.  Sometimes, I want to know what happened since I 
left.. however other times I just want to start clean.  So, I think 
that it would be nice to have a button or a pref that allows those 
highlighted groups to be cleared upon logging in.  This way, I can 
be assured that I am looking at new messages only.. not messages 
from 47 hours ago.     John.
Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
#3737 (call and file! datatype) : same problem on Win2k. The error 
message is right, it's a path problem - but if it works with string!, 
it should work with file!. A workaround :
call clean-path %prog.exe
>> clean-path %//
== %/C/
>> clean-path %///
== %/C/REBOL/
>> clean-path %////
== %/C/REBOL/View/
>> clean-path %//something
== %/C/something
Group: Script Library ... REBOL.org: Script library and Mailing list archive [web-public]
Im just trying to hide the dll to keep things squeaky clean.. what 
i've done is embed the binary, and I'll write it to a file, when 
I'm finished, Ill just remove it.
Well there's clean, and then there's rubbed raw. Do you really need 
to be this spotless? Would an on-demand cleanup routine do?
my code is very similar to Carl's, most of the additions are just 
to support literate programming and you won't need them. i'm emitting 
clean xhtml (no <font> etc. stuff) so that the look can be 100% configured 
via CSS.
the interface is already ubber clean  :-)  

if I had this on rebol.org update, I think It would make the update 
process even more appealing for potential new users.
If it's that small, it should be possible to do a clean-room development.
Group: MySQL ... [web-public]
I am not sure about protocol handlers either ... I start to not understand, 
what is rebol - it is not language, nor it is stand-alon platform 
... I want clean design ... Base + SDK is the answer imo ...
If you do reverse engineering of a protocol in a clean lab environment. 
Then you are protected.
define clean-lab environment, please? Yes, I tried to use Ethereal 
but then found Volkers link above, which was enough to understand 
how it works and to eventually implement it ...
If you do a clean-lab implementation your code doesn't need to be 
because it is clean 5.0.18 install and second, the field size is 
41 bytes, starting with asterisk ...
Group: Syllable ... The free desktop and server operating system family [web-public]
Control-Alt-Delete is also OK, although you have to use the upper 
delete key on the keyboard. This is a clean shutdown and reboot
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
Really slow, which is odd because the target is a 'clean' WinXP install, 
where my old, upgraded-from-WinME XP install was much faster.  Anyway, 
inappropriate for the Linux group, I know.
i have another partition with a clean windows install, to use for 
repair opeartions on ntfs.
[unknown: 10]:
Well yess this 1.1.29 'new' clean installation is running fine here 
too.. the last installation i did in the old 0.42 altme directory..so 
that was realy messy..
request-file: func [

    {Requests a file using a popup list of files and directories.} 
    /title "Change heading on request." 
    title-line "Title line of request" 
    button-text "Button text for selection" 
    /file name "Default file name or block of file names" 
    /filter filt "Filter or block of filters" 
    /keep "Keep previous settings and results" 
    /only "Return only a single file, not a block." 
    /path "Return absolute path followed by relative files." 
    /save "Request file for saving, otherwise loading." 
    /local where data filt-names filt-values
    if none? out start-out 
    either file [

        either block? name [picked: copy name] [picked: reduce [to-file name]]
    ] [
        if not keep [picked: copy []]
    if none? picked [picked: copy []] 
    if file: picked/1 [where: first split-path file] 
    while [not tail? picked] [
        set [name file] split-path first picked 
        either name <> where [remove picked] [
            change picked file 
            picked: next picked
    picked: head picked 
    if any [not where not exists? where] [where: clean-path %.] 
    if not keep [
        fp/data: head fp/data 
        so/data: head so/data 
        si: 1
    either filter [
        filters: either block? filt [filt] [reduce [filt]]
    ] [if any [not keep not block? filters] [pick-filter]] 
    ff/text: form filters 
    tt/text: either title [copy title-line] ["Select a File:"] 
    ob/text: either title [copy button-text] ["Select"] 
    if all [
        error? done: try [
            filt-names: copy head fp/data 
            filt-values: copy filter-list 
            either filter [
                insert head filt-names "Custom" 
                insert/only filt-values filters
            ] [
                filt-names: at filt-names index? fp/data
            done: local-request-file data: reduce 

            [tt/text ob/text clean-path where picked filt-names filt-values found? 
            any [only] found? any [save]] 
            if done [
                dir-path: data/3 
                picked: data/4 

                if not filter [fp/data: at head fp/data index? data/5]
        (get in disarm done 'code) = 328
    ] [
        done: false 
        read-dir/full either where [where] [dir-path] 
        inform out 
    if error? done [done] 
    if all [done picked any [path not empty? picked]] [
        either path [
            done: insert copy picked copy dir-path 
            either only [done/1] [head done]
        ] [
            foreach file picked [insert file dir-path] 
            either only [picked/1] [picked]
Group: CGI ... web server issues [web-public]
I am running XP on my local computer. Out web host's server is running 
Red Hat Linux.

Which version of core should I use on the host server to run the 
cgi scripts?

If I download the proper Linux core interpreter to my  XP computer, 
and uncompress it using WinZip, will it be corrupted by XP?  How 
do I get a clean version of core to the Linux server?
Thanks, Graham, you hit the right spot. Like you say in your article, 
"Read/Custom sets the port to lines modes, and there is no clean 
way to change this to binary for binary uploads". But that's exactly 
what I need. Which script by Oldes are you referring to? Where can 
I find it? Are you saying that his is doing the job?
Group: !Readmail ... a Rebol mail client [web-public]
Received: from web26108.mail.ukl.yahoo.com ([])

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Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 04:58:29 +0200 (CEST)
From: Rodrigue <[you-:-me-:-com]>
Subject: Re: Erreur lors de l'enregistrement d'une news
To: Admin Rebol <[me-:-you-:-com]>
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Salut Fabrice,
Peux tu me redire sous quel format je dois envoyer les photos


Admin Rebol <[me-:-you-:-com]> wrote:
Bonjour Rodrigue,

>Salut Fabrice,

>contrairement à ce que je t'expliquais hier soir, les news ne s'enregistrent 
>voilà le message d'erreur : 

Peux-tu m'envoyer ce que tu veux mettre en ligne par @ ?

Je vérifierais directement avec tes données car il n'y a pas de problème 
de mon côté pour ajouter les news.




 Découvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail : 250 Mo d'espace de stockage pour 
 vos mails !
Créez votre Yahoo! Mail
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

<DIV>Salut Fabrice,</DIV>

<DIV>Peux tu me redire sous quel format je dois envoyer les photos<BR></DIV>

<DIV><BR><B><I>Admin Rebol &lt;[me-:-you-:-com]&gt;</I></B> wrote:</DIV>

<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; 
BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Bonjour Rodrigue,<BR><BR>&gt;Salut 
Fabrice,<BR>&gt;contrairement à ce que je t'expliquais hier soir, 
les news ne s'enregistrent pas.<BR>&gt;voilà le message d'erreur 
: <BR><BR>Peux-tu m'envoyer ce que tu veux mettre en ligne par @ 
?<BR>Je vérifierais directement avec tes données car il n'y a pas 
de problème de mon côté pour ajouter les news.<BR><BR>Merci.<BR><BR>-- 
		<hr size=1> 

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Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
Sunanda - there is already virtual keyboard available, but you need 
clean desk for it ... dunno if it is usable at all, but fits nicely 
PDAs etc. - it is projection technology ...
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
Louis: because of the clean seperation between display engine and 
widgets, it's ready now. What's missing is a good widget set to make 
it *usefull*. ;)
Yeah, that's more like it.  But it can be used to provide simple, 
clean OS independant applications too...
tested 'request-file - spotted a bug:

when one uses a filename without a path in it, it causes an error.

ie: %my-file.r, split-path gives [%./ %my-file.r], the path isn't 
cleaned, local-request-file don't like "./" -> error
an easy fix is to uses 'clean-path before 'split-path: 
if file [
    set [path file] split-path clean-path path

that said, 'request-file works well (tested all /options,) and is 
a lot cleaner and smaller that the VID version :-)
The menu widget is over 500 lines and a bit of a global name-space 
polluter. My first-cut clean of it is here: http://www.dobeash.com/files/menu.r

You'll notice that "lefted" items and shadow-drop images have already 
been cut ... but a lot more has to come out.
Group: XML ... xml related conversations [web-public]
Well, I just had a quick look. It seems to be clean code, well organised. 
Perhaps I can find some time to test it out myself in a few days.
Group: Hardware ... Computer Hardware Issues [web-public]
but if it keeps happening .. you might want to see how clean your 
power is .. and invest in surge protectors
Ashley, can you explain in a little more detail how your setup works 
for you?

 Sure. I run a home office with two studies. Each has a Mac mini (plus 
 Cinema display) for day-to-day work. My study also has a TabletPC 
 connected to a 1280x1024 VGA LCD display. I use this for REBOL development 
 and demos away from home.

The iBook is located in the other study and is used by my better 
half when running Windows software related to our finance company 
(CRM/Sales software distributed via the professional body we belong 
to, no Mac or Linux option available). We also use the iBook when 
showing non-IT people stuff (e.g. a spreadsheet showing how much 
their portfolio could be worth if they geared it) and when attending 
training sessions.

The ADSL modem has an ethernet connection to Airport express, which 
in turn has the MFC plugged into its USB slot. The Mac's pick up 
the printer automatically, the TabletPC runs Bonjour and does the 
same. Everything, including the TabletPC, detected the Network without 
issue. It really has been as simple as, 1) Unpack, 2) Plug-in, 3) 
Use. I've also noticed that WinXP running on the iBook is a lot faster/smoother 
than on the TabletPC as it installs 'clean' (i.e. piggy-backs off 
the Mac's Network and Hardware support).

Large screens are a must if you write and or read a lot of documents. 
A 1920x1200 screen lets you do a slideshow on a PDF document and 
read the pages side-by-side. On wide screens I always have the task-bar/dock 
on the right to maximize the vertical display area.
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
re: Google Calendar:  Chris Sherman, executive editor of Search Engine 
Watch.com. "The interface is classic Google--clean, crisp and relatively 
uncluttered.... The one down side to the program is you have to be 
online when you use it"
he should be careful with windows that can be flipped over and are 
hinged at the center of the frame. I have those in my livingroom. 
When opened at a certain angle, the reflection in the glass is  directed 
towards the roof. Sometimes a bird would get "caught" in the reflection 
while sitting on the roof and start attacking the window glass repeatedly. 
It looks really funny, but you have to clean up the mess afterwards: 
I suppose repeatedly banging their head against the window glass 
every 2 seconds for 10 minutes makes for a bad stomach...
Group: SQLite ... C library embeddable DB [web-public].
One strange bug remains. Occasionally %demo.r will fail (typically 
selecting rows from Items) due to garbage characters that somehow 
get inserted. I have reduced the problem down to this script:


unless value? 'SQLite [do %sqlite.r]

repeat cnt 10 [
	prin ["^/Run" cnt "..."]
	;	Clean up from previous runs
	error? try [delete %test.db]
	error? try [delete %test.db-journal]
	;	Create Items (1000 rows) records
	prin " create ..."
	CONNECT/flat/create %test.db
	SQL "create table t (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5)"
	prin " insert ..."
	SQL "begin"
;	loop 1000 [
	repeat z 10000 [

;		SQL reduce ["insert into t values (?,?,?,?,?)" 1 "A 1" $1 1 $1 
* 1]

  SQL reduce ["insert into t values (?,?,?,?,?)" 1 reform ["A" 1] $1 
  1 $1 * 1]
	SQL "commit"
	prin " select ..."
	SQL "select * from t"


Running the script should cause a failure like the following within 
the first couple of runs:

Run 1 ... create ... insert ... select ...** Syntax Error: Invalid 
tag -- <C
** Near: (line 1) À<C"
>> sqlite/direct?: true
== true
>> sql "select * from t where c2 like '%<%'"
== [1 {À<C^B"} "$1.00" 1 "$1.00"]

Changing the repeat to a loop seems to shift the error, often (but 
not always) making it take more runs to materialize. Replacing the 
reform with a string will often (but not always) allow all runs to 
complete successfully. Changing the number or order of INSERTed values 
also seems to shift the error. I'm not sure whether this is a REBOL 
or SQLite library error, but any help in tracking it down would be 
greatly appreciated.
Group: Postscript ... Emitting Postscript from REBOL [web-public]
I thought about this subject yesterday night and yeah, it would be 
nice to be able to do "anything and everything" in Rebol and PS does 
offer that. Besides the kind of charts that Graham showed, things 
like wrapping/flowing text around graphic images would be useful. 
Of course at some point I would most likely convert it to pdf through 

I totally agree that good clean output is essential. My last programming 
foray in PS was some 16 years ago. At that time it was the only way 
to go for me. I suppose that alone shows the staying power of PS.
Group: Plugin-2 ... Browser Plugins [web-public]
Further, let's say he decides to clean out his computer. If he removes 
REBOL 1.3.2, seeing that it is an "old" version, he will inveitably 
break the web sites that rely on 1.3.2.
[unknown: 9]:
I agree with Maxim as well, there needs to be UI somewhere to stop 
automatic downloads.

With that said, is it possible to clean this whole thing up and reduce 
it to one place where you either have what you need or you don't.

Using Adobe Acrobat as an example, they have one plug-in interface.

When you download stuff, it asks you if you want any of the other 
modules Adobe has for you.  In fact a close friend of mine created 
one of those modules (Atmosphere), which is funny that Adobe's interface 
even asks if you want this, since almost no one know what Atmosphere 

So a single consistent dialogue should pop up with something like 

You have:

Rebol command 1.3 for OSX
Rebol view 3.0 for OSX

New modules that are available:    

[_] Rebol view 3.0 for OSX
[_] VID2 interface Alpha for OSX

[X] Always ask before downloading

[Skip] [Download all now]
[unknown: 9]:
Q: go, find whatever website flash plug-in part of website, press 
right mouse - you will see menu for controlling flash script itself 
... that is what I am talking about -

A: That is a choice of the developers.  The fact that people leave 
it as "default"

Q: Reichart - and you imo overestimate Flash's importance - they 
can be milti-whatever company, yet I would have to see some noticed 
real-life app someone uses in corporate sphere :-)

A: "I" over estimate Flash?  Uh, er….you mean like how Yahoo over 
estimated Flickr (front end is Flash), and bought them?  

Or, while you might not like it, if you are looking at an animated 
ad on the web, there is a good chance it is Flash.  That would be 
a 500 billion dollar industry that is using Flash as their delivery 
mechanism.  That is the app, animated content with games and click 

And if you use T-Mobile, then you are using Flash.  Yup, it "is" 
the interface for their cellphone content provider.

Pekr, I'm not a fan of Flash, or Macromedia…I'm simply stating that 
Rebol should consider Flash's model as a pathway to a clean install 
and plug-in interface.
[unknown: 9]:
So, let's write up an overview of what is needed "exactly" to have 
a clean interface for a plug-in.  this needs to be done for 4 browsers 
(IMO): IE, FF, Safari, Opera (in that order).

See…this is where we need a wiki…like a Qwiki.
Group: !GLayout ... ask questions and now get answers about GLayout. [web-public]
it looks very clean, i think i ll use it for my next interfaces
on my HD... some  look and feel issues have kept me from releasing 
it.  I need to clean it up and that takes time... for my part I don't 
mind the few display quirks for my apps...
Group: !Liquid ... any questions about liquid dataflow core. [web-public]
then each member (including the one you modified the pipe with ! 
:-)  can then again, clean it up for its own use.
Blood v0.1.1 released to rebol.org.

the first ever public demo of how to use liquid.  The application 
itself is very simple for now, but the code is pretty clean, has 
a lot of comments to explain a lot of what is going on.
pipes and containers are like storage.  their value is to be used 
as-is.  if you wanted to clean ANOTHER plug to a color, your code 
is correct
Group: DevCon2007 ... DevCon 2007 [web-public]
speaking of which... i need to clean up rambo, haven't done so in 
two days.
Group: DevCon2008 (post-chatter) ... DevCon2008 [web-public]
[unknown: 5]:
Yes Steeve and clean up the place - lol
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