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world-name: r3wp

Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
body: second get in svv/vid-styles/tog/feel 'engage 
insert body bind bind [
	if action = 'away [over face false event]
	if action = 'over [over face true event]
] svv/vid-styles/tog/feel body/4
view center-face layout [tog "hello"]
Gabriele, I would like to raise the importance of 

I patch functions quite often, and then I usually need to bind to 
the function context. If the original function was not written by 
me (or even if it was), then it's tricky to find a good technique 
to find a suitable word local to the function context. I have to 
look in the function body for a local word and write code to select 
it, which usually looks like spaghetti. I do my best, but if the 
function body changes for whatever reason, then my patch code is 
probably also broken. None of us likes to write code that is so brittle.
I second Anton's request, I do the same myself, and for example, 
am using it within VIEW stuff to modify some event handlers... its 
often easier than trying to re-bind the body which comes from several 
Interesting problem: Why do I need BIND/COPY ?

The aim is to copy the values of the facets in face F2 to face F1.

f1: make face []
f2: make face [text: "hello"]

facets: [text]

set bind      facets f1 reduce bind      facets f2
f1/text ;== none   ; <-- why ???

f1/text: none
set bind/copy facets f1 reduce bind      facets f2
f1/text ;== "hello"

f1/text: none
set bind      facets f1 reduce bind/copy facets f2
f1/text ;== "hello"

f1/text: none
set bind/copy facets f1 reduce bind/copy facets f2
f1/text ;== "hello"
;Not perfect, but less clicky
view layout [
    style cfield field center feel [
        redraw: func [face act pos] bind [
            if all [in face 'colors block? face/colors] [
                face/color: pick face/colors face <> focal-face
            foc?: same? face system/view/focal-face
            face/font/align: either foc? ['left] ['center]
        ] system/view
    cfield "hello" with [focus self]
    cfield "cflied2"
    cfield "cfield3"
to block! does not bind. word is not included in system/words. sometimes 
that results in an error-mesage and sometimes in a crash.
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
Pekr, you can do it by binding your 'date-lay to the 'date-lay that 
is already in the function body.

 insert second :request-date bind [probe date-lay] pick pick second 
 :request-date 10 2

(Mmm... request-date is quite an ill-behaved function. It sets 5 
words in the global context.)
Above I have bound your whole block of code to the existing 'date-lay 

It could be better (a more reliable way in other situations) to bind 
just the 'date-lay word in your new code
(ie. only the words which need binding):

 insert second :request-date compose [probe (bind 'date-lay pick pick 
 second :request-date 10 2)]
f: func[/a va /b vb /opts blk][
 if opts[do bind blk 'opts] 
 ?? a ?? b
f/opts [a: 5]
hmm... a bit confused about the BIND part...
this is from the blog-chat: 

I liked Ladislavs function and just extended it a little bit: maybe 
bind would be nice like that - one can bind only the words one wants 
to and also only the types one likes, unless using plain, then all 
words of the same spelling get bound

old-bind: :bind

bind: func append copy third :bind [
	/only only-words [block! any-word!]
    /local pos rule item
	if copy [words: copy words]
	either only [
		if any-word? only-words [only-words: reduce [only-words]]
    	if any-word? known-word [known-word: bind? known-word]

     if plain [forall only-words [change only-words to word! only-words/1]]

		parse words rule: [
			any [
				set item any-word! (
					if any [
                	    all [plain find only-words to word! item]
                	    find only-words item
						item: old-bind :item known-word
						change pos :item
				) | into rule | skip
		old-bind words known-word

f: g: h: i: 1
bl: ['f g h i]
c: context [f: 2 g: 3 h: 'hello]

bind/only bl c [f 'h]
get-values: [
	get to-word first bl
	get to-word second bl
	get to-word third bl
	get to-word fourth bl
probe reduce get-values

bind/only/plain bl c [f 'h]
probe reduce get-values

bind bl 'system
probe reduce get-values

bind/only bl c 'g
probe reduce get-values
I hope a more correct version of only 'bind-only - just to have not 
something too wrong lurcking around

bind-only: func [

    {Binds only selected words to a context. If taken 'lit'erally even 
    just words of the same kind.} 
    words [block!]
    known-word [any-word! object! port!]
    only-words [block! any-word!]
    /local pos rule item
    if any-word? only-words [only-words: reduce [only-words]]
    if any-word? known-word [known-word: bind? known-word]
    unless lit [
        only-words: copy only-words 

        forall only-words [change only-words to word! only-words/1]
      parse words rule: [
		any [
			set item any-word! (
				if any [
                    				find only-words to word! :item
                    				all [lit find only-words :item]
					item: bind :item known-word
					change pos :item
			) | into rule | skip
CounterClass: context [
	c: 0
	bump: does [c: c + 1]
	read: does [c]
	bump-by: func [inc][c: c + inc]

make-instance: func [
	/local class-vars instance-data class-methods v
	class-vars: copy [*-private-*]
	class-methods: copy []
	instance-data: copy []
	foreach w next first class [
		either function! = type? v: get in class :w [
			append class-methods compose/deep [
				(to set-word! :w) func [(first :v)] [
					bind second get in class (to lit-word! :w) '*-private-*
					do reduce [get in class (to lit-word! :w) (first :v)]
			append class-vars :w
			append instance-data reduce [to set-word! :w :v]
	use class-vars compose/deep  [
		context [(class-methods)]

ctr1: make-instance CounterClass
crt2: make-instance CounterClass

ctr1/bump ctr1/bump ctr1/read
ctr2/bump ctr2/read
Jaime: I checked your code above: first I thought it's not possible, 
then I thought wow, but I got one thing left that doesn't work:

You're using the 'class word to bind the code of the functions of 
an object later to the right object - this doesn't work, because 
'class is always bound to the function context and thus has the last 
object referenced - in your example no problem, because the code 
is the same - but with different code doesn't work anymore - maybe 
with one of the closures it would work - because 'class gets always 
bound to a new context (but I'm not sure yet whether I understand 
it right)

CounterClass2: context [
	d: 0
	bump2: does [d: d + 1]
	read2: does [d]
	bump-by2: func [inc][d: d + inc]

ctr1: make-instance CounterClass
ctr2: make-instance CounterClass2

ctr1/bump ctr1/bump ctr1/read
ctr2/bump2 ctr2/read2

fails, because at ctr1/bump, class is bound to object CounterClass2 
which has only bump2

so if this gets sorted out - it seams to be really difficult to access 
the hidden contexts (or impossible, because after invoking the function 
the contexts are gone)
make-instance: func [
	class [object!]
	/local class-vars instance-data class-methods v
	class-vars: copy [*-private-*]
	class-methods: copy []
	instance-data: copy []
	foreach w next first class [
		either function! = type? v: get in class :w [
			append class-methods compose/deep [
				(to set-word! :w) func [(first :v)] [
					bind second get in (:class) (to lit-word! :w) '*-private-*
					do reduce [get in (:class) (to lit-word! :w) (first :v)]
			append class-vars :w
			append instance-data reduce [to set-word! :w :v]
	use class-vars compose/deep  [
		context [(class-methods)]
== 2
>> ctr1/bump
== 3
bl: [c]
== [c]
>> f: get in ctr1 'read
>> o: third tenth second :f
>> bind bl first second get in o 'read
== [c]
>> set first bl 12
== 12
>> ctr1/read
== 12


But how you want to prevent this ? I mean what property you talked 
about would get lost ?
That's my problem with Rebol, on the one side I hate this vulnerability, 
on the other side it's so nice to be able to bind around like wished.
Well ObjC allows you to bind to anything and instrospect anything. 
So I think is all is good.
CounterClass: context [
	c: 0
	bump: does [c: c + 1]
	read: does [c]
	bump-by: func [inc][c: c + inc]

make-instance: func [
	/local class-vars instance-data class-methods v
	class-vars: copy [*-private-*]
	class-methods: copy []
	instance-data: copy []
	foreach w next first class [
		either function! = type? v: get in class :w [
			append class-methods compose/deep [
				(to set-word! :w) func [(third :v)] [

     (bind copy second get in class (to lit-word! :w) '*-private-*)
			append class-vars :w
			append instance-data reduce [to set-word! :w :v]
	use class-vars compose/deep  [
		context [(class-methods)]

ctr1: make-instance CounterClass
ctr2: make-instance CounterClass

ctr1/bump ctr1/bump ctr1/read
ctr2/bump ctr2/read
Not completely - the code still needs access to the global context. 
if you bind every word in an own context and put selected functions 
there, it would work. Still tricky, for example 'second can not be 
exposed, else you get the functions body. I may forget other issues.
make-instance: closure [
	class [object!]
	/local class-vars instance-data class-methods v
	class-vars: copy [*-private-*]
	class-methods: copy []
	instance-data: copy []
	foreach w next first class [
		either function! = type? v: get in class :w [
			append class-methods compose/deep [
				(to set-word! :w) func [(first :v)] [
					bind second get in class (to lit-word! :w) '*-private-*
					do reduce [get in class (to lit-word! :w) (first :v)]
			append class-vars :w
			append instance-data reduce [to set-word! :w :v]
	use class-vars compose/deep  [
		context [(class-methods)]
ah the joys of BIND...

>> a: make object! [b: 0 c: b]
>> a/b
== 0
>> a/c
== 0
>> set in a 'b 7
== 7
>> a/c
== 0

How do I restore the context?
Bind isn't used here.
simply to bind 'do to the context of the function?
ff: func [a] [str: "a + 1" blk: bind load str 'a do blk]
bind the argument, not the 'do
just   do bind load str 'a
I thought bind is involved somehow :-)
following works:

 >> kontext: context [a: 1 b: 2 c: 3]
 >> do bind [a + b + c] in kontext 'a
== 6
but I first tried:

do bind [a + b + c] 'kontext 

and it did not work. So is 'kontext itself a different context than 
in kontext 'a? :-)
do bind [a + b + c] kontext ;; works.
with: func [object [object!] block [block!]] [
    do bind/copy block object

>> kontext: context [a: 1 b: 2 c: 3]
>> with kontext [a + b + c]
== 6
The WITH mezz was proposed by greg his implementation is backward 
compatilble, while the above is for 2.6 core. For completeness here 
is his implementation:

with: func [object block] [
    if object [do bind/copy block in object 'self]
do bind [a + b + c] 'kontext
In which context is 'kcontext bound? ;)
well, the quote char was there simply by mistake and because I rewrote 
example according to initial syntax of do bind load str 'a, where 
'a is quoted too ;-)
how to bind this correctly ?
Ye must bind to an example worde, as it is written in the olde texte.
Do you mean like this?

>> b: "(blue)"
== "(blue)"
>> compose bind to block! b 'white
== [0.0.255]

You just have to give any word from the same context to bind ... 
so inthis case any word from the global context (i.e. system/words).

The only point to be aware of: If all this happens in a different 
context, and you happen to have a word named 'white in this context, 
then you have to use another word.
Hi, I need some help with BIND (I think that's what I need to use): 
I have a storage context, that has a bunch of function to handle 
the storage of other contexts. That those storage functions can work, 
they need to have access to the other context. I could do:
storage/save-record context-to-save ...
Is it possible to bind the storage functions dynamically to the context 
that should be saved and switch this binding in the app depending 
on which context should be stored?
I think I need to switch the way it works:
	do bind [first object] storage
>> c1: context [a: b: none]
>> c2: context [a: b: none]
>> do bind [a: 1 b: 2] c1
== 2
>> probe c1
make object! [
    a: 1
    b: 2
>> do bind [a: 100 b: 200] c2
== 200
>> probe c2
make object! [
    a: 100
    b: 200
Oh sorry, you specifically want to bind a function's body to the 
Let's see, I think this will work:
	bind second get in storage 'list-words A
>> A: context [a: 1 b: 2 c: 3]
>> storage: context [list-words: does [probe first self]]
>> storage/list-words
[self list-words]
== [self list-words]
>> bind second get in storage 'list-words A
== [probe first self]
>> storage/list-words
[self a b c]
== [self a b c]
read as: "bind the body of list-words to A"
Ok... now I think I got it. I was always trying to bind the WHOLE 
function, not only the body...
Yes, bind needs a block! value, not a function!
You wouldn't want to bind the whole function, which would probably 
imply binding its spec block as well, since that would unlink the 
argument spec block relative to the body block.
I think I can bind a bunch of functions as well, right?
So for example I specify a block of function names, that I want to 
You could append each function's body block to a single, large block. 
Then bind that.
blk: [] foreach func funcs [append blk second :func]  bind blk ctx-A
>> ctx-A: context [a: 60]
>> my-func: func [][a: 5]
>> bind second :my-func ctx-A
== [a: 5]
>> ?? ctx-A
ctx-A: make object! [
    a: 60
>> my-func
== 5
>> ?? ctx-A
ctx-A: make object! [
    a: 5
>> ctx-A: context [a: 60]
>> my-func: func [][a: 5]
>> blk: [] append blk second :my-func
== [a: 5]
>> bind blk ctx-A
== [a: 5]
>> ?? ctx-A
ctx-A: make object! [
    a: 60
>> my-func
== 5
>> ?? ctx-A
ctx-A: make object! [
    a: 60
foreach func funcs [bind second :func ctx-A]
>> ctx-A: context [a: none]
>> f1: does [a: 1]
>> f2: does [a: 2]
>> foreach func reduce [:f1 :f2][bind second :func ctx-A]
== [a: 2]
>> ?? ctx-A
ctx-A: make object! [
    a: none
>> f1
== 1
>> ?? ctx-A
ctx-A: make object! [
    a: 1
>> f2
== 2
>> ?? ctx-A
ctx-A: make object! [
    a: 2
A BIND how-to, that not only explains what's going on but shows examples, 
examples, examples is what we need.
Nothing for people getting into first touch with BIND.
I actually think that your best bet here is to pass the context you 
will be saving to the saving function as a parameter, like your original 
example  storage/save-record context-to-save  or if you really want 
to delegate you can assign the function as a member of context-to-save 
and call it like  context-to-save/save-record context-to-save , but 
then you are changing the context you are saving wih saving overhead. 
REBOL does direct delegation by default, rather than mixin delegation 
like Delphi, because REBOL doesn't pass the object reference as a 
hidden parameter like object-oriented languages do. Rebinding your 
function body every time would be time-consuming and either non-recursion-safe 
(bind) or consume a lot of memory (bind/copy) - just passing the 
context as a parameter would be quicker.
Not that learning about bind wouldn't be fun...
I might fall back to the parameter solution. My goal is, that with 
BIND the code becomes much more natural to read and maintain. Because 
teh storage context needs some knowledge about the context to save, 
as I'm using a dynamic field-mapping method. Hence I only need to 
alter the context-to-save (add / remove words) and the storage context 
can handle it automatically. I have to deal with scheme evolution 
and versioning.
Ok, I have tested some ways. The bind solution is nice but has the 
disadvantage, that I can't handle more than one currenct storage-context.
Anton: "
>> ctx-A: context [a: 60]
>> my-func: func [][a: 5]
>> blk: [] append blk second :my-func
== [a: 5]
>> bind blk ctx-A
== [a: 5]
>> ?? ctx-A
ctx-A: make object! [
    a: 60
>> my-func
== 5
>> ?? ctx-A
ctx-A: make object! [
    a: 60

 - you would have to change it to:

ctx-A: context [a: 60]
 func [][a: 5]
blk: [] append/only blk second :my-func
bind blk ctx-A
my-func ; == 5
?? ctx-A
your problem is, that if you do 

    bind copy block 'context

the original BLOCK will stay unaffected

I am a bit confused with bind and context


blk: [a b] a: 1 b: 2
f: func [/local res][ 
res: bind/copy 'blk res 
probe reduce res

>> f
== [1 2]

Here my understanding would be that a and b are not
set in that context and the result is an error.

Apart for understanding the current behaviour, what I
want to accomplish is the behaviour that results in an

I have a program where I set a lot of variables within
a function but I don't want to set all of them as
local, because it's repetitive and I sometimes miss a
few so I'd like declare them as local using a block
with all the variable names. 

Also, when I reduce the block I should get an error if
some of the variables have not been set independently
of whether any of these variables is set in the global

Any ideas how to accomplish this ?
>> a: 1 b: 2
== 2
>> vars: [a b]
== [a b]

>> f: func compose [/local res (vars)][bind vars 'res reduce vars]
>> f
== [none none]

>> f: func compose [/local res (vars)][bind vars 'res a: 100 reduce 
>> f
== [100 none]
I want to use the power of bind and contexts to make sure this works
Or wait... you want a context to keep all your template variables 
	template: context [title: introduction: cost: none]
then unset all the variable in the template:
	unset bind next first template template

Your function references words in the template and receives an error 
for the first one which is unset.
	f: func [template][do bind [?? title] template]
	f template
	** Script Error: title has no value
	** Where: ??
	** Near: mold name: get name
but works fine when they have values:
	template/title: "hello"
	f template
	; ==> title: "hello"
unbind: func [
	{unbind words}
	words [word! block!]
	/local word result object
] [
	if word? words [words: reduce [words]]
	result: copy []
	unless parse words [
		any [set word word! (insert tail result to set-word! word)]
	] [throw make error! "unexpected data"]
	exclude result [self:]
	insert tail result none
	object: make object! result
	either find result first [self:] [first object] [
		exclude first object [self]

blk: [a b]
a: 1 b: 2
f: func [/local res][ 
	res: bind/copy unbind blk 'res 
	probe reduce res
f blk
I get script error: self has no value and I get the same error if 
I set a and b after bind in function f
unbind: func [
        "unbind words"
        words [word! block!]
        /local word result object
        if word? words [words: reduce [words]]
        result: copy []
        unless parse words [

                any [set word word! (insert tail result to set-word! word)]
        ][ throw make error! "unexpected data" ]
        exclude: result [self:]
        insert tail result none
        object: make object! result
        either find result first [self:] [first object] [
                exclude first object [self]

blk: [a b]
a: 1 b: 2
f: func [/local res][
        res: bind/copy unbind blk 'res
        a: 1 b: 1
        probe reduce res
f blk
template:       to block!  "<html><head><title> title </title></head><body>tag1 
tag2 tag3</body></html>"

blk:            remove-each val load copy template [tag? val]    
?? blk ; == [title tag1 tag2 tag3]

tag3:           "this is a fake value, should not appear"

eval-template: func [
        /local res
        res:            copy ""
        title:          "hey"
        tag1:           "this is tag1^/"
        tag2:           "i am tag 2^/"
        ;tag3:          "might not be set^/"
        bind/copy       template 'res
        repend          res template
template:       to block!  "<html><head><title> title </title></head><body>tag1 
tag2 tag3</body></html>"

blk:            remove-each val load copy template [tag? val]    
?? blk ; == [title tag1 tag2 tag3]

tag3:           "this is a fake value, should not appear"

eval-template: func [
        /local res
        res:            copy ""
        title:          "hey"
        tag1:           "this is tag1^/"
        tag2:           "i am tag 2^/"
        ;tag3:          "might not be set^/"
        bind/copy       unbind blk 'res
        repend          res template
Group: Syllable ... The free desktop and server operating system family [web-public]
This release focuses on making the system usable for running a number 
of standard servers, and several innovative REBOL servers.

The development files of the system, program headers, static libraries 
and development documentation, were moved to a separate area in /system/development/ 
and are now shipped in a separate package. If you want to compile 
software on Syllable Server, you need to install and register this 
package. The development files need to match the system: you can't 
use a package of any other Syllable version. (You will also need 
to install the Developer's Delight package collection and possibly 
other packages.)

User directories were moved from /home/ to /users/. Resource packages 
are in the process of moving from /usr/ to /resources/. /resources/ 
is currently a symbolic link to /usr/ so that resource packages will 
work from both places during the migration.

Many fixes were made, including more fixes for the CUPS print server 
and GhostScript. Creation of extra user accounts is possible now.

Many packages were updated, including the Linux kernel, IPTables, 
the GCC libraries, OpenSSH, SDL and QEmu. DirectFB was not upgraded 
due to incompatibility with Links2.

CDRTools were included for burning CDs, and the NetCat networking 
tool and the Transmission BitTorrent client were added.

In addition to the Syllable-specific early initialisation scripts 
(in the early-init subdirectory of packages), the late initialisation 
scripts (in the init subdirectory of packages) are now also executed. 
Several more initialisation scripts from Linux From Scratch were 
also added. Some servers can be started with the LFS scripts, others 
with the Syllable scripts (this will be unified in later releases).

The OpenSSH server was configured and now runs by default. At the 
first system start, security keys are generated that identify the 

A collection of well-known root certificates from Certification Authorities 
was added to allow OpenSSL-based programs (such as OpenSSH) to establish 
the identity of destination points for network connections.

A MIME-types database was added in /etc/mime.types that is used by 
many programs, such as web servers, to identify the MIME types of 
files based on their file name extensions.

Several REBOL software stacks were added:

- The REBOL/Services Service Oriented Architecture.

- The UniServe network server framework.
- The Cheyenne Apache-class web server.
- A CAPTCHA library.
- A MySQL network protocol.

- The QuarterMaster web programming framework, based on a Model-View-Controller 
architecture. By default, it's configured to run on Cheyenne.

- The TINY library for parsing text, abstracting data access and 
building templates of generic text formats (including HTML). This 
library is an original creation and targets both ORCA and REBOL.

Configurations, including initialisation scripts, were added for 
the OpenSSH remote access server, the CUPS print server, the BIND 
domain name server, the Apache web server, the RSync file synchronisation 
server, the SaMBa Windows-compatible file server, the INetUtils FTP 
server and the VSFTP FTP server. Several of these are not included 
in the system, but need to be installed separately (the system is 
prepared for them). The sshd, cupsd and initd servers are started 
by default.

S3Cmd/S3Sync was included, a tool for accessing the Amazon Simple 
Storage Service (S3) and synchronising files with it.

As a demo, the Genode operating system framework, its Nitpicker windowing 
server (built on SDL) and its demonstration programs were included.
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
So, the first strange thing is that I get a: "Bind socket to interface: 
No such device".
Group: Rebol School ... Rebol School [web-public]
Note that all functions of this type have bind/copy overhead of the 
code block (including FOREACH).
Speaking of which, good catch on the foreach bind/copy eliminating 
an explicit copy :)
Note that the copy performed by the FOREACH is a bind/copy, not a 
copy/deep. This means that only any-words, blocks and parens are 
copied, all other types are just referenced, including the function.
I think path! types are also copied by bind/copy.
kib2, since you can bind contexts everywhere, even inside other contexts, 
they are not really secure and so you can't make things really private 
to a context. Modules will do that, I believe.
i made optimizations in R3, removed change/dup , parents, temp vars, 

I also replaced repeat or for structures by loops (to avoid bind/copy 
It changes nothing. It remains slow.
The reason is that the script does (10000 * i) iterations

in R3, by just doing iterations and a show (no computations) it takes 
4 seconds.

Then, by just adding the square-root calcul, it takes 8 seconds (2 
times slower).
Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
I was just using the same refinement /copy that bind uses, but I 
agree that its reuse as a local variable isn't very readable. I should 
use /local like my conjoin does. Speaking of conjoin, what do you 
think of the one above? The only speedup I can see to do is to replace 
the insert reduce with four inserts, but otherwise it seems useful.
But if function pre-bind blocks or pre-reduce, you lose CODE-AS-DATA, 
beside making function evaluation slower.
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
Just remove .r from this line : bind-extern CGI to [.cgi .r], and 
.r file will be served as static files.
From v0.9.19, using 'do would by default bind your loaded code to 
the webapp context (and not to the global context). Btw, if you're 
using an external INCLUDE function, it may clash with RSP's global 
INCLUDE function.
Webapps are, from v 19, contained in their own context (object!). 
'do will first bind the loaded code to the webapp context before 
executing it.
I am not 100% on few things ... should I use short names like req 
opt  or whole required optional ... and more technical about check 
and do (I will rename this to proc or process )  .. should I create/bind 
to words that are the same as field names , like this upthere ... 
or maybe use something like this so you use ( to-visible-url this 
) I don't like creating a bunch of words that won't get used mostly... 
but I thought I need to so I can use this for typical password / 
retype password example like this 
	password req .

 password2 req check ( either password == password2 [ none ] [ "passwords 
 don't match" ] )  .
but I figured out I could use current and previous then this example 
and probably some others will work anyway.. and I can bind in do 
( code ) anyway if I really need custom variables

	password req .

 password2 req check ( either current == previous ) [ none ] [ "no 
 match" ] ) .

I will go with this way
Cheyenne process script files declared in %httpd.cfg config file. 
In the default config file, you have :
	bind-extern CGI to [.cgi .r]

which means that both .cgi and .r are treated as CGI scripts and 
If you want to serve .r files as static files, just remove it from 
the BIND-EXTERN command in config file.
I guess you're using 0.9.19. DO has been redefined in the RSP engine 
to bind, by default, loaded code to webapp context. If you want to 
load libs that have to be visible in the global context, you have 
to use DO/GLOBAL.
Having the TCP/IP part open-sourced in R3 will be great. It will 
allow to use much faster OS hooks for file transfers, extend the 
port! API to bind only on selected interfaces, etc...I wonder if 
the main event loop will be there also, so we can replace the not-scalable 
Select( ) call by other faster ones or even integrate libevent. That 
would definitely make Cheyenne able to handle a much higher number 
of connections.
cool.  and I'm reiterating the need to provide a sample file ala 
apache with a paragraph of comments or two which explain all configs... 
just in case you forgot to note it... this for me is big hassle.

for example... the subtleties behind 'BIND  and 'BIND-EXTERN  are 
not obvious to deduce just by the name... 
-what is the difference in how they are cached? 

-is an external handler explicitely needed with 'BIND-EXTERN   (no, 
in fact,  but it enables it)
-how does one use an external handler?
BIND associates one or more file extensions to a Cheyenne internal 

BIND-EXTERN associates on or more file extensions to a background 
handler (worker process through task-master service).
The handler name declare in BIND or BIND-EXTERN have to match a mod 
ID or a background handler name.

 bind SSI to .shtml => processed by mod-ssi.r (SSI is used as a matching 
 key in the mod)

 bind-extern CGI to .cgi => processed by mod-action.r (bind-extern's 
 dispatcher), then by CGI.r external handler in a worker process.
yes... I already new... but I had to trace the code and lost some 
time wondering why my page wasn't being re-rendered when I first 
used 'BIND  ;-)

I also had to trace the logic to make sure that cheyenne wasn't actually 
expecting an external handler if I used 'BIND-EXTERN...

I ended up loosing more than an hour to figure it out myself... now 
that is just one config... there are MANY... a lot of them I don't 
even know exist.

the above is exactly the kind of information which should be included 
within the httpd.cfg file, even if an example is commented out, but 
provided as an example use.  just like apache does it.
when the config do is performed, I noticed you do a bind on the block... 
the thing I wonder is to what it is bound... its not obvious to me
in the http.cfg file its assigned as a cgi script:

bind-extern CGI to [.cgi .r]

and the CGI handler will execute it.
Nope, but you can bind a domain to a specific listen port. For ex:
globals [
	listen [80 8000]
my.domain.com:8000 [
	webapp [
		... 	; this webapp should only be accessed through port 8000
*do means "bind to the global context", but even the wrapper DO wouldn't 
help you there. As a rule of thumb, *always* initialize your global 
variables in your RSP script (or at least put them in some local 
context). Never expect that a variable would be available in another 
RSP script unless you put it in session object.
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