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world-name: r4wp

Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
(Sorry Doc about the off-topic stuff) And open-source forks that 
try to alter R3 to make ALIAS possible again will thus be that much 
less stable ond secure, so it will be an argument against their use. 
ALIAS is hostile to the R3 system model, and everything it might 
be a good idea to use ALIAS to do in R2 can be better done with other 
methods in R3.
Group: Databases ... group to discuss various database issues and drivers [web-public]
Thought I'd share this in case anyone found it useful (or had any 
suggestions/criticisms).  First part is a description in REBOL of 
a database schema (sample here: http://reb4.me/r/schema-sample), 
second part is a function that generates the MySQL code to create 
the database/tables. I'd like to add functions to analyse database 
schemas against my REBOL schema and create 'ALTER' statements as 
necessary.  All in good time...
Group: !REBOL3 ... General discussion about REBOL 3 [web-public]
we are allowed to alter the counter value inside the loop right?

world-name: r3wp

Group: All ... except covered in other channels [web-public]
how to alter the speed of reproduction the  sound of  file *.wav 
[unknown: 5]:
There are many Colin.  I would get more specific if I had more time. 
 But the browser keys for internet explorer in both and default users 
key as well as any established user keys.  Also a mus tis the RUN 
keys in the same.  Deny access for the proper group your account 
or others accounts on the machine are using.  There is also the shell 
key you would  want to protect also as many viruses like to alter 
the shell line.  Put permissions on autoexec.bat autoexec.nt  win.ini 
system.ini config.sys  and config.nt also.
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
S3 is also used for storing large files... so probably one needs 
to alter the http protocol to save content directly to a disk file
Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
check your hosts file .. some viruses alter the hosts file which 
can prevent internet activity
Do you think it would make sense to implement few AltME enhancements, 
which would not alter its messaging layer, but could help to make 
our lifes easier? Some few months ago I contacted Carl, and he was 
willing to post particular code sections for related areas. I read 
also some 2005 list, and picking from (apparently easy to fix) bugs/enhancements:

- DeRED - mark everything read
- fix URL display bug
- fix proxy
- fix msg loss during reconnect .... (might be more complex)

I just don't know, if it is good to bother Carl with those issues 
right now, when R3 is heading towards beta and we need to concentrate 
on it ...
Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
Gabriele, could you please add this note to #3867:

Update: I now understand that the events trickle down in a dynamic 
fashion and it cannot be known (for certain) at the beginning whether 
an event will arrive at a particular face, as DETECT functions along 
the way to the face can alter the route. -Anton
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
Looking at 'ALTER.. shouldn't there be a similar word that "If a 
value is not found in a series, append it; otherwise, DO NOTHING?
Seems this should be an argument for 'ALTER

addWord: func [ser wrd][if not find ser wrd [append ser wrd]]
As imho is the case with ALTER, ASSUME in my ears sounds too general 
to give a hint to it's functionality just by it's name. 

A function like the one you suggest seems very useful to me, though. 
How's about APPEND-ONCE (could even be APPEND/ONCE on mezzanine level).
I'm thinking of allowing the program to execute rebol sql dialect 
as is .. except I would prevent actions such as alter, drop, delete, 
insert .. ie. only allow selects.  Any danger in that?  I don't think 
it contravenes the license ...
I might fall back to the parameter solution. My goal is, that with 
BIND the code becomes much more natural to read and maintain. Because 
teh storage context needs some knowledge about the context to save, 
as I'm using a dynamic field-mapping method. Hence I only need to 
alter the context-to-save (add / remove words) and the storage context 
can handle it automatically. I have to deal with scheme evolution 
and versioning.
blk: [a b b c b a]
head foreach e unique blk [alter blk e]
== [b b a]
This one does what you want, I think:
>> blk: [a b b c b a]
>> unique head foreach e unique blk [alter copy blk e]
== [a b]
blk is untouched.
And as a function:

find-dups: func [blk] [unique head foreach e unique blk [alter copy 
blk e]]
You don't rebind the function, you rebind its code block - not quite 
the same thing. Bind/copy wouldn't work because it creates a copy 
rather than rebinding the original block. You can alter the contents 
of the code block of a (R2) function, but you can't change the function's 
reference to that block to point to another block.
[unknown: 5]:
Could be insert alter or any other function that would populate data 
into a block.
I had to alter the prot-http to allow get to send cookies.
just "discovered" 'alter' fuction...very handy
Sadly, 'alter has not made it into R3:
Does it read better than 'alter ?
'alter was always a poor choice of name -- short for 'alternate apparently, 
but too short to be obvious.
Anton has suggested 'toggle as a better name for it.
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
One possibility: the default flags block may be  global -- shared 
between all default faces. So, to alter an instance, it needs a specific 
Ah, should have mentioned that it's not necessary to do that *everytime* 
you change the fontsize. It's necessary only for the first time you 
alter it.
that's the code you need to alter...
it's a toolbar with a simple dialect to alter the sequence of the 
buttons. the space between the buttons is flexible.
engage: func [f a e] [
					; A click event has happened.
					if a = 'down [
						; Is it on a valid element?
						if cnt > length? slf/data [exit]
						; If not extended selection, clear other selections:
						if not e/control [f/state: cnt clear picked]
						; Set selection and call the action function:
						alter picked f/text
						do :act slf f/text
					if a = 'up [f/state: none]
					show pane
is there a way to alter the sampling algorythms used in draw?
I don't think so ... I think anyone can alter them to suit changing 
does update write the whole file or does it just alter the file?
Anton, I've not had the energy to take a look at what can be changed 
with LAYOUT, so what I do is try to stay within reasonable limits 
of what it can do and stay away from radical changes.

One thing to change, if it were, would be that INIT would be less 
limited, if it was run as a separate pass after initial layout instead 
of right when the face is created, but this may cause problems for 
styles that use INIT to alter the size and offset for the face, as 
well as produce subfaces that need to be initialized first. Also 
LAYOUT is not recursive and INIT may be run at very different times. 
At this time, INIT is limited, but you have a pretty good idea of 
when it's run.

In VID3.4 this is not a problem, since there is both an init and 
post-init action possible, so if I were to get rid of this problem 
in the right way, I might end up rewriting over 100 kb of well-functioning 
Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
Some notes for your blog post:

'effects' are now 'options'

 - the idea is here to remove the need for face hacking. Options is 
 a clean, self documentable  way to alter the settings for a specific 
 style. But here, the fact that we can alter the appearance of the 
 style is a bit of a fluke, because we wanted a simple way to test 
 options. Originally it was the idea that altering any such effects 
 parameters directly in your layout would be prohibited; The style 
 would take care of this internally and you'd use specific button 
 types that would then use a specific style. You would use buttons 
 defined through its purpose rather than its appearance. You'd have 
 zero control over the appearance of the button, because that is controlled 
 by the style alone.

I know that sounds a little terrifying, but VID3 is meant to lift 
styling to a whole different level; You don't style every single 
face. You focus on the contents of your UI, and the purpose of each 
element, rather than its appearance and VID3 works out how to display 
it. This is for multiple reasons:

- VID3 can display on other devices than bitmapped displays, such 
as text consoles or vectored output.

- Styling becomes the job of one or more dedicated developers rather 
than the application developer, which standardizes styling. It makes 
it much simpler to build very large applications and it becomes possible 
to switch consistently between different styles, where one won't 
look crappy while another one looks great. They'll work equally well. 
Compare it to VID which is just the Wild West of styling. :-)

- Abstraction will make it possible to identify parts of a user interface, 
such as allowing VID3 to, on its own, find the cancel button in a 
window or automatically put key focus on the correct button for great 

So when you, in your user interface design say: "I want a button 
that shows importance", you don't try to make a red button. You could 
use the 'warning-button style (just an example, doesn't exist yet). 
Similarly there will be styles for ok-button, cancel-button, etc. 
They are not called red-button, yellow-button, but are purely purpose 
oriented styles.

So while VID3 may look like just a prettier VID with resizing in 
a one-button example, it's actually a whole different beast. :-)
When altering a facet of a face, it must be shown before the change 
can be seen.

This is a little complicated to explain: You have chosen to resize 
a slider, which is a face with subfaces. Thus if you resize a slider, 
you need to access its internal resize function, in order for it 
to properly resize the knob as well. if you alter the size of a face 
like above, you are literally only altering the size of the outer 
face of the slider. VID does not know what you are trying to do there.

BUT: Given it's incompleteness, SLIDER does not have an internal 
resize function. :-) This is not intentional, and you've stepped 
into the mud here. This is one of the most lacking parts of VID, 
in that when the layout is set up, it can be laborious to change. 
Fortunately there are unofficial solutions to that, so I suggest 
you don't bother with this and try something else.

Alternatively, try working a bit with RebGUI.
well, Yeksoon needs to alter them :-)
Group: PDF-Maker ... discuss Gabriele's pdf-maker [web-public]
so if you were doing a watermark you don't alter the text margins
Group: Parse ... Discussion of PARSE dialect [web-public]
obviously we could alter the rules again to account for data-less 
tokens, but this would require a bit different structure.
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
iptables: Is this a tool that I need to start or is it a system tool 
to alter internal things uses by the kernel anway?
I don't think a vmware image can alter the host clock ...
don't know the answer ... but just alter cheyenne.r to run your user.r 
Group: CGI ... web server issues [web-public]
if the script can write the files, presumably you can use the same 
script to alter the attributes ( set-modes ).
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
Visit  http://www.TGD-Consulting.de/Download.htmland take a look 

the final release of Hex-It!. (I posted on behalf of Dirk Weyand, 
since he cannot reach AltME)

Hex-It! is a small but powerful hex-editor. You can use this tool 
to analyse
or alter the "fingerprints" for any kind of files.

Known first as a contribution to the REBOL Demo 2006 contest, the 
release with enhanced features is available now.
Features of Hex-It! v1.2.0:
* cross platform hex-editor

* free "save-feature" for small files sized lesser 15 KB, to edit 
  files purchase a license-key that unlocks this limitation
* enhanced spot navigation with mouse scroll-wheel support
* non blocking file access 

* support of large files (a maximum chunk of 1MB file-data is only 
held in
  memory at once)
Some notes and useful tips & tricks on the usage of Hex-It!:

- Modifications of files were automatically saved on exit, if you 

another file or if a different chunk of the same file is selected.
- Byte selection:

  + Select a byte with a left mouse button (LMB) click on the hexadecimal
    values to the left. The byte is highlighted then.

  + If a byte is selected, either use the cursor keys or the scroll-wheel 
    the mouse to scroll through the bytes of the file.

  + Change a selected byte with plus (+) & minus (-) or just enter 

    new value. Single characters, three digit numbers or single hexadecimal
    values are valid.

  + Use the right mouse button (RMB) to deselect a highlighted byte.
- Spot-navigation:

  + The spot specifies the index/position of a byte in the file. If 
  no byte

    is selected it shows the position of the top left byte displayed. 
  + Enter a number to set directly the spot to a byte-position.

  + Skip a certain amount of bytes relative to the current spot by 

    plus (+) & minus (-), e.g. "+10000" skips 10000 bytes forward and
    "-1000" skips 1000 bytes backwards. 

  + Skip to end of file: Click with the RMB on the arrow-down Spot-button
    or use the "End"-Key.

  + Skip to first byte of file: Click with the RMB on the arrow-up
    Spot-button or use the "Home"-Key. 
- Seek:
  + ASCII- or Hex-Strings are valid queries.

  + LMB click on the "Seek"-button seeks from the current position.

  + RMB click on the "Seek"-button seeks from the beginning of the 

Please note, that the license of this release is not BSD like anymore.
Group: SDK ... [web-public]
well, invalid data (eg. if you alter the exe), or not being able 
to extract the data, or anything else that makes decompress fail.
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
Great stuff!! One question WRT fields uses in specification and runtime, 
for example LED-Group. Is it possible to alter the led-group content? 
Adding or removing possible entries in it? Or is this a one-time 
action when the widget initializes?
shadwolf: Adding a hide flag requires me to alter all my data. Just 
wrap it around, if the grid doesn't know about it, just skip it.
ok, last column now selects correctly.  But I can't alter the state 
of the checkboxes
Well, I consider it a bug if you alter the text in one field, and 
experience unwanted side effects in other fields.

So, when you create a text field, it needs it's own paragraph object.
Is there a way to alter the spacing vertically in a check-group? 
 It doesn't respond to space nxn ...
you can use set modes to alter the file creation date.
0.3.9 is out and it has a lot of fixes / enhancements. From a REBOL/View 

	do http://www.dobeash.com/get-rebgui.r
	do view-root/public/www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/tour.r

The dictionary file has been removed from the distribution and the 
download path has been changed from:

	www.dobeash.com/files/rebgui -> www.dobeash.com/RebGUI

so you may want to delete view-root/public/www.dobeash.com in its 
entirety first to clean things up.

In addition to the large number of fixes ( http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/issues.html#section-2.2
), a number of enhancements are documented here:


Also note the following:

	view-face is now activate-on-show by default

 Added a request-password requestor (its password widget problems 
 are known issues)
	group-box and tab-panel now auto-size

 Table column headings are now always left aligned and clicking the 
 arrow works

 Added an 'effects context (only window is present, but others like 
 'button, 'check, etc may be added in future)

And lastly, you will notice that %tour.r has a new "Appearance" tab 
where you can dynamically alter RebGUI's metrics, colors and effects. 
Note that some colors are still "hard-bound" at context creation 
and won't change - these will be made dynamic (via a set-colors func?) 
in the future. Apart from showing off RebGUI's dynamic scaling and 
display abilities, this lets you more easily prototype a unique look 
for your own apps if you want, and if you come up with a set of options 
that is truly fantastic then share it here and it may just become 
the new RebGUI default.

Doing a hidden layout and than plugging it into the current one would 
be best. But than I have to deal with PANE etc. IMO that's to low-level. 
I would like to have a way to alter the layout dynamically.
Graham, this patch to the area/pane (slider) action makes things 

				action:	make function! [face /local pos new] [

     ;	don't alter scroll if the last function to touch it was edit-text!!!
					unless parent-face/key-scroll? [

      parent-face/para/scroll/y: negate parent-face/text-y - parent-face/size/y 
      + 3 * data

						if system/view/caret [
								offset-to-caret parent-face 
									new: min max 
									(pos: caret-to-offset parent-face system/view/caret)

         0x0 ; <-- should add height of one line of text, to keep caret fully 

         parent-face/size - (face/size * 1x0) ; <- should subtract height 
         of one line of text

       ;print [parent-face/size pos new parent-face/para/scroll/y index? 

						show parent-face
					parent-face/key-scroll?: false

It also needs this patch to work correctly, near the top of rebgui-widgets.r:

 ; Unfortunately, offset-to-caret returns end of the string when offset 
 is between two lines, 

 ; which is only possible when indent/y > 0. This ought to be submitted 
 to rambo as a rebol/view bug.
	; I would not use indent until it is fixed.

 ; offset-to-caret needs to work correctly to allow the new area widget 
 functionality of keeping
	; the caret visible when scrolling. -Anton

 ;default-para-wrap: make default-para [origin: 2x0 indent: 0x2 wrap?: 

 default-para-wrap: make default-para [origin: 2x0 indent: 0x0 wrap?: 
Key-scroll? issue I mentioned above there is apparently fixed by 
adding this line to area/feel/redraw:

     ;	don't alter data if the last function to touch it was slider!!!
					if all [face/pane/ratio < 1 face/key-scroll?] [

      var: either view*/caret [-3 + second caret-to-offset face view*/caret] 

      face/pane/data: either zero? face/para/scroll/y [0] [(var + negate 
      face/para/scroll/y) / (face/text-y - sizes/font-height - 2)]
						face/key-scroll?: false ; <-- added this line -Anton
So, I can alter the process-keystrokes function to handle the function 
keys in a global fashion.
ATTENTION: rebgui-edit.r was not yet merged. Latest revision doesn't 
include older changes. We will do this ASAP. But rebgui-edit.r is 
required in this version otherwise all other changes done by us might 
not work.

FIXED *rebgui/pad: Now only works for horizontal padding. Padding 
should happen depending on the layout direction left-to-right or 
	Cyphre: now PAD works according to the AFTER settigns. Example:
	display "Test" [
		after 3
		pad 5
	    pad 5
	    pad 5
	    pad 5
	    pad 5
	Robert,let me know if it works like you wanted.

FIXED *group-box: When setting a new title group-box/text: "new-title" 
the surounding frame needs to be adjusted to the new text-width.

FIXED *drop-tree: When selecting different quick-access buttons directly 
one after the other, the drop-tree shouldn't close

FIXED *drop-tree: Highlighting the pressed quick-access button with 
green, the hovered one as is in orange. To give user visial feedback.

FIXED *general: a way to sepcify "align ['left]" for all further 
widgets to avoide repeation. Idea: Add disaply keywords: left, right, 
	Cyphre: added keyword TEXT-ALIGN left/right/center. Example:
	display "Test" [
		text-align right
		after 3
	    t: text 20 "test 1"
	    field "test 2"
	    field "test 3"
	    text-align left
	    field "test 4"
	    field "test 5"
	    field "test 6"

FIXED *drop-list: an option that will show the list layered above 
everything (like the tree list of drop-tree).
	Cyphre: added drop-list/popup-mode: 'inside(default) or 'outside
	note: the same works for drop-tree

FIXED *drop-tree: changing state of the drop-tree (a new entry was 
selected) should only be done if the ACTION code returns TRUE. Otherwise 
the old state is kept, the drop-tree is closed and nothing happens. 
This allows the code to check for some pre-conditions before changing 
the state, and give some feedback to the user. Much like the on-unfocus 
functionality of RebGUI.

FIXED *drop-tree: pressing the quick-access numbers doesn't work 
any more as the drop-tree closes now if the mouse is clicked outside 
the drop-tree

FIXED *table: table/selected returns NONE if the table is empty and 
no record is selected. If there was one recrod selected at any time, 
than table/selected returns [none none <repeated for number of columns>]. 
If not row is selected at any time, table/selected should just return 

FIXED *table: If a table is re-used in that the table is reused with 
code like:
	insert clear table/data [...]

and there was a row selected before, than the internal state is still 
in "row selected" but the new row isn't highlighted. Here internal 
state and GUI don't match.

FIXED *drop-tree: clicking a "+/-" in the tree only open/closes the 
tree without calling the action for the node

FIXED *drop-tree: Re-add whole line selection and hovering functionality 
(so that mouse does not have to be over text)

FIXED *drop-tree: Add an option to get big fast-selction keys aligned 
	Cyphre: added drop-tree/expander-mode: 'big(default) or 'small

FIXED *button: Add an option to disable a button my-button/active: 
true/false, if disabled the button is drawn greyed-out
	Cyphre: usage is my-button/active: true/false show my-button

FIXED *field: Support number datatypes for TEXT so that things like 
field-a/text + field-b/text can be used

 Cyphre: you need to set field/edit-mode: 'numbers to activate this 
 behaviour for field(othervise it works like a normal field)
	2nd implementation uses own styel: number-field

FIXED *radio-group: Add an API that allows to provide a new DATA 
specification block at runtime or a way to alter the text of the 
radio fields at runtime.

 Cyphre: now you can just change the data content and do show on the 
 radio-group like:
		my-radio-group/data: ["item1" "item2" "item3" "item4"]
		show my-radio-group

 Note that it won't react on change of number of items. Just change 
 of texts.

FIXED *radio-group: Add a way to select one radio field at run-time
	added accesor select-item item [integer!] usage:
		my-radio-group/select-item 2
		show my-radio-group

 note: you can get the selected item using my-radio-group/picked, 
 you can get the text of selected item using my-radio-group/selected

FIXED *drop-tree/grey-out: Can it be done in that we only show the 
text in a light grey instead of black? Like Windows does it.
	Cyphre: now the masked text is light grey

FIXED *on-focus / on-unfocus: If FALSE is return from the ACTION 
and the user clicked somewhere on the screen, the focus is still 
in the "field" but no cursor bar is visible

FIXED *drop-list: IIRC in your widgets it was possible to start typing 
and the selection list was filtered. A mandatory feature for the 
drop-list :-))

 Cyphre: added drop-list/editable? flag to enable/disable editing 
 of the drop-list field

 also added drop-list/auto-fill? flag which enables automatic text 
 filterin from the selection list

FIXED *general: add hover tooltip help option to every widget (global 

 Cyphre: added TOOL-TIP facet to rebface object. If TOOL-TIP is set 
 to string! value a tooltip is shown when mouseover such widget.
		display "test" [
			button "press me" tool-tip "press this button to continue"

FIXED*drop-list: proivde a much better selection-list opening algorithm 
especially for long lists. Open upward, downward, middle like so 
that as much entries are shown for the given screen space. And an 
option that will show the list layered above everything (like the 
tree list of drop-tree).

 -added droplist/lines - can be 'auto (default) or integer! to force 
 number of shown lines in droplist

 -added droplist/droplist-mode - can be 'auto (default) 'upward, 'downward 
 or 'middle to force way how the list is popped up
	you can use various combination of those settings.
FIXED*table: Add an API that allows to select a row at run-time.
	Cyphre: Usage is for example:
		my-table/select-row 5
		show my-table

FIXED*table: Add an API to table that allows to change the columns 
layout at runtime: my-table/reset ["Column 1" left 0.25 "Column2" 
center 0.75]

 Cyphre: I added the functionality byt the API call is my-table/set-columns 
 ["Column 1" left 0.25 "Column2" center 0.75]

FIXED*drop-list: fire action only if selection was made/changed, 
at the moment action fires if clicked on field too

FIXED*general: on-un/focus should be fired if user clicks an other 
widget, not only if carets leaves the widget when TAB is pressed

FIXED*table: moving bar up/down with keyboard should fire click-action, 
alternativ: pressing RETURN can fire click action

FIXED*table: align header text like data (left, center, right) at 
the moment always left
FIXED*table: TRAC #21

FiXED*TRAC #5 Cyphre: should be fixed but please test it and let 
me know.
guys, those of you, working with databases - currently in new grid 
implementation, there are insert column, remove column, swap columns 
functions. Those do physically alter order in block of blocks (data) 
section. Apart from possible speed limitations, do you think it would 
be better to just virtually swap, insert (at the tail), remove (just 
make it invisible), or is it ok?
And, I find it simpelst to have the data on the screen and in the 
program in sync. Sorting should alter the data block as well. If 
I pick the first line, I want to pick the first record. Of course 
using an API for indirection is OK too. But than do it always and 
for everything. No direct access to the record data.
This code shows how to implement dynamic 'info for 'field and 'area:

display "" [
	a: field
	b: field
	button [
		alter b/options 'info
		b/color: either find b/options 'info [
			b/action: make b/action [
				on-focus: make function! [face] [false]
			b/action: make b/action [
				on-focus: make function! [face] [true]
		show b
display "" [
	a: button [print "a"]
	b: button [print "b"]
	button [
		alter b/options 'info
		either find b/options 'info [
			show b
			b/feel/over b false 0x0
So, I think I need to alter the display function to create default 
handlers for the function keys
changed from single color web like look to some W9x look, was there 
any reason?
 ... commercial reality ;)
where would I have changed the font?
 ... ctx-rebgui/effects/font
request-char somehow misbehaves here
 ... bug, noted
fonts must be handled differently in w7s

 ... I don't have access to W7 at home, but will check this Monday 
 at work
where do I set my UI options?

 Design time with ctx-rebgui/effects, /colors /behaviors and /sizes

 Adding request-ui back so you can alter these values from a GUI is 
 trivial ... what I've removed is the rebind logic that enabled you 
 to dynamically change values (i.e. you would have to re-do %rebgui.r 
 to see any UI changes take effect ... not very practical for an SDK 
they look like W9x

 ... the color scheme (with the colors/page change noted above) is 
 taken straight from W7
don't like gradiented buttons/tab
 ... based on W7 and Mac
I thought Ashley wanted to go more web way, not desktop app way

 ... I've actually gone for something halfway (simpler than OS, more 
 complex than Web)
is it using a smaller font?

 ... 12pt by default as always (maybe W7 renders it differently than 
everything seems much smaller
 ... bigger screen? ;)
I would welcome tour.r would fit 1280x800 notebook

 ... RC1 is about getting the basic functionality right, %tour.r and 
 %RebDOC.r will both be made to run 1024x768
used to fit
 ... they havn't been reworked yet
Windows XP with 1366 x 768 ...
 ... will be fixed with above
Group: XML ... xml related conversations [web-public]
I've also noticed that xml-to-object has to be run on a copy .... 
it must alter the original data block it is fed
Group: Rebol School ... Rebol School [web-public]
Alexandr: < I tried ascii-chart script and it unfortunately doesn't 
show any cyrillic letters>
What I did that showed me some cyrillic was this:
** download the ascii-chart.r script from rebol.org
** change this line
     [append hex-lo [box 25x25 blue]
    [append hex-lo [box 25x25 blue font-name "WP CyrillicA"]
WP CyrillicA

 is a Cyrillic font I happen to have installed on my Windows PC. Any 
 Cyrilic font you have is likely to have a different name. When specifying 
 the font name it is case sensitive.

If this works for you. it may also help for many VID styles (BOX, 
BUTTON etc) It probably won't help for ALTER and other pop-up boxes
Group: rebcode ... Rebcode discussion [web-public]
If you fill in the whole rebcode block with code snippets of fixed 
length and then just swap in the code blocks you want, you wouldn't 
even need to alter the BRAB block - you could just change the code 
block references. For that matter, multiple references to the same 
code block could be just that, rather than copies, saving memory.
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
How about this, a single piece of code to handle any web form.. just 
add a new field to the html and you're all set... don't need to alter 
the DB or the serverside processing.
Jaime, just had a look at 'migrations' and it's not the same at all.. 
 here's the pseudo code just to change the db with rails..

    * Step 1: Create a migration with script/generate migration WhatImChanging
    * Step 2: Modify your generated migration file in db/migrate
    * Step 3: Run rake migrate

    * Step 4: Revel in the fact that your database is converted to the 
    newest schema!

With Framewerks you never alter the DB.. it's a black box where data 
goes in and out.
How can you say you don't need to alter the db.. when the second 
step needs code like this?.. 
class AddUserTable < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    create_table :users do |t|
      t.column :first_name, :string
      t.column :last_name, :string
      t.column :birthday, :date

  def self.down
    drop_table :users
Terry you are right, but you don't need to drop the table to alter 
it. The have add_column and remove_column methods within others.
You want the billion $ idea for digi-cams?

Add a SLIM and BEAUTIFY button that will alter the taken pictures 
in real-time.
To do this probably requires some extra style modes. Given the design 
of the R3 GUI, you can add special abilities globally to styles, 
such as the current debug red rectangle. You can probably add some 
actors to alter the behavior of styles to be suitable for a GUI editor.
your mouse gestures don't alter the state of the mouse, but the screen 
you are looking at.
huh - they alter the state of my browser
Group: SQLite ... C library embeddable DB [web-public].
Adding is easy - I think SQLite supports ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN.
The new field OldID holds the former primary key.
You have to  join via the oldID instead of the primary key.

If you can not alter your select statement, maybe you can generate 
an adequate view.
There may be some changes to behavior that was so broken that it 
couldn't possibly have been relied on by existing code, like the 
change in return value of ALTER in 2.7.6. I would be surprised if 
the INSERT/dup/part bug Carl found this week isn't fixed in the next 
R2 release, for instance, whenever that release happens.
alter table supports just renaming table and adding rows, for all 
else you need to create new table -> insert .. select ... ; data 
and drop old and rename new
Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
There needs to be a seperate feel interface for Look and Feel.   
One of the most common complaints that I heard from people using 
VID was that they were unable to change the way a style looked without 
rewriting the feel object.  It should be easy to alter or set either 
the look or the behavior of a face without altering the other.
'alter is short for  'alternate (ie alternate between two states).

It's a shorthand way to add an item to a series if it is not there, 
or remove it if it is.

I may create strange data structures, but I use 'alter all the time.
I think I used it like this:
	if not find block item [alter block item]
I always found ALTER less than useful. Never used it.
Hi Anton, did you 'source 'alter?

alter: func [

    {If a value is not found in a series, append it; otherwise, remove 
    series [series! port!] 
    /local temp

    either temp: find series value [remove temp] [append series value]

So, you'd better off with:

if not find block item [append block item]
But I think, that the return value of alter is less than usefull, 
There's no way of knowing, whether the value has been added or removed 
... other than doing a 'find on it afterwards ... ;-)
Sorry, I did not use the example I gave above. Actually, I used alter 
like this:
	alter opened-rows count
That was probably my first use of alter ever.
a proposal of a refinement for alter:

increment a value instead of add/remove it, return the total count 
for this value.
>> alter/count [] 'a
== 1
>> alter/count [a 1] 'a
== 2
Instead of ALTER functionality I use this quite a lot... but I'm 
not sure I would use funtion with refinement for this as I use it 
in loops where speed is important.
But if you need it, you can use something like that:
alter-count: func[
	block [any-block!]
	value [any-type!]
	/local temp count
	either temp: find/tail/skip block :value 2 [
		change temp count: temp/1 + 1
		append block reduce [:value 1]
(the name of the function should be probably different)
It cannot be part of ALTER function as ALTER can be used with any 
series. I'm not sure how you could strore the counts in bitsets or 
one-liner version:
alter-count: func[
	block [any-block!]
	value [any-type!]

 pick change block: any [find/tail/skip block :value 2 insert tail 
 block :value] 1 + any [block/1 0] -1
More than ALTER, I would like
(but probably with better, shorter names)
These alter-count functions aren't taking R3 into account. Most of 
these key/value usage patterns will be handled by the map! type in 
; alter-count, just code since it's too simple for a function
key-counts/:key: 1 + all [key-counts/:key 0]
on-draw: [
	material: get-facet face 'material
	frame: face/state/frame

	; change shadow, gradient and edge color

	face/facets/shadow-color:	select material/shadow frame
	face/facets/surface-color:	copy select material/surface frame

	; create average area-color

	foreach [c: color offset] face/facets/surface-color [
		change c average-colors c/1 face/facets/area-color

	arg ; return draw block

This is the code to alter parameters for the draw block.
Pekr, that's the font renderer settings, which we can't alter yet.
Group: Postscript ... Emitting Postscript from REBOL [web-public]
because eps is just a special postscript file that does not permanently 
alter the environment
Group: !Liquid ... any questions about liquid dataflow core. [web-public]
with liquid management of code, we can easily alter whole script 
at the flick of a switch, to add thousands of lines to allow debugging.
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
Just a question about session data .. is that all stored in a cookie 
so that a client can alter session data, or is just the session key 
available to the client?
didn't alter the source
Group: DevCon2007 ... DevCon 2007 [web-public]
well, maybe AltME is not "alternative messaging" but just "alter 
ME (ego)" :-)
Group: !CureCode ... web-based bugtracking tool [web-public]
as suspected, it didn't help to alter the db string.
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