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world-name: r3wp

Group: All ... except covered in other channels [web-public]
[unknown: 5]:
Would be nice to integrate the output of the altme world with a full 
blown webbased forum
[unknown: 5]:
Would be cool to have a way to respond from the forum right back 
into the Altme world as the user in the ALTME world
That being posting to an AltME world from a web forum.
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
Quick comment in support of Gregg's last announcement: I've tried 
introducing a number of folks to REBOL/AltME, and they were deterred 
from using it because of the high amount of noise and the feeling 
that they were "intruding" on a series of private conversations. 
So my feeling on the matter is that wide ranging discussions are 
all well and fine for folks who are *already* here but could deter 
some folks who come to the REBOL world thinking it might be a purely 
technical / support forum.
I would never think of this world as of support only forum. And if 
someone thinks that average reboller is kind of robot adhered to 
rebol only topics, I may be living some other planet then and I may 
think of leaving this world alltogether ...
Do you think that I need to be present on forum, where I am accused 
of some adhering to rules, because someone just thinks that something 
gone wrong?
sound and call both are, aren't they? I'm not sure, so I just wanted 
to start with what I knew from rebol.com and the reboltalk forum
Simetrics: Great piece of work, Francois, and nicely documented too.

As you know, REBOL.org has been using it internally to offer alternatives 
for mistyped script names, eg:


Joe <why not a forum here on altme ?> Forums have the advantage of 
immediacy, but they are hard to keep track of or to find again after 
a few months [Can anyone *easily* retreive info from the defunct 
REBOL and REBOL2 worlds?]

The REBOL.org script discussion feature is a little-used but useful 
way of holding a highly focussed discussion (about one script) that 
will be easy to find again in the future.

It's worth experimenting with both [Altme groups and REBOL.org discussioon] 
to find the natural home for specific discussions.
Sunanda, i agree with you about the discussion forum on rebol org 
and it should be more used.
(that is what Carl considered and I guess he even asked that on some 
Dang, I replied in Announce. For anyone working on AltME, or an AltME-like 
forum, if you have special groups like Announce, or Links, where 
responses should be hidden by default, don't make us go to another 
group to post them.
Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
[unknown: 5]:
except I want more of the standard forum features found in packages 
like phpbb
[unknown: 5]:
I mean people are there at the forum it seems like 24 hours a day
Reichart said if you were smart you could make a forum that would 
post to AltME as well as read AltME worlds but I'm not sure just 
where you what angle you would take to make that happen.
[unknown: 9]:
I think of communication software a little differently (in general), 
so I will share this.  

Read states

 (like the Red we are talking about) are a very interesting issue. 

Most computer software does a very poor job of replicating empirical 
or visceral conversations.  Email for example has a method of describing 
the "direction" you are speaking.  TO: Bob, CC: Carry.  Where the 
TO: indicates you are speaking directly to Bob, and that Carry is 
standing somewhere to the left or right of you.  BCC is someone hiding 
behind you. 

Email could have an interface where you first pick the people in 
the "room." And then use something like a 2D interface to move the 
listeners around a symbolic version of you.  This would be both silly, 
time consuming, and somewhat confusing, but you get the point.

What you have read and what you have not read though has a similar 
analogy.   There are thousands of sub states and markers people use 
to sort things they have read, will read, need to read again, need 
to respond to, etc.

In Box, Out Box, Papers upside down, putting papers you need to sign 
under your car keys on the floor in front of the door leading to 
the car, etc.

I have one friend who re-wrote some open source email program to 
have some huge number of states and then some simple filters.  It 
works VERY WELL, if you know his system.  He never forgets anything.

So the current model AltME has (right now) is a very simple interface. 
 Tantimount to "Have I ever seen this before."

We are playing with some other models in Qtask, which may get adopted 
into AltME.  I'm working on a system I call Venn Chat.  Some features 

Have I read this before? (like AltME)
Mark this:  

Follow up (add to a list of messages you want to think about more)
Note (All should read this when they come into the group)
All Must Read (converts it into an AltME-like alert)

Convert to a task (and keep the context of the chat in place, this 
is opens up a whole other area)
Branch (something like forum threading)
Re-file (move from one group to another)

Re-post (copy to another group, at the same time, similar to branch).
Trigger (tell me when someone has finally read this).
Status (tell me who has read this so far).
Attach (files, links, etc)
Would a web front-end (with similar functionality to AltME) increase 
accessibility? Or can the functionality of AltME be subsumed into 
QTask? (which is already web-based and has messaging, calender, to 
do lists, etc)

I've seen first hand how readily people will "try out" something 
online (forum, wiki, members area, etc) but shy away when asked to 
"download this software to get access". I think part of the problem 
stems from most Windows users fear of installing any software that 
is available over the net (they still trust and prefer CDs from "reputable" 
Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
Due to change in 'forall, yes, but some people (on French forum) 
are in trouble with that.
Does it worth a RAMBO ticket ???
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
hello every body On rebolfrance Forum we have a guy who wants to 
load a library DLL he have done most part of the work but he can't 
find how to convert in his rebol cloned struct! the int intpointer[4] 
from C language to an equivalent type of rebol. Can you enlight us 
please (you can respond directly to shadwolf)
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
'activate-on-show : like the name said.

There is different behaviour with it. I notice that on Win2k, the 
window come to front but don't take the window focus. sometimes, 
the window stay behind and just the task button blink (the current 
active window remain active).

But on WinXP, the window become active and take the window focus. 
Very annoying when you are typing something.

I use it to bring a window to top when there is something new (lecture-forum 
I don't w=know how it works on Linux.
Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
source inform  and source request - Is this a different forum
Group: Make-doc ... moving forward [web-public]
and wiki rendering like to ... it's closer from IRC or chat or web 
php/forum it include Smyleys ;)
Group: Parse ... Discussion of PARSE dialect [web-public]
[unknown: 9]:
Thanks Brian, but as is the theme with questions I ask, I don't ask 
for myself, but rather that the "world" can learn what "we" know. 
 So perhaps you should add your 2 cents to Henriks, and Tom's in 
a public forum of the Wikibook.
Group: MySQL ... [web-public]
Here's an interesting conversation !  http://www.sphx.org/forum/view.html?id=1210
Group: Syllable ... The free desktop and server operating system family [web-public]
Last time it was filmed, but I don't know if the movies were processed. 
We did get a number of still pictures. I linked to them in my posts 
on our forum, if you're interested
5 Core developers, maybe 50 that have contributed at some time, 500 
on the mailing list, more than 1000 on the forum, 5000 who download 
each install CD, more than 10,000 who download each live CD and emulator 
image, tens of thousands who come visit when we're on OSNews, roughly 
an order of magnitude more when we're on Slashdot
Evgeniy Philippov:
Into several topics at that 4 forum.
Our forum is the designated place for reporting bugs. Here, basically 
only I will see it
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
Actually I'm playing with festival on linux  ;) REBOL festival Client 
 with visual interface to feed the festival software running in server 
mode only take 10 lines  I love REBOL :))). So now on linux I can 
make my Computer speech me  the Carl's blog content while I'm in 
the mean time reading the French forum new posts ;)
Carl's answer - http://www.reboltalk.com/forum/index.php/topic,304.0.html
someone on french forum reports that the ctrl key doesn't allow to 
select text in text-list like it does in the windows version
ok perfect thank you very much anton i trasmited the reply in the 
french forum
Debian;  The best development model, (ala REBOL).  Deliver when ready 
and ignore the peanut gallery shouting "it's late!"  ;)  

Off-topic; Sadly, my second favourite wiki-forum-chat-combo-thingy, 
TikiWiki, is moving toward the ever useless every 6 months release 
cycle.  Not a valid model for a volunteer workforce, imho.
Gabriele - you should know what you are talking about, no? I use 
MT for 3 years, and the docs are there, there is a forum, there is 
a wiki. It allows so much complicated stuff like traffic bonding, 
easy scheduling/shaping, mangling, scripting, virtual interfaces, 
dynamic lists, etc.  that it is not even funny to compare it to bare-bones 
Linux ....
I'll try to ask in the Arch Linux forum about this tomorrow. There 
probably won't be anyone using REBOL there but maybe a few people 
are willing to try this out. I'm far from being a Linux guru, if 
someone with more experience would try the Word Browser on his Arch 
Linux system, the possibility of a configuration error on my part 
could be ruled out.
your forum seems to be picking speed and users... am I wrong?
It's the only english Rebol web forum out there ...
Group: CGI ... web server issues [web-public]
Daniel;  Try http://www.rebol.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/rebol/view-script.r?script=cgi.r
 for some code.

And http://www.rebol.net/cookbook/recipes/0026.htmlfor a REBOL sample 
solution  and then wait for the rest of the forum members to pipe 
up with 'bigger better' solutions, and they will.  :)
Group: !Readmail ... a Rebol mail client [web-public]
French forum
Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
Any CGI gurus here? I've just started setting for CGI on windows 
after years on Linux. I can't figure out how to get the proper registry 
entries so that I can work with apache as the server on windows XP. 
Anyone have any experience with that? Or point me to correct forum 
is this is the wrong one... thanks.
Sunanda: I quote you from another forum: Tim: A general purpose uploader 
would be very useful. I'll drop you some notes privately on some 
ideas for what it should/could do.....Looking forward to it! My idea 
is of a cgi upload script that for any cgi script, first checks a 
web site and compares timedate stamps, checking to make sure that 
dependencies are current and if not, makes them also available for 
upload. BTW: Some time ago on the rebol ML,

there was reference to an enhanced FTP module. Does that ring a bell? 
<grin> or was that you?
omg - I am starting to think it can't actually be done.
I'm creating a forum and using R3 CGI to output a page.  How do we 
send the Doctype to page?
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
[unknown: 9]:
The Gripe:

Go here www.Rebol.org, then go here: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/, 
then here: http://java.sun.com/, hell even go here, http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/, 
now go back to www.Rebol.com

Even if you don't know what the language is or does, do you want 
to go to Rebol.org?  The main page looks like the last page in the 
basement of a website.  Almost like an "error page"

O There is no single location for all Rebol information.

O Rebol.net, Rebol.com, and Rebol.org are spread out and run by RT. 
O There is no pizzas!
O I don't "feel" community when I visit these sites.

I know I'm not talking to my audience when I say; "think of this 
like a night club" but this is what this is all about.  People want 
to "be where the fun is happening."  Even programmers.

My Suggestion:

O We need a site controlled by the developers.

O We need a forum where people can bitch and meet each other, and 
feel welcome.

O The site needs to have a consistent dynamic attractive template.

O The site needs to be a clearing house for all other sites.  Teach 
and directing people to all the resources.

O The site needs to paint a picture as opposed to describe everything 
with a thousand words.

What is entailed:

O Start a new site, I would propose "RebolCentral.com"  I'm willing 
to pay for it, but I don't want to be in charge of it, I suggest 
we make it a committee.

O The main page should cover every topic and reason anyone would 
come to the site.  This means we support every country and other 
site.  The idea here is a clearing house of centralized information. 

O News: The site needs to gather news worthy information and post 
that at the top.  The site is not alive unless people have a way 
to post their information.  This means that there needs to be at 
least one editor, if not several that share the task.  Every time 
a product is updated, the new features are mentioned.  When Carl 
updates his blog, it gets a single sentence directing people there, 
unless it is news of a release of something.  Etc.

O Product Reviews:   This is key.  Products need to be rated, reviewed, 
categorized, voted on.

O Video Archive: All the videos of all the talks ever given   

O Tutorials:  there are a lot of tutorials out there, but which are 
best?  We need to review the tutorials, rate them by Beginner, Intermediate, 

O Forum: Start with major topics, and then break it down.  The forum 
needs to direct people to other countries, or support the other countries 
right in the forum.  Great simple forum: http://discussion.treocentral.com/index.php?styleid=1

O Respect the real estate.  The #1 mistake people make is treating 
their websites like just pages.  This is just like real estate, location 
location location.  We need to place the content based on where people 
are going.  So you build the basic site, watch it for a couple of 
weeks, then shift things around based on where people are actually 

O More art, more photos, more community.   It needs to feel inviting: 

Stone soup:

I will pay for, host, and supply a fast linux system (w/archive). 

I will help design the templates, and provide (and buy if needed) 
great art for the site.

I will not run the site, nor control the content, but I expect there 
to be in place all the items outlined above, set up in a manner that 
it a) runs itself, b) puts the power in the hands of the developers.
Hello, I would like to announce the availability of  Simetrics on 
rebol.org. This library implements a few effective and widely used 
metrics for measuring string similarity and for searching documents 
amongst a large collection of documents. A extensive documentation 
is also available on rebol.org and a discussion forum has been opened.
françois, why not a forum here on altme ?
[unknown: 9]:
I created a new project in Qtask called "IT Think Tank"
The goal is to invite people that like fiddling with Servers.

I realized that I know a lot of people that do this, and they all 
have the same issues, so they might as well share knowledge.

If you would like to be invited to this project, shoot me a private 

The advantage of a group here on Qtask over - lets say - some forum 
on the web is:

-	Knowing each other, or being only one degree of separation tends 
to mean one feels more comfortable asking deeper questions.

-	Being more than a Forum, people can share files, build Qwikis of 
common issues, etc.
-	The people I know tend to be a "click above."
The formation of the International REBOL User Association...Open 

26th of May, 2007, 20:00 UTC.  

First Meeting is about to be called to order in the new IRUA forum.

This forum is for formal IRUA messaging only.  IRUA Chat has also 
been created for

informal discussions.  The name is going to change.  Please see the 
agenda and motions
linked below.

Details at http://peoplecards.ca/rebol/formation.html
Perhaps with the size of this forum, paid advertising would work 
against Peter.
Group: SDK ... [web-public]
RT should look into how Luxology does it with the 3D modeler, Modo. 
That model is worth copying parts of and is probably possible to 
graft onto RT.

Here's how they do it:

- Create a strong and unique product from scratch using people with 
many years of experience in the business.
- Keep a community forum on the main site.

- Keep a community creation portfolio on the main site. That's important, 
perhaps more than the forum.

- Have a charismatic front person who is daily in touch with the 
community. Creates a weekly podcast that also includes personal content 
and interviews.

- This person is so close in contact with the community that he can 
discuss product pricing and licensing with the community.

- Being a private company, they are free to opine on the policies 
of other companies, and Adobe and Autodesk are often criticized openly 
by Luxology.
- Make it really, really, really, REALLY easy to buy the program.
- Make upgrade paths really, really clear.

- Make the licensing scheme very loose. Don't bind it to a platform, 
but to a computer.

- Create content, tutorials and other items that are purchasable 
for a small amount (10-20 USD or so).

- Paid content is really cleverly done as an extension of the program. 
You can buy "kits" that for example let you easily set up studio 
lighting. This allows people to use the program in ways that were 
not originally intended or would be laborious to build on your own. 
In a sense, the 3D modeler is suddenly not only attracting 3D artists 
but photographers as well. It works similarly to how modules would 
work in R3. I suspect this will be one of their main income sources.

- Keep proprietary tech to yourself and license it to various vendors. 
This seems to be what they are mainly making their money on now.

This model works really well for them and they are growing constantly 
and with a fanbase about as strong and loyal as RTs. Luxology feels 
like a distinctively non-corporate entity, and like more a bunch 
of people having fun. Purely through years of word of mouth they 
got their program visible in one of the featurettes for the Avatar 
movie and on the Apple website demoing the Mac Pro. They even have 
guys from Pixar on the forums and making tutorials. Modo is known 
for being different than other 3D modelers much like in the same 
way that REBOL is different from other programming languages, making 
it fun to use.

In a sense REBOL as a product is not dissimilar to Modo (it's fun 
to use) and with their business model already working, I think it 
could be grafted onto RT's business model.
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
in fact I think is allacation every time an allocation is done the 
yet existing data is not cleared we yet discus this point on french 
forum we we was working on free-mem fonction
robert yes this feature was yet passed to me by cr8825 on french 
forum for non visible data what I plan to do Is hadding a special 
flag like hid for example:)
Group: !Uniserve ... Creating Uniserve processes [web-public]
Is your problem solve (what you post on French forum) ?
I posted to the french forum as I thought there has the most experience 
with UniServe ...
This is a strip down of the script I use for encaping lecture-forum.
where's the encapped version of lecture-forum?
Didier is using Uniserve on client side for his forum program - enables 
async downloading of new messages.  Look for ( I think ) lecture-forum.r
Thanks Graham. One like a background refresh of more recently posted 
messages would be a great example.   I looked at Didier's code for 
lecture-forum.   If it uses Uniserve in the version that I located, 
it is very subtle.  I'll ask him if he can illuminate it for me.
Group: XML ... xml related conversations [web-public]
why not post this on REBOLTalk.com forum as a poll?

have AltMe, ML user participate in this poll
Folks, I have gone through this forum with the hopes that I woul''nt 
bother you with a newb style question. I have been trying all sorts 
of different xml libraries (rebelxml.r, xml-parse.r, xml-object.r) 
 as well as a few others I found. No matter what I do, I can't seem 
to pull the values I need.
Group: DevCon2005 ... DevCon 2005 [web-public]
We should have a discussion forum slot and/or hack-a-solution session. 
 It will be good if we could have a project to tackle together, besides 
presenting . This could help us either build new mezz, or prototype 
some ideas. We could post ideas on what to do in the hack session 
ahead of time.
Group: Hardware ... Computer Hardware Issues [web-public]
It is the first notebook to support HD DVD. That is why it is so 
expensive. "Toshiba has been a leader in DVD technology since 1996 
when we introduced the world’s first DVD players. Now we’ve revolutionized 
the mobile world by creating the first notebook with an HD DVD ROM 
drive. As a leader in mobility and a member of the DVD Forum, we’re 
always striving to make the next leap in digital entertainment."
Any potential employers will note your paranoia on this public web 
forum ...
The more I can virtualize the 'still Windows only apps'

 ... you can even replace Windows itself these days without resorting 
 to Wine. Check out ReactOS ( http://www.reactos.org/), quite a few 
 forum posts indicating that folks are running it on Mac under Parallels 
 ... there was even mention of REBOL/View running on it.
Group: PowerPack ... discussions about RP [web-public]
a good documentation must respond to all type of question and knowledge 
... Using cooperativ dynamic writing/publishing  tools other to redactors 
and readers a close interaction if you read a documentation and steel 
have questions you can mail, altme, or forum the redactors to makes 
your ask in order for them to bettering the documentation  very fast
for example on french scene forum the amount of information on rebol 
coding is so high that we can't easyly synthetise it into a meanning 
documentation. Why ? because structural we choose a forum based interface 
betwin coders without taking strictly the time to produce a syntetic 
documentation for every issues that were submitted and discussed 
on the solution apported from the very beginning (a participant number 
issue is in the scope  too )
So know synthetising the informations on our forum to make it disponnible 
for every one is a very very hudge task (more than 20 000 topics 
it's hard to sort and put in value ...)
Group: AltWeb ... AltME Web Mirror [web-public]
that's very unlikely to happen. sorry olivier, but you can use the 
ml and we can relay messages here when needed. someday (hopefully 
soon) we'll have a communication forum that is reachable by everyone.
Group: Rebol School ... Rebol School [web-public]
Can someone help make this code less Python and more REBOL:
Thank you Pekr and Sunanda for your replies and suggestion on my 
question about unicode and cyrillic. I tried ascii-chart script and 
it unfortunately doesn't show any cyrillic letters :-(  I understand 
you, I have to wait until r3 is released, but I don't want to wait 
for it (as I can see from forum posts it could be not very soon).
[unknown: 5]:
If you guys get some good  mezzanines please post them on my Mezzanine 
thread.  http://www.tretbase.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=30Also, 
if anyone wants to make the current ones posted more efficient please 
[unknown: 5]:
Here is a post about the read-io function for newbies.  http://www.tretbase.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=55&p=128#p128
from here you can access rebelBB (forum built using parse) or the 
wiki with lots of documents
Group: Rebol/Flash dialect ... content related to Rebol/Flash dialect [web-public]
Machinarium called a beautiful program in Verity Stob article:
[page 4, last paragraph]
Group: Windows/COM Support ... [web-public]
This is in response to Philippe Legoff in RebolTalk
Anton, how would one do the example here 


In particular, this line

Set doc = Stardesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", 
"_blank", 0, args)

where args has been defined as Dim args()
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
See Carl's answer.
REBOL's stay on Tiobe was very short:
[unknown: 10]:
The funny thing about this project is that a time of opening their 
FORUM-Websote they had instatly 3000 registered users online ;-)
Jerry;  Check out the Dialects forum.  Geomol has written a starter 
bbcbasic interpretter in REBOL.
For those that collect programming languages;  HoltSoft the developers 
of Turing have gone out of business.  Dr Holt has moved on.  Turing 
is in wide spread use amongst Ontario High Schools.  (Sad, my home 
province pumped out an entire generation of programmers of a dead 
training language)  Anyway, they had posted it free for non-commercial 
use  on their website, which is now shutdown.   The admin of compsci.ca 
has posted it to their forum board.  This could well be a time limited 
offer.   I don't know all the details of Turing, but this version 
was commercial and proprietary before the shutdown announcement and 
posting of the free copies.   http://compsci.ca/holtsoft/
I'm not real sure, but some of the people on the compsci forum mention 
learning it right it grade 9, some in 10, some in 11.  Again, it 
seems to be Ontario.   Let's hope UnIcon lives to a ripe old age. 
 Turing, not so sure; it was designed for teaching but as we all 
know; you're first is hard to forget and it may take on a life of 
its own, similar to the whole Pascal field.
Petr re nails;  I don't think so ... maybe, but not in the grand 
scheme.  I only got into flash because Oldes has a REBOL dialect. 
 I only got into REBOL, because it Rocks!   Feel sad for those that 
don't get it.  It really is a "secret weapon" for those that use 

If you believe the TIOBE numbers, REBOL is still well below 0.09 
percent (the lowest they list of the top 50)  We have lots and lots 
of wiggle room.   Paul's new database, Henriks work on Forum, the 
Doc, R3; all positive moves.  I think the only thing that may give 
REBOL a 'quick explosive adoption boost' is a Free Software announcement, 
but I like and respect Carl's decision in that area.  So slow and 
steady may win the race in the long haul.   REBOL is well beyond 
the 'hype' phase and we still love it.  And every few days now, people 
like John give others yet another reason to check it out.  Long live 
R2, Longer live R3.

Once Reichart gets his empire built, that will only be another boost 
to the public face of REBOL as well.   Gabriele, BrianH, Ashley, 
 Graham, umm everybody; making large and small contributions adds 
to the fire.

Well and you doing some high level marketing can't hurt either.  
Keep it up and keep digging.  REBOL is in for the duration from what 
I can see.  And hey, I'm trying my best to drag some of the up and 
coming coders on compsci.ca to the REBOL light.  At least we know 
that REBOL is not a flash in the pan.   We do need to promote people 
like Sunanda a little more perhaps.  The base of rebol.org is terrific 
but it's mosly hidden, much like Altme.

Go rebols go!
I tried, but I can't edit my comment. I sent feedback. I'm hoping 
to fix it before someone points out the error in a public forum.
We should install supporting tools (forum, some CVS) and get things 
rolling much faster ...
[unknown: 5]:
I thought of a great idea to stop forum spammers and probably others. 
 I don't know how it can be thwarted.
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
Hi Graham, is your forum online ?
databases [
		bugs	mysql://[root-:-localhost]/bugs
		forum	mysql://root:[admin-:-localhost]/forum
		test	mysql://[root-:-localhost]/test
Graham;  I just installed Vanilla under Cheyenne.  It's working, 
but the lack of docs is making it a pain to  configure.  I'm not 
sure if setting vanilla.options.metadata  "space-mode" "open" is 
the proper way to go about things or not, but keeping it "closed" 
doesn't seem to allow much.  Until I figure out how to get associate 
status on user accounts, my test head is "open" but closed behind 
the firewall.  But it seems to be working, if not a little rough 
around the edges now I'm getting used to MediaWiki.

I think I might brave a kick at turning on PHP with Cheyenne, and 
then see if copies of MediaWiki and phpBB will run.  If so, I might 
start building up a homesite for user.r right here in peoplecards.ca 
land, but not if it means a conversion to Apache to make a wiki and 
a forum work.

Anyone going to tell me not to bother trying MediaWiki or phpBB because 
it won't work?
Graham; Think I should persevere with Vanilla?  It is REBOL.  I'm 
questing for a good forum/wiki combo and the search started today, 
so I'll take any and all advice...as long it includes the word Cheyenne 
in it.  :)  I've decided to branch out of all REBOL mode but not 
too far and not at all if possible.  But RBBS is not going to cut 
it for a forum in the long haul.
I don't think I would have pursued setting up peoplecards.ca without 
a REBOL web server behind it, and now to patiently wait for (or get 
motivated to write) a nice REBOL forum.  :)
Motivated to add counter-measures.  Activated the PoL (Proof of Life) 
code.  I'll watch the logs for a while but I think the rbbs.r on 
peoplecards should now be closer to immune from the robot spammer 
that tagged me a few months back.

Terry; Might be a good idea.  Promoting Cheyenne, promoting Semantic 
Database and building something rebols can use for a forum all at 
the same time.  Many birds, few stones.
dockimbel, I'm using RSP for the forum and it's working great so 
far. no problems.
Yes, that gives quite extreme performance. It's an elegant way to 
solve the problem of caching that others are providing via expensive 
slap-on solutions rather than by design. This is also why I got the 
idea that you would be able to create VID-like applications in the 
browser, because data is always resident server side, like an app.

The session data problem gets reversed: You have to avoid data to 
spill over to the next user of the app. This could provide a very 
unique way to handle form data, by simply dumping POST data in a 
resident object. Then you can quietly decide what to do with that 
data without having to worry that it's forgotten at the next page 

Session data is about storing that data in a context isolated for 
that user. I've not studied closely how Cheyenne handles session 
data, but I've been working a bit on the form issues for REBOL/Forum.
Lots of other people seeing overheavy  Chrome caching, eg:

Group: DevCon2007 ... DevCon 2007 [web-public]
I've posted a message asking about the "lack of practical information 
for the devcon" on a french rebol forum : http://www.digicamsoft.com/cgi-bin/rebelBB.cgi?thread=%3C13Dec2006131213411293100%3E. 

I'll post/translate the answers here, if needed.
No "useful" answer about the devcon question I've posted on that 
forum (yet), but I'll keep you guys informed, as I'll be checking 
this forum (it seems well "alive")..
Still no "useful" answer on that french forum where I posted questions 
about the devcon. However, I was told that as soon as anything happens, 
the official site will be updated (http://devcon2007.rebdocproj.org/).
Gabriele, the question I saw a while ago on reboltalk forum. The 
guy wanted to put two applications in one. Ie. take two random scripts 
from rebol.org and put them as two panels in a window. This is an 
interesting concept to me. It means abstracting an "app" away from 
the details of the window (or panel) it's in. Just an idea.
Group: DevCon2008 (post-chatter) ... DevCon2008 [web-public]
NickA:<...are there any other lists here on Altme or elsewhere that 
I should be checking?>

I've posted an announcement on REBOLTalk. If there is any comments 
/ questions there, I'll prod you.
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