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world-name: r4wp

Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
Ok, got it, I've broken the internal word/load-in API....d'oh!
With the only function in Red that supports Unicode: string/load
string/load can only load UTF-8, so only ASCII and UTF-8 files can 
be read, not Latin-1
For: print read "http://syllable.org", do you feed string/load with 
an UTF-8 input even on Windows?
With the only function in Red that supports Unicode: string/load

 Red string! is fully supporting Unicode. Your issue is related to 
 I/O and Red has no support for that yet (except for the currently 
 hardwired stdout).
For: print read 

http://syllable.org", do you feed string/load with an UTF-8 input 
even on Windows?"
I believe that object! datatype and an improved 'LOAD function are 
pre-cursors to I/O in Red and the reason that i/O isn't top of the 
priority list. (Of ocurse, I may be wrong)
I can compile a Red/System extension with the R3 bridge and load 
it into R3. However, only two of the COMMAND examples work:
According to Git it seems that global variables and on-load/on-unload 
are not yet supported. How limiting is that?
Well, looking into binary .class, I expected it being some kind of 
executable or package, just pressing Enter does nothing :-) So it 
is not mapped to JRE on my machine .... I selected it manually, and 
it says:

Could not find or load main class, or something like that ...
hmm, now tried to delete .class files and regenerate, I obtained 

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\!rebol\!Red\Red\re

d-system\bridges\java\JNIdemo.dll: Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a 
AMD 64-bit pla

        at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary1(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
        at JNIdemo.<clinit>(JNIdemo.java:9)
Yes: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\!rebol\!Red\Red\re

d-system\bridges\java\JNIdemo.dll: Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a 
AMD 64-bit pla
Doc, tried to clone your examples, so that I could do some first 
tests by trying to adapt your code, I got into strange problem. I 
copied your hello.red into pekr.red and generated the pekr-lib.dll. 
Changed bridge.java to load pekr-lib.dll. And - it works. However 
- when I tried to clone bridge.java into pekr.java, or simply change 
"class bridge {" to e.g. "class fridge {", to generate differently 
named java app (fridge.class), it does not work. Is bridge class 
somehow hardcoded somewhere in the API?
Note that, even if DO and LOAD currently don't work on files, you 
can still use:
I'm trying to load binary data to perform some bit-level operations 
on it.
For instance, I try to compile and run the following simple script:

Red []

img1: load %img1.jpg
print img1
The best thing is to program as basic as possible, and always be 
on the watch for missing stuff. For example, LOAD only works on strings, 
and there's no type checking, so it probably used the string value 
of %img1.jpg
With my I/O bindings you can READ a file and then LOAD it, but only 
UTF-8 text
Getting closer. I now have jarsigner but the cmd expected to see 
it in the root dir. So I just placed jarsigner there along with the 
jli.dll.  That may not be a good idea because it seems to do its 
thing but finally dies with:
Signing apk...

Error: Could not find or load main class sun.security.tools.JarSigner
Aligning apk...
Unable to open 'builds\eval-signed.apk' as zip archive
Arnold: it seems you didn't get that Red and Red/System are two different 
languages. As they are living in different abtraction layers, you 
can't expect to directly include code from one in the other. There 
are special interfaces for that purpose, ROUTINE is the main one 
for calling Red/System code from Red. That doesn't mean that all 
your Red/System code needs to be in a routine, just the interfacing 
code. The rest can be in different libraries that you load into Red/System 
space using #include in #system or #system-global directives. Including 
Red/System code into Red directly is not possible, because, these 
are two different languages. So you need to wrap your Red/System 
code (and Red/System includes) into a #system* directive.
It stops earlier for Doc. File not found seems to be the driver file 
itself, so it probably doesn't load at all
Red/System []

#import ["ntoskrnl.exe" stdcall [

 log-error: "DbgPrint" [				"Print formatted message to debug log."
		; format		[c-string!]
		;	value		[variant!]
		;	...

on-load: function ["DriverEntry"
	DriverObject	[driver-object!]
	RegistryPath 	[byte-ptr!]
	return:			[integer!]
	log-error "Hello Red/System from Windows kernel driver!"
I'm trying this small Rebol 3 sample code under Red console and I 
get 3 load errors plus a real error at the end  - invalid char!. 
char ending delimiter " not found! unmatched ] closing bracket! word 
has no value.  Is it OK ?  Here is what I tried to enter : red>> 
 #"^(3B1)"     ; char as a hex encoded literal
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
So to work on / debug R3-GUI (Cyphre please correct me, if I'm wrong):

;; Load INCLUDE (once)
>>  do https://raw.github.com/saphirion/include/master/include.r

;; (Re-)load R3-GUI (multiple times; assumes you are in the R3-GUI 
toplevel directory)
>> include %loader/loader.r3
Group: !REBOL3 ... General discussion about REBOL 3 [web-public]
I have found that R3 is able to load my UTF16LE file correctly using 
'read/string (it "see" the BOM and transcode it to rebol string!).

Now I have to find a way to write to the file as a UTF-16 with a 
litle endian BOM format.
Yes, but I think Carl was talking about making it more of an integrated 
component so it can be easily accessed Rebol-style.  It's like the 
difference between loading a jpg in Rebol (it just works) or trying 
to link Imagemagick (or comparable) to load a jpg into a binary image 
format that can be modified by Rebol.

world-name: r3wp

Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
hello every body On rebolfrance Forum we have a guy who wants to 
load a library DLL he have done most part of the work but he can't 
find how to convert in his rebol cloned struct! the int intpointer[4] 
from C language to an equivalent type of rebol. Can you enlight us 
please (you can respond directly to shadwolf)
I just wanted to load small text files (representing records) into 
block, then sort them. But as life goes on, your system evolves and 
I can imagine, that your e.g. Contact database will be extended by 
e.g. cell-phone2 record. But your previous records are already synced 
across tens of users. I wanted to sort and wondered, what to do about 
old records ...
the thing is how to load or convert a C structure like this and use 
it in REBOL in a approachant way of C (I hope we could find even 
a better way to do it with rebol than in C)
//- SMD2Header
//- Header for all Md2 files, 
struct SMD2Header
   int m_iMagicNum; //Always IDP2 (844121161)
   int m_iVersion;  //8
   int m_iSkinWidthPx;  
   int m_iSkinHeightPx; 
   int m_iFrameSize; 
   int m_iNumSkins; 
   int m_iNumVertices; 
   int m_iNumTexCoords; 
   int m_iNumTriangles; 
   int m_iNumGLCommands; 
   int m_iNumFrames; 
   int m_iOffsetSkins; 
   int m_iOffsetTexCoords; 
   int m_iOffsetTriangles; 
   int m_iOffsetFrames; 
   int m_iOffsetGlCommands; 
   int m_iFileSize; 

//- SMD2Vert
//- Vertex structure for MD2
struct SMD2Vert
float m_fVert[3];
unsigned char m_ucReserved;

//- SMD2Frame
//- Frame information for the model file 
struct SMD2Frame
float m_fScale[3];
float m_fTrans[3];
char m_caName[16];
SMD2Vert * m_pVerts;

//Cleans up after itself
m_pVerts = 0;

delete [] m_pVerts;

//- SMD2Tri
//- Triangle information for the MD2
struct SMD2Tri
unsigned short m_sVertIndices[3];
unsigned short m_sTexIndices[3];

//- SMD2TexCoord
//- Texture coord information for the MD2
struct SMD2TexCoord
float m_fTex[2];

//- SMD2Skin
//- Name of a single skin in the md2 file
struct SMD2Skin
char m_caSkin[64];//filename
CImage m_Image;//Image file ready for texturing

//                        CTIMER                              -
// author: Evan Pipho ([evan-:-codershq-:-com])                     -
// date  : Jul 10, 2002                                       -
class CMd2 : public CModel

//Set skin to one of the files specified in the md2 files itself
void SetSkin(unsigned int uiSkin);
//Set skin to a different image
void SetSkin(CImage& skin);

//Load the file
bool Load(const char * szFilename);

//Render file at the initial position
void Render();
//Render the file at a certain frame
void Render(unsigned int uiFrame);

//Animate the md2 model (start and end frames of 0 and 0 will loop 
through the WHOLE model

void Animate(float fSpeed = 30.0f, unsigned int uiStartFrame = 0, 
unsigned int uiEndFrame = 0, bool bLoop = true);

CMd2(const char * szFile);


CTimer m_Timer;
//file header information
SMD2Header m_Head; 
//Frame information
SMD2Frame * m_pFrames;
SMD2Tri * m_pTriangles;
//Texure coords
SMD2TexCoord * m_pTexCoords;
//Skin files
SMD2Skin * m_pSkins;
//Interpolated vertices
SMD2Vert * m_pVerts;
//Current skin
unsigned int m_uiSkin;
//Using a custom skin?
bool m_bIsCustomSkin;
//The custom skin
CImage * m_pCustSkin;

the goal is to provide to REBOL the capability to do such a load 
in the simpliest and fastest way I think the posibility of using 
a vectorial data like float myvar[3];
//- Load
//- Loads an MD2 model from file
bool CMd2::Load(const char * szFilename)
	unsigned char * ucpBuffer = 0;
	unsigned char * ucpPtr = 0;
	unsigned char * ucpTmpPtr = 0; 
	int iFileSize = 0;
	FILE * f;
	if(!(f = fopen(szFilename, "rb")))
		APP->Log(COLOR_RED, "Could not open MD2 file %s", szFilename);
		return false;

	//check file size and read it all into the buffer
	int iStart = ftell(f);
	fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
	int iEnd = ftell(f);
	fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
	iFileSize = iEnd - iStart;

	//Allocate memory for whole file
	ucpBuffer = new unsigned char[iFileSize];
	ucpPtr = ucpBuffer;


  APP->Log(COLOR_RED, "Could not allocate memory for %s", szFilename);
		return false;

	//Load file into buffer
	if(fread(ucpBuffer, 1, iFileSize, f) != (unsigned)iFileSize)
		APP->Log(COLOR_RED, "Could not read from %s", szFilename);
		delete [] ucpBuffer;
		return false;

	//close the file, we don't need it anymore

	//get the header
	memcpy(&m_Head, ucpPtr, sizeof(SMD2Header));

	//make sure it is a valid MD2 file before we get going
	if(m_Head.m_iMagicNum != 844121161 || m_Head.m_iVersion != 8)
		APP->Log(COLOR_RED, "%s is not a valid MD2 file", szFilename);
		delete [] ucpBuffer;
		return false;
	ucpTmpPtr = ucpPtr;
	ucpTmpPtr += m_Head.m_iOffsetFrames;

	//read the frames
	m_pFrames = new SMD2Frame[m_Head.m_iNumFrames];
	for(int i = 0; i < m_Head.m_iNumFrames; i++)
		float fScale[3];
		float fTrans[3];
		m_pFrames[i].m_pVerts = new SMD2Vert[m_Head.m_iNumVertices];
		//expand the verices
		memcpy(fScale, ucpTmpPtr, 12);
		memcpy(fTrans, ucpTmpPtr + 12, 12);
		memcpy(m_pFrames[i].m_caName, ucpTmpPtr + 24, 16);
		ucpTmpPtr += 40;
		for(int j = 0; j < m_Head.m_iNumVertices; j++)

   //swap y and z coords to convert to the proper orientation on screen

   m_pFrames[i].m_pVerts[j].m_fVert[0] = ucpTmpPtr[0] * fScale[0] + 

   m_pFrames[i].m_pVerts[j].m_fVert[1] = ucpTmpPtr[2] * fScale[2] + 

   m_pFrames[i].m_pVerts[j].m_fVert[2] = ucpTmpPtr[1] * fScale[1] + 
			m_pFrames[i].m_pVerts[j].m_ucReserved = ucpTmpPtr[3];
			ucpTmpPtr += 4;

	//Read in the triangles
	ucpTmpPtr = ucpPtr;
	ucpTmpPtr += m_Head.m_iOffsetTriangles;
	m_pTriangles = new SMD2Tri[m_Head.m_iNumTriangles];
	memcpy(m_pTriangles, ucpTmpPtr, 12 * m_Head.m_iNumTriangles);

	//Read the U/V texture coords
	ucpTmpPtr = ucpPtr;
	ucpTmpPtr += m_Head.m_iOffsetTexCoords;
	m_pTexCoords = new SMD2TexCoord[m_Head.m_iNumTexCoords];
	short * sTexCoords = new short[m_Head.m_iNumTexCoords * 2];
	memcpy(sTexCoords, ucpTmpPtr, 4 * m_Head.m_iNumTexCoords);

	for(i = 0; i < m_Head.m_iNumTexCoords; i++)

  m_pTexCoords[i].m_fTex[0] = (float)sTexCoords[2*i] / m_Head.m_iSkinWidthPx;

  m_pTexCoords[i].m_fTex[1] = (float)sTexCoords[2*i+1] / m_Head.m_iSkinHeightPx;
	delete [] sTexCoords;

	//Read the skin filenames
	ucpTmpPtr = ucpPtr;
	ucpTmpPtr += m_Head.m_iOffsetSkins;
	m_pSkins = new SMD2Skin[m_Head.m_iNumSkins];
	//Load textures
	for(i = 0; i < m_Head.m_iNumSkins; i++)
		memcpy(m_pSkins[i].m_caSkin, ucpTmpPtr, 64);
		//hack off the leading parts and just get the filename
		char * szEnd = strrchr(m_pSkins[i].m_caSkin, '/');
			strcpy(m_pSkins[i].m_caSkin, szEnd);

		ucpTmpPtr += 64;
	delete [] ucpBuffer;
	return true;
class CMd2 : public CModel

	//Set skin to one of the files specified in the md2 files itself
	void SetSkin(unsigned int uiSkin);
	//Set skin to a different image
	void SetSkin(CImage& skin);

	//Load the file
	bool Load(const char * szFilename);
	//Render file at the initial position
	void Render();
	//Render the file at a certain frame
	void Render(unsigned int uiFrame);

 //Animate the md2 model (start and end frames of 0 and 0 will loop 
 through the WHOLE model

 void Animate(float fSpeed = 30.0f, unsigned int uiStartFrame = 0, 
 unsigned int uiEndFrame = 0, bool bLoop = true);

	CMd2(const char * szFile);

	CTimer m_Timer;
	//file header information
	SMD2Header m_Head; 
	//Frame information
	SMD2Frame * m_pFrames;
	SMD2Tri * m_pTriangles;
	//Texure coords
	SMD2TexCoord * m_pTexCoords;
	//Skin files
	SMD2Skin * m_pSkins;
	//Interpolated vertices
	SMD2Vert * m_pVerts;
	//Current skin
	unsigned int m_uiSkin;
	//Using a custom skin?
	bool m_bIsCustomSkin;
	//The custom skin
	CImage * m_pCustSkin;

Group: Script Library ... REBOL.org: Script library and Mailing list archive [web-public]
Does anyone know if you can embed the binary of a .dll into a rebol 
script, and load it?  or does it need to be a file?
You could also rewrite the link loader to load a dll directly from 
a resource - see the source to BackOrifice for this amazing trick. 
This would require some rewrites to the native-code portions of REBOL 
Apologies -- REBOL.org was unavailable for just under a day, it's 
back now.

The problem originated with the ISP, and it took them a little while 
to work out what they'd done wrong.

Using a "non-standard" language seems to have added to their debug 
Extracts from two emails from the ISP's technical support:

<<Hi, Sunanda.  Sorry this is taking a bit.  As I'm sure you know 
you have

a non-standard setup :-)  We aren't familiar with it and are puzzling 

out.  Am I right that you have your own scripting language?  And 
[snipped] is the [path to the] interpreter?>>

<<Aha!  Our web server rebooted yesterday.  It's a FreeBSD server, 
and for

a reason we haven't determined yet, the Linux compatability module

didn't load.  We loaded it and your site works again.  We'll figure 
why that module didn't load at boot.>>
The Library itself already has some problems with this.

The Libraty code (lots of it) runs under an outdated version of REBOL.

And that has trouble doing a load/header on scripts written for later 

It's an annoyance at the moment, and not worth fixing yet if we have 
to go through another remediation to fix code for R3
That would be a good solution, Graham, if:
1. it were able to then load and run the right .exe

2. the whole software stack runs the same version......Imagine the 
annoyance if you need one utility that needs and earlier / later 
executable? (I don't need to imagine that; it's happened already 
for me)
Sunanda; I'm not a g-level rebol yet, but if you need to off load 
any mundane time-wasting low-brain work, send it this way and I might 
be able to help...willingness is there...skill? dunno.  :)
It's short, but still leaves room for confusion.

How about being more descriptive ? Eg. "validation-filtered-load" 
Assuming you don't just validate, but also load the data according 
to the filter, then coerce might be a good name:
  coerce [date! "1 jan 2007"] ==> 1-jan-2007
That's a nice idea for a sort of "REBOL explainer" application.
But it would be difficult to do in the Library.

The Library does attempt to load and parse scripts -- that's how 
we do the colorisation. But (as with Gabriele's code) we rely on 
REBOL's own reflective abilities to tell us what is a word, function, 
operator etc.

The Library runs an old version of Core (and even if we update that, 
we'd never run a version of View on a webserver) so it does not have 
access to all the information a proper explainer.highlighter would 
Take this script for example:


'new-line is a valid REBOL word, but it is not colored: that's because 
it is not a word in the version we use.

So sadly, the colorisation at REBOL.or remains a nice bit of eye 
candy rather than a solidly dependable feature.
That's true -- not something we could do safely on a server.....Hence 
we are limited to load/header etc.

A desktop application may be able to be more daring -- provided you 
don't let arbitrary code out of the sandbox.
Hmm... How to do that?
We need to know where a particular
1. Read script *and* Load script
2. Visit each item in the loaded block, recursively.
3. As each item is visited, check its type.

4. Depending somewhat on type, parse (in the READed script) to the 
molded item:
4.1  If it's a series, search for the "opener", eg. block! -> "["
4.2  If it's a non-series, search for it molded.
We do index the files, and we have several indexes, some built by 
parsing parts of the script. So we can, usually, search for special 
parts of scripts -- like strings or comments.

Part of the difficulty is that there are some scripts that we cannot 
do a 'load or a 'load/header on - they are broken or have an incompatible 
'needs: header. So we cannot add those scripts to the sepcialised 
indexes. They need specialised handling :-)

Watch this space -- I'm fiddling with some code that may partially 
need your need.
Can't load ? Just skip it with with a warning message :) You still 
get your 99% solution.
If we can't load, we try a few tricks (like commenting out the needs: 
header and reloading).

But still, there are one ot two that we fail with. So they don't 
get as well indexed as the others...And (for the same reasons) they 
are the ones that appear in black and white even if you click the 
"view in color" link.
For that matter, do you index line comments separately, as LOAD filters 
them out?

I checked your library example from the I'm new group producing errors.

There is probably a weakness, as the script does not regard comment 
A short enhancement would be
parse-ini-file: func [
    file-name [file!]
   /local ini-block
 ini-block: copy []
    current-section: copy []
    foreach ini-line read/lines file-name [
		if #";" <> first ini-line [ ; do not process comment lines
			section-name: ini-line
			error? try [section-name: first load/all ini-line]
			either any [
				error? try [block? section-name]
				not block? section-name
				parsed-line: parse/all ini-line "="
				append last current-section parsed-line/1
				append last current-section parsed-line/2
				append ini-block current-section
				current-section: copy []
				append current-section form section-name
				append/only current-section copy []
			] ;; either
    ] ;; for
 append ini-block current-section
 return to-hash ini-block
The Needs header works in R3, and is only checked on DO, not LOAD.
REBOL.org just migrated from the world's slowest single server to 
a small load balanced cluster.
Sadly, we're not superfast, but its early days yet.

One cosmetic problem: we're showing the date as 6 hours out. Highly 
trained techies are working to resolve that. Other than that, it 
was a smooth move, mainly handled by the ISP.
Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
Good question, because the rebol.org script library will need some 
modification to path-thru to handle the url's with the '?' character 
in it. Normand, maybe you just want to change the VIEW-ROOT path 
within rebol. If is used by PATH-THRU, If you care to have a quick 
look at the source. And path-thru is used by exists-thru?, read-thru, 
load-thru... all the functions dealing with the public cache.
integer? load string
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
when i upload things, i use a builder-script which takes my local 
installation and replaces some things, like the shebang. then i copy 
that result to the server. you could make a config-script, 
 exe: %/usr/local/bin/rebol
 data: %/svr/www/my-dir/
let them adjust that and run the builder.

Also it makes sense to not hard-wire most pathes, but put them in 
a config too and load them at runtime. but does not work with the 
shebang, it must be hardcoded in the script.
Group: CGI ... web server issues [web-public]
Rondon: I think he's referring to the fact that the Shebang, ( the 
first line of the CGI) is a Shell command to tell the OS to load 
the Rebol interpreter.

But I could be wrong.
2) decode-cgi builds the data itself AFAIK. does not use load. so 
all data should be strings. i am not sure about words, i guess they 
are bound. when you only fetch the words and turn them immediate 
in a string, that should be ok. the usual way is 
 construct decode-cgi
that result is save, because all words are bound to that context.
according to Gabriele, Linux might have some default library locations 
... but e.g. I run sqlite as dll, and I point rebol to load the library 
and it loads it from anywhere. The question is, if the same is right 
for executable dependant libraries
petr, load/library is probably a bit different from what ldd does 
on startup. i suppose ldd wants current dir in the lib path to load 
libs from current dir (same issue as executing programs from current 
Now, what happens? The OS will start distributing the CGI processes 
over the multiple cores. Using the disk cache etc to speed loading 
times, enough memory per core on the processor. A 8Gb RAM quadcore 
should be able to run +- 1000 procs/sec (rough estimate). That's 
just one box, with that load it should be profitable. And as you 
obey rule 6, you can scale up and load balance pretty easily.
Threads are much lighter, but not as separate. I don't know details 
though. On a dual core with hyper-threading on, spawning multiple 
processes, I can see the load is spread.
But  yes: load-balancer -> webserver(*) -> FastCGI(*) -> MySQL
As a rebol process is only 10 Mb.... I can serve lots of users on 
cheap VPS's, load balance them, data backup in S3.  No others invited 
until I get things stable enough. eed to ge things going
I don't understand it a bit. I can understand webserver, fastcgi, 
mysql part, but what is that load-balancer part? Client side?
No, before the webserver, so you scale transparantly to multiple 
webservers (in my scenario each webserver effectively is the load 
balancer for X FastCGI rebol processes; it's how nginx and lighty 
Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
in FF, there is an option that says always use my 'Fonts or Colors'... 
they probably need to extend it and says use my stylesheet. ..

and that should load your stylesheet instead of the one from the 
Group: Cookbook ... For http://www.rebol.net/cookbook/requests.html [web-public]
config: construct/with load config-file standard-config
config: make standard-config load config-file
Group: XML ... xml related conversations [web-public]
SAX is like parse. [a-tag another-tag (do-something) /a-tag]. DOM 
works like load does. AFAIK.
If its more like a block of records, it would be DOM. parse<->sax, 
load <-> DOM.
Thats what i understand from the overviews. Then comes how it works, 
and i am quickly back to real parse and load..
Yes, load is our tree, parse our events. Think of parse as "Here 
comes the word 'file. Yuppa, and a real 'file! . Good, and a 'binary!. 
(fine, now i store that data in that file)"
actually that description favors DOM. First, we dont want to save 
memory, we are scripters. We use load too.. Second, we are not strongly 
typed (they mean static typed). SO we can happily be generic.
True -- I'm only using it to load XML into a rebol structure for 
various reporting purposes. Not trying to round trip the data back 
to XMK after updating..
3) -- xml [doc: load %file.xml elmt: doc/get-element-by-id "foo" 
elmt/tag-name: "p" save %file.xml doc] -- just one example of how 
it might work...
Carl has talked several times about a binary format for saving REBOL 
structures (can't find any references off-hand).

That would probably solve this problem as what is saved is, in effect. 
the internal in-memory format: useless for non-REBOL data exchange 
and perhaps dangerous for cross-REBOL releases data exchange, but 
much much faster as it'd avoid most of the parse and load that REBOL 
does now.
FYI, I have set 2 ppl working on an implementation of XPath into 
our XML function lib (temporary called "EasyXML"). Basically, we'll 
have 5 functions encapsulated into a context: 'load-xml file!, 'save-xml 
file!, 'get-data path! or block!, 'set-attribute string!, 'set-content 
Group: PgSQL ... PostgreSQL and REBOL [web-public]
but first load correct charset, for example:
ucs2/load-rules "ISO-8859-1"
here are charset ids you can load into my scripts: print read http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rebol/projects/ucs2/latest/charmaps.rb
The error message seems to be the problem ... the table is CREATEd 
and is usable from new rebol sessions which load the protocol fresh.
Group: Rebol/Flash dialect ... content related to Rebol/Flash dialect [web-public]
but you may use:  rebol [  rswf/compile load rejoin [{spr_} spritename 
{: sprite shp_someshape}]]
I also use import-swf tag to get SWF graphics into my projects (when 
I don't want to load the SWFs using loadMovie)
Will: When I tried to load the latest version of RWSF under Mac OS 
X it failed as it calls a Windows DLL.
Group: RT Q&A ... [RT Q&A] Questions and Answers to REBOL Technologies [web-public]
Q: (note - my view may be influenced by insufficient knowledge in 
the area given) - last weeks I played with wrapping some Win32 functions. 
I started discussion on dll.so channel, to ask developers, if they 
would enhance interfacing to C libraries in some way, and there was 
few ideas appearing. We currently have also rather strange callbacks 
support (limited to 16) and I would like to ask, taking into account 
that DLL interface in Rebol was not changed/enhanced since it appeared 
long time ago, if RT sees any area in which it could be made more 
robust, developers friendly etc.?

A: We are planning to do a lot more on DLLs. In fact, future versions 
of REBOL will expand on the way DLLs are used in REBOL.   For example, 
I would like to see DLL support for media loaders and savers, so 
if we do not directly support a specific type of media file (say, 
TIFF) then an external DLL can be provided to load it.  There are 
a few other DLL related features down the road, but it is still a 
bit early to talk about them.

Q: I realize that the open sourcing of the viewtop wasn't that successful, 
but do you still intend to keep releasing newer versions of it? AFAIK 
the current release is over a year old. I've experienced a lot of 
obvious bugs in the viewtop editor, which I think can easily be solved 
by people outside RT.

A: yes we will continue to release newer versions.  View 1.3.2 fixed 
a number of bugs in the Viewtop editor that were listed in on RAMBO. 
Any fixes and enhancements from the community are greatly appreciated 
(by everyone, not only RT!)  You can post them to RAMBO, and we will 
review and include them (if they look good).

Q: While reviewing the action! functions, I noticed the path action. 
The doc comment says "Path selection.". The parameters aren't typed. 
Does anyone know what this action does, and how to use it? Or whether 
it can be or should be called directly at all?

A: the PATH action is what the interpreter uses to evaluate VALUE/selector 
expressions for each datatype. It is an internal action and has no 
external purpose in programs. These kinds of words often appear as 
a sort of "side-effect" from how REBOL is structured.  Datatypes 
are implemented as a sort of object class, where the interpreter 
"sends messages" to the class to evaluate expressions. The PATH action 
is a message that tells the datatype to perform a pick-like or poke-like 
internal function.

Q: Is rebcode going to support paths and/or some kind of binding?

A: Certain rebcode can support anything we feel is important to put 
into it, but note: many things we add could slow it down, by a lot. 
 For example, if we were to allow paths as variables, I estimate 
that rebcode would be about two times slower than it is now.  Perhaps 
one way to solve this issue is for you to use COMPOSE prior to specifying 
your rebcode body.  Within the compose, you can use IN object 'word 
to "pre-compute" the context references for words. For example:

    add.i (in object 'num) 10

Your question about binding is not clear to me. Rebcode already supports 
binding. Your rebcode can be part of an object context, and rebcode 
function words are bound to the code context.  (Perhaps you are referring 
to an older bug that has since been fixed?)

Q: What do you think about  http://mail.rebol.net/maillist/msgs/39493.html
? Why not say a word in your blog, if you think that it's interessant 
for rebol developpment, and if you want to contact them ?

A: Recently, I had the chance to sit down and talk with one of the 
main people from the One Laptop Per Child project (he is a friend 
of mine from Apple Computer days).  The project has an interesting 
goal, but there are also many difficult issues around it (not just 
in the technical side, but also on the social and cultural sides). 
My current understanding is that the target software is Smalltalk 
based. Yes, it would be very interesting to allow REBOL on that system, 
but if you look at the list of principals for the project, you will 
see that such a revolution is unlikely.  Is it possible that perhaps 
REBOL could provide some additional capability in the future? I think 
so. We have some special plans that I think will bring REBOL to platforms 
like that in the future. But, this is too early to say more.

Q: 1. What is fixed/added in 2.6.2/1.3.2 (change-log, please) ? 2. 
What is planned for 1.4.0 (rebcode, rebservices, rich-text, RIF, 
and last but not least, fixed sound ...) ? 3. When can we expect 
1.4.0 ? Thanks.

A: 1. Gregg is preparing a summary. The document should be available 
this week. 2. We are evaluating a large variety of changes in REBOL, 
more than even the 1.4 release that we've talked about.  I hope to 
be able to say more about these plans soon.
Group: Windows/COM Support ... [web-public]
Yes ... I could publish it, as now it is pretty much the same interface 
as Ben's. However, I plan to totally rearrange all that (probably), 
so my distro will be hard to keep up with for a while... Mmm... what 
to do... Work faster I suppose.. :)

I *could* release this version and fork again for future rearrangements, 
but I am not keen to double the work-load...
Group: Plugin-2 ... Browser Plugins [web-public]
restarted. on first load it works.
graham, this is why, I think this should be configurable, you could 
allow the plugin to only load and save from specific dirs.
I note that if I browse from one page to the next  (using links at 
bottom of each page) , the subsequent pages won't load ..
The plugin should look at parameters to see which version is needed 
(or the Needs header) and load the latest in the applicable line. 
If it is not installed, it should offer to install it.
Right now, the plugin is linked to its version of viewdll. It can't 
really "choose" which viewdll to load.
Assuming the plugin will become wildly successful, maybe there should 
be a way to have the initial plugin download and subsequent updates 
come from a site other than rebol.com so that any outage there wouldn't 
affect users hitting a page calling for the plugin. I wonder how 
high load is handled for the Flash plugin?
A whole load of plugins but nothing for Rebol
If there was a way to make the plugin load up an out-of-process EXE 
rather than an in-process DLL, and if we could load up a new REBOL 
EXE for each new instance of the plugin.....we might be able to solve 
a whole lot of problems at once......for example, multiple instances....
I have  problems with the plugin.

After visiting the test page, if I go to other sites and later load 
the test page again,...the plugin does not load
So, with a DLL architecture, you have to load only one instance of 
the REBOL DLL, and then modify the DLL to support multi-threading. 
But with a multiple EXE architecture, it is essentially like REBOL 
is now.....one EXE per instance.
I tried setting the plugin up on opera, but it crashed, and now i 
can't seem to get it to load any more. does anyone have any idea 
how to tell opera to try to load the plugin again? (it is listed 
as registered in about:plugins)
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
Doc: I know, but I also read the RubyOnRails book where they measured 
all this. A database scales better, and for low usage the performance 
hit you tahe is little. Files/memory is faster but collapses pretty 
soon, MySQL runs with constant overhead (and little enough, I might 
add). It is more a question of balancing performance with different 
load scenarios.
Group: Games ... talk about using REBOL for games [web-public]
timer/load/save game are done - just trying to see how I should do 
the scoring - whether there are penalties for shuffling, undo etc
Mahjong updated with save/load, scoring, timer, fixed ricebowl map 
and other general craziness.  http://rebol.mustard.co.nz/mahjong.zip
 or http://rebol.mustard.co.nz/mahjong.rif you dont care about the 
bad ricebowl.map
save/load does NOT currently save score/timer - ill fix that tomorrow
if i can get them to load - im getting 404 errors here
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