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world-name: r3wp

Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
About notice on private messages, we have alerts, that pop up a window. 
And if you use dividers, the "All Users" dividers will turn red, 
when you get a private message. So there's the notice, you asked 
Hello. I just created this account here and I have found one problem 
with AltME. It's definitely nothing major seeing as it only applies 
to less than 7% of the people in the world but here it goes. I am 
red-green deficient (partially colorblind) so it's very difficult 
for me to tell which groups have messages that I haven't read yet. 
The red and black almost look identical. Like I said it's nothing 
major but, for the next version would it be possible to change the 
unread messages color? It would help me and just a few other people 
If you want to clear up (un)RED condition, cant you just click on 
the group and then click out? It doesnt take very long at all. Am 
I missing something?
RebolJohn - 6 mins? I switched on a PC that I don't connect very 
often and cleared them all in 2 mins of clicking. My problem is when 
you clear the RED, but dont have time to read them all, you forget 
that they are really Unread and dont go back to read them.
[unknown: 9]:
I think of communication software a little differently (in general), 
so I will share this.  

Read states

 (like the Red we are talking about) are a very interesting issue. 

Most computer software does a very poor job of replicating empirical 
or visceral conversations.  Email for example has a method of describing 
the "direction" you are speaking.  TO: Bob, CC: Carry.  Where the 
TO: indicates you are speaking directly to Bob, and that Carry is 
standing somewhere to the left or right of you.  BCC is someone hiding 
behind you. 

Email could have an interface where you first pick the people in 
the "room." And then use something like a 2D interface to move the 
listeners around a symbolic version of you.  This would be both silly, 
time consuming, and somewhat confusing, but you get the point.

What you have read and what you have not read though has a similar 
analogy.   There are thousands of sub states and markers people use 
to sort things they have read, will read, need to read again, need 
to respond to, etc.

In Box, Out Box, Papers upside down, putting papers you need to sign 
under your car keys on the floor in front of the door leading to 
the car, etc.

I have one friend who re-wrote some open source email program to 
have some huge number of states and then some simple filters.  It 
works VERY WELL, if you know his system.  He never forgets anything.

So the current model AltME has (right now) is a very simple interface. 
 Tantimount to "Have I ever seen this before."

We are playing with some other models in Qtask, which may get adopted 
into AltME.  I'm working on a system I call Venn Chat.  Some features 

Have I read this before? (like AltME)
Mark this:  

Follow up (add to a list of messages you want to think about more)
Note (All should read this when they come into the group)
All Must Read (converts it into an AltME-like alert)

Convert to a task (and keep the context of the chat in place, this 
is opens up a whole other area)
Branch (something like forum threading)
Re-file (move from one group to another)

Re-post (copy to another group, at the same time, similar to branch).
Trigger (tell me when someone has finally read this).
Status (tell me who has read this so far).
Attach (files, links, etc)
1. 	A switch to turn off notification about new messages. On XP, 
the minimized window's icon blinks for every new message, which can 
become a little bit annoying.

2. 	A switch to 'subscribe' only selected groups - in a sense of 
"Only mark group with new messages if subscribed". 

 Otherwise, get message silently but don't mark group red for having 
 unread messages.

3. 	A "newer than new" feature: Whilst AltME is online and one is 
working in another app, inform (in a popup window or alike) when 
one returns to it: "New messages in the following groups:" 

 which can easily be clicked away if none of the groups are of special 
Reichart, I like your ideas.

I would guess that one of the goals should be to pick a 'realm of 
inclusiveness' (I don't know what else to call it).

i.e. If AltMe is suppose to be fashioned as a message-logger then 
these 'new messages' should be flagged until read.

However, if AltMe is suppose to be fashioned as a meeting-place then 
maybe 'new messages' should only be flagged after you log in.

Now, don't get me wrong here.. I am not saying that messages shouldn't 
show up at all, I am stating that their container wouldn't be flagged 
Better yet.. How about flagging in two colors.
Light Red for unread messages..

Dark Red for unread messages that have happened since I logged in.
Checklist and Calendar icons turning red for changes in that objects
1.  link tasks with the calendar

2.  "clear all" a simple button which removes red color of all groups. 
usefull when skipping a few days...

3.  HIDE groups (and users).  just add simple check mark to  window 
which lists all available groups and any you check-off are removed 
from the list you look at (yet you still receive their posts, if 
you want to look at them another time).

4.  per group moderators for private AND public groups (delete posts, 
insert posts, manage users, etc.   A part from "opting out", users 
are not able to change the setup (like deleting the group), group 
name, list of users in private group, etc ).  

5.  single file export of all selected task lists and their tasks 
(ascii or html)

6.  SORT task list... we cannot sort the task lists... only the tasks 
they contain... a real bitch when working with others...

7.  Also allows read-only mode for private groups for people not 
in private users list.   Great to manage announcements for private 
8.  'workdays only - weekend only' option for calendar

9.  properly support hours in calendar tasks, so that hours are always 
available, right now, the software often ignores any data we put 
in the hours field..

9) Ability to set how far back you want to have 'Red' groups highlighted. 
 For example, you are a new user and downloaded a years worth of 
content, but only want to see the last two weeks of contributions.
coloring of active groups are very hard to see for me on this monitor. 
the red color blends too much with black for me. it would be nice 
if there was a graphical indicator such as a dot next to the group 
to better see which group has been updated.
I have two altme clients open on two computers (XP & RH)  on my desk 
right now and the last  message in the "tech news"  on XP is Prkr 
from May 26, the laso on the red hat is Reichart from a few minutes 
ago. both computers are on the same university subnet with fast connections. 
I have tried the dot trick, and stopping and restarting the altme 
on xp to try and force it to pick up the more recent messages
without sucuess.
i think alerts also go to your private message list, with a red bg

The "When Sent" part gets a red background.
Yeah .. like the red on your name if someone messages you .. way 
out of your central vision, and therefore notice.  So, an alert that 
is placed outside your notice seems self defeating.
[unknown: 9]:
We are working on updates for AltME, and we really want to nail this 
dot bug.

It is hard for us to see, so anything you can tell us about it will 

Your connection type and platform being key.
Mine is T1/Windows MCE

One of the key questions is, when you start up a world, AltME syncs. 
 When the bug happens (which I assume means you see no groups turn 
red), did you see it sync?

Do you see anything odd happen bellow the line that says "Rebol3 
as <name>"?

Does the progress bar (the vertical space to the left of the icons) 
fill with red?

If we can see a pattern, we can nail this.
I installed the beta, and things didn't go well.  So I uninstalled 
and installed again.  Now everything is red :(
Hmm.  I quit normally, but when I logged on just now a whole bunch 
of groups came up red.  Each of these groups, the messages are yellowed 
indicating that theyre old ie. no new messages.
I know it's a known bug, but it happened first time for me: strange 
datatype during recycle.
While clicking a red group during syncing.
AltME 1.1.28 Windows XP
Mac Mail also does this (a red circle with a white number showing 
the number of new messages) ... a *very* handy feature.
We could really use the "Reset" button right about now. You know 
the one that clears the new messages as read and therefore not "red."
Interesting ... I had all groups set to read (so not red ;-) 

Now with Thors dotting some groups turn up with unread messages from 
15-oct-2005 (that was in Rebol Enhancements).

Makes me wonder how many groups have not been properly synchronized 
without me noticing.
I've reinstalled both Windows and Linux on my machine. I'm only able 
to run Altme 1.0.1 on Win (don't ask me why new beta crashes all 
the time on clean installation while it was working without problem 
on old one) and it synced no rooms. On Linux I have no problem with 
latest beta and syncing works without problem. So I spent some nice 
minutes clicking on red rooms (but it's better to have something 
to click on than otherwise :)
New little game? A list, rows randomly turn red, click fast enough?:)
I upgraded to 1.2.5 .. and everything turned red on me :(
I think that small things could make a real difference ... and I 
vote for some button to de-red groups at once :-)
Upgrade here went just fine though I agree with Graham heartily that 
we need they "Kill Red" button badly. I wonder what would happen 
if I read all the files and rewrote them?
I had to reconnect to this world again to get the latest updates. 
However, the last group I was sitting in was !RebGUI. After the update, 
it moved to the top like it should, because there was new posts in 
it, but it was not painted red and it was not selected after logging 
in, so it must have been tagged as read somehow.
Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
has anyone found out the cause for red icons in IOS?
Red icons ...usually a problem with syncing when Daylight Saving 
Time goes on or off.

reset-dates.r utility available from RT to correct them (doesn't 
always work).
view layout [btn "hide" [hide f] btn "show" [show f] f: box red 0:0:1 
feel [engage: func [face action event][if action = 'time [print now/time]]]]
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
//- Load
//- Loads an MD2 model from file
bool CMd2::Load(const char * szFilename)
	unsigned char * ucpBuffer = 0;
	unsigned char * ucpPtr = 0;
	unsigned char * ucpTmpPtr = 0; 
	int iFileSize = 0;
	FILE * f;
	if(!(f = fopen(szFilename, "rb")))
		APP->Log(COLOR_RED, "Could not open MD2 file %s", szFilename);
		return false;

	//check file size and read it all into the buffer
	int iStart = ftell(f);
	fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
	int iEnd = ftell(f);
	fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
	iFileSize = iEnd - iStart;

	//Allocate memory for whole file
	ucpBuffer = new unsigned char[iFileSize];
	ucpPtr = ucpBuffer;


  APP->Log(COLOR_RED, "Could not allocate memory for %s", szFilename);
		return false;

	//Load file into buffer
	if(fread(ucpBuffer, 1, iFileSize, f) != (unsigned)iFileSize)
		APP->Log(COLOR_RED, "Could not read from %s", szFilename);
		delete [] ucpBuffer;
		return false;

	//close the file, we don't need it anymore

	//get the header
	memcpy(&m_Head, ucpPtr, sizeof(SMD2Header));

	//make sure it is a valid MD2 file before we get going
	if(m_Head.m_iMagicNum != 844121161 || m_Head.m_iVersion != 8)
		APP->Log(COLOR_RED, "%s is not a valid MD2 file", szFilename);
		delete [] ucpBuffer;
		return false;
	ucpTmpPtr = ucpPtr;
	ucpTmpPtr += m_Head.m_iOffsetFrames;

	//read the frames
	m_pFrames = new SMD2Frame[m_Head.m_iNumFrames];
	for(int i = 0; i < m_Head.m_iNumFrames; i++)
		float fScale[3];
		float fTrans[3];
		m_pFrames[i].m_pVerts = new SMD2Vert[m_Head.m_iNumVertices];
		//expand the verices
		memcpy(fScale, ucpTmpPtr, 12);
		memcpy(fTrans, ucpTmpPtr + 12, 12);
		memcpy(m_pFrames[i].m_caName, ucpTmpPtr + 24, 16);
		ucpTmpPtr += 40;
		for(int j = 0; j < m_Head.m_iNumVertices; j++)

   //swap y and z coords to convert to the proper orientation on screen

   m_pFrames[i].m_pVerts[j].m_fVert[0] = ucpTmpPtr[0] * fScale[0] + 

   m_pFrames[i].m_pVerts[j].m_fVert[1] = ucpTmpPtr[2] * fScale[2] + 

   m_pFrames[i].m_pVerts[j].m_fVert[2] = ucpTmpPtr[1] * fScale[1] + 
			m_pFrames[i].m_pVerts[j].m_ucReserved = ucpTmpPtr[3];
			ucpTmpPtr += 4;

	//Read in the triangles
	ucpTmpPtr = ucpPtr;
	ucpTmpPtr += m_Head.m_iOffsetTriangles;
	m_pTriangles = new SMD2Tri[m_Head.m_iNumTriangles];
	memcpy(m_pTriangles, ucpTmpPtr, 12 * m_Head.m_iNumTriangles);

	//Read the U/V texture coords
	ucpTmpPtr = ucpPtr;
	ucpTmpPtr += m_Head.m_iOffsetTexCoords;
	m_pTexCoords = new SMD2TexCoord[m_Head.m_iNumTexCoords];
	short * sTexCoords = new short[m_Head.m_iNumTexCoords * 2];
	memcpy(sTexCoords, ucpTmpPtr, 4 * m_Head.m_iNumTexCoords);

	for(i = 0; i < m_Head.m_iNumTexCoords; i++)

  m_pTexCoords[i].m_fTex[0] = (float)sTexCoords[2*i] / m_Head.m_iSkinWidthPx;

  m_pTexCoords[i].m_fTex[1] = (float)sTexCoords[2*i+1] / m_Head.m_iSkinHeightPx;
	delete [] sTexCoords;

	//Read the skin filenames
	ucpTmpPtr = ucpPtr;
	ucpTmpPtr += m_Head.m_iOffsetSkins;
	m_pSkins = new SMD2Skin[m_Head.m_iNumSkins];
	//Load textures
	for(i = 0; i < m_Head.m_iNumSkins; i++)
		memcpy(m_pSkins[i].m_caSkin, ucpTmpPtr, 64);
		//hack off the leading parts and just get the filename
		char * szEnd = strrchr(m_pSkins[i].m_caSkin, '/');
			strcpy(m_pSkins[i].m_caSkin, szEnd);

		ucpTmpPtr += 64;
	delete [] ucpBuffer;
	return true;
color: [ red blue green]
== [red blue green]
>> color: union color [red]
== [red blue green]
>> color: union color [yellow]
== [red blue green yellow]
Imagine context as a "colour" of a word (btw would be nice to see 
in an ide).

Then, in your example, the first context function changes the colour 
of all the a,b and o1 words to "red" say.

Then the next inside context function changes a,c, and o2 to green.

And finally the inmost context function doesn't get to change anything 
because there are no set-words to process - if there were they would 
have been made blue of course ;-)
By my analogy, the b, c, d of the inmost block would have the colours 
red, green and black - black being the global context.

Normally, all words start as black when they are loaded into REBOL.
Colourful analogy don't u think?
red: context[a: 'red blue: context[a: 'blue]]
'a is first bound to 'global, then to 'red, then to 'blue (going 
from outer to inner block). then it stays blue until you bind it 
(the 'a in [a: 'blue] not the others. better remove them..
 red: context[ blue: context[a: 'blue] ]
and for demo my first example was right. trying again:

loading: all 'a in [red: context[a: 'red blue: context[a: 'blue]] 
] are colored global

creating outer context: all 'a in [a: 'red blue: context[a: 'blue]] 
are colored red
creating inner context: all 'a in [a: 'blue] are colored blue.
now all 'a have their right colors :)
name: "black"
red-ctx: context [
	name: "red"
	green-ctx: context [
		name: "green"
		blue-ctx: context [name: "blue"]
names: reduce [
	in red-ctx 'name
	in red-ctx/green-ctx 'name
	in red-ctx/green-ctx/blue-ctx 'name

; Names is now a block that contains four words of different colour 
(context binding)
probe reduce names
name: "black"
red-ctx: context [name: "red"]
green-ctx: context [name: "green"]
blue-ctx: context [name: "blue"]
names: reduce [
	in red-ctx 'name
	in green-ctx 'name
	in blue-ctx 'name

; Names is now a block that contains four words of different colour 
(context binding)
probe reduce names
Except of course for that fact that red-ctx does not have a field 
Ammon. On your point 3 above. "If the word exists in that context 
then it is set there, if not then it grabs that context's parent 
until it has made it to the global or top level."  No, it doesn't 
work this way. There does not need to be runtime searching.

It is more like this...

Look at my nested context example, and focus just on the 'name words.

(1) When the first context function is encounted during evaluation, 
it has a single argument a block - which happens to contain 5 values. 
A set-word, a string, a set-word a word and a block.

(2) Now when this first context function is evaluated it creates 
a new context, and binds to this context the all 'name words it can 
find in the block and nested blocks. To visualise this imagine all 
the 'name words including within the nested blocks have just changed 

(3) After this colouring of the words, the block is evaluated (as 
in DO) so that at some point the second reference to the Context 
function is evaluated.

(4) Like the first, it colours the name words in its block and nested 
blocks - let's say to green.
(5) The final level is blue of course.

(6) By the time all evaluation is finished the 'name words have the 
appropriate bindings (colours). Conceptually, maybe even actually, 
the innermost 'name word has had its binding (colour) changed three 
times, the second level one twice, and the highest once.

In this way there does not need to be any runtime searching for "parent" 
contexts, because the words themselves maintain the references to 
the appropriate contexts. The Set function does not need to search 
it can see the binding (colour) already.
rebol [ title: "SOCKS SERWER" ]

conn: make port! tcp://:800

proxy: make object! [ host:
                      port: 2988  ]

black-lista: []

adns: open/no-wait make port! dns:///async

adns/awake: func [port /local data][                
		data: copy port

                print data

insert tail system/ports/wait-list adns

heandler: func [ port /local data dns  serwer client]

               [ serwer: first port

 wait serwer
data: copy serwer
;data: make string! 10000
;read-io serwer data 10000
print ["data1" to-binary data]

dns: to-tuple copy/part skip to-binary  data 4 4  

insert adns dns ;print dns name

either find black-lista dns [ close serwer  print "firtled" print 
read join dns:// dns ]
                            [ print "new connetion"

insert serwer  join #{005A} [debase/base  skip to-hex serwer/port-id 
4 16 to-binary dns ] 

client: make port! [ scheme: 'tcp 
                     host: system/words/proxy/host
                     port-id: system/words/proxy/port

;insert tail system/ports/timeout-list client

      open/no-wait/binary/async/direct client :response

client/sub-port: serwer

insert tail system/ports/wait-list  client

client/date: data

serwer/sub-port: client

serwer/awake: :request



request: func [ port /local data  f ] 

              [ data: make string! 10000
               read-io port data 10000

if f: find data "GET /favicon.ico" [ insert port "HTTP/1.1 404 Not 
                                      print "favicon.ico"]

                either (data <> {}) and not f [     print [ "data3" data  ]

                                if error? try [    write-io port/sub-port data length? data ][ print 
                                "error: close serwer"]
                                   ; insert port/sub-port data 

                            [  close port 

                              remove find system/ports/wait-list port port
                               close port/sub-port

                              remove find system/ports/wait-list port/sub-port port/sub-port
                              print "close connetion client"

                               print length? system/ports/wait-list



response: func [ port e a /local data  f  ] 

               [  switch e [ open [ insert port port/date ]
                             read [ data: copy/part port a

                                   either ( a <> 8 ) [write-io port/sub-port data length? data] 

                                                     [  insert tail system/ports/wait-list  port/sub-port ]
                             close [ close port 

                                     remove find system/ports/wait-list port port
                                     close port/sub-port

                                     remove find system/ports/wait-list port/sub-port port/sub-port

                                       print "close connetion serwer"

                                      print length? system/ports/wait-list]

                          ]   ]

start: func [] [

conn: make port! tcp://:800

conn/awake: :heandler

set-modes conn [no-wait: false]

insert tail system/ports/wait-list  conn

open/no-wait/direct/binary conn ]

stop: func [][ close conn
               remove find system/ports/wait-list conn]

set-proxy: func [ h p ] [ proxy/host: h
                          proxy/port: p ]

print "proxy"

lay:  layout [ backdrop blue
              across  h3  red "PROXY" f: field 145 
              button green "start" [ p: parse f/text  ":"
                                     remove find p "" 

                                     set-proxy  to-tuple p/1  to-integer p/2
                                     source p
              button  green "stop" [f/text: "" stop ] ]

view/offset lay 4x29 
Group: Script Library ... REBOL.org: Script library and Mailing list archive [web-public]
Someday we'll have a slick auto-test system that runs each script 
under every known version of REBOL and gives a red or green light 
for each one. Of course, that means we need a test engine....result 
logging...Hmmm, might not happen right away. :-)
Trouble with colour is that some people are colour blind.

For some of them (and therefore all of us) using [red/green] to mean 
[danger/safe] or [stop/go] is dangerous.

Which is why (at least where I live) green traffic lights have been 
slowly migrating towards bluey-green over the past couple of decades.
Some syntax colors: http://www.fys.ku.dk/~niclasen/rebol/syntax-color.html

This is work in progress! First is colors for comments and values 
(as I suggest). Then colors from Carl's script color-code.r, then 
some named colors from REBOL, and last some JavaScript syntax colors, 
I found on the net.

Syntax colors for many languages seem to use green for comments. 
I prefer blue, so comments better stick out, also for people having 
trouble with red and green. Values being red seem to be widely used. 
I'll try to make an example of REBOL code with colors...
First example with test of colors: http://www.fys.ku.dk/~niclasen/rebol/example.html

My idea is to build an example, that satisfies the need. Then I look 
at implementation for the Library, so sources in the library can 
be viewed this way.

Maybe refinements shouldn't be that yellow!? Should background be 
a little gray like this? #f9f9f9 Or should it be white? The purple 
and blue might be a bit too bright compared to the red and green? 
Or should the red and green be brighter?
[unknown: 9]:
I find when I have to correlate something to colours or  patterns 
it is better to start with the patterns first.

Since there are really only a few colours people can distinguish 
against white (or black) we can just like them hour:

Black = Structure, brackets, etc.
Gray = Comments
Dark blue 
Light blue
Dark green
Light green
Yellow (perhaps)

More subtle colours cause confusion.  

You also have Bold and Italics to consider.

I would use these to show "new" items (bold).
Also, you can do white on colour (BG).
[unknown: 9]:
In general you want to have it such that if everything is good, there 
is little colour distinction.  

For example most everything is black, gray, and dark blue.

The stranger the colour, the stranger of something you are trying 
to pull off in code.  Red should mean the parser is totally confused 
for example.  Or that the code is not actually code, but something 
that looks like code but is actually data.  That type of things.
In ConText, I use bold+blue for for branching and a few other important 
funcs (if, either, all, etc.), navy for other funcs, green for datatypes, 
red for numbers, dark red for strings, gray for comments; brackets 
are dark gray, but go black to show matching pairs when you're on 
the color scheme I use  has red for native/action/op blue for mezz 
/functions green for comments and more muted colors for other types
Regarding my css "Suggested standard" in the Libarary, I think, the 
red for values is a bit too dark. Also the orange for refinements 
seem a bit too light.
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
view layout [box 400x400 white effect [draw [translate 2x2 pen gray 
line-width 1.7 line 10x300 100x200 390x10] blur blur blur blur blur 
blur draw [pen red line-width 1.2 line 10x300 100x200 390x10]]]
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
Trying to update my rebol installation on my red-hat 7.2 box. (Yes, 
it's old I know but it works without any problems). The new rebol 
stuff require a different glib_c version. How do I update this on 
my RH box?
The libc bits on an up-to-date "Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS (v. 3 
for x86)"  

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      1144368 Mar 24  2004 libstdc++-2-libc6.1-1-2.9.0.so

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       426620 Mar 24  2004 libstdc++-3-libc6.2-2-2.10.0.a

-r-xr-xr-x    1 root     root       408440 Mar 24  2004 libstdc++-3-libc6.2-2-2.10.0.so

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           30 Dec 22  2004 libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2 
-> libstdc++-2-libc6.1-1-2.9.0.so

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           30 Dec 22  2004 libstdc++-libc6.2-2.a.3 
-> libstdc++-3-libc6.2-2-2.10.0.a

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           31 Dec 22  2004 libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 
-> libstdc++-3-libc6.2-2-2.10.0.so

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           20 Dec 22  2004 libstdc++.so.2.7.2 
-> libstdc++.so.

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      1025339 Mar 24  2004 libstdc++.so.

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           18 Dec 22  2004 libstdc++.so.2.8 
-> libstdc++.so.2.8.0

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       375773 Mar 24  2004 libstdc++.so.2.8.0

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           22 Dec 22  2004 libstdc++.so.2.9 
-> libstdc++.so.2.9.dummy

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         5428 Mar 24  2004 libstdc++.so.2.9.dummy

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           18 Sep 29 18:51 libstdc++.so.5 
-> libstdc++.so.5.0.3

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       709456 Jul 19  2005 libstdc++.so.5.0.3
fnt1: make face/font [
	name: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf"
	size: 32
fnt2: make face/font [

 name: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf"
	size: 64

view layout [
	origin 0
	box snow 400x100 effect [
		draw [
			pen black
			font fnt1
			text anti-aliased 0x0 "Rebol Rulez!"
			pen blue yellow
			fill-pen red
			line-pattern 10 10
			line-width 2
			font fnt2
			text vectorial 0x30 "Rebol Rulez!"
Obviously, Ubuntu has popular momentum, but if you want to stick 
with a Red Hat based distibution, CentOS is a good choice -- http://www.centos.org/.
According to DistroWatch, "CentOS is 100% compatible rebuild of the 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, in full compliance with Red Hat's redistribution 
requirements. CentOS is for people who need an enterprise class operating 
system stability without the cost of certification and support."
The SME Server at contribs.org is based on Red Hat and heavily customized 
to run almost all functions you mention with particularly easy user 
management. Don't know how current is is on Apache and MySQL. As 
long as you don't need /View it's OK, because it comes without X11
James, I guess, you're interested in the keys in View. This will 
tell you the actual key in view:

view layout [b: box red feel [engage: func [face action event] [probe 
reduce ["box" action event/key]]] do [focus b]]

Run the code, activate the view window and press the keys. You can 
see the key values in the terminal.
Group: CGI ... web server issues [web-public]
I am running XP on my local computer. Out web host's server is running 
Red Hat Linux.

Which version of core should I use on the host server to run the 
cgi scripts?

If I download the proper Linux core interpreter to my  XP computer, 
and uncompress it using WinZip, will it be corrupted by XP?  How 
do I get a clean version of core to the Linux server?
Hi Graham, I am, of course, using ftp. I'm sending core 042 for Red 
Hat to the server using binary mode.
<<Which version of core should I use>>

Use the most recent Core version that is supported on Red Hat and 

That way. you'll hit the least code incompatibilites when testing 
Group: !Readmail ... a Rebol mail client [web-public]
Received: from web26108.mail.ukl.yahoo.com ([])

        by mail.prosygma-asp.com (Merak 7.5.2) with SMTP id 1TI26716
        for <[me-:-you-:-com]>; Tue, 26 Apr 2005 04:58:31 +0200

Received: (qmail 67900 invoked by uid 60001); 26 Apr 2005 02:58:30 

Message-ID: <[20050426025830-:-67898-:-qmail-:-web26108-:-mail-:-ukl-:-yahoo-:-com]>

Received: from [] by web26108.mail.ukl.yahoo.com via 
HTTP; Tue, 26 Apr 2005 04:58:29 CEST
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 04:58:29 +0200 (CEST)
From: Rodrigue <[you-:-me-:-com]>
Subject: Re: Erreur lors de l'enregistrement d'une news
To: Admin Rebol <[me-:-you-:-com]>
In-Reply-To: 6667
MIME-Version: 1.0

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Salut Fabrice,
Peux tu me redire sous quel format je dois envoyer les photos


Admin Rebol <[me-:-you-:-com]> wrote:
Bonjour Rodrigue,

>Salut Fabrice,

>contrairement à ce que je t'expliquais hier soir, les news ne s'enregistrent 
>voilà le message d'erreur : 

Peux-tu m'envoyer ce que tu veux mettre en ligne par @ ?

Je vérifierais directement avec tes données car il n'y a pas de problème 
de mon côté pour ajouter les news.




 Découvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail : 250 Mo d'espace de stockage pour 
 vos mails !
Créez votre Yahoo! Mail
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

<DIV>Salut Fabrice,</DIV>

<DIV>Peux tu me redire sous quel format je dois envoyer les photos<BR></DIV>

<DIV><BR><B><I>Admin Rebol &lt;[me-:-you-:-com]&gt;</I></B> wrote:</DIV>

<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; 
BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Bonjour Rodrigue,<BR><BR>&gt;Salut 
Fabrice,<BR>&gt;contrairement à ce que je t'expliquais hier soir, 
les news ne s'enregistrent pas.<BR>&gt;voilà le message d'erreur 
: <BR><BR>Peux-tu m'envoyer ce que tu veux mettre en ligne par @ 
?<BR>Je vérifierais directement avec tes données car il n'y a pas 
de problème de mon côté pour ajouter les news.<BR><BR>Merci.<BR><BR>-- 
		<hr size=1> 

Découvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail : <font color="red">250 Mo d'espace</font> 
de stockage pour vos mails !<br><a href="http://fr.rd.yahoo.com/mail/taglines/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=25917/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_fr/mail_campaigns/splash/taglines_250/default/*http://fr.promotions.yahoo.com/mail/creer28.html">Créez 
votre Yahoo! Mail</a>

Group: Dialects ... Questions about how to create dialects [web-public]
rfc: I have a (not so) little function that attempts to match a block 
of values to a given specification.  Example:

	>> probe match [%image.png :red 300x100 /old][
	[	file: file! | url!
	[	size: opt pair!
	[	attributes: any get-word! | refinement!
	[	]
	make object! [
		file: %image.png
		size: 300x100
		attributes: [:red /old]

There's not much to the rules, they are -- one (default), opt (zero 
or one), any (zero or many), some (many).  If they don't match, they 
return an error.  Any suggestions?  Optimizations?

Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
h1,h2,h3 {color:red} is simply a shorthad to avoid writing
h1 {color:red}  h2 {color: red}  h3 {color:red}

p b {color blue} means a <b> as *any* descendant of a p is blue 

p>b {color:blue} means a b that is an immediate descendant of a p 
is blue [so doesn't apply to <p><ul><li><b>not blue</b></li></ul></p> 

The > notation is CSS2 only -- but that is widely supported these 
There is also + but that is not widely used.

Anything by Eric Meyer is a good place to start for leaning CSS. 
My copy of the O'Reilly guide is battered from constant use.
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
WRT my question about extending/customizing layout. Would it be possible 
to add something to RebGUI so that this is possible:
	if my-var > 5 [optional: button red 100]
Group: XML ... xml related conversations [web-public]
the init is a context with one function, to which you supply the 
outer (instance) which holds the data:

my-tag: context [
	data: "tototo"
	attribute-1: "red"
	class: context [
		init: func [instance][
			instance/data: copy ""
			instance/attribute-1:  copy "blue"

to init the an instance of my-tag:

new-tag: make my-tag [class/init self]
check your PMs... (it might not hav turned red.... altme bug)
Group: DevCon2005 ... DevCon 2005 [web-public]
That's true... and red-wine. And the girls in Milan too :-))
Group: Hardware ... Computer Hardware Issues [web-public]
and - I don't buy the crap that you can tell, who the person is, 
judging for his notebook. Acer does 30% market in CZ, it works, and 
display is crystal sharp here, while whole one line of Dell's (14") 
has crappy display yellow/red cast to letters etc.
Yeah, I find that too distracting.  At corporate they had walls of 
monitors.  I watched the staff ignore a big red dot for many minutes 
before I mentioned it.   They get swamped in data...but yeah I see 
your point.
Group: SVG Renderer ... SVG rendering in Draw AGG [web-public]
I improve some more the rendering now the file gnome-keyboard-dev.svg 
is fully and perfectly rendererd. I put a red pen-fill color for 
identify all primitives that needs fill:url related gradient
graph [ line "apple" red  5 12  12 8  line "banana" green  1 2 3 
4 6 ]
Group: Rebol School ... Rebol School [web-public]
I red part of docs (6.4 Focus and Keyboard Events)  but it doesnt 
help......... Well so far I'm ok, my editor can move on.... :)
Group: rebcode ... Rebcode discussion [web-public]
In rebcode, the pick opcode can be used with both binaries and images. 
If you have an image, it's rgb values can be reached as image/rgb, 
and that is a binary serie. Each value is 0-255, and you then have 
to multiply the index by 3 and use an offset to reach the red, green 
or blue component of a pixel. It's also possible to work on the image 
as an image! datatype, and then it's not necessary to multiply the 
index by 3, as the full pixel is addressed, but the value isn't a 
tuple, as we're used to, but the binary version of a tuple as an 
integer. E.g. green (0.255.0 or #{00ff00}) is 65'280.

Now to my questions. Are there shortcuts or tricks to make it easier 
to work with pixel-valus in rebcode? Should it be possible to use 
tuples, or will that slow things down too much? What do others do?
Group: Syncing ... Syncing technologies [web-public]
- red-icons problem - untill particular rambo ticked is resolved, 
rebol's windows time-zone can't be in any way be regarded as being 
correct. and it does not depend if it is the bug of the OS, or rebol 
somehow ommits summertime adjusting flag of OS (if there is any under 
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
ah, strange issue .... I swear I saw your post being longer, then 
group became red once again, it seems like edited down :-)
Group: Postscript ... Emitting Postscript from REBOL [web-public]
pen red
            line 30x30 50x20 70x70 40x50
Group: Plugin-2 ... Browser Plugins [web-public]
do you see a red X?
No red x, but a window pops up which says: Show on face in closed 
Well, I went back to FF and added rebol.com. This time it downloaded 
the plugins (2 files, viewdll.dll and nprbmzpl.dll) and screen changed 
slightly in that I no longer see all of the white box that is supposed 
to be red and blue. It is cut off on the top.
Hmm, WinXP Pro, install for IE worked fine, install for FF seemed 
to work fine as the Red/Blue box was displayed, but clicking on the 
test.html link in the developer guide brings up the HTML without 
the TestPanel application.
Josh ... please change your colour to red or something else prominent! 
 Thanks.  And I'll try and figure out why I get an illegal operation 
in FF and not IE.
I've installed the Rebol plugin (hand installed by copying the *.dll 
files to the rebol directory) for Firefox and it is listed in the 
"about:plugis" page and shows that it is enabled but I'm still not 
showing a red-blue image on the .../web-plugin-install.html page. 
  I've restarted the computer (W2K-SP4).  Any suggestions?  Do I 
need to install an ActiveX plugin for Firefox as well?
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
Marteen: Thansk for using your "red phone" ;-)
actually I've read it, but have no time right now to try it. I'm 
still looking for some web managment so I can rework my web, but 
the time...that's the problem :) I'm using just "all groups" and 
check red groups for anything interesting :)
Group: DevCon2007 ... DevCon 2007 [web-public]
Big Red Box? (critical error on an IBM mainframe system)
ah :-) I thought Carl talked about something :-) But good idea anyway 
- Guru meditation was big red box :-)
Big Red Switch would be the on-off switch on an As400 (IBM Mini)
Group: Games ... talk about using REBOL for games [web-public]
The green and red writing is debug messages showig cards - this will 
not be visible in final.  White text is currently played card(s) 
this is also replaced by actual cards in final
For the Icons at the top: Blue = Crystal Mines, Green = Forests, 
Red = Gold Mines.  These are your base resources that reproduce each 
turn.  They create stockpiles of Energy, Wood and Gold respectively. 
 These stockpiles are used to activate cards in your hand.

card.png is the 'hidden' or deck card face.  This is used to hide 
the computer's cards and the deck and discard piles.  card1.png is 
a sample of the format that the card images are in.  This can be 
used as a basis for creating new cards to the correct size.  (86x64 
pixel size with a 7x7 pixel offset into the card1.png template). 
  I have a card editor that can add in the card details to match 
their stats etc.

Regarding image names - ill compile a full list and place it on the 
website later today once i finalise the deck size :)
Group: gfx math ... Graphics or geometry related math discussion [web-public]
Hi, I'm looking for a range of colours from "hot white" to "cool 
blue" to represent molten metal cooling down.
Currently I have this range of 6 colours:

	colors: [white yellow orange red purple navy]

(I interpolate between the colours for more resolution.)

Does anybody know how I can improve these colours ? Any websites 
that are good for this?
I don't think I mentioned what I wanted the colours for - a progress 
bar. After consideration, I've pretty much decided that a large range 
of colours such as cooling metal might go through might actually 
be bad for the user interface (unless extreme measures are taken 
to make it really look like molten metal, like a computer game programmer 
might do), because all those colours might be confusing, and some 
of them (eg. red) may signal warning, etc. (especially if the user 
hasn't seen the progress bar before - I don't want to present the 
user with a circus of colours). Fading from white to solid blue is 
what I'm using at the moment, and I'm thinking white might be too 
May I suggest that:

- Starting with just cold metal - metal is not a single colour.  
You are seeing many colours at all times, and different patches of 
colour everywhere.  You are seeing colours reflected and you need 
a coefficient table to calculate the reflection index.  Copper for 
example would lean heavily towards red.

- Next, heated metals are the same, meaning, not a single colour 
either, but now for a different reason.  But to produce the illusion 
of something burning hotter and hotter will require something that 
is multi-pass, and changing constantly.

In video games to produce the afterburner on a jet we did a few tricks:

- The jet flame itself was made of a cone-like shape (maybe a dozen 

- The cone was set with an alpha channel so that the source was close 
to opaque, and the tip was close to translucent.

- A second cone was placed around the first cone, but just slightly 

- They both undulated at all times.  In other words, the length was 
always changing for both cones independently just slight.  And when 
the jet went faster and slower, they changed from long to flat (with 
the plane itself).

- The textures on the polygons were already a rainbox of colours, 
but as the jet changed what it was doing, the colour pallet was changed. 
 Again, both cones were not always changed at the exact same time.

- Just behind the jet (but depending on your angle of view), several 
filters (polygons that read the bg info and render again) would be 
used to create a small waiver and a refocusing.  The more GPU you 
had, the more of this you could do, and the better the final effect 
would look.

- Lastly, and this is what makes the whole thing amazing in a 3D 
game.  We are always checking the location of bright things, such 
as the sun, or things like the after burner filling your screen. 
 If so, we change the contrast of the whole world, and flare out 
your iris.  In the case of the sun we throw up a lens flare, and 
darken all the ships in the sky.

Even as a 2D problem, you should attach this the same way.

This video I think drives this all home for you.

AGG has an issue on every aliased stroke, btw.... just look at a 
red circle on blue bg and then a blue bg on red, and you will see 
there is a 1-2 line offset in the circle.  

There is no way to fix this in R2 AGG and I think that part of the 
problem is based on similar gamma assumptions.  also RGB pixels will 
affect left/right edge too, which is probably just amplifying the 
oops  above should read: "and then a blue circle on red bg"
the scale is the same, because its a question of energy distribution 
vs color distribution, but our green sensitivity is about 4 times 
higher than red or blue.
2701 / 451312345...2627[28] 2930...4243444546