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World: r4wp

[!R3 Building and Porting]

If you have a request that R3 be ported to another platform, here's 
the place for it. You might want to keep in mind that iOS and Android 
have their own groups, but if you just want to get it to compile 
on their respective SDKs then this is the place :)
Better abbreviate the names of the !REBOL 3 * channels to !R3 * so 
the names fit in the navigation panel
Android and iOS.  How much of a bounty do I need to offer for R3 
with GUI on Android?
That's a huge amount of work
Yes it is.  And worth it.
I'm hoping to nudge someone who's already considering taking it on.
I'm not particularly interested in it, except maybe as an extension 
of a Red/System port
NickA: during my private talks to Cyphre, he told me that if he would 
aproach the View engine nowadays, he would abstract it a bit, so 
that it could use various rendering backends - AGG, Cairo, so that 
where platform permits, it could be HW accelerated. But - such project 
would take some time, and Cyphre would have to be sponsored, in order 
to be able to do the work. I think, that it could be even written 
in a way, so that both R3 and Red benefit. But who knows ...

As for Red - no party is willing to port View engine, yet :-) Doc 
wants to aproach it other way - to use something like VID dialect, 
but final toolkit used would be the native platform one. Kaj did 
some example with Red/System + GTK, if I understand it correctly. 
I still think that even for Red, something like small View  engine 
would be benefical, e.g. for embedded work, where non traditional 
graphics is not a problem.

Dunno, how difficult would it be to get View sources adapted to Red/System. 
Red is missing on timers, events, etc., so maybe later, so that it 
can be naturally plugged in to its architecture ...
Thanks Pekr.  I spoke with Cyphre too - waiting to here if he's interested 
in being sponsored, and how much it would cost to make Android a 
here > hear
sounds good :-)
Btw.. with High Resolution Displays coming these days, the HW powered 
GUI is a must. The CPU rendering will be just for making high quality 
assets for GPU. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Intel-Higher-Resolution-Displays-Coming,15329.html
with higher resolution displays, comes higher performant CPUs/GPUs. 
Tegra 4 announced, 4core A15 1.5 GHz + 1 A8 Core, 72 GPU cores .... 
I still think, that we did not utilise full power of AGG yet. Gee, 
View 1.x ran on my Pentium 75 machine ....
Has anyone tried compiling R3 for ARM Linux? This affects RPi, Android, 
and misc. micro-servers.
Yes.  TGD got it working on RPi.
I suppose that compiling for ARM depends on the particular ARM platform 
and instruction set.
From http://www.rebol.com/cgi-bin/blog.r?view=0519#comments

To download a tarball of an executable REBOL 3.0 program for the 
Raspberry PI (build with Raspbian “wheezy” ) take a look at:



pi(at)raspberrypi ~/dev/r $ uname -a Linux raspberrypi 3.2.27+ #250 
PREEMPT Thu Oct 18 19:03:02 BST 2012 armv6l GNU/Linux

pi(at)raspberrypi ~/dev/r $ ./r3

>> system/version


>> system/build

== 16-Dec-2012/13:13:11

>> system/product

== core
With HRD comes higher performant GPUs but I'm not sure how CPU scales. 
Look at Adobe, they are almost dropping support for classic display 
list (rendered on CPU) and forcing everybody to use their Stage3D 
which uses GPU. It's not easy move as there is almost no tooling 
yet, but it's a must. CPU is not able to process so many pixels with 
the new screens (with high frame rate). I don't say we should drop 
AGG support, just that there must come GPU support using OpenGL/DirectX 
and let the AGG to do high quality rendering of assets.
How to building using MinGW: https://github.com/hostilefork/r3-hf/wiki/Building-from-source-on-windows-with-mingw
Actually, Oldes, that's a great idea!  R3's new GUI could be built 
to utilize OpenGL by default.  That way, the GPU would handle all 
the graphics calls, and R3 would have 3D capabilities built-in as 
a bonus!  This would probably even make porting to Android and other 
platforms a lot easier.  In fact, doesn't IOS (iPhone) use OpenGL?
It is. OpenGL ES2.0. As well as Android. Actually I don't think there 
is a chance to do GUI on these platforms without OpenGL.
We did a short test some time ago to use OpenGL, works but is quite 
some work to implement it completely.
The problem of OpenGL is it is great for rendering bitmaps etc. that 
can be used in 'crossplatform' way and I'd like to make such frontend 
for R3.... But if you want to implement something like DRAW  in OpenGLyou 
are getting into troubles. To do it properly you would need to use 
GL shader fragments.
When it comes to shaders, that means my 8 years old notebook won't 
be able to render it :-)
Also note that on Android for example the Canvas class (which is 
comparable to DRAW) is still not HW accelerated AFAIK.
I guess same is on iOS....the "draw' api is also not using GPU
The HW acceleration is still currently mostly used only for moving 
textured bitmaps...kind of fast blitter in the 2d graphics area.
Ofcourse if you want to create classical 3d game from textured polygons, 
shaders etc. that's the area where OpenGL excells (and the developement 
was mainly focused)
But good news is some people are experimenting with shaders to created 
2d oriented engines but until the main players on the market won't 
set some standard it can still take lot of time.
MaxV, I made a couple tiny edits to clarify https://github.com/hostilefork/r3-hf/wiki/Building-from-source-on-windows-with-mingw
.  I hope that's ok.
Couldn't DRAW work the same way as it does now, but render to a bitmap? 
 Then that bitmap could be rendered by OpenGL like it does any other 
Yes, that's actually the method I'd like to upgrade the View engine...but 
not only for DRAW. The code would be modular so you can render to 
textures using any other library if you want.
I believe the Android porting effort will show us what is the optimal 
solution. It is good to find a balance between highly optimized but 
not much compatible HW engine and smoething that is fast enough and 
can be ported without big pain.
Just think, though, if OpenGL was the default renderer for graphics 
in R3, you could create a flat surface for a 2D screen, but during 
the same session, you could create another flat surface for another 
2D screen at a 90% Z-axis orientation to the first, and then rotate 
from the first 2D screen to the next 2D screen in a fluid 3D way.
I did quite a few tests with OpenGL on R2, but the killer for me 
was the inherent delay with R2 calling the methods (functions) in 
the OpenGL dll.  I was still able to rotate an object created with 
over 1000 coordinate points 30 times per second on a quad-core computer, 
but that's probably 1000 times slower than you could do it with straight 
C on the same computer.
I toyed with the idea of writing a C-based dll that could take all 
the information for rendering an entire data structure from R2 so 
R2 would only have to make one method call to a dll per frame instead 
of thousands, but couldn't get enough higher priority items off my 
list to get started on it.
I don't say you should use OpenGL for DRAW. There is no drawing api 
in Stage3D as well. I was proposing to use AGG to draw to bitmap 
with the best possible quality and let the HW do what it's made for.. 
to move pixels around. Bo understands it. That's actually how are 
modern apps made to have 60fps. To make animations just in AGG will 
not work (and honestly never worked). But maybe I'm too involved 
in animations and for many people would be enough to have static 
content. But that is not for future.
But of course, it's not an easy task. One must be careful to make 
it right.. all the draw command batching, texture packing etc.
Oldes, I don't argue with you and Bo about that. I think we all know 
the state of this technology. I've already did several prototypes 
of such "engine" so I have some ideas how this could be done for 
R3 it's just matter of prioritizing&time&resources.

I wrote about the drawing apis just so other people know OpenGL is 
not any Messiah if you want to do hi-quality 2d vector graphics in 

I'm not against HW acceleration at all. It's just not easy topic 
in this non-ideal programming world as you pointed out.

I see the solution with good high quality rasterizer + HW accelerated 
compositing engine. That should be flexible setup at least IMHO. 
Plus this way also we got the classic 3d api for free.
Bo, I even tried to HW accelerate the AGG renderer code so it is 
completely using OpenGL...works well and you can use draw directly 
inside the OpenGL context mixed with 2d surfaces or 3d objects...lot 
of fun. But still , lot of stuff is still computed on CPU that way. 
Nevertheless its still better that fully SW based renderer.
The best solution for nowadays gfx HW would be to rewrite most of 
the AGG code for GPU using shaders. That would be state-of-the-art 
2d engine for future. But also pretty big task ;)
What do you think is the best roadmap for the graphics engine in 
R3 right now?  Simply port VID to R3 to start, and then in R3v2 change 
out the graphics engine with hardware-based code?
There are plenty of possibilities here. 

Either port VID and have to deal with it's flaws and the history 
with it
or go the path of the RebGUI
or redo VID 

I have read somewhere that Carl expected someone to come up with 
something better than VID. 

I like VID yet it has its oddities, like when positioning elements 
using 'at. It could be improved in some of its behaviours, if you 
import it you may be hindered by this aspect, and it may get harder 
than restarting with a restricted base set of widgets.
we are out of topic here probably
I don't think we're really out of topic here as the graphics stuff 
pertains to porting to different platforms, but if you wish, we could 
move this to the View/VID group.

When Carl was developing VID, he clearly expected that VID would 
not become the de-facto standard for Rebol graphics.  The face engine 
was the de-facto standard, and VID was simply one of what he expected 
to be several dialects for the face engine.  There were a few others, 
like GLASS, that came about.
Bo, I think if we don't make drastic changes to the GOB mechanism 
we should be safe when building anything on top of the GOB datatype. 
The gob! is in fact abstraction layer between the "VIew engine" and 
any "GUI framework" written in REBOL.
So as take this example:

We have now R3GUI framework which runs quite well on the current 
View engine (although this engine was build in 2 weeks during the 
very early R3 alpha work so it's kind of Q&D prototype ;))
(BTW should I mention the R3GUI is much better than R2 VID?)

Anyway, the R3GUI works on current View engine. When I tried to change 
the engine so it uses OpenGL accelerated AGG the R3GUI still worked 
without any problem (except visual bugs caused by incomplete OpenGL 
code implementation of the new prototype).

SO from that example you can see the "View engine" and "GUI framework" 
are two independent things and can be developed or even exchanged 
From the "design architecture" POV we should focus on stabilizing 
the GOB abstraction mechanism and DRAW/TEXT/EFFECT dialects syntaxes. 
If these layers are fine-tuned you have great base that allows us 
make experiments at the low-level graphics and also as well at  the 
high-level GUI abstraction layer.
So to sum up my thoughts:

-anyone can even now start working on it's own great GUI dialect 
for R3, or contribute and enhance to already existing R3GUI (latest 
version will be published soon)

-anyone can create own great low-level graphic engine for XY platform 
or just one native binding for specific os

-work of these people won't be useless if they stuck to the current 
gob! datatype

Ofcourse we can do slight changes to the gob!s or draw dialect as 
well but these should be always easy to incorporate in already existing 
code that relies on them