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[DevCon2005] DevCon 2005

Graham in a good mood? :-)
his  devcon drip has started... the seisures should end soon
I'm a feelin a better since I have managed to squash an annoying 
bug I created that occurred using BEER :)
What do you call a bug when using BEER?  A hangover.
Terry. Enjoy the short window of opportunity that ajax gives. Only 
problem I see is that as the new wave of exploits and spyware are 
written around it, people will lock their browsers down even further... 
and it will be killed off. I give it 3 years.
The foundation of AJAX is XMLHttpRequest.. all that does is request 
(via GET or POST) some data without refreshing the page... no more 
dangerous than a URL redirection script.
It can be used in similar ways that cross-frame with cross domain 
posting used to be, and of course there are some nice third party 
cookie tricks too.
I'm not against AJAX, but I already deal with problems because some 
govt departments have locked down their users so hard that javascript 
is turned off.
we have flash to do this kind of things, with 97% of browsers enabled, 
any whay i guess there are many options why to focus just in ajax 
about the hype around rebcode, give me 10 reasons why this *MUST* 
to be ,1°  i would like to build my mp3 encoder in rebol ;-)
[unknown: 9]
Q: Yeksoon asks "Reichart, there is a whole bunch of pple under Rebol 
SIG in QTask, .... are a lot of them working on QTask etc?"

A: Yes.

These are answers from Carl, Gab, Richard, etc. from the last day 
of the conference.  I sat them all down, with many others from the 
conference, and we reviewed and tried to lock down answers.

1) Will rich text and rebcode became part of all rebol distributions 
from now on?

A: Carl said "Once Rich Text and Recode are added (which was agreed 
on to be by Nov 14) ….yes."

2) we heard answer for async kernel in regards to LNS - some time 
ago Carl mentioned proper tasking or even timers could be added - 
is that anyhow realistic?

Carl said "Tasking is special, and is pushed off to Rebol version 

No date has been set, but it will not be now

Carl said "Timers could be done now, and this could be done in a 
few months."

Carl wants more feedback that people "need" them.  So give him feedback. 
 This also goes to say we need a common place where we all (in the 
Rebol community) can create a complete list of what is wanted, and 
then "vote up" the things we want done first.  So RAMBO for now, 
perhaps Qtask soon, since it will have Voting.

3) I realized VitalNeeds removed all Rebol related info from their 
website - is the partnership lost?

A: Carl said "No, but they are talking…"

4) what will be the next focus of RT?

A: Carl said "Altissimo"

5) there was some talk about "rebuilding the team" - will RT employ/contract 
more developers?

A: Carl said "Yes, and we are doing , send in your Resume and show 
us your cool app you wrote that is as good as Canvas!"

6) some time ago Carl talked about opening some of rebol code - parts 
of View, console etc - will that happen? 

A: Carl said "Yes, this is happening and is happening in pieces. 
 The console is a good example.  Nothing would make us happier than 
having people make it better, and not have Rebol be the bottleneck."

6.2) Part of that plan was "Rebol as a library" IIRC - is that concept 
still valid? 

A: Carl said" It exists today!  Look in Windows directory for the 
DLL.  You can call it. More is being worked on. Talk to Jaime."

6. 3) What happened to /Platform vision? I was not present last year 
at Devcon, but my understanding was, that /Platform is about modularisation, 
language plug-ins were planned too ...

A: Carl said "Platform is being sold to Safeworlds…"  I will comment 
on this later.

7) not to mention BCD, rebin, RIF, of which only RIF was mentioned.

A: Carl said "We found another aprouch to BCD, so it was good we 
waited, Ladislav will be making this happen."

8) RAMBO is cool - but what about shared roadmap? I was contacted 
privately by one former Rebol developer, who felt Rebol plays on 
elite and that not knowing what is the plan for what product is really 
badly frustrating. Will RT create more SIGs, to fasten developments 
in certain areas? I talk about kernel areas, which general rebol 
user can not affect and waiting for enhancements can take years. 
Some ppl are already crying for better sound (if we want to use rebol 
for video-over-web for eg.)

A: Carl said using Sound as example "Sound: a good example of code 
Rebol plans to make open.  AGG for sound, would be perfect for Rebol. 
 I am more than happy to publish this info."


9) We heard about spreading rebol x-times. What is RT's vision of 
how to achieve this? Such claims should be supported by some more 
concrete plan? Is still outer world (development companies) interested 
in Rebol, so maybe more of VitalNeeds partnerships could come?

A: Carl said "This is complicated question…and answer.  My belief 
of the world is that application have to be simple to use, and to 
make.  That is what changes the future of computing.  So I see a 
world with thousands of developers, making all sorts of applications, 
with that it will grow faster than anything else that has been done."
10) What is Carl's preferred drink? :-)

A: Carl says "Non Alcoholic.  POG.   Otherwise…Vodka Martini, with 
Green Olive…very dry…(stuffed)"

From Yeksoon:

1. RT official statement on current products line like View, IOS 

Is it going to be replace by other range of products...support etc? 
How does moving 'beyond' View, IOS affect the current product offerings 
and hence the way alliance partners operates.

A: Carl says "Yes, we are going to move beyond, the new features 
WILL make this more usable and faster, and more open than in the 

1.2: For partners like myself, who are on the alliance program, we 
would appreciate if RT works closer with us on their commercial offerings, 
roadmaps etc. We need such info to make decisions ...

A: Carl says "what we will be doing for Alliance, is help them move 
foreword on the new tech that is introduced, and with the minimum 
amount of effort."

2. How does the above decisions from RT leads to X% growth next year? 
Are there any change in the way business is done?

A: Carl says "Yes, it is going to change a lot, and this will happen 
over the next year.  This should bring you much better range of features, 
and enhanced as necessary by your teams."
may thanks reichart for this feed !
[unknown: 9]
I have been on a plane for the past day.  Milan to Germany (two stops) 
then to USA.  A friend staying at my house was hit by a car riding 
my bike to the market.  Andthre was a huge fire just 1km from my 
I ned to get some sleep, I will be on tomorrow.  Answer more questions, 
Thank you for this informatin Reichart.  Was there any mention of 
mobile phone/pda development using REBOL?
Reichart, I thought you said you didn't need sleep!
ok then let him decompress
R: I hope your frirnds bike accident was not too serious
so Graham  are you going to look into hosting th next devcon
Reichart - sorry for your friend, hopefully he is good? I was also 
hit by the car and I also had one car crash so I know what I talk 
about ....
Reichart -also thank you very much for taking care about those few 
who were here on AltME ...
No questions to you - what plans does SafeWorlds have with /Platform 
and what in particular /Platform is? Second - what is Altissimo? 
I also miss answer to the question about VID - well, maybe I did 
not ask it - what is the plan with VID? :-) Konfabulator kind of 
widgets was mentioned, but nothing concrete ...
btw - we need top window transparency for that, really :-)
next - I don't understand AGG for sound? Is that just analogy simple 
that we should be looking for kind of AGG library for sound? What 
does Carl mean by  "I am more than happy to publish this info"? So, 
maybe we should look more closely into fmod.org finally (or some 
other library) :-)
I miss any kind of mention about security/identity. Maybe not so 
important in US, but we should start to understand, that there is 
NO security without an identity. What I talk about? We have security, 
that is good, but we need to be sure who do we talk to - it has to 
be assured by some 3rd party - such party is called CA - certification 
authority. I really do miss ability to read e-certificates - either 
having own container in rebol would be ok, or to work with imported 
ones into OS .... forget business file transfer/sync utils without 
e-certificates - at least in EU.
What can Jaime tell us about the Rebol dll that Carl mentions above. 
 Is this the plug in that is callable?
i've taked a closer look to this dll also i've put some comments 
in Plugin chat, as i said there this dll exports only a couple of 
functions it's more like open an instance of the exe nothing too 
intresting in this dll, BTW carl yes the dll is there,  but what 
about the wrapper to use it ?
@Pekr: "next - I don't understand AGG for sound? Is that just analogy 
simple that we should be looking for kind of AGG library for sound? 
What does Carl mean by  "I am more than happy to publish this info"? 
So, maybe we should look more closely into fmod.org finally (or some 
other library) :-)" 

As you thought Carl meant basically that someone has to find a sound 
eqivalent to AGG and (probably do the work Cyphre has done (my understanding)) 
it could be integrated into Rebol.
Pekr: your quote about Italy and net connectivity is, sadly, very 
right. we are YEARS behind here. I'm sorry.
Gabriele - no need to apologise :-) You can otoh probably understand 
the situation of those who could not attend the conference :-)
the problem was, that other than the school's firewall, that we had 
control on, there was a firewall from the ISP and they refused to 
shut it down after Mario asking for it for many days.
Am I the only one thinking that actually anything concrete was announced 
or plan for any project set? :-)
I don't think that's true. At least there have been some (2-3?) november 
14th promises and one for christmas (if I remember right). :-)
[unknown: 9]
Graham, I never said I don't need sleep, I simply need 4 hours of 

Brett, no mention of Cell phone work, although we are working with 
Palm right now on making Qtask work with Palm as a Client.  It will 
be written 100% in Rebol.

Tom, Actually it was very serious.  He is going in for neck surgery 
Thursday.  They are talking to him about the fact that he could be 
a QP.  He is the smartest person I know in the world, this is very 
hard him and myself.  He is a world traveling (sold his company to 
Adobe years ago and is/was working on his own very important project). 
 I'm forcing him to stay with us, and I mean that in many ways.

Pekr, Safeworlds will make a formal announcement.  We are still working 
on stuff.  Altissimo is AltME 2.0, and we are working more closely 
with Rebol.  Things are looking good.

VID, someone else will need to answer, I think I missed the clear 
answer also.

AGG sound, yes, I Carl was expressing that it needs to be a standard.

As for all the new questions, I suggest using either the Checklist 
here in AltME and create a single question per line item, or Qtask. 
 This way we can confirm the important questions get answered.

Michael, I agree, many concrete things were stated.  Rebol has been 
hiring people.  It is using contractors as well.  Several big projects 
will be completed by the middle of November, more are coming, etc.
(still reading here) hey, encoding does not take WEEKS. i will have 
ALL videos up this week. my mini mac can easily handle that. :)
Petr: about async transfer: no, you don't need it. it takes me 20 
minutes to write one, AND the default transport handlers for LNS 
just provide that (TCP or HTTP).
Petr: IRC would have *NOT* worked form there. it's not our fault. 
we only had port 80 outgoing. and Mario even managed to make people 
use altme... and trust me, he was busy.
ok, finally got to the tail of this group... still need to look at 
my emails and so on... !
Carl's keynote should be up in a few hours. still encoding it. i 
want to upload it with bittorrent so that you can start downloading 
it while i'm still uploading it.
TO ALL SPEAKERS: please send me your slides. I need to publish everything.
ok, torrent is fine ....
about all the rest: i think we could arrange sessions here on altme 
to have discussions.
just tell me the time, and the speaker you want to ask questions 
to, and i will try to make it happen.
Gab - yes, IRC needs specific ports too .... I did not know that 
school could have so strict policy? Basically they cut cut wires, 
if they want to feel safe :-)
In several regards - rich-text, LNS, there was one concrete date 
mentioned - 14.11. - is that intentional? I mean - is there any announcement 
i don't know about that. but a lot of things are going to happen 
in the next couple months.
If the files will be torrents .... does anyone have any suggestions 
for a clean bit-torrent client .... ie No spyware ....