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[AGG] to discus new Rebol/View with AGG

... something like make-gobs was - combining multiple separate gobs 
... hmm, in such a case, we can always use separate gobs (draw type 
gobs) and combine them, right?
not necessary. DRAW is powerful enough to handle multiple shapes 
in a fairly simple fashion.
i.e. I don't have to specify the paths inside the DRAW block.
svg-question-mark: to-shape {SVG path}

draw: [
	scale 0.000002 0.000002 ; for required precision
	shape svg-question-mark
that was easy, heh? :-)
the scaling is the only tricky part. I need to simplify it.
Is there any conclusion towards draw enhancements/options? You were 
discussing quite usefull additions ...
none yet.
Henrik - how complex shapes are we able to transform? My friend uses 
Inkscape to make business card. I wonder if I would be able to get 
it displayed in draw? :-)
Right now: Only one path at a time and it's monochrome. I'm not sure 
which path types are supported. You can't load XML files with it, 
only pure path data.
I will leave it up to someone else to make the rest work. :-) It 
wasn't that hard to get working.
I had a simple SVG -> Draw script which Shadwolf took and enhanced, 
but it barfed on more complex SVG's due to some inherent limits in 
draw ... Shadwolf can tell you exactly what the issues are. If they've 
already been solved or lessened under v3 then that's great news indeed.
Here's a line and ellipse intersection function:
load-thru/update http://anton.wildit.net.au/rebol/gfx/intersection-points-of-line-and-ellipse.r

do-thru/update http://anton.wildit.net.au/rebol/gfx/demo-intersection-points-of-line-and-ellipse.r
It's got some debugging lines still in it, so console will fill up.

The demo also has a problem with control of the ellipse - which turns 
out to be a tough math problem to solve. More difficult than the 
line/ellipse intersection. Maybe it will take me a week to do... 
 but anyway the demo works well enough for now.
i have a question related to the futur draw engine.

will exist a way to capture the current offset inside a draw block 
i give an example:
draw [ text ["test" red :off "red text"]]

having the variable off returning the offset between the 2 strings
would be a fantastic feature
i precise: the real offset inside the gob (not the carret)
i'm talking about that because i currently try to do a draw editor 
with R3 (like my old easy-drawer).
but to intercativly move or deform a draw block, i need to construct 
a serie of handles (gobs) at some calculated points. and so it's 
currently a tragedy to have to simulate the draw engine to get th
... to get th
... to get these coordinates.
i don't know if i'm clear....
in fact it would be the same feature than in parsing
offset: (to get the cur
...the current offset)
a set-word!
another question: in the current alpha, the matrix command seems 
not working like anounced in the wiki, is it normal ?
Steeve, if you can make some examples with the matrix command, we 
can make an entry in the bug tracker.
i have no examples, it doesn't work at all
Steeve, can you try it also in the public R3 release?
Sorry, it seems that you are.
well My svg engine is working and got trouble only with matrix calulations 
due to an odd bug in the adapted version. Next i don't like the way 
my SVG works  I wish to be able to do it  in plain parse way (My 
method in not really elegant but it works fine  in most cases SVG 
is an XML file so the XML data is converted to REBOL  objects using 
parse and then i process those objects to convert into draw/Agg instructions). 
That was the fastest way i found at that time since what was important 
to me was the result not the beauty of the processing way.
to tell you the truth parse gives me powerfull head haches  ^^ so 
if i can't use it I don't use it ... I know that's bad !!
http://shadwolf.free.fr/svg-demo-shad06.ris the lastest version 
of my SVG engine. Well in fact parse gives me head haches only when 
i have to parse XML  datas ...
since someone was enough kind to write a XML2object script why not 
reusing it for such a purpose  ^^
what i like too is that once you get the conversion to draw dialect 
 done you can keep simply the draw instructions instead of the SVG 
ones  ^^
i done a  guitare notes easy learning  rebol script  using that SVG 
engine (to save some time) http://shadwolf.free.fr/guitare-manche.zip
that show how you can input an svg image and use it to draw on top 
of it  using AGG (we can imagine too animation displaying too etc...)
Nice guitar notes script :)
yeah really cool  :-)
thank you  ^^
Agg spawns some interesting projects:

Cross GL - slovak library allowing some interesting things - http://www.crossgl.com/index.html

Fog GFX library - CPU instruction optimised AGG "add-on"? library 
from Czech author (author of AsmBlit and BlitJIT)
From the CrossGL perspective, application demonstrates:

•	 	 Interactions with Hit Testing (buttons) at any angle and scale

What is missing in our AGG implementation, capturing events from 
gobs (?)  embedded in a draw design.
my R2 Glob engine does it  ;-)
so its something you can build using current engines.
but it should come out of the box... I agree.
I've been lobbying to have individual control over each draw element 
by word reference for years... it would make it so much easier to 
build all graphics apps.