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[Power Mezz] Discussions of the Power Mezz

The HTML to text module has still not been rewritten to use LOAD-HTML 
instead of the older approach of the HTML normalizer followed by 
a FSM.
Thanks for the clarification
So the parser in 5.10 is the newest one? But where does the parser 
in 7.4 fit in?
7.4 parses a string into a sequence of tags and text (etc.). (it 
also has a load-markup function that is similar to load/markup but 
also parses tag attributes and so on). 5.10 uses 7.4 and builds a 
tree from that sequence of tags and text.
(i never got around to change wetan to show module dependencies. 
if you look at the script header though, you'll see that load-html.r 
depends on ml-parser.r)
the code is using a number of tricks to be "fast" (esp. expand-macros.r), 
so it's not as clean as it could be.
Hi, first thanks for making and open sourcing power-mezz. 

I am trying to use load-html and am getting some strange results 
if sems it makes for example recursing [ html [ html [ html  ..... 
]]] on my simple html input (and on real one that I tried). I prepared 
two examples to make the point as clear as possible.

http://paste.factorcode.org/paste?id=2263(notice the stack owerflow 
I added 2 more cases to the paste (2 annotaitons). load-html seems 
quite complex since it uses many other modules (that I don't understant 
either).. so I rather see if you find something obvious in my approach 
or the bug in power-mezz
First: you only need to import %mezz/load-html.r in your examples. 
You're not using the other modules; they will be loaded automatically 
by load-html.r - you never need to worry about dependencies.
Second: your problem is that you are trying to mold the result, which 
is a tree where each node has a reference to the parent node. (much 
like faces in R2). That's why you see the "loop".
there is a mold-tree function in %mezz/trees.r if you want to mold 
the tree. Or, you could simply use form-html to pretty print the 
tree for you.
Eg. for your first example:

t: load-html p
print mold-tree t

[root [] [html [] [head [] [title [] [text [value "t"]]]] [body [] 
[h2 [] [text [value "HEADING"]]] [p [] [text [value "first para"]]] 
[p [] [text [value "second para"]]]]]]

print form-html/with t [pretty?: yes]

        <p>first para</p>
        <p>second para</p>
(the pretty? option to form-html is something i only use for debugging, 
so it's not as pretty as it should be i guess)
You can also do things like:

>> mold-tree get-node t/childs/html/childs/head/childs/title
== {[title [] [text [value "t"]]]}
get-node and set-node are also from %mezz/trees.r ; most likely you 
don't want to mess around with %mezz/macros/trees.r , that is deep 
vodoo i use to make the html filter fast.
(if you have performance problems, we'll talk about it :)
other examples:

>> get-node t/childs/html/childs/head/childs/title/childs/text/prop/value 
== "t"

>> get-node t/childs/html/childs/body/childs/h2/childs/text/prop/value 
Also note that:

>> print form-html/with load-html "<p>A paragraph!" [pretty?: yes]
        <p>A paragraph!</p>
ie. load-html tries to cope with malformed input as much as possible.
wow, thank you a lot! I knew this was to obvious "bug" to be real 
and I am probably doing something wrong. GREAT!

I initially imported only needed modules but got errors .. ( I will 
try and report ) the errors went away as I manually imported them. 
Just a second
very good that you cope with bad html .. I will need that functionality 
because no html is perfect.
I was planing to use beaurtifullsoup if you didn't but since you 
do that is even much better
I tried now, the problem with import was that I didn't set the absolute 
path to load-module/from before.
It all works now according to your example.. and I tested and it 
handles improper html very well! Thanks!
I looked at html-rules in load-html and I am stunned by how well 
the code / dialect is
there are a few things that it still can't do (the dialect i mean), 
but it's very powerful on the things it can do :) The documentation 
is here: http://www.rebol.it/power-mezz/mezz/niwashi.html
it's one of the parts that i think it's best documented, so it's 
worth reading.
Gabriele - what is that? New templating system? Reminds me of Temple 
:-) (sorry, not following the discussion)
No, though it could easily be used to reimplement Temple, this time 
with the ability to load any html.