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LIST-VIEW is also very monolithic. the filtering and search functions 
don't really belong there. we need to separate that to make it more 
flexible for cases where you only need filtering or searching but 
not display.
and then R3 LIST-VIEW would just display whatever is fed to it. that's 
a smarter way to do it.
which means 2 copies of the data
well, you can't avoid that
and it won't matter much when GOBs are so much more memory efficient.
sorting is different then?
I imagine we'd use a sort index like now and just point to the different 
lines in the data block as the list view is rendered.
but nothing is written yet. Gabriele probably has much better ideas 
than me on how to do it fast and efficiently. :-)
2 copies of data? That definitely sucks.
I think that you guys should be inspired by cyphre's grid for rebgui, 
which he was paid for, but sadly it did not get utilised :-) Grid 
has to be able to display data right away from the result of SQL 
query, period.
I pushed Cyphre to give me virtual columns, so I was able to hide, 
insert columns, have columns with other functionality, but those 
were kept outside the main data block.
But I refuse to obtain long data list from SQL query and to reorder 
it just to get it displayed.
We need data composition dialect upon the basic grid engine :-) You 
would create virtual table for grid, which in fact could be composed 
from multiple tables :-) All operations, as moving columns, rows, 
etc., has to take care of indices at those particular target places.
I don't remember correctly, but when we were presented IBM Business 
Warehouse (BW) system, it did exactly that. It created kind of virtual 
SQL server, you could have views, queries, etc., and underlying engine 
had connectors to other dbs. From the BW user pov, the user talked 
to just one SQL server, the virtual one ...
2 copies of data: 1 block to manage, the other is the GOB arrangement 
for display. how will you avoid that?
Gob arrangement? Dunno. But you try to suggest, that when you have 
1000 rows as a recordset, you have 1000 rows od another data for 
the display? :-)
never said that. I just wouldn't want to manipulate the data directly 
from the gobs.
besides, the discussion is invalid until Gabriele decides how it 
will be done.
there should be two styles anyway - text-list, and grid ....
There was a grid cotrol for VB, TrueGrid from Apex Software; it had 
a callback mode, where it requested data dynamically (like LIST) 
and fired update events if the user edited something. The only data 
it need to duplicate, IIRC, was for the set of displayed rows.
I should say "currently displayed rows".
the one we used, did dynamic caching. I mean - only the visible window 
was drawn, nothing which was supposed to be clipped. So in some way, 
it was dynamic too. It kind of kept "virtual data window" upon your 
data-set, and according where you moved, it moved too. This aproach 
allowed to display million of records. Of course, that was DBF era, 
not SQL one. But even SQL has cursors ...
regarding Henrik's blog, i should note, that being semantic is what 
i was suggesting with my old notes about how r3's gui should be. 
that would give us a great power... but many people are against it, 
so it won't happen soon.
Gabriele, the Fleecy Moss part?
Do you mean that a button will now just be a button ?
i mean, that the app programmers only specifies what he *means*, 
not what the UI should look like. "I want to get a string from the 
user". "I want to get the name and birth date from the user, and 
show the age". how this looks depends on 1) the look defined by the 
gfx designer (which can be the programmer himself, if he is able 
to do that too) 2) user preferences, to the point that an advanced 
user should be able to edit the UI.
Gabriele - what you describe is nearly possible with VID3, although 
I remember there is more to the concept you are describing. But, 
so far, how 'look is specified - it is not only look. It is so rebol 
related, that hardly any gfx designer will be able to define look 
of the styles.
I don't ge this - here's what I'd do:
Use CSS 2.1 styles on widgets. Create widgets ("classes") in VID-the-sequel 
and render them to Rebol or XHTML + Javascript. That way you can 
mobilize the entire web community to get a UI that renders both to 
a RIA and to the web.
Maarten - but does CSS allow you to define how your style behaves? 
Or is it plain and ordinary - hilite here, hilite there?
How you do such thing as drag & drop of an icon, where icon look 
during the drag period, if it animates, screams at you, whatever 
:-), is dependant upon VID stylesheet?
Embed rebol in CSS much like Javascript for the web?
Petr, CSS doesn't control behaviour, and nor should it.  At it's 
most complex, it has different rules for different states -- a:hover, 
a:visited, input:focus -- which is how I'd like a style system to 
CSS is designed for documents, not applications.
The box model is appropriate for applications...
Not just the box model too -- SVG uses CSS for styling drawing objects.
A small example.
HTML is also designed for documents, yet is being used for many of 
the applications that the new VID is designed for, no?
Gab, you're wrong. CSS is for styling of box models "containers" 
in application terms. Disable CSS on your favourite web-app and see 
what happens....
Chris: my point exactly. VID should map to the DOM with CSS and use 
REBOL instead of Javascript (or alongw ith....)
Get Firefox. 
Install the web developer toolbar plugin. 
Go to netvibes.com 
Disable all CSS via the web developer toolbar

Get the point?
Or even easier using just Firefox!  ->View->Page-Style->No Style
if box model means padding and margins, then the style system supports 
something similar. if it's what you can do with DIVs, then I strongly 
oppose it.
i.e. you can choose if your style will support it or not. it's hand 
coded for the style.
Chris, I would abandon VID3 immediately and use RebGUI if it were 
ever to behave like a web "application". Designing application user 
interfaces with HTML and CSS is a complete nightmare.
Did I miss the fireside announcement that was due this Monday??
graham, harvesting season. it's delayed.
Chris - if CSS does not control behavior, nor should it, - as you 
say - then - screw it. You guys should decide - if you want web, 
go web. But don't try to degrade VID3 to CSS model, because it would 
ease your life - your web life. You are not in VID land anymore.