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[!RebGUI] A lightweight alternative to VID

to get rebGUI  you simply write those lines into a ".r" file or you 
go into the rebol/desktop in the REBOL/DEMOS folder
REBOL [Title: "RebGUI Demo"]

do http://www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/get-rebgui.r
do view-root/public/www.dobeash.com/RebGUI/tour.r
I'm trying to do some 'field navigation' within a rebgui form and 
cannot figure out how to get teh filed cursor to 'goto field'
label "Publication : "   

  publication: field  100x8   font  [  size: 18 color: black  shadow: 
  none  ]
					on-unfocus [ uppercase publication/text 
							     ; I'd like to jump to "page" field here
		label "Date :"     

  date: field  30x8  font  [  size: 18 color: black  shadow: none  
		label "Page: "  

  page: field  20x8  font  [  size: 18 color: black  shadow: none  
how about  ... set-focus page true
I've tried that, all i get is a stack error:  as soon as I press 
TAB to enter the on-focus , and the program aborts thus ** Internal 
Error: Stack overflow
** Where: unfocus

** Near: if all [face/type <> 'face get in face/action 'on-unfocus] 
    unless face/action/on-unfocus face [return false]
maybe it's because you're doing stuff which resets the focus back 
to the publication field?
this works 

do %rebgui.r

display "" [

label "Publication : "   

  publication: field  100x8   font  [  size: 18 color: black  shadow: 
  none  ]
					on-unfocus [ uppercase publication/text 
							     ; I'd like to jump to "page" field here
		label "Date :"     

  date: field  30x8  font  [  size: 18 color: black  shadow: none  
		on-focus [ set-focus page false ]
		label "Page: "  

  page: field  20x8  font  [  size: 18 color: black  shadow: none  
] do-events
Mmm ! Your code sort of does the job, but your forcing the field 
Date to be skipped by it own on-focus trap
which would skip Date always,
what I'm trying to do is have Description

control the next field to 'visit' depending on what ever test I code 
in the on-unfocus
 attached to Description field.

for eg: ( pseudo code )

label "Publication : "

  publication: field  100x8   font  [  size: 18 color: black  shadow: 
  none  ]

  on-unfocus [ if desc-flag = 1 [ set-focus new-description ] [ set-focus 
  old-description ] ]


Your observation of 'reseting' focus back to Description field is 
an interesting one which I had not considered.
well, until Ashley tells us how to do it, you could hide a dummy 
field behind the date field to take the focus from the tab, and then 
make the decision from that.
Now thats a interesting idea - bit of a kluge tho.

I'm a bit surprised that this 'obvious' programming need is causing 
a problem ! 

I can envisage many situations where a program needs to set the cursor 
focus upon any 

of the available fields displayed depending upon a fields content.
I'm guessing it's a bug ... set-focus is triggering an on-focus event 
and so your code keeps triggering causing a stack overflow.
I think it might be the 'fact' that the on-unfocus never get to see 
its true/false return because my code wants to "go over there" before 
that happens, only Ashley can tell.
Correct ... the set-focus "eats" the return state.

set-focus was intended more for use either within a display's do 
func or from outside the display. Tab order cannot be set programmatically, 
although it should be noted that tab order is the same as the widget 
specification order so you can at least sequence your widgets in 
the desired order. There is no easy way to conditionally skip widgets, 
although build#106 added the set-state func which lets you toggle 
a widget's info state. As for this being an "obvious" programming 
need, it depends on the type of GUIs you wish to write ... you are 
the first person in over two years to have hit this issue (or at 
least report it) ... although I'll freely admit that keyboard navigation 
is not RebGUI's strong point ;)
well, I have had a similar problem.  I have a drop-list with title 
in it followed by a radio-group with gender, followed by occupation. 
 I want the user to skip the radio-group which is set based upon 
the droplist value.  Eg. drop-list is "Mr." and so set the radio-group 
to "M" and then skip to occupation.
While tab ordering is a useful feature, in this case I'm trying to 
tab order by testing field content, I'm surprised that its considered 
a bit unusual :-)  In my data entry program I want the user to be 
able to set the work flow somewhat. , ie: on mass data entry they 
should not have to tab over the row of function buttons I have arranged 
along the bottom of the form, but when they tab 'out' of the last 
data entry field, the program saves the data, clears the form, replaces 
some common data and then return to the first entry field -- all 
without using the mouse. Not true key board navigation but very pleasent 
for the user. The user uses teh mouse to get to the buttons. This 
I am currently doing using VID.  Graham's usage is a very typical 
form interaction senario, one I was soon to try !
I'm going to have to try my own suggestion!
what has to be done to make keyboard navigation stronger?
display "" [ edit-list data [ "Mr." "Mrs." "Dr." "Miss" ] return 
field ] do-events
click on anything BUT "Mrs." and the focus is gone somewhere .... 
dunno where!
and of course this is a major impediment to using the keyboard.  
So, for an edit/drop list you have to click twice - once to choose, 
and then once to regain the focus.
2.7.6 Demo of RebGUI.  If you try the spinner, Ctrl-MouseWheel then 
later try Functions/Requestors request-ui it fails with
** Script Error: Invalid argument: $10.00
** Where: init
** Near: all [not empty? text data: to type? first options text]
para/margin/x: size/y

Where the invalid argument is the same data as the last Ctrl-Mousewheel. 
 So it could be 9:00, 18:00, $10.00 etc.
I haven't tracked through any of the code yet, being a lazy git.
How to make the rows of a table accessible to the cursor keys without 
using the mouse to grab focus?
display "" [ t: table 20x60 options [ "code" left 1. ] data [ 1 2 
3 4 5 6] do [t/select-row 1 ]] do-events

but the cursor keys don't work until I click on a row.
Looks like you can tab out of a table, but not into one.
Because you can't tab to a table, a table blocks the tab sequence 
across a form.
Ashley, is there a way to simulate a mouse click on the first element 
of a table so that arrow navigation can then be activated?
Yes, I think. Something like:

	a: context [double-click: false]
	display "" [table options ["c" left 1.] data [a b] do [
		t/pane/1/pane/1/line/feel/engage t/pane/1/pane/1/line 'down a

but this is not quite there. The trick is to pass the correct face 
argument to the engage function of the face-iterator.
what we need is anamonitor for Rebgui!  :)
Can RebGUI table or sheet style contain check boxes? I need small 
util, which will allow ppl to choose multiple items from the catalog 
at the same time.
I know it has multiple line selection, but it is rather primitive.
Where can I find more info about API changes of RebGUI, which happened 
some time ago? I would like to get Cyphre's grid working, as it is 
many times better than table available, even without column resizing 
Pekr I can give you a rebGUI table widget I done long ago that handles 
it ... -> http://shadwolf.free.fr/rebgui-list52.r
this file includes widget + sample
I didn't tested it with new version of rebgui but it should still 
this code is free to use  you can edit copy redistribute etc...
Thanks, will try in the evening, once I am back from my work ..
is it supposed to work stand-alone? What do I need to run it?
rebgui installed
yeah ... I mean - I run - do %rebgui.r, and then? do I have to construct 
'display, or does it contain runnable example?
it was designed to be a rebgui widget  that was the prototype for 
table widget long time ago and a play for me on an amazing and very 
VID Topic " widget auto compositing subwidgets" widgetwriting widgets 
that's so neat  ^^
hum you have the 10 last line of the file a demo code of how to use 
you have a flag ;Demo code to identify the begining of the demo code
it works the folowing way you build a data list and then you pass 
 it in arg into your display block
I tried it but got an error...
** Script Error: Invalid path value: rebface
** Near: listview: make ctx-rebgui/rebface [
    size: 400x300
    data: []
    pane: []
    cols: none
    rows: none
I believe REbGUI version: 112
ctx-rebgui/rebface -> internal object .... hum let me see
ctx-rebgui/rebface replace this by  : listview: make rebface [
** Script Error: listview has no value
** Where: layout

** Near: listview 80x60 data [["Title 1" text "Title 2" check "Title 
3" image "Title 4" image "Title 5" text] ["Line 1:1" fals
e l...
yeah I saw that ...
i'm trying to find a solution rebgui moved more than I expected