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Social Networks...

 [1/4] from: carl::cybercraft::co::nz at: 28-Mar-2008 10:05

So, can REBOL be used in this space... ? Discuss... -- Carl Read.

 [2/4] from: moliad::gmail::com at: 28-Mar-2008 6:31

Hi Carl I can see liquid being a part of such an engine, handling implicit messaging, doing so lazilly to save a lot of processing. although it would have to be profiled/optimised for that specific useage, in order to scale properly (by this I mean in the hundreds of billions of nodes). it already scales to millions, but rebol becomes slow at around 400MB of RAM (~1 million nodes, last time I tried). I actually have some concept of networked nodes under design within elixir. but this is closer to peer to peer socializing, not client/server engine like what is described within that doc, in reference to current systems. its funny, as I write this little mail, my brain is suddenly sparked with many ideas... aaahhh if only I had time for new projects... I'm already working hard on some (top secret :-) stuff which is pending release (under alpha testing, by end users) , then I've got remark v2, revault and elixir in the pipe... I guess rebolizing cyber society will have to be your endeavour, but I'd be glad to help if any of my Libs where usefull ;-) -MAx On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 5:05 AM, Carl Read <> wrote:

 [3/4] from: carl:cybercraft at: 28-Mar-2008 14:05

On Friday, 28-March-2008 at 6:31:43 Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch wrote,
>Hi Carl >I can see liquid being a part of such an engine, handling implicit
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>scales to millions, but rebol becomes slow at around 400MB of RAM (~1 >million nodes, last time I tried).
I have no idea of how nodes are supposed to work, but I can't understand why any code would have to handle billions of them - other than for searching the whole network, and I don't see any need for that in the social-network code itself.
>I actually have some concept of networked nodes under design within elixir. >but this is closer to peer to peer socializing, not client/server engine >like what is described within that doc, in reference to current systems. > >its funny, as I write this little mail, my brain is suddenly sparked with >many ideas.. >aaahhh if only I had time for new projects...
There's a lot of it about...
>I'm already >working hard on some (top secret :-) stuff which is pending release (under >alpha testing, by end users) , then I've got remark v2, revault and elixir >in the pipe... > >I guess rebolizing cyber society will have to be your endeavour, but I'd be >glad to help if any of my Libs where usefull ;-)
I can't see myself doing it anytime soon. I'd begin by trying out Appleseed, to see if it's a useful starting point. I've known about it for months - just not found the time to try it out. So the chances of me coding a distributed social network are pretty slim if I've not even the time for that! I just know it's oh so needed... -- Carl Read.

 [4/4] from: moliad:gma:il at: 28-Mar-2008 7:08

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 6:54 AM, Carl Read <> wrote:
> I have no idea of how nodes are supposed to work, but I can't understand > why any code would have to handle billions of them - other than for > searching the whole network, and I don't see any need for that in the > social-network code itself.
liquid is an engine by which all data elements are nodes. data does not only exist as storage, but also as an entity. if you created a chat, each post would create a liquid node, and a discussion would simply be a node linked to all of those posts. This scales up to aggregates of nodes and processed values, which become data entities by themselves. so your user node, would be connected to several hundred smaller nodes, which in turn would also be connected to their own little nodes, on an on. wheter the connection is a remote server or a simple string, the liquid engine abstracts the source, all is relevant is that you provide data and can connect to data. what happens on within your liquid node classes is completely private. the nice thing is that by default data is only passed on demand. so you may have 1000 connections, but until any one of them asks for a value, no data messaging will occur (only simple state management messaging will occur as needed). but as I said, for such a complex thing as a social networking, the default liquid node would need to be tailored for the system. -MAx

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