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CREdit free editor

 [1/16] from: coussement:c:itc:mil:be at: 28-May-2001 11:21

For those interrested ... CREdit's author home page is back online at : Current version is 1.013 chr==

 [2/16] from: gjones05:mail:orion at: 28-May-2001 7:32

From: "CRS - Psy Sel/SPO, COUSSEMENT Christophe, CPN" > For those interrested ...
> CREdit's author home page is back online at : > > > > Current version is 1.013
Thanks, Christophe. With having cut my ide teeth in Borland and Microsoft products, this editor feels ver natural. The one feature that I have been missing is the multiline tab/untab. Finally got it back! Thanks for pointing out that the site was back up and running. --Scott Jones

 [3/16] from: eean:mlug:missouri at: 28-May-2001 23:04

How do you setup CREdit to pipe the rebol output into the little window at the bottom? I've got it working so that it can run the current script, but it does it in the seperate REBOL window, so it gets a little messy. Thanks, Ian On Mon, 28 May 2001, GS Jones wrote:

 [4/16] from: coussement:c:itc:mil:be at: 29-May-2001 8:51

> How do you setup CREdit to pipe the rebol output into the little window at > the bottom?
[ Well, I don't ... I just use two horizontal tiled windows; I didn't even try to use the output panel ! But if you find a solution, please share it with the list ;-) Regards, chr== ]

 [5/16] from: michal:kracik at: 29-May-2001 12:12

Hi, in the tools menu, create an item called REBOL, with: Command: C:\REBOL\rebol.exe -wq Arguments: $(FileName).$(FileExt) Initial Directory: $(CurDir) and check "Redirect to output window" checkbox This redirects only REBOL output, since it's probably meant only for compilers. REBOL 'input function returns none. Anyway, CREdit seems like a nice editor, and it's completely free. Regards, Michal Kracik CRS - Psy Sel/SPO, COUSSEMENT Christophe, CPN wrote:

 [6/16] from: gjones05:mail:orion at: 29-May-2001 5:35

From: "Ian Monroe"
> How do you setup CREdit to pipe the rebol output into the little
window at
> the bottom? > > I've got it working so that it can run the current script, but > it does it in the seperate REBOL window, so it gets a little messy. > Thanks, > Ian
I also tried to figure this out, and no luck so far. You may notice in a separate thread that I have asked more about how to get a pipe to work in Win98. No responses so far. :( I'm also trying to get a pipe to work with REBOL in another application, so I'm anxious to figure out why the pipe worked for Michael in April, and now the best I get is intermediate file errors. If I figure it out, Ian, I'll be sure to let you know. BTW, you are the first fellow Missourian (be it full or part-time) that I have identified on the list. I live in Springfield. --Scott Jones

 [7/16] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 29-May-2001 13:01

Hi folks, I just wonder - has anyone thought about creating editor being able to hilite rebol syntax directly in Rebol? :-) -pekr- Michal Kracik wrote:

 [8/16] from: ptretter:charter at: 29-May-2001 6:08

St. Louis here but rather be there in Springfield. Paul Tretter

 [9/16] from: gjones05:mail:orion at: 29-May-2001 6:36

> From: "GS Jones" > > ... I live in Springfield. > > --Scott Jones
From: "Paul Tretter"
> St. Louis here but rather be there in Springfield. > Paul Tretter
Hi, Paul, Small world. Yes, Springfield is a very nice place to live, but the market is far less dynamic than in the bigger cities. I guess one can't have it all. :( --Scott Jones

 [10/16] from: cyphre:volny:cz at: 29-May-2001 14:13

Hi Pekr ;-) Yes, I have been thinking about that few months ago, I have also had some discussions with REBOLek regarding this topic but we agreed that make a syntax sensitive editor would be very complicated to do in REBOL and if so it would be probably slow.... It is possible to create colored text console(see bulit from small color text faces but it lacks any editing ability like selecting text, and even moving cursor and changing text will be difficult. Another method would be using DRAW dialect for it but you should make your own text engine and this would be slow. Anyway, maybe someone has a better solution?? Regards Cyphre

 [11/16] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 29-May-2001 14:57

Richard Smolak wrote:
> Hi Pekr ;-) >
Hi Richie ;-) so, you are probably right View text capabilities are underpowered! I think kind of a dialect could solve our situation? Draw dialect is nice addition. But we can't do so simple things as e.g. underlining some selected letter to show user which letter serves as hot-key assignment. Whole text in the face has single attributes. While it is enough for what we have now, we can't apply no style template to text. It could be as follows: face/text: "Some text here" face/text-style: [color red blue thru "e" skip underline "t" ... ] etc. - such styles would override general text face settings for the text. Holger - do you think such engine could be brought to View? Would it be usefull?
> Yes, I have been thinking about that few months ago, I have also had some > discussions with REBOLek regarding this topic but we agreed that make a > syntax sensitive editor would be very complicated to do in REBOL and if so > it would be probably slow.... > > It is possible to create colored text console(see >
Uh, what is 'mud? Screenshots look interesting. Can't find the way of how to run it, even though I downloaded some of its parts ;-) Cheers, -pekr-

 [12/16] from: agem:crosswinds at: 29-May-2001 20:07

I once thought - could it be possible to use a normal text-face, and write the colored parts as faces about it? There are some functions to locate pixel-position of characters, and text-size, so we could look where and how big the colored parts are? They would be transparent for events, so all mouse.. would go thru the text and handled with the usual area-handler. Which is patched with a 'color-text-refresh after a change. Then, we could remove all faces after a key-press, edit in single-color, and refresh colors after some typing-silence. Or use a switch-key between edit/browse mode. Edit is without colors, browse-mode colored, also hypertext could be activated. Click on a word and a »source word« pops up.. Depending on types. Url starts browser, files edit text, strings pops the translation resources of project ;-) then, iam not sure about speed-penalties. Scrolling in rmud is very fast. hm. anyone compared text in 'draw with text with faces? But in this cases all edit-code has to be rewritten.. Just thoughts. -volker
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ursprüngliche Nachricht <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Am 29.05.01, 13:13:22, schrieb "Richard Smolak" <[cyphre--volny--cz]> zum Thema [REBOL] Re: CREdit free editor:

 [13/16] from: agem:crosswinds at: 29-May-2001 20:07

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ursprüngliche Nachricht <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Am 29.05.01, 13:57:41, schrieb Petr Krenzelok <[Petr--Krenzelok--trz--cz]> zum Thema [REBOL] Re: CREdit free editor:
> Richard Smolak wrote: > > Hi Pekr ;-) > > > Hi Richie ;-) > so, you are probably right View text capabilities are underpowered! I
> kind of a dialect could solve our situation? Draw dialect is nice
addition. But
> we can't do so simple things as e.g. underlining some selected letter
to show
> user which letter serves as hot-key assignment. Whole text in the face
> single attributes. While it is enough for what we have now, we can't
apply no
> style template to text. It could be as follows: > face/text: "Some text here" > face/text-style: [color red blue thru "e" skip underline "t" ... ]
etc. - such
> styles would override general text face settings for the text. Holger
- do you
> think such engine could be brought to View? Would it be usefull?
Nice idea. Would be nice if rebol could layout faces like text (wrapping..) and edit them. Oberon V4 does this, and you can insert pictures, animations, hyperlinks and so on in the normal editor. Cool. Someone wrote a webbrowser with this, where urls and so on are simply special elements. With a html-parser/saver. You can use the normal editor-core to browse/write html there. We would give face a block instead of text, and could insert/remove elements and then 'show. And generating the block with an integrated parse-rule from text. Yeah! :)
> > Yes, I have been thinking about that few months ago, I have also had
> > discussions with REBOLek regarding this topic but we agreed that make
> > syntax sensitive editor would be very complicated to do in REBOL and
if so
> > it would be probably slow.... > > > > It is possible to create colored text console(see > > > Uh, what is 'mud? Screenshots look interesting. Can't find the way of
how to
> run it, even though I downloaded some of its parts ;-) > Cheers, > -pekr-

 [14/16] from: ammoncooke:y:ahoo at: 29-May-2001 17:17

Hi, see inline: ----- Original Message ----- From: "Michal Kracik" <[michal--kracik--net]> To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 7:12 PM Subject: [REBOL] Re: CREdit free editor
> Hi, > > in the tools menu, create an item called REBOL, with:
in the tools menu?? Where in the tools menu, the only thing I see available is macro, but when I select that I get a dialog box which I can do nothing with. Thanks!! Ammon

 [15/16] from: gjones05:mail:orion at: 29-May-2001 18:47

> From: "Michal Kracik" > > in the tools menu, create an item called REBOL, with:
From: "Ammon Cooke"
> in the tools menu?? Where in the tools menu, the only thing I see
> is macro, but when I select that I get a dialog box which I can do
> with. > > Thanks!! > Ammon
Michal meant the Options->Tools menu. Maybe he was just seeing if you are awake; you are! :-) --Scott Jones

 [16/16] from: ammoncooke::yahoo at: 29-May-2001 18:47

Thanks!! Ammon