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[REBOL] Re: Postgres 7.x support

From: ingo::2b1::de at: 26-Apr-2001 11:42

Hi Steve, Maarten, the attached file postgres.r was on the command beta list at some time (maybe I reworked it a little), pg.r was a higher level I created. I don't have /Command, nor /Pro (yet), so I can't test if it is working ... Once upon a time Maarten Koopmans spoketh thus:
> Steve, > > As Postgres probably has a C client lib you can easily use the Rebol Library > interface of /Pro /Command to write a simple mapping. I did so for MySQL, so > you can use that as a sample. > > You can find the mysql stuff on > > Postgres is next on my todo list, but as I'm quite busy it may take a few > months before I find the time. > > Thanks, > > Maarten > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "steve jenson" <[stevej--sieve--net]> > To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> > Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 9:01 AM > Subject: [REBOL] Postgres 7.x support > > > Carl, gang, > > > > Does anyone know of possible Postgres support in an upcoming version of > > REBOL/*/Pro? Oracle and ODBC support are great but some of us (who > > are more than willing to pay the cash for */Pro) don't use Oracle but > > Postgres. I'm not worried about MySQL support, since MySQL users don't > > know what an ACID-test is. ;-)
-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar -- REBOL [ Title: "Postgres Database REBOL/command API" Purpose: { Exposes the Postgres API in REBOL/command } File: %postgres.r ] pq: load/library %/usr/lib/ routines: [ ;; added or changed (iho) PQconnectdb [ "Login to postgres Database" conninfo [string!] return: [long] ] PQgetline [ "copy line from db" pgconn [int] buffer [string!] length [int] return: [int] ] PQputline [ "copy line to db" pgconn [int] data [string!] return: [int] ] PQsetdbLogin [ "Login to postgres Database" pghost [string!] pgport [string!] pgoptions [string!] pgtty [string!] dbName [string!] login [string!] pwd [string!] return: [long] ] PQuser [ "Name of User" PGconn [int] return: [string!] ] PQdisplayTuples [ "print out all tuples" pgresult [int] fout [string!] fillAlign [int] fieldSep [string!] printHeader [int] quiet [int] ] ;; end iho PQdb ["Name of database" PGconn [int] return: [string!]] PQhost ["Name of host" PGconn [int] return: [string!]] PQoptions ["Options of connection" PGconn [int] return: [string!]] PQport ["Port number" PGconn [int] return: [string!]] PQtty ["Tty of database" PGconn [int] return: [string!]] PQstatus ["Status of connection" PGconn [int] return: [int]] PQerrorMessage ["Error associated with connection" PGconn [int] return: [string!]] PQfinish ["Close connection" PGconn [int]] PQreset ["Reset communication with database" PGconn [int]] PQexec [ "Execute SQL statement" PGconn [int] query [string!] return: [int]] PQresultStatus ["Status of query" result [int] return: [int]] PQresStatus ["Convert status to string" res-stat [int] return: [string!]] PQresultErrorMessage ["Error message for query" PGresult [int] return: [string!]] PQntuples ["Number of tuples in result" PGresult [int] return: [int]] PQnfields ["Number of fields in result" PGresult [int] return: [int]] PQfname ["Field attribute associated with field index" PGresult [int] field_index [int] return: [string!]] PQfnumber ["Field index associated with field name" PGresult [int] field_name [string!] return: [int]] PQftype ["Field type associated with given index" PGresult [int] field_num [int] return: [int]] PQfsize ["Size in bytes of field associated with index" PGresult [int] field_index [int] return: [int]] PQfmod ["Type-specific modification data per field at index" PGresult [int] field_index [int] return: [int]] PQgetvalue ["Get field (attribute) value" PGresult [int] tup_num [int] field_num [int] return: [char*]] PQgetlength ["Length of a field in bytes" PGresult [int] tup_num [int] field_num [int] return: [int]] PQgetisnull ["NULL status of a field" PGresult [int] tup_num [int] field_num [int] return: [int]] PQcmdStatus ["Command status of last query command" PGresult [int] return: [string!]] PQcmdTuples ["Number of tuples affected by INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE queries" PGresult [int] return: [string!]] PQoidStatus ["String with the object id of the tuple inserted" PGresult [int] return: [string!]] PQclear ["Frees the storage associated with the PGresult" PQresult [int]] PQsendQuery ["Submit a query to Postgres without waiting result(s)" PGconn [int] query [string!] return: [string!]] PQgetResult ["Wait for the next result from a prior PQsendQuery" PGconn [int] return: [int]] PQconsumeInput ["If input is available from the backend, consume it" PGconn [int]] PQisBusy ["Returns TRUE if a query is busy (would block)" PGconn [int] return: [int]] PQsocket ["file descriptor number for the backend connection socket" PGconn [int] return: [int]] PQrequestCancel["Request abandon processing of the current query" PGconn [int] return: [int]] fe_getauthname ["Name the user has authenticated" errorMessage [string!] return: [string!]] fe_setauthsvc ["use authentication service name rather default" name [string!] errorMessage [string!]] ] foreach [name spec] routines [ set name make routine! spec pq form name ] -- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar -- REBOL [ Title: "Postgres Database driver" Date: 1-Aug-2000 Version: 0.0.1 File: %pg.r Author: "Ingo Hohmann" Rights: "(c) 8/2000 Ingo Hohmann" Usage: [] Comment: [] History: [[1-Aug-2000 "Ingo Hohmann" "initial Version"]] Email: [ingo--2b1--de] Category: [] Known-bugs: [] Status: 'initial ] yamm/import 'postgres.r pg: make object! [ help: "Postgres driver" conn: none status: none qry-status: none qry-error: none err: none res: none open: func [ "Open the database" [catch] /db dbname [string!] /user username [string!] /pass passwd [string!] /host hostname [string!] /port port-id [integer!] /debug to-tty [file!] /local para ] [ if conn [ throw make error! "already connected" ] para: copy "" if db [ append para rejoin ["dbname='" dbname "'" ] ] if user [ append para rejoin [" user='" username "'" ] ] if pass [ append para rejoin [" password='" passwd "'" ] ] if host [ append para rejoin [" host=" hostname ] ] if port [ append para rejoin [" port=" port-id ] ] if debug [ append para rejoin [" tty=" to-tty ] ] conn: pqconnectdb para either 0 = pqstatus conn [ status: make object! [ db: pqdb conn user: pquser conn host: pqhost conn port: pqport conn tty: pqtty conn options: pqoptions conn err: pqerrormessage conn ] 'connection-ok ] [ conn: none 'connection-bad ] ] reset: func [ "Reset database communication" ] [ pqreset conn either 0 = pqstatus conn [ 'connection-ok ] [ 'connection-bad ] ] close: func [ "Close the database" ] [ pqfinish conn conn: none status: none 'connection-closed ] {
>> pqresstatus 0
>> pqresstatus 1
>> pqresstatus 2
>> pqresstatus 3
>> pqresstatus 4
>> pqresstatus 5
>> pqresstatus 6
>> pqresstatus 7
== "PGRES_FATAL_ERROR" } exec: func [ "Execute SQL String" sql [string!] /local status i j row col rows cols table retval ] [ table: make block! 100 res: pqexec conn sql qry-status: pqresstatus status: pqresultstatus res qry-error: PQresultErrorMessage res switch/default status [ 0 [ retval: copy [] ] 1 [ retval: 'command-ok ] 2 [ ;; tuples-ok rows: PQntuples res cols: PQnfields res row: make block! cols i: 0 loop cols [ append row pqfname res i i: i + 1 ] append/only table row i: 0 loop rows [ row: make block! cols j: 0 loop cols [ append row PQgetvalue res i j j: j + 1 ] append/only table row i: i + 1 ] retval: next table ] ] [ retval: none ] PQclear res retval ] ]