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[REBOL] Objects, Inheritance and Barking Up Wrong Trees?

From: scott:dunlop:nextel at: 25-Apr-2001 23:02

I am currently trying to determine the best way to override an object method; at the moment, I've been doing the obvious thing, copying the function into a new binding: ss-histfield: stylize [ histfield: field with [ feel: make feel [ old-engage: get 'engage engage: func [face act event index][ switch/default act [ ; << Special Case Code Here >> ] [ old-engage face act event index ] ] ] ] ] While this works, it is more brittle than I would like, since the old-engage binding isn't private to histfield's feel, and could collide with a child trying to do a similar thing, or revisions to the field feel. Does anyone have a simpler / better solution for doing this? Btw, I am aware that there is probably another way to override feel/engage, but this is one of two sticking points that my Python-oriented mind tends to get hung up on. The other is my addiction to Dictionaries. --Scott.