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[REBOL] Re: VID project questions

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 7-Feb-2003 16:16

Maarten Koopmans wrote:
> Hi, > > To the guys from the VID project: I have seen some stuff on IOS and am > in need of some things Real Soon Now. I am interested in things like > auto-scaling, scrollable faces and tree widgets. > > Now I'll be using this as a GUI client for the web front-end of my > wife's shop, so I'd say that that's commercial use. Can I use it > without strings attached or not (in which case I'll do it myself, I > need to be, aaah, cost-efficient here). > > Feedback appreciated.
OK, VID project is not progressing currently, mainly because ppl actually able to produce quality code are just very few and doing other stuff - remember, rebol is just hobby to most of us. As to certain work - - resizing - pretty solid state - as for license - check with Romano, last time he mentioned GPL to me, but maybe he reconsidered or you can get some special conditions - I can't speak for him. ... or just - some ppl prefer to write resizing method on their own ... - tree-view - Cyphre - pretty solid imo - slowes down at some 3000 items ... I ordered Cyphre to do some cache system, but you will not see it anytime soon imo ... - menu, including context menu - finished, although I ordered some features too, mainly to become more robust and system compatible (but cyphre would have to reimplement pop-up handler) - tabs - usable, non-buggy ... may slow down with more than X tabs, as cyphre generates them all at once or so ... That's all from my "coordinator" side (there is noone to coordinate ;-), I will let subsystem authors to react themselves ... cheers, -pekr-