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[REBOL] Re: Inline edit field

From: brett::codeconscious::com at: 27-Feb-2004 22:20

> reveals the code to do this, and I can't figure out how field captures > an enter or tab key to unfocus the field, where a textarea sets it to a > new line. The button behaves the same way. Any ideas?
Focus directs keystroke events to a specific face - the focal face. When a Field is the focal-face, its Feel object (ctx-text/edit) has an Engage function which processes Key events - it actually delegates the key processing to another function (ctx-text/edit-text). The Edit-text function performs focussing functionality when it receives Enter and Tab keys. As Ammon pointed out you can intercept key events using an event function. Alternatively you can use a detect function in any face that contains the focal-face (the parent-face or the parent of the parent,etc) For example - here panel intercepts events directed to the box - type some keys to test it: view layout [ style testbox box green feel [ engage: func [face action event] [ if event/key [print [face/var event/key]] ] ] p1: panel feel [ detect: func [face event] [ print [event/type event/key] event ; Must return the event or None ] ] [ b1: testbox] do [focus b1] ] HTH Brett.