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[REBOL] an awful 'to-word bug...

From: Christophe::Coussement::mil::be at: 8-Sep-2003 10:10

Hi list, I just spent about one hour to find this awful bug into my code, which I want to share with the list. SITUATION: --------- I'm loading data from a SQL Server table containing a field "label" in char(30), which results in something like: string-label: ["label1 " "label2 "] I wanted to use those to _labelize_ some data in to a block, so i did:
>> a-block: copy [] >> foreach label string-label [append a-block reduce [to-word label "test"]]
which should have result:
>> a-block
== [label1 "test" label2 "test"] but
>> a-block/label1
** Script Error: Invalid path value: label1 ** Near: a-block/label1 OBSERVATION: ----------- the content of a block was not as expected, but was initially attributed to a REBOL formatting problem:
>> a-block
== [label1 "test" label2 "test"] SOLUTION: -------- There was no formatting problem, but the 'to-word function did not execute any trim before converting the string! into word!, so
>> a-block/label1
couldn't possibly work, as a-block/label1........24 spaces..... should have Solution is then obvious (aren't they always once you found the problem :) ): 'trim the string
>> string-label: ["label1 " "label2 "] >> a-block: copy [] >> foreach label string-label [append a-block reduce [to-word trim label "test"]]
== [label1 "test" label2 "test"]
>> a-block/label1
== "test" Hopes this information helps someone ! CU, ==xtof