[REBOL] Re: Rebol vs SARS
From: gchiu:compkarori at: 2-May-2003 21:52
On Fri, 2 May 2003 08:58:34 +0200
"Renaud GOMBERT" <[rgombert--essentiel--net]> wrote:
>Interesting article, Graham. A long but necessary
>introduction land us to
>the main idea, wich i believe is true :
Yes, I suspected that sciam would not put this article on
line freely ...
and that is the case. And what you do read from their
summary discloses little.
>Once you have "contracted" this virus, it's for life...
>REBOL is very
>addictive, but you're right : it's infectivity is low. RT
>marketing should
>take great care of the infectivity factor.
Is the infectivity rate 1%, .01% or lower :( People often
complain on how hard it is to "get" Rebol.
>** Albert-Laszlo Barabasi "LINKED The new science of
>networks" ISBN
He's one of the co-authors of the above article. I guess
Carl was just too busy to follow up.
>I hope this way of seeing things will get its path in the
>minds ;-)
Me too :)
Graham Chiu