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[REBOL] Re: Rebol vs SARS

From: rgombert:essentiel at: 2-May-2003 8:58

Interesting article, Graham. A long but necessary introduction land us to the main idea, wich i believe is true : So, what is the lesson for Rebol? Rebol is currently marketed under the viral marketing" (...) But Rebol is clearly a product of low infectivity, and (...) we can conclude that it will never become popular because of it's low infectivity." Once you have "contracted" this virus, it's for life... REBOL is very addictive, but you're right : it's infectivity is low. RT marketing should take great care of the infectivity factor. Some months ago i tried to start a private discussion about Rebol marketing with Carl, with this idea in mind. He read my message and promised a response, but i never get one. I also sent him references of the two book i found interesting about "small worlds" and new network science : ** Mark Buchanan "NEXUS small worlds and the groundbreaking science of networks" ISBN 0-393-04153-0 ** Albert-Laszlo Barabasi "LINKED The new science of networks" ISBN 0-7382-0667-9 I hope this way of seeing things will get its path in the minds ;-) Thanks for the article. Renaud GOMBERT -------------------------------- N° SIRET : 418 620 159 N° MdA : G316527 NAF/APE : 923A résidence secondaire : ----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham Chiu" <[gchiu--compkarori--co--nz]>
> Another article - tongue in cheek : > idemic