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[REBOL] Re: How to form a block containing two Rebol filenames?

From: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 17-Aug-2004 23:59

Hi John, Sounds like you're making good progress! JW> attachments: load/all attachfiles JW> firstfile: to file! first attachments JW> nextfile: to file! second attachments Not knowing what some of your data files look like, here's something that took me a while to learn when I started with REBOL: exploit its datatypes and LOAD for all they're worth. In this case, that means formatting your data in attachfiles so the values are already file! values; that way you don't need to use "to file!" to coerce them. Whenever I find myself using strings and then casting values to other datatypes, I try to stop and rethink things. It's amazing what a difference this all makes in the long run. Your data becomes more descriptive, your code shrinks, and things read much more naturally. As you move to handling n files, it will be a great way to learn more about series values and functions that operate on them. Happy REBOLing! -- Gregg