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[REBOL] How to form a block containing two Rebol filenames?

From: psa102:toward at: 17-Aug-2004 23:20

Can someone suggest how I can convert two words containing REbol filenames to a block consisting of those two Rebol filenames? This script is this: - - - - - - - - - - - REBOL [ header omitted.... ] arguments: parse system/script/args none addressfile: to file! system/options/args/1 messagefile: to file! system/options/args/2 attachfiles: to file! system/options/args/3 message: read messagefile members: load/all addressfile attachments: load/all attachfiles firstfile: to file! first attachments nextfile: to file! second attachments print ["filenames=" mold firstfile "nextfile=" mold nextfile ] filenames: join firstfile " " filenames: join filenames nextfile to block! filenames print ["filenames=" mold filenames ] send/attach members message filenames - - - - - - - - - - - As shown by the output above, the two filenames, firstfile and nextfile are loaded correctly in to the words firstfile and nextfile. The issue is how can these two words be joined into a _block_ consisting of the two filenames. The send command requires a block of Rebol filenames as the value of the 'filenames word. Thank you. John Wirt Component: "System Port" (30-Sep-2003/16:57:26) Script: "User Preferences" (20-May-2001/21:08:16-4:00) Script: "Send message with attachment script 10" (8-Aug-2004) filenames= %test1.txt nextfile= %test2.txt filenames= %test1.txt test2.txt ** Access Error: Cannot open /D/Rebol/test1.txt test2.txt ** Where: build-attach-body ** Near: val: read/binary file