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[REBOL] errors from esmtp.r from CGI

From: eric::ehrichweiss::com at: 2-May-2005 2:38

I'm hoping someone has some insight into this. I've got a registration web form/script that sends email to the registree with a validation link via a localhost smtp server. When I decided that I didn't just want an outgoing smtp server but also incoming, I decided on MailEnable(XP) because it's very powerful, free, and what it cannot do, REBOL can. Anyway, to use it I discovered that I needed to authenticate because for some reason my script doesn't show up as being on localhost and it has relay restrictions about that. So I got esmtp.r and esend.r which works fine in every case except from my cgi rebol script that handles the is the trace/net: ************************************************************************ Net-log: ["Opening tcp for" esmtp] Net-log: [none "220"] Net-log: {220 ESMTP MailEnable Service, Version: 1.8-- ready at 05/01/05 22:31:28} Net-log: [["EHLO" system/network/host] "250"] Net-log: { [], this server offers 4 extensions} Net-log: "250-AUTH LOGIN" Net-log: "250-SIZE 5120000" Net-log: "250-HELP" Net-log: "250 AUTH=LOGIN" Net-log: ["AUTH LOGIN" "334"] Net-log: "334 VXNlcm5hbWU6" Net-log: [(enbase/base port/user 64) "334"] ** User Error: Server error: tcp 501 Error decoding Username parameter. ** Near: smtp-port: open [scheme: 'esmtp] if email? ************************************************************************ If it matters, I have used both esend and esend/header with the same results: it will work from the console but not from the cgi. And I have the username/pass stored inside esend so that it can work without requiring me to type in the authentication.(it'll be encrypted, don't worry). Any reason the username would ONLY have issues inside a script called with -cs? Would the username info be clobbered simply because it was called this way? How can I easily find out if there are clashing variables? Much thanks for any insight.