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[REBOL] Re: How to improve request-file ?

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 22-Jan-2002 19:43

Hi, the situation is as follows - there used to be some project dedicated to creation of configurable fm. But it died imo. Let's answer one of your questions and then state one final note :-) Jason Cunliffe wrote:
>Apologies if this is becoming a FAQ.. > >d: Does not respond to the mouse-wheel [I know that's an cross OS problem, >but is there any way to make it work in some systems??] >
not directly related to file-requester, but you have to explicitly support mouse-wheel in your VID design, but it is already achievable. The problem is, RT has not set mouse-wheel events for certain styles as default ... As for file-requester in Rebol - I think it is doable. "Problem" of load function upon directory is, that it returns mixture of files and directories, and first thing you have to do in interpreter level is, you have to sort the block, and choose what is directory and what is ordinary file. Time consuming for dirs containing lots of stuff ... One refinement could solve the situation: load/dir %. - [[dir1/ dir/2 dir/3] [file1 file2 .... fileX]] ... it's unlikely thought that RT will add something like that, in regard to following good/bad news - judge for yourself: Rebol based file requester is gone with IOS. It was replaced by platform native one. I really don't like it, but it is imo thing most not die-hard rebol users will welcome. On the other hand it limits Rebol usage from the embedded area. The same goes for inability to hide mouse pointer. Having current file-requestor with limitations you described, then even I prefer native one ... -pekr-