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[REBOL] Re: RFC: Forms generator / RAD dialect

From: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 20-Aug-2002 17:37

Hi Robert, I've thought about things like that, but haven't pursued them at any length. I always seem to come up with more features it should support and putting it off as it grows. Given an object itself, you should be able to create a basic edit screen dynamically for it, though it would be fairly limited. The next step, for me, was to create an object/constraint definition that includes information like whether an item is from a list of choices, what value range is valid, display vs. stored values, contextual relations with other fields, etc. From there, you could have a generator run through some permutations (e.g. choice vs option vs list) and generate layouts dynamically for you to choose from, perhaps given size constraints. See what I mean about creeping-featuritis? :) I think a dialect is definitely the way to go. Kind of busy at the moment, but keep me posted about what you get going. --Gregg