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[REBOL] Re: Better error messages?

From: al:bri:xtra at: 7-Dec-2001 16:37

Sunanda wrote:
> set in last LayoutData 'Text is used half a dozen times to change the text
of a VID object, so a source scan isn't really close enough, even for government work. Change: set in last LayoutData 'Text into a function. Perhaps call it: 'Change-Text ?
> Most other languages you can pinpoint a failure to the line. Rebol just
seems to give a hint. It's a bit hard for Rebol to do that because Rebol can be constructed and 'do-ne. For example, where is the line number in: do test ? 'test could be a block filled with all sorts of words that have been 'append-ed to, 'compose-d or 'reduce-d, or even entered from the keyboard! Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169