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[REBOL] Re: Correct Behaviour? Was False = 2 ????

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 5-Jul-2001 20:47

Hello Joel and all :-) first, - let me state, that I hate any kind of inconsistences and I expressed it here for several times. Maybe I am not struggling so much with zero vs one based indexing, like explanation of "polymorphism" of 'first function. Typical question - why should I use "first" on listen port? What will "second" do? I can see it more confusing then using if another 10 special function names existed for various cases. The most ugly part of rebol code is probably getting to objects words and values: "first next", second next . I remember even some discussion re new century. Some of us (including me), celebrated new century once 1999 changed to 2000, some of us, once 2000 changed to 2001. Why the heck 2001? It seems to me a little bit stupid :-) Once we born, we are at 0 .... 1day old, 1week old, 1month old, and we celebrate our 1st birthday at some 365th day. When do we celebrate 100th year of our birthday? Surely once we change from 99 to some + 365days. But, when we say something happened during our first year of life, we mean actually pre 1 period, I mean 0 to +365days. I saw so much flames, that I regard such discussions more philosophical, than practical. I think, that Rebol nowadays, needs completly different things to become more succesfull, usable, and all that ... async behavior, modules, add-on functionality (XML, SOAP), additions to View engine, Core etc. Change to 0 based indexing will not save our lifes here ;-) Cheers, -pekr-