[REBOL] Re: Jonathan Edwards >> subtext
From: premshree::pillai::gmail::com at: 27-Jan-2005 15:42
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:52:18 +0100, Jason Cunliffe <[jasonic--nomadics--org]> wrote:
> Hi Carl
> ----- Original Message -----
> I've stopped thinking that way - text is cool. Consider Web Design.
> Someone hits a problem using their sophisticated WYSIWYG behemoth of a
> program and asks you for help. But you use a different behemoth of a
> program to design your websites - end of discussion. If you were both
> working at the HTML level though, you'd not only be on the same wavelength
> but you could also look at their HTML as well - which is a pointless
> exercise with the sophisticated WYSIWYG behemoths.
> -- Carl Read.
> yeah .... 'Text is Dead <<>>> Long Live Text'
> I like text too - just like I love books!
> Of course it's not going away, but there is always room and need for some
> other paradigms and original exploratoin
> Any such extreme pov is bound to be wrong for some people.
> For Edwards he needs to be reaching for something.
> Carl S. says email is 'dead' but we all use it still etc.
> Object-oriented programming and XML are 'dead' even as they grow daily
I don't think he meant XML is dead in the context that you probably
mean here. There _is_ a need for representing semantic information;
what Carl probably meant was that maybe XML is not that format.
> The most relveant aspects of Jonathan Edwards "subtext" that I thought you
> all might appreciate are:
> - courage in really trying to rethink things with orginality and insight.
> - miinmalism and simplicity [how successful yet remains to be seen]
> - If you follow his screencast something very Rebol like begins to emerge
It looks interesting... however, I wonder if full-fledged applications
could be written using such a concept -- especially enterprise-grade
applications, that require collaboration and suchlike.
> That last points is the one I thought you'd most enjoy
> The best example I can find of a median between your reaction and 'substext'
> is Edward Ream's LEO
> http://leo.sf.net
> Jason
> --
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Premshree Pillai