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[REBOL] Re: OpenCL Wrappers: is anyone working towards this or something already exists!

From: tim-johnsons:web at: 9-Sep-2009 9:46

* Petr Krenzelok <> [090909 05:56]:
> OTOH - there's some potentially good news for you - R3 got first version > of its Extension (plugins) interface. There are hopefully going to be > done some small enhancements before we go to beta. Max already started > to test some OpenGL stuff, and it worked. So - stay tuned, now at least > the capable infrastructure is going to be available.
Hi pekr -(I love saying that!) - Could you tell us what browsers rebol3 will be available for as a plugin? Also, has the R3 team followed the development of google chrome browser and google chrome OS? If so, what would be the implications with chrome? thanks -- Tim