[REBOL] Re: New competition: do you accept the challenge?! :-)
From: sant4:wanadoo at: 8-Nov-2007 2:30
;A tricky really really fast solution:
;just to say that if we would know the finality of the algorhitm, we would probably use
a tricky and really fast solution.
print "START..."
s1: now/time/precise
blk: [i #"," j #"-"]
str: make block! 4000
insert/dup str blk 500
str: skip str 2
repeat j 500 [
str: skip change str j 3
str: head str
finale: make string! 50000
i: 0
loop 10000 [
i: i + 1
str2: to string! reduce cp/part str 5 ; the trick is here, if you cp/part the block before
to reduce it, it's really fast.
finale: insert finale copy/part next str2 4
print "STOP!"
print length? head finale
print (now/time/precise - s1)