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[REBOL] Re: filename

From: tim::johnsons-web::com at: 19-Aug-2001 19:59

On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 08:11:00PM -0500, john wrote: <snip....>
> Now, if I can only get Outlook to read it as an HTML file to the screen..
Hey John: It sounds like the hurdle left is to format this so that Outlook "thinks" your target file is HTML. Well, then the trick should be to read the file as a block file-block: read/lines filename ; untested code, assuming that 'filename is of type file! ;insert the appropriate html header, will be something like: html-header: "<html><head><Title>John's message</title></head><body><pre>" insert head file-block html-header ;append the appropriate footer, again, untested code! html-footer: "</pre></body></html>" append file-block html-footer ; then write the file out as such and again untested code! write/lines filename file-block Let me know if that approach will work. My disclaimer is that I'm not as familiar with rebol as many who contribute to this list and I don't know "beans" about Outlook! -- Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>