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[REBOL] Re: help needed from graphics GURUS ?

From: gscottjones:mchsi at: 31-Aug-2002 7:43

From: "Carl Read"
<snip> > The problem though is REBOL doesn't come > with a font-requester, so making a cross-platform > app that gives access to all of a user's fonts would > be tricky... > > So, a question for the others here testing the beta > View: Does it come with a font-requester?
Hi, Carl, Just downloaded the /View beta, and I can't find one. Maybe I don't know exactly what to look for. I typed in "? fon" to see what words had "fon" in them, and got the same list as current /View. I *assume* that a font requester would have this fragment in it somewhere (call me silly).
> If not, let's make a cross-platform one. Afterall, it > seems all we need is a block of strings containing the > names of all the fonts on a user's system. If we've got > that, we can make a font-requester, right?
I may not be properly understanding what you have written here, so I apologize in advance if I have misunderstood, or if I end up showing my ignorance yet again! Getting the names of the font families on the system requires access to a system resource, right? Of course, /Pro or /Command would allow one to set up such a call, but I assume you mean truly cross platform, including the regular /View (aka /View/Too-Broke-Or-Cheap-To-Pay-For-Pro-Or Possibly-Have-A-Philosophical-Beef-Against-Paying-Or-Dont-Need-Pro-Features- But-Gee-It-Would-Be-Nice-On-Occasion). Here is where I am unsure what you mean. (Or maybe I am just "hamstrung" from being a predominantly Windows user!?) I could envision a "master list" of font names, and that /View could in theory cull through the list to find what is available. However, (and again ignorance warning in effect,) it appears as though /View "gracefully" falls back to a default font, if a font is not actually available. So a system would on first bluch appear to "support" all the fonts, but in fact would just be using default fall-backs if the actual font is not available. Maybe there is a way to detect this event. Maybe you or another /View guru would know this. Outside of calling on a system resource, the only other way I can think of to find what fonts are available on a specific machine is to use a (gulp) non-REBOL utility to create the list for REBOL. Am I way off base on this? Please someone save me from myself.
> So, let's say at startup View looks for a file called > %font-names, which contains such a block. If it > doesn't find it, it runs an os-specific script to grab > the names of the fonts on the system and saves them > as a block to %font-names.
So, (somewhat redundantly) is this "os-specific" script a REBOL script or more of a non-REBOL utility? I really like your idea. I was toying with "how-to" get at this info a few weeks ago, and it wasn't obvious. I am more than willing to be further educated about this topic. Rest of Carl's message: Thanks for the great suggestion, Carl. I think this project would further enhance REBOL's appeal. --Scott Jones