[REBOL] Re: Rebol & Grid computing
From: petr::krenzelok::trz::cz at: 18-Apr-2005 10:40
Maarten Koopmans wrote:
>Has anybody ever looked into Grid computing with REBOL. I imagine a
>dialect that can describe the computing resources, input/output
>files/URLs, etc. should be easy to implement. Scheduling a bit harder
>(because of the OS integration, but with the async-call port...).
>And then of course all the really smart stuff I cannot think of right
>now ;-) Anyway.... I'd be interested to learn if anybody has done
>something like that already.
Hi Maarten,
I thought your Chord initiative was exactly close to the subject? So
far, from framework pov I know only following attempts - Rugby,
Uniserve, Rebservices, Chord being attempts to abstract means of rebol
communication. I read some stuff somewhere on iNet, IIRC from IBM, but I
never touched anything like that in reality ... grids can be different
stuff to different ppl ...