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[REBOL] Re: newbie - How to

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 21-Jun-2003 10:21

Hi Isaac, ig> Errr, languages that don't play tend to go away. Actually, *most* languages go away, whether they play or not. :) ig> More importantly it was the very first thing I tried ig> to do (hello world, there's a suprise) and couldn't ig> figure out if it was possible with the version of ig> Rebol I downloaded. Yup, that's always an issue when you try something new. If it doesn't work well for the first thing you throw at it, it's easy to write it off. If this particular issue is the bread and butter of what you write then, yes, REBOL probably isn't going to help you much. If it's an edge case though, think about what issues *are* really important to you in a language overall and evaluate REBOL in that context. ig> I need to use Lua or Python or... Best of luck with whatever you choose! -- Gregg