[REBOL] Re: Carl's Blog
From: carl:cybercraft at: 31-Dec-2004 18:19
On Thursday, 30-December-2004 at 16:27:24 you wrote,
>Sorry for been so dummy but where can I get to know more about what is
>RSS anyway and what are the benefits of using it
A quick way to spot sites with RSS feeds is to use the Firefox web-browser - when you
visit such a site an icon turns on in the bottom-right corner of the browser window.
And this list...
gives you an indication of what kind of RSS feeds are popular among bloggers (of the
Live Journal persuasion.)
RSS effectively gives you the opportunity to make your own, personal, online newspaper,
featuring everything from stories from the top newspapers and magazines to comic strips
to Jane Blogg's blog about how much more she hates her father today than yesterday.
Large numbers of those online hear news first via RSS feeds. 'tis the way of the future.
-- Carl Read.