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From: riusa:email:it at: 8-Jul-2002 23:57

Ok... I understand. But you could admit this is another problem and the difference from Open Source projects and closed-projects. Ok, RT has to gain money to survive, but they survive even there are persons like me that buy their products, I spend much time in my company to convince my boss & co. (my collegues, etc...) (and I risk to be "marked" as a bother dependent, as a - "what a bore he is!" -). If I convice my boss they gain more money and can continue to develop this very good product. Furthermore I have an organization no-profit (I am the president) and I wish to use Rebol to simplify data exchange from the members, from other people (non-members). But if the Rbol licence will not be more "elastic", more accurate I will always have problems to let the people know Rebol (I'm an analyst/programmer and I can directly develop the needed software). If RT would be more collaborative, all "Rebol-fans" (a "Rebol-fan" is an happy user, an happy developer, an happy document-writer, etc..) will be happier, "Rebol-fans" will suggest more (even better) software solutions, "Rebol-fans" could help them (due to their low resources) to write documentation, to develop code (maybe limited to mezzanine functions, or some libraries written in Rebol) and under the supervision of RT, etc... Do you wanna an extreme solution? Please RT, gain your money with your products, not with Rebol self! Are your resources missing to develop Rebol? Ok! Put it under GPL... no under FreeBSD licence, or use something like MIT licence, do what FreeBSD team does... RT will coordinate the job (programming, docs, etc...) and you can concentrate your forces to develop IOS. You yourself will gain from this system: infact you will develop IOS (or everything you wish) using a more advanced language! The language that everybody contributed to develop, and RT popularity will increase! (NOTE: I know your good quality Carl, since I have had many times, many years a Commodore Amiga, and I know the power of that product, I programmed it for many years (from Lattice C to assembler 68000) and I know the quality of the kernel, multitasking, etc...). NOTE 2: A good product is nothing if it is not well accompanied with a good selling policy... look at IBM OS/2, BeOS, look at Borland products (Borland risked seriously to fail), etc... Bye Rebol-fans (RF?!) --Alessandro-- -----Messaggio originale----- Da: [rebol-bounce--rebol--com] [mailto:[rebol-bounce--rebol--com]]Per conto di Jason Cunliffe Inviato: Monday, July 08, 2002 5:36 PM A: [rebol-list--rebol--com] Oggetto: [REBOL] Re: [REBOL]
>But can someone, in Rebol team (administration, Carl!, etc...) tell us >what do you think about all these ideas?
Hi Alessandro-- You raise interesting and important points. And the topic seems to come up pretty regularly, in fact seems to me that every REBOL user goes through a cycle of Love, Hope, promotional braintorming, wishlist/licensing brainstorming and then frustration. Unfortunately, RT very rarely seem to engage openly in such discussions about stretegy or licensing in this forum. Off-list, there may well be other focused dialog. My impression is that the company is very small and really stretched to their human resource limits. So even if they are able to monitor the discussions on the list list, it seems they have not the time to post/feedback. And of course direct public posting would entail further time investment. But I wish they had enough money to allow someone to dedicate quality time to help absorb the best of rebol-list and respond. It woudl be nice to have some meeting in person.. a different chance to share and learn. But its a small tribe of rebols and so very far flung still. best wishes ./Jason