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[REBOL] Re: Antwort: Sending files to webservers and Rebol

From: tim::johnsons-web::com at: 13-Nov-2000 7:51

Hi Sharriff..... I'm not sure if I follow this thread correctly, but let me tell you what I do in some of my CGI programming. None of what follows should even be rebol-specific! 1)Take as an example that a web page is displayed by a cgi program. Now we don't have to reference that cgi program's URL directly, the URL could be imbedded as a dummy frame source. 2)Given that we are displaying a page by a cgi program, then pathinfo could be used to control the display of the content. Let's says that display.r diplays a certain content. ; below for readonly ; below for user ;below for administrator Given that the privileges that set properly, then what could follow are switches in which the cgi-program holding the content would then post changes as appropriate to whichever directory you wished.... pending, or immediate, you would then have the control.. given the appropriate access rights, then rebol could read, write, create, delete directories at will. Perhaps you find this useful, if not, please accept my apologies if I have muddied the waters further. Regards -tim [Sharriff--Aina--med-iq--de] wrote: